Entrance door. What does the front door influence according to Feng Shui: location according to the cardinal directions How doors should open according to Feng Shui

Feng Shui of the front door

We get into a house or apartment through front door, the size of which also matters: too large causes financial difficulties, too small - conflicts and quarrels. To prevent energy from being dissipated, the front door should not be located opposite the stairs leading to another floor, and so that the door does not interfere with qi, it should open inward.

The influence of the front door on the room opposite which it is located is very noticeable:

✓ if this is a kitchen, residents will not know how to eat;

✓ if this is a bedroom, then fatigue and drowsiness will become constant companions of the household;

✓ if this is a living room with a TV or home theater, then time will be wasted;

✓ if it’s a toilet, then you won’t be able to get out of poverty; if this is an office or a library, then everyone will be distinguished by their hard work.

Bells, “wind chimes” hanging above it, amulets, and coins strung on a thread help alleviate or eliminate problems associated with the front door. They dissipate energy and convert negative sha energy into chi. To slow down the movement of qi, a red stripe around the door (you can circle all potentially dangerous doors) or a red rug under your feet is suitable.

Situations are considered unfavorable when:

✓ in a passage room, the doors are on the same axis and there is no obstacle between them, since the qi energy turns into sha during rapid linear movement. In this case, it is necessary to either close the doors, or separate them with a screen, or resort to the color red, circling the doors with it;

✓ opposite doors differ from each other in width (it’s good when they are the same), then the narrower door needs to be visually expanded by hanging a mirror, a picture and placing a pot with a houseplant;

✓ there are so many doors (including cabinets) opening into the hallway that it exceeds the number of residents. They will be haunted by conflicts, quarrels, illnesses, losses. To resolve the situation, you need to use the methods described above that Feng Shui offers.

In addition to the entrance door, there are other doors in an apartment or house that can be positioned and opened differently.

1. If two opposite doors swing open towards each other, they will require repairs faster. In addition, they provoke conflict situations in the house. A technique that can correct the situation is applying red spots to the area above the handles or to the ends of the doors.

2. Two opposite doors in the kitchen are also a negative factor leading to the breakup of a family. This will be eliminated by a red stripe on the floor or ceiling, which will act as a partition separating dangerous objects from each other.

3. Two doors in the bedroom, especially if they are constantly open, cause a state of discomfort and increased fatigue. Draping on one of them will save the family from negative consequences.

4. It is not good when the doors of two bedrooms open onto the corridor, especially if they open in different directions, which causes a unidirectional flow of energy. Both doors must open to the inside of the premises.

5. It matters where the door to the toilet opens. To prevent loss of wealth, it should only open inward. If it opens outward and is visible from the front door with a distance of 3 m between them, then a mirror should be hung on the toilet door; if the distance is less than 3 m, then the mirror should be replaced with a picture depicting a landscape, but not trees with fallen leaves.

6. Pay attention to the material from which the doors are made. Wood and metal are preferred. If the door is glass, then it should not be transparent. Therefore, hang a curtain or purchase opaque glass. In addition, the design on the door and the doors should be symmetrical to maintain harmony between yin and yang.

The right color for your front door helps to attract more favorable energy into your home. The front door is a very important factor in Feng Shui. This applies to both home and office. It is through the front door, also called the mouth of qi, that the house receives the nourishing feng shui energy.

It is through the front door, also called the mouth of qi, that the house receives the nourishing feng shui energy.

The flow of energy, its quality and strength determine the quality of energy in your home. Since your personal energy is closely linked to the energy of the home you live in, do everything you can to create good feng shui in your home, starting with a beautiful color for your front door.

In Feng Shui, choosing a favorable color for your front door is related to the direction it faces and the main element of that direction. If you know which direction your front door faces, here are some feng shui tips for a favorable color.

Find your door and add beautiful energy to it with color.

Door facing east.

The feng shui element of the east is wood. Therefore, if your door faces east, the best colors for it will be wood colors - green and brown.

If none of these two colors are compatible with the facade of your house, then there is the possibility of using other colors, based on the feng shui generation cycle.

Since the wood element is nourished by earth and water, you can use the colors of these elements to create beautiful feng shui.

Door facing southeast.

The choice of colors for the southeastern door will coincide with the colors of the east, because the same element dominates here - wood.

However, since the Southeast is a wealth sector, there are additional color options.

This is the color of the element of abundance of water, black or blue. It will be the most favorable for the southeastern sector of wealth.

Door facing south.

The front door that faces south is the sector of the fire element. Therefore, the best color here would be red. Other suitable colors to support the fire element are yellow, purple, orange and pink. The feeding element of fire is wood. The colors of the wood - brown and green - are perfect for a southern entrance door.

Door facing southwest.

The main element of the southwestern direction is earth. The energy associated with the southwest is maternal, as is the energy of love and marriage. All this means that the best colors here are the colors of the earth element - yellow, sand. You can also use the colors of the earth-feeding element fire - red, purple, orange.

Door facing west.

The best colors for such a door are metal colors, white and gray. The colors of the earth element are also applicable here, since earth is the nourishing element for metal in the cycle of generation of the five elements. Avoid the colors of the fire and water elements, which weaken metal.

Door facing northwest.

For such a door, the same colors are suitable as for the western one, because the main element of the northwest is metal. However, since the northwest direction is associated with heavenly blessings and helpers, special attention should be given to this door.

Door facing north.

North is the direction of the water element, so the best colors here are the colors of this element - black and blue. If these colors do not fit well with the appearance of the home, then you can paint the entrance door in the north in metal colors, white or gray. In the cycle of generation, metal feeds water. The element of water is poorly affected by the elements of wood, fire and earth. Therefore, do not paint your northern front door in the colors of these elements.

Door facing northeast.

The Northeast is a sector of spiritual growth and development. The earth element reigns here, so the best colors for the front door in this direction will be the colors of the main element - earth and the feeding element - fire. Colors that weaken the earth - green, brown, white, grey, blue and black - should be avoided. The front door is the entrance to the hallway, which is also extremely important for attracting favorable energy into the house. But still, first of all, good Feng Shui begins with the front door.

Feng Shui is the practical side of Taoist teachings, which implements the principles of this teaching on the symbolic organization of space in order to control the flow of Qi energy. Energy can be both positive and negative. Negative energy (Sha) can only be counteracted passively: simply not being in this flow or placing an absorbing obstacle in its path.

The Chinese philosophy of geomancy is characterized by the personification of energy in relation to each object of the surrounding reality. The symbolic properties and characteristic features of an object are expressed in its energy characteristics. The combination of all factors: the location of the living space in space, the position of the rooms in it relative to the cardinal directions, the way objects are arranged in the home and their properties create favorable or unfavorable living conditions. The practical goal of interior planning according to Feng Shui is to create zones in which positive energy accumulates.

The role of interior doors in the teachings of Feng Shui

Since the flow of energy is inherently continuous, interior doors and partitions are responsible for routing this flow within the home. The positive energy of the door block is determined by its serviceability, neat appearance, and absence of squeaks.

A faulty or “sick” door will become a source of negativity in the room.

When choosing a new interior door, every little detail matters, from the material to its color.

Location and color selection according to Feng Shui

When choosing a material and color for an interior door, its location relative to the cardinal points is taken into account.

  • The door to the north symbolizes the element of water and influences career-related events. For such a canvas to become a source of positive energy, it must be black or blue, with wavy lines in the decor.
  • The southern door is ruled by the element of fire. In the life of the owner of the premises, she becomes a source of positive energy, responsible for fame and recognition. It is advisable to paint such a canvas in shades of red, and geometric shapes in the form of triangles are used in the decor.
  • The western door is associated with the element of metal. It impacts the health and well-being of children. White and silver paints are used for painting.
  • The eastern door symbolizes the closeness of family ties and affects mutual understanding between relatives. The symbol of such a canvas is wood, and plant ornaments are used in its decoration.
  • According to Feng Shui, the southwestern part of the house is designated as a bedroom for spouses. The decor of the door leaf and the rest of the interior uses symmetrical and paired elements.

Important! Feng Shui recommends installing push handles on the door leaf in the bedroom, which, when activated, are lowered simultaneously from both sides.

  • The northwestern door requires competent finishing in those houses whose owner often travels.
  • The north-eastern part of the house is dedicated to the study room, as the energy in this place promotes effective education.

  • The southeastern door in the house is responsible for financial well-being. It is preferable to paint it brown or yellow.
  • The method of opening interior doors in an apartment according to the rules of Feng Shui is important. In each room, the door must open into the room, with a right-hand hinge. Then, relative to the person entering, the door will open to the left.

  • Locks are not welcome - they reduce the trust and openness of the residents of the house and alienate family members from each other.
  • Doors are not installed opposite flights of stairs.
  • Doors that do not open and are locked are undesirable in the house. They must be covered with a mirror or decorated with other decor.

All doors in the house are selected in the same color scheme. If you make accents in accordance with the location relative to the cardinal points, then the main tone of the interior decoration will be able to attract positive energy of a certain nature.

  • Thus, solid wood doors with red-brown tinting attract good luck and prosperity.
  • Light wooden canvases with a natural shade of yellowish ocher “call” guests into the house.
  • Cool shades will fill your home with calm and tranquility.

  • According to Feng Shui, glass panels for interior openings are not made transparent. Positive energy evaporates through clean glass without lingering in the house. For glass structures, frosted glass, tinted glass, or even better, stained glass is used.

The video will tell you what role doors play in any home according to Feng Shui.

In international feng shui the Dragon Door , all positions are determined from where the currently existing main entrance door to the room is located. The main door is the door that is used most often or whichever is larger. If one of the doors is installed later, it is considered secondary. The most important task of feng shui is to ensure the unhindered circulation of qi energy (the breath of life, or the breath of nature) in relation to a person’s home.

Most of the chi enters the apartment through the front door, so it is very important to design the front door in such a way as to attract energy, and not scare it away. Both long-awaited guests and enemies can enter through the front door; both positive qi and negative sha can penetrate. Therefore, the door should serve as reliable protection and should be located and decorated in such a way as to attract qi into the house. And with it happiness, success, longevity and prosperity.

The main door (front door) must be reinforced strictly vertically and must be free of cracks and scratches. As well as other defects, on reliable, serviceable, non-creaking hinges. The dimensions of the door must correspond to the dimensions of the apartment. A door that is too large (wide and low, or consisting of two leaves that open simultaneously) has a suppressive effect on the flow of qi. She scares and intimidates everyone who wants to enter the apartment. It is also believed that such a door is a gap through which part of the qi will leave the house, a signal of the danger of financial difficulties. A disproportionately small entrance door will impede the access of chi. And the microclimate in the family will change for the worse - squabbles, quarrels and petty grievances will become frequent guests here.

A house or apartment, in accordance with the yin-yang theory, is conventionally divided into two parts; the part of the apartment that is close to the front door has the power and properties of yang. Energy lives here, so qi enters the house through the front door. There is a lot of traffic in this part of the apartment (entrance hall, office, kitchen, dining room, living room) , here family members get together, receive and treat guests. And the inside of the apartment, farthest from the entrance, belongs to yin. Peace, silence, and an intimate atmosphere should reign here; it is most convenient and correct from the point of view of Feng Shui to place bedrooms in this part of the apartment.

Disorder and clutter at the entrance to the apartment (in the corridor) and the area of ​​the staircase will create sha, scare away qi, and negative energy will easily penetrate into your apartment. The entrance to the apartment should be attractive - a beautiful bright rug in front of the door, “wind music”. Figures or images of animals (tiger and dragon) at the entrance will protect your apartment from negative influences; formidable guards will easily cope with the flow of sha.

The front door should not go into a narrow, dark place (this can cause financial difficulties), should not go into a dead end or a whole labyrinth of corridors. Where qi energy may not be able to move freely, but will accumulate, fade away without reaching the goal, or degenerate into negative sha. It’s bad if there was a staircase or elevator opposite the door, the qi here will move too quickly and may simply not notice the entrance to your apartment and go down to the floor below (go up to the top floor). The back door or balcony door should not be visible from the front door. The clock should not be installed in a position where it can be seen by anyone who opens the front door.

The back door should be smaller in size than the main door and should always be closed. You need to hang a bagua mirror on the very back door or on the wall next to it; it will direct the qi from the exit deeper into the apartment. You can prevent the leakage of qi in another way, for example, by disguising the door, painting or pasting it to match the walls.

According to the rules of Feng Shui, neither the stove, nor the fireplace, nor the toilet, nor the bed should be visible from the hallway. If someone's bed is visible from the front door, then that person will constantly feel tired. His sleep will be disturbed and his rest will be incomplete. If the kitchen is visible from the front door, then you need to keep the door to the kitchen closed or use any other method of diverting the attention of qi.

If in the hallway two or three doors lead to the interior and are located opposite each other, then this is truly killer feng shui. It will be difficult for Qi to make a certain choice; it will rush from one door to another, gradually accelerating its movement. And gradually it will be reborn into negative sha energy. The situation can be corrected by placing a painting, poster, or mosaic under the ceiling. Which will attract attention when leaving each door, or hang a magic crystal or “wind chime” between the doors. Interior doors play an important role in Feng Shui inside the apartment and have a greater impact on the well-being of the family. A large room should have a large door, a smaller room should have a smaller door. Using the Bagua method, you can determine in which direction the internal doors in the apartment “look”. Each direction is responsible for one area of ​​life. And when you want to benefit from one direction or another. Then you need to use a certain door as often as possible, decorate it additionally or repaint it. If you want to be alone, to protect yourself from unwanted visits and unpleasant people, you close the door to your room. If you want to maintain the room and the area coinciding with it, the apartment is temporarily not in use.

Doors by directions

A door facing south belongs to the Fire element and the zone of glory. If you want to improve your reputation and strengthen your position in society, carefully check the condition of this door. If possible, use shades of red and triangular patterns in its decor, and equip the door with lighting. Or hang a small lantern on it. You need to enter this door as often as possible to activate the glory zone.

The north-facing door is connected to the Water and Quarry area. Your success in the service and career growth depend on how often it is used and how well its design matches Water (black, blue colors, wavy lines). The door facing northwest is associated with Metal and influences relationships with leaders and spiritual mentors. For the success of business trips and any other trips, trips. The northeast door is connected to the Earth. Proper care of it and earthly design will help you and your loved ones in education and training.

A west-facing door leading to the children's area and associated with the Metal element influences the relationship between parents and children. And also on the health of children and their mood. All metal parts of this door must be in good working order and polished to a shine. This will attract an additional flow of qi to the children's area. A door oriented in the southwest direction corresponds to the Earth and affects the relationship between spouses and love affairs. In order for the family to be strong, so that there are no problems in intimate relationships, it needs to be made from decent material, appropriate color and design. It is very important to monitor the serviceability and absolute compliance between the paired parts of the southwestern door. There should be handles on both sides of the door, identical in shape and color. It is desirable that when you press one of the latch handles, the second one is also activated. Such pens symbolize agreement and unanimity, closeness (spiritual and physical) of a married couple. It is also necessary to have the same patterns on the doors, paired finishing elements must be symmetrical. No rust on metal parts (door hinges, nails, handles or locks), a broken door handle or cracks in the jamb. And also the dust that has accumulated at the threshold of this door explains the cooling of relations with a spouse or sexual partner.

The jambs of the front door are a symbol of the well-being of the family, so rickety, shaky, cracked jambs and doors indicate this. That the family has lost protection and support and is in danger. A solid wooden or metal door is preferable; glass doors must be covered with fabric curtains or blinds. Or paint patterns on glass surfaces (make the door opaque) so that the chi does not mistake it for a window.

A door facing east is associated with the Wood element and family. If the eastern door is in good working order, the wooden parts are carefully processed, the surface is smooth, without cracks or knots, its design is dominated by wood and floral ornaments. Then your family will be friendly and your friends will become frequent guests. A door facing southeast will bring financial success to those who use it frequently and provide proper care. This door is associated with Wood, that is, you can strengthen its influence with the help of the symbols of Water and Wood.

The ratio of materials (as well as the ornament or pattern) used to decorate the door must be symmetrical, With protecting the harmony of yin and yang. Living plants should not be placed in front of the front door (in the center), since the nature of trees and any vegetation is yin. And it will interfere with the penetration of yang into the room and send additional flows of yin into the apartment, disrupting the order of the movement of qi throughout the apartment.

The front door should open freely, completely, inward, not outward, so as not to repel qi; it is advisable to hang a “wind chime” outside, directly in front of the door. The door from the hallway to the rooms should always be kept open, or you can do without it altogether by beautifully decorating the doorway.

Feng Shui location

Today, the hobby of feng shui, the ancient Chinese science of planning living space and the uniform and free distribution of natural qi energy, has become very popular. If you are trying to adhere to these rules, you will be interested to know what the front door should be like according to Feng Shui.

The quality of the qi energy entering the house depends on the location, color and material of the entrance structure. Feng Shui determines whether it will be favorable for the inhabitants of the house or, on the contrary, it can harm them. It is through the structure in question that energy penetrates into and flows out of our homes, and our health and prosperity depend on the direction in which the favorable environment moves.

Orientation and color

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, the movement of energy in a house is influenced by the number of doors, their location, orientation in space, color, and the material from which they are made. When entering the house, the energy must not encounter any obstacle: a second vestibule structure, a nearby wall, a column, or simply rubbish piled up in the hallway. In this case, the positive flow will go back.

It is very important how the door is located in relation to the cardinal directions, since the influence of incoming energy on you depends on this. Moreover, the strength of this influence is determined by Feng Shui by the color of the front door.


Number and shape of products

It is desirable that all doors in the house, and especially the entrance door, have strict geometric shapes. and products of other similar shapes with beveled or rounded corners are not the best option; they can negatively affect the health of those living in the house.

In addition, the structure must be wide enough, wider and more massive than all other doors, so as not to interfere with the free movement of positive energy. It is also not recommended to install glazed doors at the entrance; they must be solid and preferably wooden.

Reflecting the front entrance in it will cause all the positive energy to be pushed off the mirror surface and go back.

According to Feng Shui, windows in a house symbolize children, and doors symbolize parents. If the number of windows exceeds the latter, children will take energy away from their parents, and troubles, conflicts, and misunderstandings will often begin to arise in the family.

Therefore, if this is the situation in your home, you need to restore the energy of your parents by hanging a bell. It will be able to prevent negative energy from freely moving around the house.

The most undesirable combination in Feng Shui is when they are located one after the other on the same line. This happens in private houses, for example, first there is an entrance to the terrace, and behind it there is a double vestibule passage into the house. It is believed that this arrangement opens the way for negative energy, while positive energy flows freely out of the house.

If you cannot change the layout, then block the path of negative energy by placing barriers between the doors in the form of a light partition, screen, or at least a decorative plant in a vase. And don't keep all the doors open at the same time.

Magic of the mirror

It was already said above that you cannot hang a mirror opposite the front door - signs have nothing to do with it. The fact is that the mirror reflects the chi energy, pushing it back out of the house. But this does not mean that there should be no mirrors in the hallway.

For example, if there is a toilet door opposite the entrance, this is not very good from a feng shui point of view. Very small round mirrors, 5–6 cm in diameter, will help neutralize the negativity; they should be hung on both sides of the bathroom door, positioned at the navel level of the owner of the house.

Since a mirror is an excellent corrective tool, an entrance door with a large mirror will help retain positive energy in the house without letting it out. It is desirable that the mirror be round in shape.

If you want to hang a mirror in front of the front door, make sure that the cloning is not reflected in it. Hang a mirror next to or to the side of her.

How to position

If you are building your own house and you have the opportunity to think through the layout, then consider the following Feng Shui rules:

  • Do not make a door opposite the entrance to the bathroom. And if it is impossible to change the layout, always keep it closed so that positive energy and financial energy do not flow down the drain along with the water.
  • Hang the structure so that it opens into the house- this will create favorable conditions for the flow of qi.

For reference. According to fire safety standards, the door must also open inward so as not to create obstacles for the evacuation of neighbors in the event of an emergency.

For those who are not into feng shui

If you are far from overseas teachings and the philosophy of Feng Shui, and trust more in Russian folk signs and customs, there is probably an inverted horseshoe hanging above your door. It has long been considered a talisman of the home, a symbol of the family hearth. But the Orthodox Church does not approve of such signs, considering them an echo of pagan beliefs and traditions.

Some people believe that an icon above the front door can protect a house from evil forces and misfortunes. This is also not entirely correct - the rightful place of the iconostasis is in the red corner. Although church ministers, answering related questions, say that it is not forbidden to hang icons in any part of the house. The main thing is that they are not adjacent to other images - paintings, photographs of celebrities or family members.

But you are free to choose which icons to hang above the front door. This could be an icon of your Guardian Angel or the Mother of God. But most often this place is occupied by the Seven-Arrow Icon.