Can Psalm 108 be read? Prayer for Vengeance

Complete collection and description: prayer Psalm 108 in Russian for the spiritual life of a believer.

According to the interpretation, Psalm 108 is one of the earliest psalms written by David, suffering from persecution by the Israeli king Saul. The future ruler complains to God about the injustice of such oppression on the part of the current king, since he himself did not make any efforts to take his throne, but his particular indignation is caused by a certain overseer, on whose head he calls the most terrible punishments of God. According to various explanations, the text of Psalm 108 refers to the Edomite Doik, who watched over the herds of Saul, and is known as the man who did not give David life with numerous denunciations.

It may seem to many that the text of Psalm 108 is too cruel - to such an extent it is replete with curses and calls to God to punish the offender of its author. However, the circumstances of its writing concerned not only David: it is known that Doik the Edomite was involved in the death of 85 Jewish priests led by Ahimelech. This is what distinguishes Psalm 108 from others written by the exiled David: in addition to bitterness, there is also anger in it. In the Orthodox tradition, it is customary to read, listen online and watch videos with the text of Psalm 108 about the healing of people suffering from sleepwalking.

Listen to the video prayer Psalm 108 in Russian

Read the text of the Orthodox prayer Psalm 108 in Russian

Psalter, text of Psalm 108 in Church Slavonic

God, do not keep silent about my praise; For the mouth of a sinner and the mouth of a flatterer were opened against me, speaking against me with a flattering tongue, and speaking to me with hateful words, and despising me. Instead of even loving me, I slandered me, but I prayed; and put upon me evil for good, and hatred for my love. Place a sinner on him, and let the devil stand at his right hand; let him always be judged, and let him come out condemned, and let his prayer become a sin. May his days be short, and may his bishopric receive him; let his sons be orphans, and his wife a widow; the one who moves, let his sons abide and ask, and be driven out of their homes. Let the lender exact all that is his; and may others’ works delight him. Let there be no intercessor for him, let him be less generous to his orphans; may his children be destroyed; may his name be consumed in one generation. Let his father’s iniquity be remembered before the Lord, and let his mother’s sin not be cleansed; Let them be taken out before the Lord, and let their memory be consumed from the earth; I don’t even remember to show mercy, and the pursuit of man is poor and wretched, and I am touched with the heart to kill. And love the oath, and it will come to him; and does not desire the blessing, and will move away from it. And he put on the oath like a robe, and he went down like water into his womb and like oil into his bones; let him be like a robe, he will put on a garment, and like a girdle he will be girded with it. This is the work of those who lie against me from the Lord and speak evil against my soul. And you, Lord, Lord, do unto me in your name, for your mercy is good; deliver me, for I am poor and wretched, and my heart is troubled within me. Like a canopy, you can never evade it, and shake off; shook like a freak. My knees are weary from fasting, and my flesh is changed for the sake of eleah. And I was reproached by them; when you see me, you nod your heads. Help me, O Lord my God, and save me by your mercy; and let them understand that this is your hand, and you, Lord, have created this. They are cursed, and you bless them; Let those who rise up against me be ashamed, but let your servant rejoice. Let them that slander me be clothed with shame, and clothe themselves as with their own garments. Let me confess the Lord dearly with my mouth, and in the midst of many I will praise him; for you are at the right hand of the poor, to save my soul from those who persecute.

I have a question: Do we read this only when sleepwalking?

Or is it possible against bad people who do not wish us good, who do evil to us, in return for our good?

God help you.

Tell me how to calm the witch. Everything is removed from the apartment. in return I find needles, beads, a church candle, which I bought at Vstrechenna, divided into 5 parts. A rugged ceiling with an intricate pattern in the bedroom. a broken chest of drawers, dead butterflies. On February 3 at 2 am I found 2 white feathers in the toilet, colored red around the edges and much more. How to stop her tricks.

Psalm 108. Vengeance on enemies

A method that can be called “revenge on enemies.” Not for protection from them, but to receive retribution for the evil caused by these enemies. when you run out of strength to defend yourself and endure.

And now, alas, there are people who believe that God himself is not decreeing them. So let them stumble over God.

However, I can say the following about your enemies. First, do your best to reconcile with them. If this doesn't work, do your best to forgive them and not respond to their evil. And only after this, when your enemy (ill-wisher) does not stop, then resort to a curse that is sanctioned by God himself. So that God will stop and punish those who have placed their evil and their “want” above human principles and above the will of God.

Remember, this is not a curse in its pure form, it is an appeal to God so that God will punish the guilty. It is not you who curse, it is God who punishes. Therefore, “turn off” your attitudes: “I cannot curse a person. After all, God requires forgiveness. God will punish me for my curses.” You TURN to God and ASK God for Him to exercise His justice over the “lawbreakers.”

However, just have your head on your shoulders. This method will work if your enemy is actually at fault. Only if your offender is actually guilty of a serious crime, misdemeanor to you, and you are not offended and consider his actions a “deadly, unforgivable, terrible act, insult” without a SIGNIFICANT reason (oh, he fired me from work; oh, he told me did not repay the debt; oh, he exchanged me for another; oh, I was terribly insulted.). In this case, you will hit yourself over the head with this method. There will be no exception. “God, I’m sorry, I went too far” will not work. What you unfairly measure out to others, you will receive for yourself. So, you will become your own enemy if you don’t think very carefully about whether the “crime” is worthy of punishment.

This method is when neither talking, nor services for the health of the enemy, nor prayers to God for protection help.

How this method works.

This psalm is worth reading in any number of repetitions (your choice) over a photograph of your enemy. Or - above an ordinary piece of paper where the name of the ill-wisher is written. An even greater effect is to read over a person’s personal item. The maximum effect is to read on food, which will then be eaten by your enemy.

If there are several enemies, then one person - one reading for him. These are not “weapons of mass destruction.”

How many days should you read? Until the effect. Not a literal effect, following the example of the text: “let his children wander and beg and ask for bread from their ruins,” but stable signs of PUNISHMENT as such. A mandatory exception is not to read on Sundays and church holidays.

God himself will determine how to punish the enemy who went against people, against the commandments of God. Don’t set yourself a specific goal, let’s say screaming in hysterics: “I want him to s-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o.” " You don't curse, you PRAY! The text says: “And I pray.” Everything is already stated in the Psalm. You don't need anything more than what is said there.

God himself will measure his punishment, and be grateful for it.

God of my praise! do not keep silent, for wicked lips and deceitful lips have been opened against me; They speak to me with a lying tongue; they surround me with words of hatred from everywhere, they take up arms against me for no reason; for my love they enmity me, but I pray; They repay me for good with evil, for my love with hatred.

Set the wicked over him, and let the devil stand at his right hand.

When he is put on trial, let him come out guilty, and let his prayer become a sin;

may his days be short, and may another take his dignity;

let his children be orphans, and his wife a widow;

let his children wander and beg and ask for bread from their ruins;

let the lender seize everything he has, and let strangers plunder his labor;

let there be no one who sympathizes with him, let there be no one who has mercy on his orphans;

let his descendants be destroyed, and let their name be blotted out in the next generation;

let the iniquity of his fathers be remembered before the Lord, and let the sin of his mother not be blotted out;

may they always be in the sight of the Lord, and may He destroy their memory from the earth,

because he did not think to show mercy, but pursued a poor and destitute and broken-hearted man in order to kill him;

he loved the curse, it will come to him; did not want the blessing, it will move away from him;

let him be clothed with the curse as with a robe, and let it enter like water into his bowels and like oil into his bones;

let it be to him like a garment in which he dresses, and like a girdle with which he always girds himself.

This is the reward from the Lord to my enemies and to those who speak evil against my soul!

But with me, Lord, Lord, do for the sake of Your name, for Your mercy is good; save me, for I am poor and needy, and my heart is wounded within me. I disappear like a retreating shadow; They drive me away like a locust. My knees are weak from fasting, and my body has lost its fatness. I have become a laughing stock for them: when they see me, they nod their heads.

Help me, O Lord, my God, save me by Thy mercy, that they may know that it is Thy hand, and that Thou, O Lord, did this.

They curse, but You bless; they rebel, but let them be put to shame; Let Your servant rejoice.

May my opponents be clothed with dishonor and covered with their shame like a garment. And I will loudly praise the Lord with my mouth and glorify Him among the multitude, for He stands at the right hand of the poor to save him from those who judge his soul.

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    You see the object, you read to him, and not to God. You don’t think about God at this moment. And it doesn’t matter what you read from the Orthodox prayer book, and what kind of Orthodox prayers you read. This in the church is called -NACHET.Priests are very good. know this biological phenomenon well. And it’s not for nothing that they say that “demons” are not asleep at this moment. They flock around your “generator” in order to also receive a portion of the energy of rage and hatred they need. Because in addition to directed action, there are also scattering fluxes, well, as in any physics of any process.

    Bible. Psalter

    Psalm 108

    To the head of the choir. Psalm of David.

    1 God of my praise! don't be silent,

    2 For wicked lips and deceitful lips have been opened against me; They speak to me with a lying tongue;

    3 They surround me with words of hatred everywhere, they take up arms against me without reason;

    4 For my love they fight against me, but I pray;

    5 They repay me for my good with evil, for my love with hatred.

    6 Set the wicked over him, and let the devil stand at his right hand.

    7 When he is tried, let him come out guilty, and let his prayer become sin;

    8 Let his days be short, and let another take his dignity;

    9 Let his children be orphans, and his wife a widow;

    10 Let his children wander and beg and beg of bread from their ruins;

    11 Let the lender seize all that he has, and let strangers plunder his labor;

    12 Let there be no one who has compassion on him, and no one who has mercy on his orphans;

    13 Let his descendants be destroyed, and let their name be blotted out in the next generation;

    14 Let the iniquity of his fathers be remembered before the Lord, and the sin of his mother not be blotted out;

    15 May they always be in the sight of the Lord, and may He blot out their memory from the earth,

    16 because he did not think to show mercy, but pursued a poor and needy and broken-hearted man, in order to put him to death;

    17 He loved the curse, and it will come upon him; he did not want the blessing, and it will move away from him;

    18 Let him be clothed with the curse as with a robe, and let it enter like water into his bowels, and like oil into his bones;

    19 Let it be to him as a garment with which he is clothed, and as a girdle with which he is always encircled.

    20 This is the reward from the Lord for my enemies and for those who speak evil against my soul!

    21 But with me, O Lord, Lord, do for Thy name's sake, for Thy lovingkindness is good; save me,

    22 For I am poor and needy, and my heart is wounded within me.

    23 I disappear like a retreating shadow; They drive me away like a locust.

    24 My knees are weak from fasting, and my body has lost its fatness.

    25 I have become a laughingstock to them: when they see me, they nod [their] heads.

    26 Help me, O Lord my God, save me according to Your mercy,

    27 Let them know that this is Your hand, and that You, O Lord, have done this.

    28 They curse, but You bless; they rebel, but let them be put to shame; Let Your servant rejoice.

    29 Let my adversaries be clothed with dishonor, and be covered with their shame as with a garment.

    30 And I will loudly praise the Lord with my mouth and glorify Him among the multitude,

    31 For He stands at the right hand of the poor, to save him from those who judge his soul.

    Is it possible to read Psalm 108 of David?

    Psalm 108 of King David talks about the injustice of being persecuted by his enemies and their cruelty towards him. Warden Doik plays one of the most important roles in this. David asks God to judge him. This man became famous for writing denunciations against David. He is also credited with the murder of priests in Nomva, where the king was hiding. Main theme Psalm 108 is David's representation of the gravity of his situation. He considers himself an unjustly and cruelly persecuted righteous man who trusts in God and asks for a speedy trial for the wicked Doik. He believes that for his betrayal and cruel attitude towards innocent sufferers, Doik should be punished by the Lord. David also prays for his salvation.

    Each verse of Psalm 108 is a petition for the Lord to hear prayers for help, since the king believes that he is surrounded by ungrateful and insidious enemies who have rebelled for no reason.

    Psalm 108, the text of which is presented in Old Church Slavonic, is understandable to every Christian down to a single word, but today at every Orthodox church you can buy the Psalter in Russian in a modern interpretation for better perception.

    Interpretation of the text of Psalm 108

    Particular significance in the text of Psalm 108 is given to the testimony of the sinner himself, whom the prophet David calls upon to testify against the overseer. It is not for nothing that this role is assigned to the sinner, because only he can see and discover the bad in a person’s actions, where the righteous, due to his purity, could not even imagine this. Doik’s prayer for mercy will become a sin for himself, because it will not be sincere and deceitful, so it will only increase his guilt.

    Psalm 108 shows with every verse the thirst for vengeance demonstrated by the king. He asks God to shorten the life of the sinner. In this psalm one hundred and eight, Doik is a type of Judas, who betrayed Jesus. David asks that the punishment be reflected on all members of the traitor’s family, so that they lose all their wealth and are unable to leave offspring. Since Doik loved to curse others, David asks Divine Justice to surround him with disasters on all sides.

    Psalm 108, with its last verses, describes the state of the king, which became the reason for the persecution to which he was subjected - he became helpless, weakened from frequent starvation, his body changed, covered with cracks that caused severe pain. David ends his Psalm 108 with a plea for help with a vow to sing praises to God before the people for the salvation that will be granted to him.

    Text in Russian of Psalm 108

    God of my praise! do not keep silent, for wicked lips and deceitful lips have been opened against me; They speak to me with a lying tongue; they surround me with words of hatred from everywhere, they take up arms against me for no reason; for my love they enmity me, but I pray; They repay me for my good with evil, for my love with hatred. Set the wicked over him, and let the devil stand at his right hand. When he is put on trial, let him come out guilty, and let his prayer become a sin; may his days be short, and may another take his dignity; let his children be orphans, and his wife a widow; let his children wander and beg and ask for bread from their ruins; let the lender seize everything he has, and let strangers plunder his labor; let there be no one who sympathizes with him, let there be no one who has mercy on his orphans; let his descendants be destroyed, and let their name be blotted out in the next generation; let the iniquity of his fathers be remembered before the Lord, and let the sin of his mother not be blotted out; may they always be in the sight of the Lord, and may He destroy their memory on earth, because he did not think to show mercy, but pursued a poor and destitute and broken-hearted man in order to kill him; he loved the curse, and it will come to him; did not want the blessing, it will move away from him; let him be clothed with the curse as with a robe, and let it enter like water into his bowels and like oil into his bones; let it be to him like a garment in which he dresses, and like a girdle with which he always girds himself. This is the reward from the Lord to my enemies and to those who speak evil against my soul! But with me, Lord, Lord, do for the sake of Your name, for Your mercy is good; save me, for I am poor and needy, and my heart is wounded within me. I disappear like a retreating shadow; They drive me away like a locust. My knees are weak from fasting, and my body has lost its fatness. I have become a laughing stock for them: when they see me, they nod their heads. Help me, Lord, my God, save me according to Your mercy, so that they may know that this is Your hand, and that You, Lord, did this. They curse, but You bless; they rebel, but let them be put to shame; Let Your servant rejoice. May my opponents be clothed with dishonor and covered with their shame like a garment. And I will loudly praise the Lord with my mouth and glorify Him among the multitude, for He stands at the right hand of the poor to save him from those who judge his soul.

PSALMTER, Psalm 108 Psalm of David.

God of my praise! do not keep silent, for wicked lips and deceitful lips have been opened against me; They speak to me with a lying tongue;

they surround me with words of hatred from everywhere, they take up arms against me for no reason;

God, do not keep silent about my praise; For the mouth of a sinner and the mouth of a flatterer were opened against me, speaking against me with a flattering tongue, and speaking to me with hateful words, and despising me. Instead of even loving me, I slandered me, but I prayed; and put upon me evil for good, and hatred for my love. Place a sinner on him, and let the devil stand at his right hand; let him always be judged, and let him come out condemned, and let his prayer become a sin. May his days be short, and may his bishopric receive him; let his sons be orphans, and his wife a widow; the one who moves, let his sons abide and ask, and be driven out of their homes. Let the lender exact all that is his; and may others’ works delight him. Let there be no intercessor for him, let him be less generous to his orphans; may his children be destroyed; may his name be consumed in one generation. Let his father’s iniquity be remembered before the Lord, and let his mother’s sin not be cleansed; Let them be taken out before the Lord, and let their memory be consumed from the earth; I don’t even remember to show mercy, and the pursuit of man is poor and wretched, and I am touched with the heart to kill. And love the oath, and it will come to him; and does not desire the blessing, and will move away from it. And he put on the oath like a robe, and he went down like water into his womb and like oil into his bones; let him be like a robe, he will put on a garment, and like a girdle he will be girded with it. This is the work of those who lie against me from the Lord and speak evil against my soul. And you, Lord, Lord, do unto me in your name, for your mercy is good; deliver me, for I am poor and wretched, and my heart is troubled within me. Like a canopy, you can never evade it, and shake off; shook like a freak. My knees are weary from fasting, and my flesh is changed for the sake of eleah. And I was reproached by them; when you see me, you nod your heads. Help me, O Lord my God, and save me by your mercy; and let them understand that this is your hand, and you, Lord, have created this. They are cursed, and you bless them; Let those who rise up against me be ashamed, but let your servant rejoice. Let them that slander me be clothed with shame, and clothe themselves as with their own garments. Let me confess the Lord dearly with my mouth, and in the midst of many I will praise him; for you are at the right hand of the poor, to save my soul from those who persecute.

In the Hebrew, Greek and Latin Bibles, the psalm is attributed to David and there is no reason in the content of the psalm, nor in its construction and language, on which the origin of the person indicated in the inscription could be disputed.

David in the psalm points out the injustice of persecution by enemies and their cruelty (Ps. 108_3-4); he especially singles out from among them one who occupies a prominent position as an overseer (“bishop a” - Ps. 108_8 v. in the Greek Bible and Vulgate) and against whom he prays for judgment from God. By this person we can mean Doik, an Edomite, an overseer over the herds of Saul, a person close to him, who became famous for denunciations against David and for killing the priests in Nob, where David was hiding (), i.e., the psalm was written during the persecution from Saul. The entire psalm represents David’s depiction of the severity of his situation, how unfair and cruel. a persecuted righteous man, and a prayer to God both for retribution on Doik, for his betrayal and deliberate cruelty towards innocent sufferers, and for his salvation.

God! Hear my prayer for help, since insidious, ungrateful and rebelling enemies surround me from everywhere (1–5). Punish and judge my enemy according to his deeds: let his life be shortened, his children remain orphans and beggars (6-10). May there be no one who sympathizes with him and his offspring perish, may the sins of his parents be exacted from him, may he be deprived of mercy, since he himself did not show it, may the curse that he sent to others come to him. This is the reward from the Lord to all my enemies (11-20). But save me, Lord, poor, abandoned, exhausted from persecution, so that my enemies will know that You did it. Let them be ashamed, but the righteous one will rejoice and praise the Lord for the salvation shown to him (21-31).

. God of my praise! don't be silent,

“God, do not be silent about my praise”(glory) - Lord, the subject of my chanting! Do not refuse to help me now in view of the undeserved, numerous and malicious persecution.

. Place the wicked over him, and let the devil stand at his right hand.

. When he is put on trial, let him come out guilty, and let his prayer become a sin;

Among his enemies, one was distinguished by his special hatred of David, for whom he prays to God for strict judgment. – “Set the wicked over him, and let the devil stand at his right hand”- let the sinner and the devil testify against him. The testimony of a sinner is given special significance here in view of the fact that he, due to his depravity, can reveal evil in the actions of the person against whom he testifies, where a righteous person, uncorrupted and not tempted in evil, could not, due to his purity, assume evil motives or actions. The devil, as the source and ancestor of sin, knows all of a person’s deviations towards evil, and therefore can present to the court the behavior of a person throughout his entire life. David's demand for such evidence against Doik is based on the desire for a strict and complete trial against him. – “Let his prayer be a sin”. David is confident of Doik's conviction. The punishment that awaits him may cause him to pray for mercy. Let this prayer, as prompted by a feeling of fear, and therefore insincere, hypocritical, as forced, not only not be accepted by God, but also be considered a great guilt for him: he only remembered God here, but not in order to correct his behavior before Him, but to avoid deserved punishment from Him. Such a prayer only increases his guilt.

. may his days be short, and may another take his dignity;

“Let his days be short, and let another take his dignity.”. May the Lord shorten his life, send him a premature death, and transfer his honorable position to someone more worthy. Managing Saul's flocks was a prominent position, since in the hands of such a person all the material aspects of supporting the king were concentrated, he was close to the king and could influence the latter. In the book Acts 1 ch. () this place is cited during the election of deacon Matthias instead of the deceased Judas, as a foreshadowing of this event in the Old Testament. Thus, here Doik is a prototype of Judas, who was also in charge of the economic side in the community of Jesus and betrayed Him just as Doik treacherously betrayed David to Saul. Probably Doik, as can be concluded from the testimony of Prince. Acts, was deprived of his title, just as Judas, after the betrayal of Christ, ceased to be His apostle and was later replaced by a new person.

. let his children be orphans, and his wife a widow;

. let his children wander and beg and beg of bread from their ruins;

. let the lender seize everything he has, and let strangers plunder his labor;

. let there be no one who sympathizes with him, let there be no one who has mercy on his orphans;

. let his descendants be destroyed, and let their name be blotted out in the next generation;

. let the iniquity of his fathers be remembered before the Lord, and let the sin of his mother not be blotted out;

Let Doik’s punishment be reflected in the members of his family and their external well-being: let his children and wife, having lost all their wealth, which will pass into the hands of lenders, move from house to house and live either on alms or on the occasional payment for the work they will perform for others as their servants. Let no one provide protection not only to Doik, but also to his children, who will not leave behind offspring, so that the memory (“name”) of him disappears in one generation. May the Lord punish him not only for his sins, but also for the sins of his parents. Such responsibility for the sins of their ancestors is understandable: the upbringing of the ancients was distinguished by a tribal character, i.e., fathers raised their children not only in the type of life and occupations of their ancestors, but also passed on and instilled in them their own, purely personal views, so that the son was a copy my father ( “His father shall die, and yet he shall not die”()), and therefore the vices of the father passed on to the son, and were not external and fleeting impulses in him, but an expression of his personality, which is why they were responsible for the sins of their ancestors, or rather, for their own, learned from their ancestors.

. may they always be in the sight of the Lord, and may He destroy their memory from the earth,

. because he did not think to show mercy, but pursued a poor and destitute and broken-hearted man in order to kill him;

. He loved the curse, and it will come to him; did not want the blessing, it will move away from him;

. let him be clothed with the curse as with a robe, and let it enter like water into his bowels and like oil into his bones;

. let it be to him like a garment in which he dresses, and like a girdle with which he always girds himself.

Such a cruel punishment of Doik and his family is the application of the commandment of the law to him - "an eye for an eye a tooth for a tooth"(; ; ), the law of appropriate retribution. Since Doik loved to curse others, even if he himself was under an oath, he did not want to do good to others ( "blessings"), then let him not receive it himself. He did not even think of showing mercy to anyone; on the contrary, he persecuted the weak and wretched, persecuted the harmless and meek ( "brokenhearted", perhaps the Nomvian priests are also included here). Let Divine Justice surround him with calamities on all sides, as his clothes surround a man, and as tightly as his belt encircles him tightly.

. This is the reward from the Lord to my enemies and to those who speak evil against my soul!

This is the fate of all those who slander and plot against me, says David, before the Lord!

. for I am poor and needy, and my heart is wounded within me.

"My heart is wounded within me"- I have lost my courage and my heart hurts from the undeservedness of the persecution and the villainous acts of the wicked.

. I disappear like a retreating shadow; They drive me away like a locust.

. My knees are weak from fasting, and my body has lost its fatness.

“They are chasing me like locusts”. In the constant persecution to which David was subjected, he was as helpless as a grasshopper that could easily be crushed. This expression may also mean the degree of intense persecution and bitterness that befell David. They persecuted him just as mercilessly and tried to completely destroy him, as if he were harmful to people, like locusts, the destruction of which is a great public benefit. From frequent fasting he became so weak that his legs could not move; its very appearance changed due to the absence of oil, which was used to anoint their bodies in the East, which made the skin more elastic, less dry and more difficult to crack from the heat of the sun. Otherwise, cracks would form on the body from the heat, where dust would get in, causing severe pain and changing the person’s appearance, which is what happened in this case with David.

David ends the psalm with a prayer for help with a vow to praise God among the people in his songs for the salvation provided to him.

Psalm 108. Vengeance on enemies

A method that can be called “revenge on enemies.” Not for protection from them, but to receive retribution for the evil inflicted by these enemies... when the strength to defend and endure is already running out.

Among the so-called “Psalms of David” is Psalm 108, which was intended by the church to curse Judas for his betrayal of God. In the Orthodox Church, it was previously used to impose a church curse on people who have committed serious crimes and whom justice cannot reach (where the law does not reach, God's curse will reach).
And now, alas, there are people who believe that God himself is not decreeing them. So let them stumble over God.
However, I can say the following about your enemies. First, do your best to reconcile with them. If this doesn't work, do your best to forgive them and not respond to their evil. And only after this, when your enemy (ill-wisher) does not stop, then resort to a curse that is sanctioned by God himself. So that God will stop and punish those who have placed their evil and their “want” above human principles and above the will of God.
Remember, this is not a curse in its pure form, it is an appeal to God so that God will punish the guilty. It is not you who curse, it is God who punishes. Therefore, “turn off” your attitudes: “I cannot curse a person. After all, God requires forgiveness. God will punish me for my curses.” You TURN to God and ASK God for Him to exercise His justice over the “lawbreakers.”
However, just have your head on your shoulders. This method will work if your enemy is actually at fault. Only if your offender is actually guilty of a serious crime, misdemeanor to you, and you are not offended and consider his actions a “deadly, unforgivable, terrible act, insult” without a SIGNIFICANT reason (oh, he fired me from work; oh, he told me didn’t repay the debt; oh, he exchanged me for another; oh, I was terribly insulted...). In this case, you will hit yourself over the head with this method. There will be no exception. “God, I’m sorry, I went too far” will not work. What you unfairly measure out to others, you will receive for yourself. So, you will become your own enemy if you don’t think very carefully about whether the “crime” is worthy of punishment.
This method is when neither talking, nor services for the health of the enemy, nor prayers to God for protection help.
How this method works.
This psalm is worth reading in any number of repetitions (your choice) over a photograph of your enemy. Or - above an ordinary piece of paper where the name of the ill-wisher is written. An even greater effect is to read over a person’s personal item. The maximum effect is to read on food, which will then be eaten by your enemy.
If there are several enemies, then one person - one reading for him. These are not “weapons of mass destruction.”
How many days should you read? Until the effect. Not a literal effect, following the example of the text: “let his children wander and beg and ask for bread from their ruins,” but stable signs of PUNISHMENT as such. A mandatory exception is not to read on Sundays and church holidays.
God himself will determine how to punish the enemy who went against people, against the commandments of God. Don’t set yourself a specific goal, let’s say screaming in hysterics: “I want him to s-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o!!!” You don't curse, you PRAY! The text says: “And I pray.” Everything is already stated in the Psalm. You don't need anything more than what is said there.
God himself will measure his punishment, and be grateful for it.

Psalm 108. Vengeance on enemies.
God of my praise! do not keep silent, for wicked lips and deceitful lips have been opened against me; They speak to me with a lying tongue; they surround me with words of hatred from everywhere, they take up arms against me for no reason; for my love they enmity me, but I pray; They repay me for good with evil, for my love with hatred.
Set the wicked over him, and let the devil stand at his right hand.
When he is put on trial, let him come out guilty, and let his prayer become a sin;
may his days be short, and may another take his dignity;
let his children be orphans, and his wife a widow;
let his children wander and beg and ask for bread from their ruins;
let the lender seize everything he has, and let strangers plunder his labor;
let there be no one who sympathizes with him, let there be no one who has mercy on his orphans;
let his descendants be destroyed, and let their name be blotted out in the next generation;
let the iniquity of his fathers be remembered before the Lord, and let the sin of his mother not be blotted out;
may they always be in the sight of the Lord, and may He destroy their memory from the earth,
because he did not think to show mercy, but pursued a poor and destitute and broken-hearted man in order to kill him;
he loved the curse, it will come to him; did not want the blessing, it will move away from him;
let him be clothed with the curse as with a robe, and let it enter like water into his bowels and like oil into his bones;
let it be to him like a garment in which he dresses, and like a girdle with which he always girds himself.
This is the reward from the Lord to my enemies and to those who speak evil against my soul!
But with me, Lord, Lord, do for the sake of Your name, for Your mercy is good; save me, for I am poor and needy, and my heart is wounded within me. I disappear like a retreating shadow; They drive me away like a locust. My knees are weak from fasting, and my body has lost its fatness. I have become a laughing stock for them: when they see me, they nod their heads.
Help me, O Lord, my God, save me by Thy mercy, that they may know that it is Thy hand, and that Thou, O Lord, did this.
They curse, but You bless; they rebel, but let them be put to shame; Let Your servant rejoice.
May my opponents be clothed with dishonor and covered with their shame like a garment. And I will loudly praise the Lord with my mouth and glorify Him among the multitude, for He stands at the right hand of the poor to save him from those who judge his soul.

Stanislav Kucherenko