Soldering plastic pipes. Soldering polypropylene pipes: rules for carrying out work and analysis of possible errors. Operating temperature conditions

How to properly solder polypropylene (plastic) pipes

So, dear reader, you have decided to change the water pipes in your apartment with your own hands. And if your choice fell on polypropylene pipes, I will help you learn how to work with them correctly.

I won’t go into much detail about the technical description of polypropylene pipes; a separate article will be written for this, but I’ll go straight to the instructions.

tool for soldering polypropylene pipes

From the tool we need:

  • Alcohol marker (a marker for discs will do)
  • Roulette
  • Building level
  • Special scissors for cutting pipes
  • Soldering iron for polypropylene pipes

The last one on the list will be cheaper to rent; I don’t see the point in buying one for home, because... you will only need it once. You can rent it in the same place where you will buy plastic pipes.

This list is only necessary for soldering pipes. If you are going to lay pipes in a groove, it will be useful to read the article, in which I described the technology of wall grooves.

Instructions for using a soldering iron for polypropylene pipes

A soldering iron, also known as a welding machine for plastic pipes, has a base with heating elements inside and special holes for attaching nozzles for soldering pipes of different diameters. Attachments, as a rule, come complete with a soldering iron. The principle of operation of a soldering iron is almost the same as that of a home iron, except that in a home iron there is one heating element, and in a pipe soldering iron there are two of them and each has its own switch on the body of the soldering iron. In addition to the heater switches, there is also a thermostat on the body; we will use it to set the desired temperature.

Before turning on the heating element, you need to move the soldering iron from the traveling position to the combat position. Screw the stand to it and install the nozzles for soldering pipes in place. As a rule, the soldering iron base has two holes for nozzles; if you work with different pipe diameters, you can install two nozzles at once. Place the nozzle for smaller diameter pipes on the edge of the spout, as shown in the figure.

After this, you can plug the soldering iron into the network. Turn on both heating elements on the soldering iron body and set the temperature to 260⁰C. And be patient, the soldering iron should heat up for 10-30 minutes until the light on the case goes out. After this, wait another 5 minutes before soldering, so that the soldering nozzles heat up well.

How to connect plastic pipes

Heat the pipe and the fitting socket with a soldering iron at the same time. Below is a table showing the heating times for different pipe diameters.

Heating time for soldering polypropylene pipes

Pipe outer diameter, mm
Distance to mark, mm
Heating time, s
Technological pause no more than s
Cooling time, min.

Polypropylene is a popular material that is widely used in many construction and installation areas. And the water supply was no exception. Polypropylene lines are characterized by corrosion resistance, long service life, good thermal conductivity and tightness. The last criterion depends entirely on how correctly the soldering of plastic pipes is carried out. And you heard right. Polypropylene, unlike polyvinyl chloride, is necessary and can simply be soldered into a single structure using a special welding machine for polymers.

On how to use an iron (as a soldering iron for plastic is called in craftsman circles) and how to properly solder a plumbing system, see our material below with detailed video instructions.

Important: before deciding to install a water supply system made of polypropylene pipes, you should know that this material is prone to stretching when exposed to high temperatures. That is, if you use polypropylene pipes for the hot water supply line, then such communication may simply sag over time. Therefore, for hot water it is necessary to use only aluminum-reinforced polypropylene pipes.

In order to, following the instructions, solder the entire water supply system with its long-term operation, it is advisable to understand what type of pipes the master is working with. After all, polypropylene is divided into four categories, each of which is intended for use in certain conditions. Failure to follow operating instructions will negate all the efforts of the technician, and the water supply will ultimately fail.

So, polypropylene pipes come in four types:

  • Tubes marked PN 10. Thin-walled material of small diameter, intended for use at temperatures up to 45 degrees. Can be used in a cold water system or underfloor heating.
  • Tubes marked PN 16. You should be extremely careful here. Polypropylene of this category can be used either under conditions of high pressure in communications, but for cold water, or at low pressure in a hot water network.
  • The PN 20 marking allows the use of plastic pipes for the construction of any pipeline operating at a temperature not exceeding +80 degrees.
  • PN 25 tubes are those tubes reinforced with aluminum or fiberglass, suitable for installing a hot water supply system. Here the material can be used at temperatures up to 95 degrees Celsius.

In addition, it is worth understanding that all polypropylene pipes of any category may be sold in different colors. Color doesn't matter, other than black. This color of the pipes indicates that the PP tube is highly protected from UV radiation.

Important: all polypropylene pipes will be properly operated only if the operating pressure and temperature ranges in the network are observed. The higher the water temperature in the water supply, the lower the pressure should be, and vice versa.

Pipe soldering machine

Soldering plastic pipes can only be done using a special tool - a soldering iron. The household unit is shaped like a kind of iron on a stand. Its heating base (mirror) is capable of warming up to temperatures above 260 degrees, which allows you to melt (solder) the polymer for a high-quality connection.

The heating base has places for attaching attachments. As a rule, in a household device, 2-3 attachments can be attached to the sole at the same time. Their diameter depends on the configuration that the purchased tool originally had. But most often these are nozzles with a diameter of 16-32 mm.

Important: you can only solder pipes with your own hands at home, the diameter of which does not exceed 63 mm. In this case, they are connected exclusively using couplings and fittings. Larger diameter pipes are soldered using professional equipment and most often end-to-end.

You can solder plastic pipes with your own hands using either a sword-shaped apparatus or a cylindrical one. The quality of soldering will be unchanged and equally good if you follow the instructions.

Important: DIY work with a soldering iron should only be carried out in a room heated to above-zero temperatures. It is important to know that the cooler it is in the room, the longer the heating time for plastic and metal-plastic (in the case of a reinforced pipe) should be.

Preparatory stage

  • First of all, you should prepare a pipe cutter, a marker and a tape measure. Using such tools, the tube will be marked and cut into individual elements.
  • After all the metal-plastic and PVC parts of the future system have been cut, it is necessary to thoroughly clean with alcohol all places of intended connections, including couplings and fittings.

Important: aluminum-reinforced pipe is cut using a shaver. In this case, before soldering, you should first remove the top layer of polypropylene and aluminum. This will improve the quality of the connection. Fiberglass reinforced tubes are soldered in the same way as standard polypropylene.

For those who do not know how to properly solder plastic pipes (metal-plastic/PVC) at home with their own hands, you should adhere to the following recommendations when performing work:

  • The soldering process begins no earlier than 5-10 minutes after turning on the soldering iron. It should warm up to the set temperature.
  • Polypropylene pipes with a diameter of up to 40 mm can be successfully soldered using a sword-shaped apparatus. For larger diameter tubes it is better to use a more professional centering unit.
  • After heating the polymer (PVC or metal-plastic), pieces of soft plastic will remain on the Teflon coating of the nozzles. It is advisable to remove them immediately with a wooden spatula. It is impossible to clean off polymer residues on a cooled nozzle or using metal devices. There is a risk of damaging the Teflon coating and, as a result, damaging the part.

Important: timely cleaning of the nozzle from polymer residues allows you to obtain a guaranteed even and smooth connection.

Soldering process

So, solder polypropylene (PVC) elements of the water supply system with your own hands in several stages:

  • A soldering iron is installed on the platform and securely fixed. The device is set to the desired temperature. For polypropylene it is 260 degrees, for polyethylene - 220.
  • Before turning on the soldering iron, attach nozzles of the required diameter to the platform.
  • As soon as the device warms up, you can take a piece of tube and a fitting under it and put it on the nozzle. We maintain the parts in accordance with the diameter of the elements (see recommendations below).
  • As soon as all parts of the pipeline are thoroughly heated, stand firmly and slowly join the parts until they fit tightly. Leave the communication section until it cools completely. All parts of the communication need to be soldered in this way.

Important: after the pipe is inserted into the fitting, it is prohibited to move it or rotate it in any way. The polymer (PVC) in the lumen of the pipe may shrink and the connection will depressurize.

After the pipes are soldered and cooled, you can blow water or air through them to check the tightness of the connection.

  • For tubes with a cross-section of 16 mm - hold for 5 s;
  • For tubes with a diameter of 20 mm - heating for 6 seconds;
  • Pipes 25 mm - heat for 7 seconds;
  • Elements 32 mm - solder 8 sec;
  • Pipes with a diameter of 40 mm - heating for 12 seconds;
  • Tubes diameter 50 mm - 24 sec;
  • Pipe 63 mm - 40 sec.

Important advice: if the master is soldering polypropylene (PVC) pipes with his own hands for the first time, you can first practice on unnecessary pieces of polypropylene elements. In addition, if flaws were made in the connection during the soldering process, then you can simply cut off this section of the pipeline and solder a new one.

Advice: buying a soldering iron for a one-time DIY job is not financially feasible. In this case, it is better to rent a PVC pipe machine from a specialized hardware store.

The range of construction products is growing every year. Modern materials are appearing on the market that make construction stages easier and increase worker productivity. Consumers tend to use pipelines with a long service life when planning internal systems in their homes. A suitable alternative that meets consumer needs is plastic internal communications branches. How to solder plastic pipes?

Another advantage of such technologies is the ability to independently repair or replace water supply and heating networks. How to solder plastic pipes for water supply?

Let's understand the types



Such communications are divided into subtypes:

  1. Polyethylene - used for laying wiring inside buildings and external routes. They can be used on high-pressure pipe connections and at low ambient temperatures.
  2. PVC is used to reduce the cost of repairs.
  3. Metal-plastic ones are the most practical products, with a useful life of more than 50 years. Ideal option for replacing hot water supply.

The widespread use of this material is due to a number of reasons. Positive properties of such structures, in contrast to metal ones:

  1. Long service life.
  2. Low corrosivity.
  3. Easy to install.
  4. Does not require special skills.
  5. Environmentally friendly material.
  6. Economical and easy to use.
  7. Lightweight and easy to transport.
  8. Resistant to the harmful effects of microorganisms.

Your water supply

Coupling assembly

Polyethylene models are mounted using the welded method or using couplings/fittings (coupling assembly). How to solder plastic pipes for water supply?

For new water supply networks, products made of PVC and polyethylene without reinforcement or reinforcement are suitable. Preparation requires creating a diagram of the future water supply indicating the lengths of the branches, its position and all the fittings necessary for installing the structure. Correct calculation of the lengths and number of bends will simplify the technology, increase the speed of task completion and prevent rework.

Soldering iron

Pipe cutter

To solder polyethylene connections you will need:

  1. Soldering iron.
  2. Pipe cutter
  3. A trimmer for cutting pipes and trimming the edges of cut ends.
  4. Fine sandpaper for cleaning edges
  5. Connecting coupling (if coupling assembly)

The heating device is a special device with a sole with special nozzles of various diameters attached to it. There are devices that include two or more attachments at the same time.

The stages of technology for laying hydraulic communications will tell you how to learn to solder:

  1. We measure the required length with a tape measure.
  2. Use a pipe cutter to cut the measured length.
  3. Trim the cut ends. This is an important step in soldering. The cuts must be smoothly sanded and cleaned. To be more sure, you can additionally degrease it with an alcohol solution.
  4. We solder the ends. If a coupling connection is used when installing life support networks, then we install a coupling/fitting at one end of the structure and heat it together with the future return in a soldering iron nozzle of the required diameter. After warming up, immediately connect the ends and wait for the assembly to cool completely. The quality of welding is indicated by the presence of a shoulder.

Attention! When installing heat and water supply using a soldered seam, it is strictly forbidden for water or moisture to fall into the cavity or onto the surface. When heated, water, turning into steam, deforms the plastic structure, as a result of which it loses its strength.

What to pay attention to

Temperature conditions for soldering are described in the instructions for the tool. Modern products have an automatic heating mode depending on the size of the installed network and the welding depth. On previous brands, the heating strength was selected manually.

At what temperature should plastic pipes be soldered? When soldering polyethylene risers, we set the temperature regulator at around 220 ° C, for polypropylene risers - 260 ° C. There is an indicator on the heating mechanism that shows the device is ready for use. The indicator lights up only in heating mode.

The duration of soldering depends on the circumferential radius of the pipeline, and can range from 5 to 40 seconds. The ends should not be overheated. This can cause a blockage to form at the adhesion site.

If you need to install a water supply of the same size, you should not overpay for the number of nozzles and the presence of a temperature mechanism.

If you plan a large volume of long-term production using networks of various sizes around the circumference, then we purchase a universal device for connection with the latest technical capabilities and characteristics.

Soldering nuances

Knowing the technology for connecting autonomous communications is not enough. For high-quality installation, you need to know a number of features of laying and soldering housing branches. How to solder plastic pipes correctly? To ensure professional assembly of technological buildings, it is necessary to remember some connection nuances:

  1. A warm-up time is provided for soldering assembly. This time ranges from 5 to 20 minutes.
  2. The production of in-house life support should be carried out at temperatures above zero.
  3. After soldering the ends, it is necessary to prevent them from scrolling or moving; it is enough to smoothly eliminate distortions. You need to let them cool. Turning the weld seam may cause a leak in the future. It takes the same amount of time to cool down as it does to solder it.
  4. The required power of the soldering tool is 1200 W.
  5. Home soldering irons are designed for soldering wires with a diameter of up to 32 cm. If you need to assemble products of large diameter, then we purchase a professional soldering device.
  6. There should be no gaps between the edge of the pipeline and the internal thread of the fitting. Gaps can leak under high water pressure. Excessive force when compressing elements can lead to a decrease in the clearance in the cavity and impair the performance of the entire structure.
  7. Residues of material from the nozzles should be removed after each pack produced. Since the nozzles have a special coating, carbon deposits should be removed with a wooden device so as not to damage the integrity of the surface. Scratches on the surface of the nozzle will worsen the technological characteristics of the device and render it unusable for further use.

Thinking about how to make heating?

Installation of heat supply has a number of difficulties. Heating models can be installed in rooms with low temperatures, which complicates the soldering process. For heat supply, systems are developed depending on the temperature of the water supplied to the system and the operating pressure. The use of plastic in construction has increased productivity and reduced costs for the necessary material.

Heating pipes are reinforced with fiberglass, which makes this material strong and durable.

Health protection and working conditions

When carrying out work related to heating heating main joints, we follow safety rules to prevent injuries and burns:

  1. We solder using special protective gloves.
  2. We monitor the cleanliness of the floor in the room. Dirt will negatively affect the quality of welding and the appearance of the entire structure.
  3. The soldering iron is installed on a flat horizontal surface.
  4. It is necessary to start working after the device has completely warmed up and after the readiness indicator has turned off.
  5. We do not turn off the electrical outlet during the entire installation.

Soldering plastic pipes with your own hands is not difficult. The soldering process does not require professional skills or experience. Anyone can install life support networks in their own home. The mandatory composition of the required tool includes only a soldering device. The remaining auxiliary tools can be replaced with improvised means, a pipe cutter - with a sharp knife. A pipeline made of polyethylene structures and PVC is a reliable, durable and environmentally friendly system for supplying water and heating.

Modern polymer pipes have confidently replaced heavy and difficult-to-work metal products in the construction industry. Lightweight plastic pipes are easy to install, resistant to corrosion and have a long service life. The assembly of the plumbing is carried out using a special soldering iron intended only for this purpose. But having a special device is one thing, but knowing how to use it is quite another. Despite the fact that this process is much simpler than working with steel, it is accompanied by certain nuances, knowledge of which will be useful during practical work. Knowing how to solder plastic pipes for water supply, you can carry out this work correctly, quickly and efficiently. As in any business, in order to achieve a decent result, it is necessary to carry out thorough theoretical and practical preparation for equipping your home with running water.

Preparatory activities

Before soldering a water supply system from plastic pipes, you need to decide on the choice of material and the design of the water supply system itself. The best option for arranging internal home communications is polypropylene. This polymer plastic is very durable; it has a fairly high temperature threshold for softening and melting. This makes it possible to use polypropylene plastic pipes for soldering water supply, not only for cold, but also for hot water. It should be noted right away that for hot water supply only reinforced products should be used. Otherwise, they may become deformed and ruptured.

You should start by drawing up a detailed diagram for soldering a water supply system from plastic pipes.

It needs to display the locations of the following parts:

  • inlet valve;
  • vertical and horizontal runs;
  • corners and tees;
  • shut-off and control valves;
  • contours;
  • reserve outputs with plugs;
  • bathtubs, sinks and washbasins;
  • household appliances that consume water (water heaters, showers, washing machines and dishwashers).

After this, it is necessary to carry out calculations and purchase the required amount of material. You need to take it with a margin of 10-15% for trimmings and possible errors in work. The final stage of preparation is to dismantle the old pipeline and prepare holes for the installation of plastic pipes.

Selection of necessary equipment

Soldering of plastic pipes for arranging a water supply system must be carried out with a special device operating from a 220 V network. This device can be purchased at a retail network or rented. Before soldering plastic water pipes, you need to decide on the class and model of the welding machine. If the procedure for soldering plastic water pipes is one-time in nature, then the simplest apparatus with several nozzles on the sides is quite sufficient. But, when a private house with a large plot of land is being furnished, it makes sense to purchase a soldering iron with the ability to adjust the temperature and replaceable nozzles. Own farming involves a certain prospect of constructing new buildings and equipping them with temporary or permanent water supply from different types of plastic.

In addition to a soldering iron, you will need the following equipment for work:

  • roulette;
  • pencil;
  • sharp knife;
  • pipe cutter or hacksaw;
  • hammer drill with a set of drills and a chisel.

If you do not know how to solder plastic pipes for hot water, you may encounter the problem of external aluminum reinforcement. It can be removed evenly only with the help of a special sharpener. However, such models are now extremely rare. Most manufacturers use internal reinforcement, where aluminum is sandwiched between layers of plastic.

Pipe soldering process

Before you start soldering a plastic water supply, you need to once again check the accuracy of the measurements taken, taking into account the quantities that are absorbed or added by the fittings. After this, you can cut the pipes into fragments of a given length. The cut areas must be thoroughly cleaned of chips, debris and burrs.

The welding process must be planned so that most of the joints are made when the soldering iron is in a static position on the floor.

It is recommended to boil plastic by weight only in places where no other approach is possible.

When starting to solder plastic pipes for water supply, you need to make sure that the welding machine is working. Its nozzles must be completely cleaned of debris, dirt and old deposits. Warm-up time for various models is within 15-20 minutes. A light or sound indicator indicates that warming up is complete.

The end of the pipe and the fitting are mounted simultaneously on the corresponding nozzles on both sides of the soldering iron. Plastic products must be pushed in smoothly, with slight pressure. When the bottom of the fitting or nozzle is reached, the pressure stops.

Heating begins. It lasts as long as indicated in the instructions for the soldering iron or pipes. Once heating is complete, the parts are removed from the soldering iron and joined together. Docking must be done without tilting or scrolling. Once the pipe reaches the fitting day, the movement ends.

The joint can be adjusted for some time. Movements are allowed only to the sides. Twists and extensions are prohibited. After the joint has completely hardened, you can move on to connecting the next node.

Watching a video of soldering plastic pipes for a plumbing system will be an excellent help in future work. Before starting work, it is advisable to practice soldering on pipe sections and spare fittings. Fortunately, their price is quite affordable.

After welding, the soldering iron nozzles must be cleaned of carbon deposits and frozen plastic. This should be done with a wooden spatula, as steel can damage the Teflon coating.

It is important to know: Soldering of polymer pipes for water supply cannot be performed at subzero temperatures.

Such a connection may not be airtight, since the process of hardening of the plastic will occur too quickly.

If all the rules for welding plastic pipes are followed, the water supply system will become solid and tight. Its service life will be at least half a century.

Video about soldering pipes

Pipelines made of high-molecular compounds, that is, various types of plastic, are an integral part of a modern home, be it a private cottage or an apartment in a multi-story building. Polymer pipes are quickly gaining popularity: they are lightweight, inexpensive and have good technological characteristics. They are easy to assemble into a single circuit using soldering (welding); This article will tell you how to properly solder plastic pipes.

Advantages of polymer pipes

Plastic products have become widespread not only in the sphere of housing and communal services, but also in other areas of human activity. Many brands of plastic and a wide range of standard sizes allow each craftsman to select a product for his own purposes and choose a method for soldering plastic pipes for water supply.

Advantages of plastic pipes:

  • unlike metal products, they are not prone to corrosion;
  • chemically indifferent - do not interact with most acids, alkalis, salt solutions, gas and oil refining products;
  • biologically resistant – including to the action of various microorganisms;
  • have good sound insulation;
  • low heat transfer coefficient, that is, excellent thermal insulation;
  • light weight, facilitating transportation of pipes to their destination, their laying, subsequent repair and dismantling;
  • environmental safety - products do not emit harmful substances into the atmosphere;
  • ease of connecting individual elements into contours of any complexity and length;
  • the ability to use products for both hidden and external installation;
  • long service life - subject to all operating conditions and the absence of external threats, the period, depending on the brand of plastic, is 50 years or more;
  • ability to withstand high pressures: at a temperature of 0...10°C, the maximum permissible pressure inside the system is 15 bar, at elevated temperatures (up to 95°C) - 2 bar.

The products are quite environmentally friendly, as a result of which they can be used in water supply circuits - both cold and hot - and heating.

Plastic pipes can be connected, using special connecting fittings with metal liners, to similar products made of metals and alloys.

How to solder a plastic pipe and how to use a soldering iron for pipes is easy to learn with the help of reference materials or video tutorials; the process is not difficult and can be done by every home craftsman.

What equipment is needed for soldering?

Most home water supply or heating systems are constructed from pipes whose outer diameters range from 16...63 mm. It is recommended to weld products into sockets or using connecting fittings (couplings).

The choice of soldering irons today is quite large, and in order to make the right decision, you need to take a closer look at their main performance characteristics:

  1. Power. The most important parameter. For a home craftsman using plastic pipes of standard diameters, a power of 1200 W will be quite enough. Soldering plastic pipes with units with a power of 1800 W or more is much easier and faster, but for home use the minimum specified power will be sufficient.
  2. Number of nozzles. The number of attachments supplied in the kit is different in each case, and the more, the better. Nozzles are exactly what are used to solder plastic pipes. Good elements should be coated with Teflon, which prevents the material from burning. Each nozzle consists of a sleeve for melting the outer surface of products and a mandrel for the inside of pipes.
  3. If you have the financial means, you should purchase a soldering iron on which you can simultaneously install several nozzles at once: this will significantly save time, since to replace the nozzle you need to cool the tool each time, and then, to resume work, heat it up again.
  4. Expensive professional soldering irons are equipped with an electronic heating temperature control unit, which allows you to set its value with an accuracy of 1-5°C. A craftsman who is wondering how to solder pipes with a soldering iron does not have to purchase expensive products, but measures the temperature of the nozzle using an appropriate thermometer.

In addition to a soldering iron, you will need scissors for cutting polymer pipes. You can, however, get by with a hacksaw.

It is necessary, among other things, to purchase auxiliary materials - a marker, ruler, tape measure, fabric or rags - and directly the water pipes and connecting fittings (fittings).

Using a soldering iron

Algorithm of actions when soldering polymer pipes:

  1. Place the soldering iron on a plane parallel to the floor and, using the supplied keys, fix the nozzles of the required diameters on it. The soldering nozzle on the wall is installed closest to the edge.
  2. Preheat the soldering iron with the nozzles installed to the operating temperature specified above. Warm-up time is different for each instrument; in most cases it is 10-15 minutes (read also: " ").
  3. Before finishing work, you cannot turn off the device from the network: this will not only slow down the process, but will also negatively affect the performance of the soldering iron.
  4. The parts being connected heat up at the same time.
  5. After heating, plastic contaminants must be removed from the nozzles immediately using a piece of tarpaulin, without allowing them to cool and dry to the surface.

Pipeline installation


  1. Using scissors, cut the required piece of pipe, making sure that the plane of the ends is perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the pipe.
  2. Prepare fittings of the required diameter - slightly smaller when cold than the outer diameter of the pipe.
  3. Clean the surfaces of the elements to be joined from all contaminants and degrease - you can use either a soap solution or alcohol.
  4. Place the elements on the soldering iron nozzles and heat them up; a pipe is inserted into the sleeve and a coupling is put on the mandrel.
  5. Maintain the required heating time specified in the instructions supplied with the soldering iron.
  6. Remove the elements from the nozzles and press them tightly against each other, preventing them from rotating around the axis.
  7. As a result, a burr appears at the edge of the coupling - a bead of material formed during melting.
  8. Allow the compound to cool naturally.

If the connection fails, cut out the damaged piece of pipe and repeat the process with a new coupling.

A craftsman interested in how to solder PVC pipes should know that these products are not subject to hot soldering, but are joined using polymer glue - “cold welding”. The strength of such a connection is not inferior to that described above.