Design and step-by-step installation of the rafter system. Installing rafters with your own hands: features of calculation and installation of the main elements of the roof frame Fastening the rafters

When constructing private houses, the roof is most often made of a gable roof. There are reasons for this. The first is that it is reliable. Copes well with wind and snow loads. Secondly, it is compatible with any roofing covering. The third is relatively inexpensive. The fourth is a simple design that is difficult to spoil. Fifth - she looks attractive. All this, and the fact that a gable roof is built with your own hands without special knowledge, determines its popularity.

The assembled gable roof with your own hands is ready for installation of the roofing covering

Step-by-step installation of a gable roof

As you saw above, there are a lot of rafter systems. Accordingly, each assembly has its own characteristics, but in general the order is the same. It is necessary to talk about the general step: pre-drying and processing of wood. This step is required if you bought fresh lumber rather than dried.

Using raw wood with natural moisture when building a roof will lead to problems: the beams will bend, they will dry out, and the geometry will change. All this will lead to the emergence of stress points and at the slightest sign of overload (lots of snow, strong wind or rain) negative processes will begin. Eliminating them is a complex and expensive undertaking. Therefore, either buy dry wood (no more than 20%, ideally kiln drying 8-12%), or buy the material a couple of months in advance and put it in ventilated stacks. Then treat with the necessary impregnations (against fungal attack and to reduce flammability) and only then use it in the installation of the rafter system.

Lumber should be dried in ventilated stacks. To do this, they are laid with short sections of boards. They are placed a meter from the edges and then every meter. Spacers must be installed under the lower one

We will tell you about the main stages of assembly and how to make a gable roof with your own hands in this section.


The assembly of the gable roof rafter system begins with the installation of the Mauerlat. It must be positioned strictly horizontally, therefore, before installation, the horizontality of the wall to which it is attached is carefully checked, and if necessary, it is leveled with cement mortar. You can continue work after the solution has gained 50% strength.

Depending on the system, this is a beam with a cross-section of 150*150 mm or a board with dimensions of 50*150 mm. It is attached to the top row of the wall masonry. If the house is wooden, its role is played by the upper crown. If the walls are made of lightweight building blocks - foam concrete or aerated concrete and others - their rigidity is not enough to redistribute the load. In this case, a reinforced reinforced concrete belt is made on top of the last row of masonry, into which embedded fasteners are embedded - wire or pins. A beam or board is then placed on them.

There are several ways to connect walls and mauerlat:

  • A smooth rolled wire of large diameter (two ends sticking up) is fixed in the masonry (in a reinforced concrete belt). Holes are then made in the board in the required places into which the wire is threaded. It then curls and bends.
  • Studs with a diameter of at least 12 mm are immured in the wall. Holes are made in the Mauerlat for them, a timber/board is inserted) and tightened with nuts and wide washers.
  • Having aligned the timber or board along the outer or inner edge of the wall, take a drill with a diameter of 12 mm and make holes for the anchor bolts. They (the same diameter of 12 mm) are hammered in to the very top, then tightened with a wrench.

The distance between the studs (wire) should not be more than 120 cm. A cut-off waterproofing must be installed on the wall (belt) under the Mauerlat. This can be rolled up roofing material or waterproofing material in two layers, or coated with bitumen mastic.

Installation of rafters

There are dozens of types of gable roof truss systems. First of all, you need to choose what yours will look like. Further, in order to make the work easier, a template is made from thin boards for all cuts, notches and other similar parts. To do this, you may need to assemble the first form on the roof, and then make templates using the finished form.

The assembly procedure depends on the type of rafter system. If the rafters are layered, they are installed gradually, assembled from elements directly on the roof. In this case, it is convenient if the ceiling beams are laid and, if possible, the rough flooring of the attic or attic.

In systems with hanging rafters, a truss is assembled on the ground - a ready-made triangle of tie and rafter legs with all the required struts and racks. The required number of farms is assembled immediately. Then they are lifted to the roof, placed vertically there and attached to the Mauerlat.

On the one hand, this is convenient - it’s easier to work on the ground, and with a high assembly speed, the accuracy is high: one truss is not much different from the other, which simplifies the procedure. But lifting prefabricated trusses can be difficult, especially for large buildings. To make this easier, install two inclined boards, one end of which rests on the ground, and the other sticks out slightly above the wall. The trusses are brought closer to this “lift”, one at a time they are installed below, ropes are tied and pulled along the boards onto the roof. If there is no winch or crane, this is the most acceptable method.

Assembling rafters requires certain knowledge: how and in what order to install them, how to mark and make cuts. Watch the video for assembling one of the headstock circuits.

The procedure for assembling the rafter system

That's it, the gable roof is assembled with your own hands and is ready for installation of roofing material.

The process of installing rafters itself raises enough questions, but there are many ways and it is impossible to tell about them all. Watch one of them in the video. The system was large and was lifted to the roof in parts, and then assembled into a single structure. This is convenient for large houses.

Features of installing the rafter system of a wooden house

The difference between wooden houses is that the log house shrinks, and this leads to a change in the geometry of the rafter system. If the elements are fastened tightly, the roof may fall apart. Therefore, the fastenings are made floating. There are special sliding fasteners, which in this case are used to secure the rafters to the upper crown and to the purlins, if any (see photo).

In order for the rafter to move freely during shrinkage, its long part is fastened strictly parallel to its edge, and placed strictly perpendicular to the support. If necessary, a platform is cut out for it. Mark the fastening so that the hook is in the lowest position or near it. They are attached to special self-tapping screws that are included in the kit (regular ones do not fit). If the installation is carried out on a log, so that the rafter leg does not slip along it, a semicircular hole is cut out in the lower part on which it will rest.

Such fasteners are sold on any construction market, they are called “slipper”. Watch the video to see how to attach the slider to the beam.

Video on assembly and installation of gable roof rafter system

Building a gable roof with your own hands is not easy: there are a lot of subtleties and nuances, there are different methods of fastening and extension. Describing them in words is a thankless task. This is the case when it is better to see. Below we offer you a selection of videos that may be useful to you.

Video report on how a gable roof is made

The house owner's story about the stages of construction. There are interesting technical points that may be useful.

Two types of rafter connections: rigid and sliding

Video about the two most problematic types of connections.

How to determine the angle of rafters

Full video report on the assembly of the rafter system

This film takes just under an hour, but the process is demonstrated from start to finish in great detail. The roof is placed on, but when installed on buildings of another type (except wooden houses) there is no difference.

The rafter system is the “skeleton” of any roofing structure. The reliability, quality and durability of the roof directly depends on the correctness of its manufacture and installation. If desired, you can handle the arrangement of the rafter system yourself. Want to know how? Check out the following guide!

There are layered and hanging rafter systems. According to statistics, layered structures are most often used. When arranging such a system, they run into the Mauerlat. The function of the central part is performed by a simple ridge run. To increase the strength of the system, supporting beams are installed.

In the case of hanging rafters, the system design is equipped with additional racks that promote optimal load distribution over the entire area of ​​the roof structure.

We take an extra pair of nails and fix the angle set between the boards. This completes the template. Additionally, secure it with a crossbar. To ensure that the set slope angle of the roof slope does not change under the influence of loads, fasten the crossbar with self-tapping screws.

Be extremely careful when creating the template. Even the slightest deviations can cause the entire structure to deteriorate.

Next, we make a new template for preparing mounting cuts on the system elements. Use plywood 0.5 cm thick. For reinforcement, use a 2.5 cm board. Select the dimensions of the cuts taking into account the cross-section of the rafters used.

Using ready-made templates, we make cuts and begin to assemble the truss.

Video - Gable roof rafter system

Farm assembly procedure

The structure includes supporting legs and connecting components. The farm resembles a triangle. Perform the work in the specified sequence, and the finished structure will be able to adequately withstand all incoming

The farm can be made on the ground with further rise to the top, or directly on the roof. The first option is simpler and easier to implement.

We assemble the truss in the following order. First, we cut the prepared material to the required size, join the bars at the top edges and fasten them with screws. To prevent cracks from appearing at the fastening points, we pre-drill holes in the bars with a diameter slightly smaller than the size of the fasteners.

We also use a crossbar to connect the rafter legs. We fix it half a meter below the top point of fastening the elements. Crossbars will help increase the rigidity of the structure and eliminate the risk of deflection. We fasten the crossbars in recesses previously prepared in the rafters by cutting down.

If necessary, the rafters are cut at an angle if this is required by the features of the roofing structure being installed.

Installation of a roof truss

The installation of roof trusses is carried out in the following sequence:

  • we install end trusses;
  • we fix the central trusses.

When installing edge trusses, we adhere to the following important rules:

After completing the installation of the outer trusses, we proceed to fixing the central and subsequent structures, if their placement is provided for by the project. The optimal installation step for trusses is 100 cm.

To secure the central rafter triangle, we use temporary jibs. After the visor is installed, the jibs can be removed. Recommendations for fastening the central and other trusses are the same as in the case of the outer structures.

After installing all structural elements, we begin attaching the sheathing and further arranging the roofing system: moisture, heat and vapor insulation, as well as installation of the selected finishing coating.

Happy work!

Prices for various types of fasteners for rafters

Rafter fasteners

Video - DIY rafters. Shed roof

Video - Hip roof. Rafter system

Installation of rafters is one of the key stages of roof construction. To ensure that the rafter system does not deform or collapse under high loads during operation, the rafters must be properly secured.

Calculation of rafter pitch

When designing a rafter system, special attention is paid to this issue. The strength characteristics of the roofing system depend on the cross-section of the rafters and the pitch of their installation.

The rafter pitch is the distance between adjacent rafter legs. The minimum pitch of the rafters is 60 cm, the maximum is more than 1 meter. A simplified version of calculating rafter pitch involves using the table:

The length of the eaves slope must be divided by the rafter pitch selected in the table, then add one to the resulting value and round up to a whole number. The resulting result indicates the required number of rafter legs per slope. Then the length of the slope along the eaves should be divided by the calculated number of rafter legs - the final number corresponds to the value of the center distance between the rafters.

This calculation method is general; it does not take into account the specifics of roofing coverings and the type of insulation used. If you intend to lay a roll or slab insulator, it is recommended to adjust the pitch of the rafters to the size of the material. It should be taken into account that the width of the cotton insulation should be 1-1.5 cm greater than the span between the rafters.

When determining at what distance to install the rafters, you should also pay attention to the recommendations for installing the selected roofing covering.

Preparation of material

Installing rafters with your own hands requires not only knowledge of the process technology, but also proper preparation of the wooden elements of the system for installation. The rafters are made from edged boards or timber; the cross-section of the lumber is selected at the roof design stage. The tree should not have cracks, wormholes or other damage.

Rafter legs should be made of well-dried coniferous wood to prevent their deformation.

Wooden elements must be treated with fire retardant and bioprotective compounds. Before you begin installation, you need to decide on the method of attaching the rafters to the mauerlat or beams, and the type of ridge connection. In accordance with the project, metal and wooden fasteners are selected, including:

  • plates (made of metal or wood);
  • bolts or studs with nuts and wide washers;
  • nails, screws, staples, etc.;
  • wire rod.

Types of rafters and features of their installation

When constructing the roof of a house, hanging or layered rafters are used. In some cases, a combination of both may be used. Hanging ones rest only on the walls of the building, while layered ones require the installation of additional supporting structures, so this option is primarily used if there is a middle load-bearing wall or support pillars inside the building box.

The lower part of the layered rafters rests against the mauerlat; accordingly, the walls of the structure must have sufficient width for the installation of a special supporting structure made of timber with a cross-section of 150×150 mm. The upper part of the layered rafters rests on the ridge girder. Thus, installation requires the installation of a purlin, for which racks should be mounted on the middle wall or pillars.

Hanging rafters rest only on the walls. This design can be mounted both on the Mauerlat and on thin walls without laying the Mauerlat. In this case, the support for the lower part of the legs is provided by floor beams protruding beyond the plane of the wall on both sides of the building. Hanging rafters are connected by a jumper (tightening, crossbar) which relieves the pushing forces. When covering large purlins, the trusses are reinforced with additional elements to enhance the rigidity of the structure. When installing hanging rafters on a mauerlat, a low-lying tie can serve as a floor beam.

Before installing the rafters, it is necessary to mount the scaffolding. This makes it possible to ensure the necessary safety and convenience of work.

Installation of the upper ends of the rafters

When choosing how to install rafters, it is important to evaluate the complexity of the work and the weight of the rafter structures. If the assembled truss has a relatively light weight, or it is possible to use lifting equipment, then it is easier to assemble the structures on the ground, and then lift and install them on the roof. If the elements of the system are heavy and have to be lifted manually, then the trusses are assembled on the roof. The technology for installing roof trusses is described in the video instructions.

The connection of the upper ends of the rafters can be done in different ways. First of all, this is a butt mount. On the opposing rafter legs, cuts are made at the desired angle. Then the rafters are joined with the resulting ends and attached to two nails. The connection is further reinforced with a wooden or metal overlay.

Attaching rafter legs with overlap is done using bolts or studs with wide washers and nuts. In this case, the rafters are in contact with the planes.

If the rafter system is mounted on a wooden house with gables made of timber or logs, it is necessary to install the rafters on the walls using sliding fasteners to avoid deformation of the roof during shrinkage of the structure. Accordingly, in the ridge part, the rafters must be connected in a special way: the rafter legs must be positioned with a gap, and they are fastened together using a special movable metal connecting element.

If there is a ridge beam, installation of rafter trusses on the ground is not required - the rafter legs are installed one at a time and attached to the ridge girder.

The ridge run must be positioned strictly horizontally so that the rafter system evenly distributes the load experienced by the roof.

Methods for installing rafters on walls

The lower ends of the rafters are attached to beams or mauerlats. The hanging rafter trusses, assembled according to a template, rise to the roof. The outer trusses are installed first. It is necessary to make two or three holes in the tightening to attach the rafters to the beams laid on the upper crown of the frame.

If hanging rafters are mounted on a stone building, it is necessary to use special fasteners - the so-called “ruff”, made of durable steel. This fastener is driven into every fourth row of brickwork. Using the loops extending from the ruff, you can secure the beams. It is recommended to use a strong beam as a mauerlat - in this case the load will be evenly transferred to the walls.

On buildings made of brick or other material that is not prone to shrinkage, the rafters should be firmly secured. To do this, a cutout is made in the rafter leg, the lower part of which should lie firmly on the Mauerlat. The rafter is fixed with three nails (two are driven in on both sides at an angle, and the third vertically from above) and tied with wire. A connection using corners and a support bar can also be used to prevent the rafters from shifting.

Proper installation of rafters involves making a fire break in the place where the chimney passes through the roof. If its arrangement involves the installation of a special rafter system, this should be taken into account when installing a shortened rafter leg (from the Mauerlat to the chimney structure). The distance between the structural elements and the pipe must be at least 130 mm.


The construction of the roof frame is carried out according to the developed project, which specifies all the necessary parameters, including the type of structure, rafter spacing, cross-section of elements and method of installation of components.

Principles of system calculation

During the operation of the roof, its frame experiences high loads of various types.:

  • constant (weight of the rafter system itself and the roofing pie);
  • periodic (wind and snow load, weight of a person servicing or repairing a roof or chimney).

To correctly calculate and make a reliable roof, you need to decide on its configuration, choose the type of roofing, and calculate the optimal angle of inclination of the slopes. The degree of complexity of the frame and the dimensions of its elements depend to a certain extent on the parameters of the design load, the main part of which falls on the rafters. It is advisable to choose the dimensions of a wooden rafter, such as cross-section, with some margin of safety.

How to determine the length of the rafters? For calculations, you need to apply the Pythagorean theorem (if the length of the end wall and the height of the ridge are known), or the theorem of sines (if, in addition to the length of the end wall, the angle of inclination of the roof slope is known).

To make rafters, you can use boards or timber. Additional elements that give rigidity to the structure will help build a roof frame designed for high loads.

Determining the pitch of the rafters

To calculate the pitch of the rafters, it is necessary to take into account the weight of the roofing, the angle of inclination of the slopes, wind and snow loads. On average, the pitch (the distance between adjacent legs that form the roof slope) ranges from 70 to 120 cm.

To eliminate the risk of deformation of the rafter legs under high loads, it is recommended to use dry lumber when installing the rafter system. Usually this is a beam or board with a thickness of at least 50 mm. The exact dimensions of the wooden rafters and other elements are determined based on the requirements for structural strength.

The pitch of the rafters depends on the degree of roof slope and the length of the rafter legs. To build a strong roof by covering the large span between the ridge and the top of the wall, the pitch of the rafters should be reduced. For example, for a roof with a slope of 45°, the maximum pitch should be no more than 80 cm. The pitch of the rafters should also be reduced when using heavy roofing materials, which include ceramic tiles, cement-sand tiles, and asbestos-cement slate.

Calculation of the cross-section of rafter system elements

If you have to build a roof with your own hands, you need to do this. You should also pay attention to the characteristics of the material from which the rafter legs are made.

Regulatory documents regulate the load-bearing capacity of wood of various species. If the cross-section of rafters made of timber or boards weakened by cuttings and/or holes for bolted connections is considered, the load-bearing capacity of the wood is calculated with a coefficient of 0.8 from the standard value. It is also necessary to pay attention to the type of wood used for manufacturing - defects reduce its resistance to stress. The cross-section of the rafters is selected taking into account the standard dimensions of lumber. A continuous supporting structure should be made from timber or boards no more than 6.5 m long.

Having calculated the system and determined the dimensions of the rafter legs and crossbars, you need to calculate the total weight of these elements and add the resulting value to the design loads:

  • the total volume of lumber required for the roof frame is multiplied by the volumetric weight of the wood;
  • the resulting value (the dead weight of the rafters, kg/m2) is added to the calculated load;
  • the design design diagram is recalculated using the result obtained above.

Treatment of rafter elements with an antiseptic

In private construction, the construction of a rafter system is most often carried out from lumber, since wood is affordable and allows you to make structures with your own hands without the use of complex tools. Wood material prepared for installation (such as timber, rounded logs) often arrives at the construction site already treated with protective agents under production conditions. But production usually involves boards or timber that are not impregnated with special compounds.

How to treat the rafters before installing the roof frame? Treatment is required to protect the wood from rotting and prevent fire hazards. Treatment with an antiseptic and a fire retardant can be carried out separately. Using a complex fire-bioprotective agent, treatment will take half as much time.

Treatment with an antiseptic or a combined composition should be performed in two steps. It is necessary to saturate the top layer of wood with a special liquid, applying it with a brush or roller. After the first layer has dried, the antiseptic treatment is repeated.

Pitched roof rafters

How to make rafters for a pitched roof? Construction of a rafter system for a single-pitched or gable roof with your own hands requires a careful approach to the manufacture of rafter legs. Dimensions are calculated at the roof design stage. To correctly make these structural elements, it is necessary to use lumber of a section and length regulated by the design.

The degree of complexity of the work largely depends on which structure is chosen for installation. If it is necessary to make layered rafters from boards or timber, each element is adjusted to the installation site when attaching it to the ridge girder and mauerlat. It is important to strictly monitor compliance with the geometry of the entire structure.

It is more convenient to make hanging trusses using a template in order to achieve an exact match of the dimensions of each structure. For this purpose, cutting into boards and assembling trusses is recommended to be done on the ground. Then it is necessary to check the horizontality of the mauerlat or support beams, and the geometric dimensions of the building box. Having eliminated possible shortcomings, you can begin installing roof trusses on the house.

Diagonal rafters

Arranging a hip roof rafter system with your own hands requires the installation of various types of rafters, such as:

  • sloped (diagonal beams forming a triangular slope);
  • central hip;
  • lateral;
  • shortened (narozhniki).

The side rafter legs are made of boards and installed similarly to the elements of a conventional pitched roof with a hanging or layered structure. The central hip rafters are layered elements. To make sprigs, bars or boards are used, which are attached to diagonal beams and the mauerlat.

How to make rafters for a hip roof? To properly install this type of roofing structure, you need to accurately calculate the cross-section and angle of inclination of the slant beams. The dimensions of the elements depend on the length of the span being covered. It is important to maintain symmetry when installing diagonal rafter beams, otherwise the roof may deform under load.

Manufacturing rafters to a given size

The use of standardized lumber for the manufacture of various elements of the rafter system makes it possible to optimize construction costs and simplify the calculation and installation of roof components. In particular, if it is necessary to make rafter legs of a certain section and length, a solid beam, its sections or boards can be used.

To make a rigid beam with your own hands, the method of joining the boards is used - they are connected with wide sides and punched in a checkerboard pattern with nails. A long beam of a given section can be made from four or more correctly joined boards - interconnected with a shift of half the length of the board. This beam is highly durable and can be used as a diagonal rafter.

When deciding how to lengthen the rafters, you can use the liner method. In this case, a third one is laid between two boards, protruding to a certain length. To connect the boards, nails driven in a checkerboard pattern are used. It is important not only to carefully align the boards, but also to insert board fragments (inserts) corresponding in thickness to the central board into the empty space between the outer elements. This method allows you to extend the length of standard rafter legs (not hip ones).

Principles of fastening rafters

To ensure the reliability of a rafter system that you build yourself, you need to decide in advance how to attach the rafters to the ridge and to the roof support. If you intend to make a fastening that will prevent deformation of the roof during shrinkage of the building, it is necessary to fasten the rafters together at the top with a bolt with a nut or a hinge plate, and at the bottom to install a special fastening element - a sliding support.

Gable roofing is a popular design in our country. It has two rectangular slopes. This design is the most popular in our country. As you know, the basis of any roof is the rafters. How to make rafters for a gable roof correctly?

Such parameters of a gable roof make it popular in the construction of buildings for various purposes. So, let's begin. The construction of any roof begins with the construction of a rafter system. Let's look at the features of its construction step by step.

In this article

Types of gable roofs

Installation of a rafter system begins with determining its design. There are 3 types of gable roofs:

  • Simple;
  • Asymmetrical;
  • Broken.

Simple gable roof

The most common option for arranging a gable roof is a simple type structure. It is distinguished by its simplicity of construction and reliability. The ramps are placed in a sevenfold pattern. The thickness and type of thermal insulation layer do not have any effect on the type of material.

For construction, it is necessary to select the optimal cross-section of timber. In this case, the rafters do not bend, and spacers and supports can be installed anywhere.

The disadvantage of this type of construction is the impossibility of arranging a living space. Sharp corners create a “dead” zone that cannot be used.

Simple asymmetrical roof with 2 slopes

Design feature: one corner has a larger degree. This helps to increase the amount of unused space.

Thanks to this, the attic space can be easily converted into living space.

The disadvantages include the need to increase the requirements for roof calculations. After all, the load on the foundation and walls will be distributed unevenly.

broken roof

This type of roofing is most suitable for constructing a living room in the attic. Visually, a simple gable roof differs from a broken roof. In addition, the calculations are also different. This type of structure is made on the basis of complex calculations.

Materials for rafters

Remember, the rafter system for the roof is the foundation for the walls. For its construction, you should choose a high-quality tree that is free of any damage or wormholes. Coniferous wood is most often used.

On boards used for sheathing, the presence of knots should be minimal. If they are present, then under no circumstances should they fall out. The wood must be dry and durable. Its surface should be treated with a special solution that prevents early destruction of its surface.

  • How to calculate the rafter system?
  • Load on the rafter system;

Special loads.

There are several loads on the rafter system: constant and variable. Constant loads are the weight of the entire structure. Variable loads can act differently at different times. These include snow load, wind load and precipitation intensity. They are calculated using special maps of the area, which indicate the intensity of precipitation and wind strength.

The snow load on the roof is calculated using a certain formula.

Other special loads are taken into account in areas with the likelihood of storm winds, earthquakes, and tornadoes. For our latitudes this indicator is not taken into account.

Foundation and walls of the building

Before erecting a roof, you should assess the condition of the previously erected walls and foundation. After all, the roof also has significant weight, the load from which is taken by the walls and foundation.

Roof structure

Remember that the complex shape of the roof requires the use of a large number of trusses. They provide greater structural reliability.

The slope of the roof primarily depends on the type of finishing coating. For a soft roof it ranges from 5 to 20 degrees, for slate, ondulin and corrugated sheets – 20 to 45 degrees. Remember that a large slope increases the amount of material used and space in the attic.

Rafter systems

To construct a gable roof, 2 types of rafter systems are used: hanging or layered. The choice depends on the design features. Layered rafter systems are suitable for all types.


So we moved on to the main thing: how to make rafters for a gable roof?

After all calculations have been made, installation can proceed.

It is necessary to install the Mauerlat. The timber is laid along the entire length of the wall. The rafters rest on it. Often the length of the Mauerlat exceeds the standard dimensions of wood, so it is spliced. The beams are sawed at right angles and connected with bolts.

The Mauerlat is installed at the top of the wall, laid on a waterproofing layer. Most often this is roofing material. This part of the roof should be well secured, because they are negatively affected by the wind.

Roof trusses

They are rarely installed on the roof. After all, at a height it is difficult to carry out fastening, measuring and trimming.

Most often they are installed on the ground, and then lifted onto the roof and fixed.

The mounted trusses are lifted and the mauerlat is installed. To do this, a gash is made at the bottom of the rafter legs.

The rafter pairs must be installed from opposite ends of the roof. A cord is pulled between the installed structures, along which subsequent rafter pairs are installed. This continues until all pairs have been established.

Ridge, roof sheathing

When the rafters have been installed on the roof, you can begin installing the ridge. It connects the rafter legs at the top. There are several ways to install a ridge.

Without lathing it is impossible to build a high-quality roof. It is used for fastening materials and moving along the roof.

The pitch of the sheathing may be different. For metal tiles - 35 cm, for slate - 44 cm, for soft roofing it must be continuous.

A well-constructed rafter system is a reliable foundation for the roofing material. Remember that the lifespan of the roof depends on it.