How to put paper napkins on the holiday table. How to decorate a table with napkins in an easy way. Actions are performed in the following sequence

The New Year holiday is approaching. When setting the table, the hostess thinks through every detail, trying to embody her creative ideas and plans not only in preparing dishes, but also in decoration.

Napkins are an invariable attribute of table setting: dinner, Christmas, anniversary, wedding... They can lie folded in modest squares, or work as a decorative element.

I propose to consider several options for how to fold a napkin on a festive table. Agree, beautifully folded napkins make a lasting impression on guests and lift their spirits.

  • And from this article you will learn:

The origami technique makes guests remember their childhood, which makes the event unforgettable.

There are many options, one better than the other. It will take a little effort and time to master them. But if you yourself studied origami techniques as a child, then it will be easy and simple.

Among the invented variations, the following stand out:

  • Geometric shapes in the form of squares, triangles, envelopes, sachets...
  • Thematic selection (for the New Year, wedding celebrations, corporate events, children's parties).
  • Unusual, original shapes (handbags, ties, shirts, animals, birds).

How to fold paper napkins beautifully

The technique of folding napkins is mastered from simple shapes to the most complex.

How to make a fan from napkins

The fan on the table is a classic decoration. But still, this simple and fast method has several variations. It is used for both paper and fabric napkins.

A single fan can be quickly laid out from napkins folded into a triangle. Place them loosely in the napkin holder. So that you can freely pull out any one. Or fill the napkin holder with two fans facing each other.

Bird with fan tail

A very simple solution, but if you use handkerchiefs of different colors, it turns out bright and beautiful.

Make a trapezoid from a square piece. You just need to bend one corner of the paper handkerchief. Fold the blanks as shown in the photo. This will be the bird's tail. Make the head and neck by rolling the second napkin into a tube.

Watch the video: How to fold napkins beautifully and quickly on the table (2 ways).


Bright colored napkins folded in the shape of a peacock with an open tail. Paper handkerchiefs are placed in a glass or glass.

How to fold, see diagram.

Fabric fan on a plate

The option is varied. Suitable for table setting both for a children's party and for a warm romantic dinner.

By changing the color of the fabric, you can add either solemnity or brightness.

Fan in a glass

Unfold a large square napkin to create a rectangle.

Gather it lengthwise into folds (no more than 2 cm wide) - an accordion. Bend the accordion in half and place it in a glass (see photo). Both fabric and paper napkins are folded according to the same principle.

Fan in a ring

Another version of the fan using a ring.


Paper napkins folded in the shape of a Christmas tree are suitable for the New Year. In order to see all the details of the fold, it is better to use paper of one color. Green ones look beautiful, look at the photo.

Fold a paper handkerchief into 4 layers (below is a step-by-step folding diagram)

Bend the upper corner of the workpiece diagonally to the opposite corner, departing 1 cm from the outer edge.

Also fold the second layer of napkin and the 3rd. Each time indent by 1 cm.

Turn the workpiece over. Fold the right and left sides towards the middle. Turn the workpiece over again. Hide the corners (tuck each one down).

How to make bunnies

Cute funny bunnies will delight both children and adults at any holiday. They will be a good option for Easter, Valentine's Day, birthdays and home gatherings.

Such a cheerful family made of paper is quite suitable for children.

And these hares are made of fabric and look more solemn. How to fold, see the diagram:

If anything is unclear in the diagram, watch this short video:

Spectacular roses

These flowers leave no one indifferent. Even when they are made of paper or fabric. Pink pieces of paper, simply rolled into tubes, look like a bouquet of roses. If you put them in a salad bowl and decorate with sprigs of herbs.

Rose on a plate

To make a flower you need to use a square napkin. By connecting two edges diagonally, you need to create an even triangle. We place the sharp side of the figure away from us - in the end it will serve as leaves for the rose. From now on we will work only with the foundation.

Keeping the long side parallel, we begin to twist the base of the triangle as follows: from the bottom edge to the top. This must be done until the fabric is folded up to 4-5 centimeters towards the end of the sharp side.

Then we begin to twist the left end of the resulting figure. At the same time, make sure that the fabric takes the shape of a rose. Bend the sharp ends of the former triangle in the opposite direction.

Rose in a glass

You can decorate a glass or glass with a flower

How to make a rose using a glass

Another version of a stunningly chic rose made from napkins using a glass. Making these flowers is quick and easy.

Watch the video: Roses in a glass made of paper napkins

Flower Aster

Here is another option for decorating a table with napkins. This time, to decorate it, you can make a beautiful aster flower.

For what: place a paper or fabric square on the table and bend its lower half in half. Bend the top in half. Turn the rectangle face down and fold the top half towards you.

Fold the bottom half in half. Expand.

Take the rectangle by the very bottom edge and bend it to the nearest horizontal line.

Fold the entire workpiece like an accordion.

Taking it by the upper left edge, alternately tuck it inside the edges of the folds so that you get triangles.

Connect the outermost triangles on both sides.

Place the “aster” on a plate.

Royal lily

Festive table decoration is always distinguished by a beautiful tablecloth, dishes, and sparkling cutlery. Brightly decorated dishes, compositions of cold cuts. But beautifully folded napkins transform the table.

Place the napkin in front of you, face down. Alternately fold all four corners towards the center. Turn it over to the other side and bend all the corners to the middle again.

Holding the middle of the folds with your fingers, turn each petal out, pulling the corner from the center to the outside.

Napkin folded in the shape of a heart

Refers to romantic decor. It has a sense of sophistication. Perfect for a holiday dinner for two. How to fold:

French lily

Fold the napkin in half with the wrong side inward. Align the left and right corners with the vertex of the triangle.

Next, gradually turn the bottom corner up - first to a quarter of the height of the diamond, then to the middle and finally to two-thirds of the figure.

Bend the top corners down and lay them behind the canvas, you will get petals. All that remains is to “plant” the lily on the plate. To do this, connect the right and left corners from the back, nesting them one inside the other.

Simple solutions with sophistication

Sometimes simple patterns look more elegant when setting a table than expensive materials and accessories.

A simply folded napkin, decorated with a flower, a ribbon, or a green twig, looks amazingly cute.

Beautifully folded napkins add aesthetic appeal to the table setting. This is an opportunity to surprise and delight your guests.

Flower stand:

It is important to select napkins according to texture and tone.

They should be combined with the overall style of the table or the items you choose.

You can make such paper decorations quickly, without making any additional effort.

Envelope for devices

Therefore, in any situation you will be able to show off your skills.
And finally, one more video.

Video on how to fold fabric napkins for table setting, 12 options:

How to use napkins

A folded cloth napkin that lies on a table or plate is unrolled and placed on your lap. It is designed to protect clothes from stains and splashes while eating. At the end of the meal, it is used to wipe your hands and lips (if necessary). The used cloth napkin is left on the table, next to the plate.

Use paper napkins to blot your lips while eating. The used ones are placed on a small plate that stands next to the cutlery.

All the best to you, dear readers!

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The basis of a festive table setting has always been beautifully folded napkins near the cutlery for each guest.

You can fold napkins in different ways; there are methods that are suitable for both fabric and paper napkins, and there are also unique patterns suitable for certain types of napkins.

We have collected the most beautiful, original and unique ideas on how to fold napkins for modern housewives in one article. Here you will find simple ways and diagrams of how to fold a napkin, video tutorials and a lot of fascinating photos of beautifully folded napkins.

A beautifully folded napkin is another way to surprise your guests and present your versatile skills. Therefore, any housewife should know how to beautifully fold napkins for table setting, especially since doing it is quite simple.

Don’t be lazy, take a couple of minutes to beautifully fold the napkins on the table, it will take a minimum of time and what an effect you will get. will immediately transform and become more festive. It might seem like a small thing, but the guests will appreciate it, believe me.

How to fold fabric napkins - the best ideas and methods

Recently, more and more housewives are choosing fabric napkins when setting the table. The simplest and most popular way to fold fabric napkins is to use special rings. By the way, you can make them yourself. Even a simple ribbon tied around a rolled napkin can serve as a substitute for a ring.

A similar method is often used in wedding settings, selecting napkin rings according to the theme and color scheme of the celebration, decorating the napkin rings with original decor and flowers.

In general, folding napkins according to the theme of the celebration is mega fashionable today. If it's a romantic dinner or Valentine's Day, beautifully folded napkins in the shape of a heart will be appropriate.

For a men's holiday or a man's birthday, napkins can be folded into a shirt. At New Year's table setting, beautiful Christmas tree napkins will support the festive mood.

Beautifully folded fabric napkins in the shape of a bunny and a rose look original and unusual, ideal for a festive dinner setting.

For simple ways to fold fabric napkins, watch the video, where you can clearly learn how to beautifully fold napkins on the table.

For more photos and diagrams of how to fold napkins, see the photo selection below. In the meantime, we will talk about the features of paper napkins and serving methods.

Beautifully folded paper napkins - ideas for holiday serving

Napkins should also match a beautifully decorated table. If the choice fell on paper napkins, we offer several interesting and beautiful ways to fold them.

Fan-folded napkins are one of the most popular ways to fold paper napkins, but you have to admit, it’s a little boring. I want something new, unusual and creative.

In order to beautifully fold a paper napkin, it is not necessary to learn the origami technique. Beautiful swans, lilies, voluminous stars from paper napkins are very easy to make. Want to learn? See diagrams on how to fold napkins and try it right now.

How to beautifully fold napkins into a napkin holder or glass - original ways

It is not necessary to set the festive table for every meal. But napkins should always be on the table. Therefore, the napkin holder will not be superfluous. Even if it’s a simple breakfast, tea party or get-togethers with girlfriends.

In a regular napkin holder, napkins are often folded with the corners in the shape of a fan. Fortunately, today you can find more interesting napkin stands, for example, in the form of a girl in which the napkins serve as a skirt.

If you don’t have a napkin holder, you can put the napkins in a deep salad bowl or vase, after twisting them into separate tubes. Plain paper napkins reminiscent of a rose flower are perfect for this.

In this case, it is better to decorate the composition with green branches, as can be seen in the photo. A similar composition of napkins is ideal for a buffet table.

Napkins are not only placed on a plate or near it; a folded napkin in a glass looks very beautiful. Here's a great option on how to fold a napkin into a glass in the shape of a rose with a step-by-step diagram.

Beautifully folded napkins in the photo - interesting ideas for holiday serving

Click on point No. 2 in the table of contents below, where 12+ schemes with photos are described in detail.

Quick navigation through the article:

Four ways to lay out a napkin holder

The main answer to the question of how to beautifully fold paper napkins into a napkin holder is to make a corner out of each napkin. Look at the photo below: what do you see? Single and double fans, which were lined with paper napkin corners.

So simple and so convenient! Any napkin can be easily pulled out without destroying the ensemble, and the most ordinary napkin holder looks like a solid holder for a festive composition.

Single and double fan

What are we doing:

  • When folded, bend each napkin diagonally.
  • We fill the holder with the resulting corners.

Option 1 - lay out two fans towards each other.

Option 2 - lay out one fan from the center to the sides.

Bird with a colorful tail

Another option is to fold the napkins into elongated trapezoids that will become the bird's tail. For the details of the tail, bend parallel corners and fold the napkin in half. A bright and unusual tail will be provided by blanks made from napkins of contrasting colors. The head and neck of the bird are a napkin folded into a flat tube with a bent tip. The creative solution is described in step-by-step photos below:

Such a bird fits perfectly into the New Year's table setting, if the Rooster rules the year, or for any spring holiday - as a symbol of the return of warmth and migratory birds.

Both methods - corners and birdie - are shown step by step in a short video:

Double-sided waterfall in a cup

The fifth option is non-standard: instead of a napkin holder, we use dishes.

  • We need a stable ceramic cup of small height.
  • We unfold each napkin once and fold it in half (or in half twice, depending on the original size).
  • We lay the resulting strips on top of each other and bend them in the middle.
  • Place the middle of the stack into a cup. Voila! Easy to work with, homely, creative and very attractive.

Now let’s turn to step-by-step diagrams for the most effective and simple solutions on how to beautifully fold napkins on a festive table.

12+ eye-catching patterns for napkins at the plate

Having decided to diversify the serving with napkin folds, we will take into account 2 rules:

  1. We need square napkins with a side of 35–50 cm depending on the complexity of the figure (in this article we limited ourselves to simple ones);
  2. Each place at the table must have a chosen figure, otherwise the hospitable harmony of the feast is disrupted.

Flower and fan in a glass

Folded, rolled, slightly loosened the top and slightly bent the “petals”, placed in a glass. A clear photo is the best instructor! Below are three options for roses - for every taste.

You will have to work a little longer with a fan (or accordion):

  • We unfold a regular napkin once - so as to get a long and wide strip.
  • We fold the strips like an accordion in increments of no more than 2 cm.
  • We bend the accordion in half and place it in a shot glass or glass, as shown in the photo.
  • We keep the same principle for fabric napkins.

Three folds for a ring and a scarf for a fork

Rings are a win-win option for beautifully folding napkins on a festive table. They also open up a new horizon for ideas. Look at the step-by-step photo below how easily an ordinary soft napkin turns into a lush, elegant bow:

The second seemingly obvious option with a ribbon is not without its classic charm. Light patterned fabrics for the theme of a particular holiday and a plain satin ribbon for the middle are ideal for such a bow:

The third option for a ring is a classic flower from Victorian England. It looks very nice on the table, but is easy to create at home:

Any of the ideas organically incorporates natural decor - a sprig of spruce for the New Year or small flowers for the Easter feast.

We can also make rings with our own hands. We will need a base (for example, a long tube of foil or cling film can be easily cut into strong rings of the desired size) and any materials for decoration - from coarse textured thread to tie a ring to thin lace that can be glued on top of cardboard.

And this cute fold in the form of a scarf is just asking to decorate the New Year's table. Playful simplicity and naive charm:

Three cutlery envelopes

By choosing any “envelope” pattern, we can not only beautifully fold napkins on the festive table, but also place cutlery or a card with the guest’s name in them. And when serving for the New Year, it can be a miniature card with a wish.

The most popular envelope in European countries is with a beveled corner. It is wide, elegant and can accommodate the entire set of appliances, and not just the pleasant little details of the decor. Detailed photos explain the simple process step by step.

Another envelope option is with a solid stripe in the middle. This simple circuit is well described in a short video instruction:

A simple version of a quick envelope will easily fit into the table setting for a home party and will require a minimum of time from the creator (involve the kids in the holiday chores!):

Volumetric figures - Candle and Crown

Are only flat circuits simple? No. Many bulk variations that stand up on a plate on their own are done in minutes!

Any schoolchild will come up with an interesting three-dimensional version. Napkin Candle that can create the mood for serving a romantic meal or New Year's feast:

The universal-to-use crown also folds up in a couple of minutes. It blends organically with natural decor, becoming a stand for the first spring flowers, fresh greenery or Christmas-themed spruce branches.

The perfect paper or fabric pinwheel

The classic form of origami comes to the rescue in many holiday details:

  • Weathervanes on a stick for decorating a buffet display;
  • Accompanying prizes at competitions along with a bouquet of balloons;
  • Window decoration with hanging geometric elements;
  • Wall compositions from photos.

The interesting contours of the pinwheel and ease of execution will also be useful for the festive table: the weather vane turns out beautifully from any material.

Flower Perfection itself

Let's complete the parade of simple patterns with a flat flower using the traditional origami technique. This laconic form looks simply perfect! It will take effort for your guests to destroy it for the sake of table convenience. And who said that a meal is not a place for strong aesthetic impressions? After practicing on simple diagrams, we dare and impress!

An important secret to success: for such a flower, choose a traditional, thin cotton napkin and iron it well before folding.

Secrets of choosing materials and video TOP 10 folds

  • Color of napkins and tablecloth. Don't be afraid to experiment! You are not required to maintain a contrast of colors or a complete match with the tablecloth. It only makes sense to accurately support the tablecloth with napkins. A solid tablecloth, on the contrary, often becomes the background for bright solutions on each plate. Do not exclude the option of white on white, which is particularly solemn.
  • Napkin material. Our story at the beginning of the article - about napkins in napkin holders - demonstrated the main thing: it is not the expensive material that colors the table setting, but the creative solution of the element. Paper napkins are a smart choice for beautiful origami. And if you prefer fabric, then choose dense textures that retain their shape well - cotton, linen, chintz, thick viscose.
  • Don't chase complex patterns on your first try. It’s better to bookmark our article, because it contains only those solutions that even a novice housewife or young mother can implement, involving the baby in the process. Cooking for a holiday is one of the best educational games!
  • Take the time to fold your napkins at the table. Ideally, practice in advance. After all, this is a creative process, it is designed to delight not only guests, but also you!
  • Choose colors for a specific holiday. New Year is always organic in green, red, gold and white. Autumn celebrations - all the colors of leaf fall. Spring feasts feature pastel shades of blue, pink and fresh greens. And in the summer we are open to any associations - from variegated patterns to rich yellow and blue colors.

Of course, we didn’t talk about all the interesting ways to fold napkins on a festive table, and the diagrams given are only part of the ideas for a festive table setting. However, we recommend starting with our selection. Advantageous ease of execution and detailed step-by-step photos are a guarantee of success with minimal effort and time.

P.S. Attention!

A great selection of 10 simple folds for any holiday in a step-by-step video.

Thank you for the article (11)

A tastefully set table can turn an ordinary meal into an event and bring pleasure not only from the dishes eaten, but also aesthetic pleasure. It is very important for a woman to be beautiful; it is important to make her not only with words, but also with a memorable evening.
Meanwhile, elegantly folded napkins will create an incomparable holiday atmosphere and make your table especially memorable. It is good to use thick linen or cotton napkins; they hold their shape well and allow you to create original compositions from them. For sophisticated napkin “origami”, they can be lightly starched.
Of course, napkins can be folded in four and placed at each cutlery, but a few simple manipulations with them will add style and personality to your table and create the right mood even before guests sit down at the table.
There are many ways and options for how to fold napkins beautifully. Here are some of them.

How to beautifully fold paper napkins on a holiday table

How to beautifully fold paper napkins into a fan

If we beautifully decorate the dishes for the festive table, then it wouldn’t hurt to decorate the napkins beautifully so that our table sparkles with beauty and originality.
We will learn how to beautifully fold paper napkins and surprise our guests.
Now we will design the napkins in the form of a fan.
To do this, we need a paper napkin of any color you like, rectangular in shape.
Step-by-step instruction:
1.Lay out the napkin face down. And fold it in half from top to bottom.

3. Turn the napkin over and bend it from top to bottom.

4. The part that is not folded, on the left, is folded diagonally from top to bottom, so that it fits between the folds.

Now you know a few more ways to fold napkins beautifully.
Decorate your holiday table with them and delight yourself and your guests. Folding paper napkins beautifully is not at all difficult, you just need not to be lazy and want to find a little time for creativity.

How to beautifully fold paper napkins on the New Year's table

A variety of figures are made from paper napkins, from simple ones to real works of art. Why not use napkins to decorate the New Year's table? For example, you can roll them in the shape of Christmas trees, decorate them with beads and get a real New Year's decoration on each plate.
This method will be ideal for decorating the New Year's table.
Step-by-step instruction:
1. To make such a Christmas tree, use napkins that need to be layered. Place a napkin folded in four, with the open corners facing you.

2. You need to separate the corners of the napkin. Start folding the corners of the napkin in the center at a distance of approximately 1.5 cm from each other.

3.A napkin with all corners bent. Then you need to turn the napkin over.

4.Next you need to wrap the napkin on both sides and smooth out the fold.

5.Then turn the napkin over again and bend all the resulting corners to the top. Place the ends of the next corner under the previous one.

6.After completing the last corner, fold the remaining part of the napkin back.

Use it for its intended purpose, beautifully arranged on a plate.
Decorate the Christmas tree with all kinds of tinsel, stars or beads, New Year's toys. Under such a napkin in the form of a Christmas tree for each guest you can put a small surprise or a card with New Year's wishes.

How to beautifully fold paper napkins into a heart shape

This is exactly how you can decorate a festive table on one of your favorite holidays, which both adults and children love – Valentine’s Day.

You will need: a square-shaped paper napkin, preferably red, but this is optional.
Step-by-step instruction:
1. Lay out your napkin and fold it in half to form a triangle.

2.Then fold the right corner of the napkin towards the center to the top corner of your triangle.

3.Do the same with the left corner of your triangle, bend it upward towards the center.

4. Turn your napkin over to the reverse side.

5.Next, fold the top corner down towards the center of the napkin.

6.Then the two remaining upper corners of the napkin need to be bent to the sides.

7. In order to make our heart more round in shape, we need to bend the upper sharp corners. And turn it over to the other side.

Paper napkins for the holiday table in the form of a palm branch

Step-by-step instruction:
1.Fold the napkin in half. Solid side down and fold the top corners of the top layer toward the middle down.

2.Turn the napkin and bend the top layer towards the middle.

3. Bend both bottom corners of the top layer from the middle along the bias upwards.

4.Fold the accordion starting from the left side.

5.Repeat step 4, starting from the right side.

6.Unfold the napkin, tie the bottom part with a string, and your palm branch is ready.

Method of folding napkins in the form of a maple leaf

Before the holiday, you should think about the decor of the festive table, because it’s no secret that beautiful decoration is the key to a good mood!
In general, as it turned out, folding a serving napkin beautifully is not such a difficult task. Follow the instructions and everything will work out!
We offer you a way to beautifully fold a paper napkin in the shape of a maple leaf.
Step-by-step instruction:
1.Take your square shaped paper napkin and fold it in half.

2.Then, fold the upper right corner to the center of the napkin, pressing the edges well.

3.Next you need to bend the lower right corner of the triangle upward to the center of the paper napkin.

4.Next you need to move the top left corner of your napkin to the center down.

5.Then, as shown in the photo below, bend the top corners of the napkin to the sides.

6. Thread the napkin into the ring. The edges need to be straightened in the form of leaves.

Agree, being able to set the table in an original and “tasty” way is a real art. If you want your loved ones or guests to enjoy being at the table, it is not enough just to place dishes with food. There must also be some other decorative and serving elements. We decided to tell you how to beautifully fold paper napkins on a festive table, the patterns are simple and easy, and therefore every housewife can fold a napkin in an original way.

Folding serving napkins into different colors or sheets is quite common. After all, in this way you can easily prepare a table for a special event, giving it a little plant theme at the same time. In this master class we will show you step by step how to fold a serving napkin in the shape of a palm leaf.

It is necessary to make folds on the left and right sides to form triangles. In this case, the middle of the napkin will be the common vertex for both triangles.

Now we turn the workpiece 90 degrees, this is required for convenience in further work. We begin to fold it in the form of an “accordion”.

We straighten the folded napkin, giving it the shape of a leaf. To do this, you need to straighten it more at the top.

We place our folded napkin on the plate and serve cutlery.

How to fold paper and fabric napkins for table setting in the form of a pyramid

The decoration of the table is largely determined by the theme of the upcoming celebration. The style in which the decor will be made depends on this. But there are many occasions when you can decorate a table in a classic style. An additional touch to creating the desired style in table decoration is folding serving napkins. The method of folding napkins in the form of a pyramid proposed in this master class can be used when decorating a table and choosing a classic style.

We will show all the stages of folding on a paper napkin with dimensions of 33x33 cm.

The result was a square-shaped blank. Let's turn it to the other side and at the same time rotate it 180 degrees.

Turn the napkin over to the other side. Fold it in half along the center line.

We place the resulting triangle on two sides. As you can see, our pyramid so far has only two faces.

Now all that remains is to place the pyramid made from a serving napkin on a plate and prepare the cutlery.

One of the most common ways to fold serving napkins is to shape them into a lily pad shape. In our master class we will show you how to make this napkin flower taller and multi-tiered.

All stages will be demonstrated on a paper napkin with dimensions of 33x33 cm.

We bend the lower corner of the resulting square upward, but do not reach the upper corner (we will retreat approximately 2.5-3 cm).

We will bend the same corner in the opposite direction, aligning it with the lower border of our workpiece.

Its right and left corners need to be connected to each other. To do this, insert the right corner into the left one. The lower part of our workpiece took the shape of a ring.

From the front side of the napkin at this stage it looks like this.

There are two layers left at the top of our folded napkin. We take one of them, bend it down and wind it behind the previous folds.

Our water lily, folded from a napkin, is ready. You can place it on a plate either horizontally or vertically.

Now you know how to beautifully fold paper napkins. We hope that our diagrams will help you set your holiday table in an original way.
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