Sound vector. Vectors in SVP (system-vector psychology) Theory of vectors in psychology

general characteristics

Anal vector values: home, books, knowledge, antiques

The anal vector is one of eight vectors that defines a special set of innate human properties, identified by the systemic vector psychology of Yuri Burlan.

  1. The colors of greatest comfort are brown.
  2. The square is the geometric figure of greatest comfort.
  3. Occupies the inner part of the time quartile.
  4. An introvert in communication.
  5. Has an analytical type of thinking.

The number of carriers of the anal vector: 20%.

Species role

Archetype: collection and transmission of information (accumulated experience) about hunting and war in time.

In the “peace” state, he is the keeper of the cave, fire, and hearth.
In a state of "war" - the rear.

Fulfilling the species role of the anal measure made it possible for humanity to gradually develop, accumulating and passing on its achievements and developments in the development of the landscape from generation to generation. This is one of the main differences between humans and the animal world: in each new generation, animals develop their skills, starting from the same starting point - from scratch.

Features of the psyche

Focus on the past and past experiences

The innate desire to accumulate and analyze information creates a psychological orientation characteristic of analists towards the past - what has already been achieved, studied and took place in human development. In the future, this information is systematized, updated and passed on to next generations.

This property in the human psyche is expressed by interest in antiquity, antiques, and respect for elders. There is often a belief that the old is always better than the new in all areas of life. And the world is gradually degrading, moving away from the past to a worse present. They often tend to store things as memories of the past: “This is dear to me as a memory.”

They are characterized by adherence to traditions, the desire to bring the past into the present. It is very difficult for carriers of the anal vector to accept any changes or innovations. This causes stress and rejection, rejection.

There is also a projection of the first experience in a person’s consciousness onto all subsequent events in his life. A single fact, whether successful or not, remains a sample of the situation on which a person relies in his judgments. For example: “Men? I had one – they were all assholes!”

Accumulation and transmission of information

A direct action in accumulating information is reading. Those with the anal vector read a lot of literature and often remember it well. Such a person loves and wants to learn, has an excellent, sometimes phenomenal memory. People with the anal vector are collectors of information, scholars, “walking encyclopedias.”

During initial perception, information is sorted into categories, so assimilation usually occurs slowly, but over a long period of time. For greater digestibility, the carrier of the anal vector always clarifies and asks again unclear points to clearly define each detail into a single system.

Systematic thinking and perseverance enable the owner of the anal vector not to make mistakes and not to forget anything, knowing exactly the answers to questions.

A person endowed with the anal vector remembers everything that happened to him. Hence, gratitude for the good, and memory for the bad, vindictiveness.

A person with an anal vector puts everything in order: both things and thoughts. There should be order in everything: everything should be in its place, evenly, on shelves. Disorder causes a feeling of irritation in such a person.

Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy

All actions - both mental and physical - are performed in a strict order: one follows the other, and if the previous task is not completed, the next one is not started. Consistency, painstakingness and meticulousness make him an indispensable worker. From the side of representatives of other vectors, for example skin, it may seem tedious and slow.

Anal people are unable to quickly switch from one task to another or do several things at the same time. Haste disrupts the process of assimilation of information: to do something well, it takes time. To urge or interrupt such a person means to throw him into a stupor - the sequence of necessary actions will go wrong, and later he will start all over again. This applies to both activity and speech - interrupting the owner of the anal vector, who is slowly expressing his thoughts, means dooming yourself to repeat the same story with an even more detailed presentation.

In a developed state, they are professionals in any field. A true specialist in his field always has an anal vector. If a job has already been started, then it needs to be brought to the end, to perfection. Bringing to perfection occurs through the search for flaws.

Criticism and criticism

But - this is a mandatory word in the speech of the owner of the anal vector; he will always find a fly in the ointment in a barrel of honey. How the search for shortcomings occurs - this is a but - depends on the degree of development. If the anal vector is undeveloped, then criticism replaces the entire general idea: a person does not see the good, only the bad. The phenomenon of trolling on the Internet is a consequence of this state of unfulfilled or undeveloped owners of the anal vector.

When the vector is developed, then adequate and necessary criticism helps to bring any task to perfection: “You did everything well, BUT... it’s not right here, and it’s not right there.” Attention to detail is the key to high quality, which can only be provided by a person with an anal vector.

Straightforwardness and fairness

The thinking and speech of such people are straightforward; they do not accept any prevarication. Always the truth, always directly. Moreover, through one's own perception there is confidence that other people are as honest as they are. Therefore, owners of the anal vector are very trusting and simple-minded. They believe words and promises (after all, they keep their word). They prefer directness in everything.

Carriers of the anal vector strive to divide everything equally: a piece of bread and a court verdict. Therefore, they are considered fair people. This special type of justice is equal for everyone.

Feelings of guilt and resentment

The geometric figure of comfort is a square. Smooth, rectangular and straightforward - this is the constitution of the internal state of psychological comfort of the anal. Skewing the edge of the square in any direction causes discomfort. Bending the top edge of the square outward when he receives something without giving something in return makes him feel guilty. Such a person cannot remain in debt. If he knows that he cannot pay back, he will not borrow. Everything should be smooth - in balance.

Resentment is an extremely destructive feeling that prevents a person with an anal vector from fulfilling his specific role. This is the bending of the edge of the square inward, when a person was not given enough, “taken away.” This feeling does not go away over time and can only get worse. A person cannot forgive, but wants to equalize the situation, demands compensation, and can take revenge. But he warns about revenge honestly; a stab in the back is not typical for him. The threat is a warning of revenge, and that's what he means, no empty intimidation. He’ll warn you: “If you come home late again, I’ll rip your hands out.” This means that he will grab your hands and beat you with a sense of justification for what is happening - he warned.

To prevent offending such a person, you should not forget to ask for his forgiveness. “The main thing is not to offend” - this worries carriers of the anal vector, and no other. He himself asks for forgiveness and needs it if he himself was offended. It is important to do this right away, otherwise the resentment in such a person tends to accumulate and increase, gaining ever greater proportions.

A person in a state of resentment is characterized by a feeling of injustice, deprivation, loss of balance, concentration of thoughts on this resentment and the inability to forgive (let go) of it.

Systemically, vector psychology distinguishes 4 levels of resentment:

  1. Personal Resentment. The closer and dearer the person who caused the offense, the stronger it is. It could be a grudge against a boyfriend, a mother, a friend...
  2. Resentment towards certain groups of people. This is a very dangerous condition. Such resentment can result in antisocial, criminal behavior in society.
  3. Resentment towards the world. That is, not only on people, but also on everything else that exists in a person’s environment, in addition to the people themselves. Resentment towards everything results in rejection of life itself.
  4. Offense against God. Possible only if there is a sound vector.


Analniks are loyal people devoted to their family. Marriage for them is sacred. They do not tolerate betrayal and do not cheat themselves. This is due to their natural species role in the “peace” state – guarding women and children. A person with a developed anal vector is extremely caring towards people, including his sexual partner. If an anal person does not find reciprocity in a couple, then he suffers for a long time, it is difficult for him to create new relationships and even more difficult to break off old ones.

Undifferentiated libido

A person with an anal vector is endowed with great sexual potential and is also the owner of an undifferentiated libido, i.e. libido directed at both the woman and the teenage boy. Attraction to a teenage boy is determined to fulfill the specific task of passing on accumulated knowledge and experience to a new generation. At the lowest level, this attraction manifests itself as a desire to transfer ejaculate, but it is limited, tabooed by nature and manifests itself in a different form - in the desire to teach. Such people turn into the best teachers and professors and find their fulfillment in this.

In case of reverse circumstances, i.e. if it is impossible to sublimate one’s attraction (realize one’s properties), internal dissatisfaction and tension accumulate, which turn into frustration. A socially and sexually frustrated anal sufferer can suddenly realize his homosexual attraction to a man or boy. This may manifest as a thought or sexual fantasy.

This process can be facilitated by a wide range of pornography, including homosexual pornography, which is freely available on the Internet. Sexual frustration often leads an anal sufferer to watch porn. Over time, the desire to watch more and more dirty pornography arises. And the next experimental discovery is homosexual videos.

The complex double libido of the anal vector requires its implementation. When a person does not receive such realization, the tension of sexual frustration can break through the natural taboo against transmitting ejaculate to an adolescent boy.


Home for anal people is a territory of comfort. They are not fans of visiting guests. These are homebodies whose legs do not tolerate stress well; flat feet and joint diseases are common. Shoes are the most important aspect of clothing; they prefer flat shoes that are stable and comfortable.

The behavior of people with an anal vector is based on the desire for perfectionism. This is projected into thoroughness, thoroughness, and the desire to complete any task. In the value system of a person with an anal vector, the highest value is purity and spotlessness: a clean tablecloth, a clean woman, an impeccable (unsullied) reputation.

Features of speech

Representatives of the anal vector often use words with diminutive suffixes: son, cup, house.

In speech, key words are used that reflect their innate properties: “honestly”, “to tell the truth”, “where are we going?”, “can we do something calmly at least once in our life?”, “well, that’s how it is.” it’s a matter of business”, “I hope for your decency”, etc.

In a state of stress or frustration, carriers of the anal vector use words from the toilet vocabulary. And if they do not use such words directly, for example, “g**no”, “d**mo”, then they can imply them, putting them in another verbal form: “fertilizer for the kindergarten”.

Features of physiology

Owners of the anal vector have a slow metabolism. They often have a heavy or plump body.

Men often suffer from baldness. They are big fans of wearing a beard.

The stomach and digestive system are their weak point. Anticipation of a stressful event often leads to bouts of diarrhea, and severe stress often leads to constipation.

In general, the native fear of the anal sex is the fear of disgracing himself, that is, of losing control of the sphincter of his erogenous zone.

Also a weak point is the cardiovascular system. Stress is reflected in the stability of the heart rate. Sudden heart attacks are characteristic of carriers of the anal vector.

Vector states

Depending on the state of development and fulfillment, owners of the anal vector can be both sadists, rapists, pedophiles, and the best and caring husbands, the best fathers, excellent teachers and professionals in various fields.

The states of the vector properties determine a person’s perception of the world and how he is able to interact with the world around him. They determine what a person thinks about and what is important to him. They determine what he can get satisfaction from and what he cannot.

System-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan.
Time is an important factor in any human life. You can’t buy a single moment for any amount of money, because it will pass anyway. And this is only once. And time does not repeat itself and does not return; time is something that for a person has neither beginning nor end. Moreover, a person’s century is only a relatively short period on the time axis.

Of course, the object of faith of a certain number of people is the so-called time machine. But, if you think about it, the existence of such a machine leads to paradoxes with which life may be incompatible.

In his work “System Descriptions of Psychology,” published in 1984, V.A. Hansen wrote: “Any reality of the observable world is described by spatial, temporal, energy and information characteristics.”

System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan deals with human erogenous zones, of which there are only eight. Each measure, or, in other words, vector, is associated with its own erogenous zone. They are limited by the framework of Space, Time, Energy and Information. Here are their ratios:

— the skin vector belongs to the outer part of the quartile of space. Extrovert. Logical thinking;

— the anal vector belongs to the inner part of the time quartile. Introvert. Thinking – system-analytical;

— the urethral vector belongs to the outer part of the time quartile. Extrovert. Thinking outside the box, not limited by any rules;

— the muscle vector belongs to the inner part of the quartile of space. Introvert. Thinking is practical, visually effective;

— the visual vector belongs to the outer part of the information quartile. Extrovert. Thinking is figurative;

— the sound vector belongs to the inner part of the information quartel. An absolute introvert. Abstract thinking;

— the olfactory vector belongs to the inner part of the energy quartile. Introvert. Thinking intuitive, non-verbal, strategic;

— the oral vector belongs to the outer part of the energy quartile. Extrovert. Thinks through speaking, so the type is verbal.

Let us determine in what relationship this or that measure, or, in other words, this or that vector, is located over time.

Of course, all people live according to temporary rhythms. Until recently, modern man could not do without a watch. True, with the strengthening of mobile communications, the left wrist is now more often than not free. Clocks are everywhere, they are in the subway and supermarkets, in offices and in the kitchen at home, they are in schools, clinics, law firms - in a word, everywhere you look.

But this is a clock, and we are talking about relationships with time, and each vector has its own time.

8 vectors = 8 sensations of time

Oral vector. A person speaks and thinks like this - he has such a peculiarity. In a developed state, people with this vector speak beautifully and loudly. Time is judged by the reactions of others.

Olfactory vector. These people speak little and if they do speak, it is without much skill. But only they have developed intuition, and their sense of time is intuitive.

Sound vector. The most complex, the most voluminous, the most unpredictable. The sound artist often looks detached, he is immersed in his thoughts. And it is the sound artist who can understand life as an instant. No one except him knows about Eternity. And he doesn't think about her. And the sound guy thinks. So judge, is it transitory for him?

Visual vector. Perception of time in accordance with overpowering emotions. And life is like a moment, and a moment is like eternity. Let's say, happiness in love is a moment, although it can be a whole life. Happy life. Or an attack by a maniac - this moment can stretch out so that it seems eternal. So the time for the viewer is strictly dependent on the circumstances.

Muscle vector. The interior of the quartile of space, as already stated. That's all there is to it. Such people confuse time and space. For them, working from pickup to dinner is normal and has nothing to do with humor.

Urethral vector. This is an extrovert, looking to the future. The urethral patient does not feel either the past or the present; for him they are of little importance. But striving forward, beyond the horizon - into the future - is its essence. For the urethral specialist, time matters precisely as the vestibule, for him the future is like eternity for the sound specialist. Only the future matters. But without a future, life has no basis!

Anal vector. Such a person does not forget anything. He has an analytical mind and an excellent memory. He is slow, in no hurry to start things, and in no hurry to finish, because he is used to doing everything thoroughly and of high quality. He is in no hurry, and therefore often finds himself among the laggards. From time. The anal vector is immersed in the past.

Skin vector. Before us, finally, is precisely the one whose life is measured, like a clock. He feels time with some kind of sixth sense and, when setting the alarm clock, always wakes up a minute before it rings. Kozhnik invented the clock. At first it was a shadow clock, then an hourglass clock, and then up to the present day, when we are talking about the particularly accurate movement of, for example, quartz clocks or atomic clocks. The mental skin vector contains the ability to limit everything. The rhythm of the clock sets the harmony of time, and only the skin vector is able to sense this on the balance of its psyche.

Systematic vector psychology - a technique for building happy relationships

Recently we have seen sad statistics: the number of divorced couples is increasing. Family and marriage are losing their former value, and new forms of relationships are being replaced. What do we lack to experience the joy of life together? Why does attraction and feelings for each other dry up so quickly? System vector psychology will help you figure it out.

Today the situation is such that young people no longer seek to register their marriage, they simply move in together without further plans to legitimize their relationship. It doesn't get any simpler or better. People still disperse, accumulating their negative experiences. Systematic vector psychology suggests the reasons for the crisis of family and couple relationships, there are several of them, and much here still depends on ourselves.

People want to love and be loved, but this is not always possible to realize, as if something is in the way. I don't like everything. The fear of starting a new relationship, the fear of making a mistake in a partner ultimately results in people dooming themselves to loneliness, rationalizing their choice by saying that it is more comfortable and safer. Systematic vector psychology explains the motives and behavioral characteristics of each person, because for the first time it allows you to look into the unconscious. Allows you to understand yourself and answer our questions: How to find that one person you can trust and with whom you can spend your whole life? How to find your love?

Systemic vector psychology - the key to the solution

The development of an individual personality is impossible without self-realization in a couple. We cannot exist separately from each other and still be happy. There are extremely rare exceptions, and they are described in detail by systemic vector psychology. Therefore, it is clear that issues related to improving relationships are important to most people.

A real, happy relationship is always a union of two different people who harmoniously complement each other, creating a separate, integral organism, an independent unit of society. The union of people, “copies” of each other, will never be complete and will not bring satisfaction.

It is in the differences between partners that the key to unlocking mutual attraction and family happiness lies. When each partner puts into the relationship something special and unique that is unique to him, receiving in return something equally amazing and new that he himself does not have.

System vector psychology reveals the true nature of people, their potential for relationships, and not only behavioral characteristics in a couple, but also in a group, team, society. Using this method of understanding a person, you can easily, in a system, consider what natural marriages exist and how to find yours.

Forever in love.

Systematic vector psychology pays attention to the “visual vector”. This is one of the eight vectors - the only one that contains the ability to love. Possessing a huge range of emotions, they are able to give their partner truly incredible feelings. Thanks to their special natural sensitivity, they are capable of empathy and compassion, which allows them to penetrate the states of their other half and adapt to them.

But love for them is not always associated with pleasant sensations; they seek and expect reciprocity, and worry that they may be rejected. They strive to create a strong emotional connection with their partner, and if the couple breaks up, the visual people experience great pain and disappointment. It is an internal mental anguish when a relationship they are so deeply involved in disappears.

A big discovery for people, especially for viewers, is the fact that systematically vector psychology clarifies that not all people are capable of love. This quality is exclusively the prerogative of people with a visual vector, of whom there are only about 5% of the population. But visual people, assessing the world and those around them through themselves, are sure that if they didn’t love, it means they didn’t live at all, because this is such a bright and all-consuming feeling.

Systemic vector psychology and the special depth of the sound vector.

Systematically, vector psychology considers another type of relationship, when feelings are not expressed by external manifestations, when they are hidden deep inside a person, and various favors and romance are alien to him. The owners of such specific sensations of their partner are people with a sound vector. Their interest is never tied to the material world; they try to comprehend the spiritual world, to find answers to questions about the meaning of life. They won’t give you flowers, write nice good night texts, make surprises, and confess their love every evening at dinner.

Viewers will find this behavior unacceptable and generally inappropriate for a person in love. But their feelings are not expressed in physical manifestation. In a sense (ideally) this is a unity of souls. After all, being asexual, a sound person may not even need the presence of his partner nearby, because his feelings cannot be fit into the framework of time and space. Understanding his characteristics, we would stop bullying him with our hysterics and demands for unearthly love; we would understand that, despite outward indifference, deep down he experiences deep feelings.

Systematic vector psychology reveals the secrets of attraction.

What criteria are used to select a partner? After all, real relationships are built not only on complementarity of states, level of development, intellectual compatibility, but also on attraction. It is impossible to be together if you are not attracted to each other.

Systemically, vector psychology differentiates the types of sexuality and libido, for which the so-called lower vectors are responsible.

A common type of relationship is when one partner is a carrier of the cutaneous vector, and the other is the carrier of the anal vector. There is a natural attraction between such people, the reason for which lies in psychological qualities. Prioda, as it were, brings together people with different qualities, thereby ensuring better survival for the couple, and therefore for their offspring.

For example, a skinny male breadwinner, his main goal is property and social superiority. And he is attracted to a partner with a completely different value system. Of course, for fleeting relationships and one-night stands, a skinny man can choose a skinny woman. Slender and fashionable, she will emphasize his social status. But such relationships will not last. Systematic vector psychology here clearly explains the reasons.

Firstly, nature cannot be fooled, long-term sexual attraction will not arise between them, and they will not find anything attractive in each other’s pheromones. This is very easy to observe when, before sexual intercourse, skin users take a shower, muffling the power of the pheromones, thereby deceiving themselves.

Secondly, with a skinny girl it will be quite problematic to preserve your hard-earned material values. Systematic vector psychology demonstrates that property loss for a leather worker is a huge stress for which none of them is ready. Therefore, the choice unconsciously falls on anal partners.

Such a wife is faithful, honest and will keep everything that he brings into the house. She will appreciate him for his ability to ensure the well-being of the family and the speed of decision-making. While he will be confident in her, without fear for family life, because she is an ideal housewife.

Systematic vector psychology shows by what principles relationships develop in a couple. By differentiating the vectors in a person, we can deeply understand all his predispositions and aspirations. For example, men with the muscle vector are the most unpretentious, love physical labor and choose equally hardworking wives, guided by the desire for a simple life and procreation. The concept of love is alien to them; for them these are all empty words. Monotony is their state of comfort; such people live together all their lives and do not even conflict.

The most interesting type of men remains - representatives of the urethral vector. Systematic vector psychology describes in detail their innate properties and natural potential. A urethralnik is a born leader, a priori having the highest rank among men. The purpose of his life is to advance the pack into the future. Along with global goals, his task includes providing the flock with offspring. And his mind-blowing pheromones on a subconscious level inform the woman that the birth of a child is guaranteed, just as her privileged position is guaranteed - the woman of the leader himself!

Systematic vector psychology helps to achieve harmony

It is impossible to fully cover the topic of relationships between a man and a woman in one article. Vector psychology is revealed most fully and systematically in online lectures. Yuri Burlan pays great attention to the topic of relationships, spending dozens of lecture hours. But this does not mean that it will be difficult to figure it out, and then looking for a soul mate will be even more difficult. On the contrary, by understanding yourself and your partner, you will understand exactly where your relationship will lead. Otherwise, how can we understand the object of our love and the potential of relationships, if we often cannot even understand ourselves. But life doesn’t wait, time passes.
Systematic vector psychology is precisely that technique, the knowledge of which is not limited and is developing as rapidly as our world is developing. And harmonious relationships in a couple are not a myth of today's reality. You just have to understand what is happening and adapt to the changes in the relationship between a man and a woman.

The article was written based on training materials on system vector psychology by Yuri Burlan


Sound vector

All is vanity of vanities!

Look inside yourself.

Know yourself!

Number: 5%

Archetype is feedback from the First Cause.

Species role: night guard of the flock.

general characteristics

1. the color of greatest comfort is blue

2. geometry of greatest comfort - absent

3. place in the quartel - inner part of the INFORMATION quartile, absolute introvert;

4. type of intelligence - abstract.


They say about him:

“Not of this world... he’s kind of strange, eccentric, silent with selective contact.”

The sound guy is an absolute egocentric. He is arrogant, in his feelings he is the smartest, “above everyone,” so he can be considered arrogant. This is the greatest introvert, closed in the shell of his own body, completely focused on himself and his states.

The most common word in the speech of a sound engineer is the pronoun “I”.

A sound child, already at 5-6 years old, begins to ask questions about the meaning of life: “Dad, who are we? Why do we live? What is the meaning of life? What is death? What happens after we die? What is space? What about infinity? Why am I in my body, and not, for example, in the body of my brother?”…. etc. During the period of growing up, these questions seem to be drowned out, hidden by being repressed into the deep unconscious, but they make themselves felt from there, from the unconscious, with signals of melancholy and depression, a feeling of “worldly sorrow”, so that during puberty and in the future they become especially acute. Some sound specialists verbalize their internal questions, and some do not, but something seems to always pull them into topics related to these questions... For example, a physicist is often not aware of the motives for his research, he will not tell you “I am studying a device of the universe,” he doesn’t think so, he thinks that he is solving a problem that no one has solved before.

In search of the root cause, sound scientists study religions and spiritual practices, sometimes they go from the opposite, trying to prove that there is no God, they become atheists. Only a sound artist can prove so furiously that there is no God, because the question of the existence of God is only a sound question.

The sound vector is unique in that it is the only vector that does not have material desires. Sex, family, children, money, career, honor and fame, even knowledge - none of this is of value in the sound vector. The sound vector is the only vector that with all its desires is directed towards knowing one’s Self, the Basic Law of the Universe, the First Cause, and God.

Its task is to comprehend the metaphysical world; all the properties (except for the basic physical ones - eat, drink, breathe, sleep) of the sound player are aimed only at this. The sound vector is DOMINANT, i.e. the power of desire in Sound is the greatest.

The sound person is asexual, all his desires are directed to the non-material plane, this suppresses sexual desire. Even the greatest libido, conditioned by “lower” vectors, is reduced by “upper” vectors, especially Sound.

The sound engineer often speaks in a barely audible, quiet voice and often does not like the sound of his voice. Every time, before answering a question, he takes a time out: “Huh? What? You to me? ...,” he asks again, as if he didn’t hear the question. This gives him time to emerge from himself and then fully respond. While speaking, he pauses, thinks, freezes.

A sound engineer often prefers non-verbal communication on the Internet to live communication - it is easier for him to write what he wants to communicate to another person, even if he is in the same room or in the next room, than to say it by voice. In addition, “online conversations” do not involve smells or anything else that distracts from the meaning of what is being said. When he speaks, he closes his eyes, disconnecting from the world of images, the world outside, focusing on sounds, words, intonations.

The sound person prefers to communicate with people like himself, the sound people understand each other without words, they just say: “We are pleased to be silent together.”

Night is the sound time of day. In the primitive pack, the soundman served as the night guard of the pack, staying awake when everyone else was sleeping. He listened to the silence: did a twig crunch somewhere under the leopard’s paw? Late in the evening and at night, sound people feel much more alert than during the day, so they often go to bed late and have difficulty obeying their usual routine: it is difficult for them to get up early, they cannot wake up for a long time.

In modern society, sound workers still “watch out for the flock” at night: but now, for example, while surfing the Internet, listening to music on headphones, reading books, thinking.

The sound child is quieter than the others, does not run around or make noise during breaks along with everyone else, preferring solitude.. An eccentric quiet child with the look of an adult, thoughtful and uncommunicative. The sound artist’s face is amicable and does not reflect emotions at all, at the same time, all emotions are experienced deep within oneself, so from the outside one may not even guess about the deep feelings of the sound artist.

The way a sound child manifests himself at school speaks volumes about his condition. A child with a suppressed sound vector is closed and alienated. It is difficult for him to find a common language with his peers. At night he is busy with his “business”, living in his own world, the world of fantasy and ideas, music - he rarely gets enough sleep. In the first half of the day, he is half asleep, failing the tests that are so often given in the first lessons. Such a child runs the risk of falling into the category of underachievers, and may even be mistakenly labeled as mentally retarded. The same sound child, with adequate development, in conditions good for the sound vector, shows brilliant intellectual abilities and good learning ability, often it is especially easy for him to learn languages, they have a very good sense of intonation, the sound of speech and are able to speak a foreign language without an accent.

They are the only ones who have abstract thinking and can solve complex problems in physics and mathematics. At Olympiads in physics and mathematics, the sound students are always the first.

The key point is the correct approach to such children.

Parents of sound children should provide their child with the most favorable environment: silence and privacy. Loud noises such as slamming doors and clattering dishes are harmful to a sound child. In no case should you shout at a sound child, you should not insult him: “Well, what kind of idiot are you, why did I give birth to you!” The humiliation of the sound student and frequent scandals between parents can significantly reduce his ability to learn and contact with other people. This is how the first blow to the sound sensor occurs. Autistic- this is a traumatized sound child, and the extreme degree of stress of a sound child turns into sound neurosis - schizophrenia.

The state of absolute comfort for a sound engineer is silence. Silence is a means of self-absorption; only in silence one can think well. The sound artist avoids noisy companies and places, preferring solitude.

Sound people have abstract intelligence, potentially the most powerful, capable of comprehending abstract intangible concepts.

Ideas, their creation, dissemination are Sound.

These ideas are global, changing the world around us and determining the direction of social transformation and the overall development of humanity. The direction of his Ideas depends on the development and implementation of the sound artist, from misanthropic (with insufficient development and frustration - like Hitler), to those moving the people or all of humanity into the future (Tsiolkovsky, Einstein, Landau, Tesla and many others.)

The sound vector is one of three “reading” vectors. Sound people prefer poetry, science fiction, books on philosophy and psychology. They study esotericism, religion, theology, and physics. They don’t sleep at night: they philosophize, contemplating the night sky, they can look at the stars for hours, receiving a kind of peace from this.

Sound people love music, choosing the one that is in tune with their inner state.

The desire to listen loudly to hard rock is an attempt to reduce the pain in someone suffering from the inability to be filled with a sound vector.

Music is a kind of filling of the lower levels of desire sound vector, but in recent decades music is no longer able to fully fill it, since the temperament - the power of desire - of the vector has grown significantly. A sound artist, whose unconscious desires are filled, ceases to need music; he prefers silence.

Back in the 20th century, a sound artist could be filled with philosophy, music, poetry, and realize himself as a philosopher, theologian, musician, physicist, poet, director. But in recent decades, nothing has quenched the thirst for real spiritual insight: sound people are in the most difficult conditions, feeling a more or less conscious internal search, which they cannot fill with anything.

Addiction to computer games (especially those related to violence) is widespread today; this is an indicator of a depressive sound vector; it only increases the isolation from reality and fuels the misanthropic ideas of unhealthy sound people.

Depression is not a normal condition for a sound professional, but, alas, it is the most common condition for most sound professionals today. Getting out of depression is often a difficult task for a sound artist. Unable to cope with their species role, tormented by internal questions, melancholy and restless, they sometimes decide to commit suicide, subconsciously hoping to get to God “through the back door”: “There is no meaning in this life, the soul is cramped and painful in the bodily shell...” He releases soul from the body, hoping for eternal life in another dimension...”, but he is wrong.

Only here, in the physical world, only in the body, is a person able to fulfill the Sound task of comprehending his Self and the Universe.

The sound artist is constantly immersed in himself, thinking about something, he is detached from what is happening outside. The entire sound self is directed towards internal self-contemplation. The colossal concentration of the sound artist on himself is an attempt to realize what is not realized, to conquer a piece of territory from the Unconscious through awareness.

Immersing himself too deeply, he loses touch with the material world so much that he literally forgets to eat and drink... Feeling severe weakness in the body, he cannot immediately understand what is wrong. They ask him: Have you eaten? When did you eat?.. I don’t remember.. probably yesterday... Well, go eat, it will be easier! Sound people are the only ones who do not sense the body. They are sure that the body is on its own, and they are on their own. Sometimes it seems to them that the body is bothering them, it’s hard to carry it around, it wants to eat, etc., while it should fulfill its specific role. He has the hardest job - the work of the mind. There is no harder work than the work of the mind in the sound vector.

It’s difficult for a sound artist to put his desires into words; he’s looking for something, but he doesn’t know exactly what. And no material entity is capable of filling its emptiness. People without a sound vector cannot understand it: Vasya, what are you doing? You have everything! What else do you need? He said the same thing: “There’s no point, why is everything…” Live like everyone else!

For a sound artist, the unconscious lack of answers to all his internal questions is like a toothache during a holiday: life is in full swing around him, but he has no time for it. He suffers in search of meaning, and not finding it, he is tormented by the meaninglessness of existence in this world, and is burdened by his body.

Unable to withstand such colossal internal stress, the sound artist goes into depression, takes drugs, suffers from insomnia, headaches, and in complete despair can decide to commit suicide.

Often, a sound artist, potentially the owner of the most brilliant abstract intellect, capable of majestic comprehension of the spirit on the scale of all humanity, in an undeveloped and unrealized state, never finds his natural great path, is doomed to wander in the nooks and crannies of small, outdated, untenable, or even simply crazy mental delusions.

For the first time in the world, system-vector psychology provides the key of knowledge, which opens for other people the introverted, closed internal mental volume of this, as it is often called, “not of this world,” sound type. And for the sound person himself - awareness of his natural predicament and receiving the fulfillment of his natural desires, the realization of his properties. All this can bring him to a height of incomparable awareness and meaningfulness of life.


Skin vector

Time for business, time for fun.

Your shirt is closer to your body.

A penny saves the ruble.

Movement is life.

Number: 24%.

Archetype: limitation of primary urges for sex and murder.

Species role:

In peacetime: creator and keeper of food supplies.

In wartime: side hunter-alimentator.


1. The color of greatest comfort is khaki.

2. The geometry of the greatest comfort is a cross.

3. Place in the quartile - the outer part of the quartile of SPACE, extrovert.

4. Type of thinking - logical.


In the primitive pack, skin people were army commanders in war. The forward movement was set by the urethral leader, and the skin commanders, in turn, helped to hold and direct the muscular warriors.

Self-discipline and discipline are qualities inherent only to people with the skin vector. If you are self-disciplined, you can discipline others.

Returning to the cave, the leather worker became the guardian of food resources. The army returning from the hunt brought prey, sat down at a common table, starting a feast for the whole world. And only the leather worker at that moment thought that tomorrow there might not be any prey, and therefore part of the food needed to be saved, left in reserve.

Until now, here and there we notice archetypal skin grandmothers, storing in their bins everything that could be useful to a person for 20 years in advance. Today such behavior makes no sense, but once upon a time it saved the life of the entire flock.

Later, another form of saving became relevant - saving effort, time and resources. It was the leather worker who first thought about how much extra time and effort a flock spends to get to the nearest ford or to carry all their belongings on themselves. And then he came up with the idea of ​​cutting down a palm tree to make a bridge, and invented the first wheel.

From their natural craving for economy, skin people became inventors, innovators and engineers. Bow, spear, carts, roads, and subsequently any engineering structures, structures, technologies - all this is the result of the activities of skin people.

Just as young, healthy skin has amazing elasticity, the human body has amazing flexibility and mobility. A pure skinned person always has long, slender legs and a flexible spine, which allows him to become a brilliant dancer. Only women with skin gracefully hold space in stiletto heels - they move beautifully and quickly in high heels.

A well-developed skin person is distinguished by precise, dexterous movements of the body and hands; it is always a pleasure to watch his work. He makes the most dexterous and accurate hunter and shooter, accurately feeling the flight path of a spear, arrow, or bullet.

Overload on the skin vector affects the body: the skin instantly becomes covered with spots, pimples, and rashes.

In addition to a flexible body, a leather worker also has a flexible psyche. Its distinctive feature is the ability to turn 180 degrees. Today I will assert and prove one thing, and the next day with the same conviction - the opposite. The only question is what is more profitable for me to say at the moment.

Psychological flexibility allows skin workers to easily and quickly adapt to any changing conditions, be it a change of job, moving to another city or even another country.

Logic and logical thinking are also a distinctive feature of leather workers. In their speech you can often hear the phrases: “This is not logical! Where is the logic here? It would be logical to assume” and others. Cause-and-effect relationships are built in their heads with amazing accuracy, which allows leather workers to become brilliant inventors, engineers, designers, the best accountants, bankers, and logisticians.

Skinny people are stingy with emotions, with praise, reserved, secretive. A question is always answered with a question. They never tell anything about themselves, but they ask everything about others and collect all the information.

Laconicism is a leather craftsman's strong point.

The skin vector forms the outer part of the quartile of space. At the physical level, the skin separates a person from the environment and limits the human body. The same thing happens at the mental level: it was the skin vector that limited the primary urges for sex and murder, thereby separating man from the animal world.

From that moment on, we ceased to be just animals obeying instincts; our natural actions began to fall under regulation. By dividing the entire world into an “inside the cave” and an “outside the cave” region, the skin established different behavior on different sides of the boundary. Inside the cave we do not kill or take by force other people’s wives - otherwise there will be punishment; outside the cave we fight (kill) and take away women - and there is no punishment for this. This is where the roots of all the laws of the world lie.

The internal need to limit, prohibit, control - this is the essence of the skin vector.

Key words: "No!" and “You can’t!” They prefer to refuse first, and then, perhaps, agree. At the same time, they come up with various rationalizations for their behavior. In fact, the essence of skin desire is simple: skin people get pleasure by fulfilling their natural function of prohibition and restriction, and the word “no” is the main one here.

Like everything else, a leather worker saves his own and other people’s time. A skinny person really doesn’t like it when you are late for a meeting with him, and he himself prefers not to be late. His sense of time allows him to wake up a minute before the alarm goes off and never be late: “Precision is the politeness of skin kings.”

This is a person who can do several things at the same time and manage to do everything. He does not strive, like an anal artist, to do everything perfectly, but he manages to do much more in the same time.

Skin legend: “Those who save become rich,” “A penny saves the ruble.” This is the biggest ambush for a skinny person: in an attempt to save on little things, he loses big. For example, having saved on an advertising campaign, you lose money for the entire project.

Stressed leather workers love sales. They wait until it becomes 15% cheaper, then 30%, then 50%, then 90%, and they suffer greatly if they bought it here for 2 rubles more than in a neighboring store.

The only thing he doesn’t skimp on is health. Kozhnik eats a lot of vitamins and dietary supplements, carefully monitors his diet, limits himself to food, and eats only healthy foods. Skin people are regulars at beauty salons and health resorts.

The skin's erogenous zone is the sensitive surface of the skin. He needs tactile contact - he will always stroke, touch, squeeze a person, and he himself loves stroking and light touches. For this reason, leather workers are spoken of as affectionate and gentle people.

The skin's libido is low relative to other vectors. In this regard, he does not form a sexual attachment to one partner. In the emergence of sexual desire, the factor of novelty plays a major role, and therefore the skinman has more partners than others. The standard period of a relationship with one partner for a leather worker is short. And after that, he either continues to stay in this relationship out of some special calculation, or he is the first to break off the relationship and leave forever, without looking back.

The roots of all arranged marriages and what anal people call “cheating” lie in the skin vector. Here lies the answer to the questions “Why do wives cheat?” and “Why do men cheat?”

A relatively low libido forces the owner of the skin vector to expand his sexual rights through career advancement and increased social status. High status and wealth increase his attractiveness as a sexual partner, and the chances of passing on his gene pool into the future increase.

That is why a skinned man is very ambitious and self-confident; career growth and a bank account are important to him. He is not a leader, he is a leader. In the archetypal version, trade and business are his element. Here are the roots of the skin's love for sports and various competitions.

Advanced leather workers today become engineers and legislators.

The entire modern civilization is built on the law, on the recognition of everyone’s right to their individuality.

Western civilization is the bearer of the skin mentality, and it is she who proclaims the skin mentality, based on the law of freedom.

It is important to teach a child with the cutaneous vector in the pre-pubertal period to discipline and play sports. You can and should negotiate with him: “You do this and that, then you can go for a walk.” “If you finish the quarter with an A, we’ll buy you a bike.” You just need to keep your promises, otherwise a skinny child who finished the quarter with all A's, but never received a bicycle, will learn for the rest of his life that promises can't be kept, and everyone around him lies.

A routine is extremely important for every child. It is important to adequately guide him, explaining why this or that is not possible. He must be taught to obey, then he will subsequently be able to lead his subordinates.

It is necessary to take into account that an active, agile, always ready for new “exploits” and adventures, a skinny mischief caught for an offense will certainly be cunning, dodge and lie in order to avoid punishment. In case of punishment through physical impact that traumatizes his skin erogenous zone, he will relieve stress through petty theft, for example, stealing change from the pockets of classmates. The fact is that stress in the skin vector causes an archetypal desire to steal, which the child cannot cope with, which again incurs the wrath of the parents.

Frequent painful effects on delicate sensitive skin lead to adaptation to pain, so that it even becomes pleasant and desirable - this is how masochism arises. In some cases, this can develop into a life scenario for failure. Skinny boys who were beaten in childhood are future masochists, “losers”-losers, petty thieves and drunkards on the fence.

The incentive in raising skinny boys can be material stimulation. Adequate punishment when raising a skin child - restrictions in space and time - does not interfere with the development of his properties, allowing him to subsequently become a successful businessman, engineer, economist, legislator, and so on.

Today we live in a skinny world, in skinny times, it is very important to understand what difficulties they bring to us, it is important to be able to correctly orient your life in this ever-accelerating flow. You can deeply understand yourself and realize your place in this new world, and understand how to properly raise children with the skin vector at the training of system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan.


Anal vector

Everything new is well forgotten old.

Repetition is the mother of learning.

Live and learn.

Tested by time.

Number: 20%

Archetype: collection and transmission of information (accumulated experience) about hunting and war in time.

Species role:

In peacetime, he is the keeper of the cave, fire, and hearth. In wartime - rear support.


1. The color of greatest comfort is brown, purple.

2. The geometry of the greatest comfort is a square.

3. Place in the quartile - the inner part of the TIME quartile, introvert.

4. Type of thinking - systemic.


Anal people are people of the past, introverts. Focus on the past is needed to fulfill a specific role - to collect all the experience accumulated over generations and pass it on to teenage boys.

Hence the respect for authorities, traditions and everything that has been tested by time. People with the anal vector are interested in antiquities, antiques, and read history books. The older the book, the knowledge, the more respect and trust it evokes in an anal person.

Everything connected with the past is seen by an anal person as much better than everything connected with the present, and, even more so, with the future. “But our grandfathers lived correctly...” - in the feelings of anal people, the world is degrading. Everything that once was is better than what has become. “Before, the grass was greener and the water was wetter.” The further some life event remains in the past, the happier and better it seems. They are the ones who feel a sense of nostalgia for the past and try to preserve pieces of it. Analnik keeps things, but not for the purpose of saving, but as a memory of the past - “it’s dear to me as a memory.”

A conservative way of life, the desire to bring the past into the present is also a feature of people with the anal vector.

Due to such characteristics of the psyche, they perceive any changes painfully and take a long time to get used to.

They tend to fixate on their first experience: first friendship, first love... Even when they come to a cafe, anal lovers order the same thing, becoming hostages of your first experience even in such small things.

“Once and for all, until death” in everything.

A peculiarity of the anal speaker’s speech is the use of diminutive suffixes. All the “sons”, “cups”, “houses” are used in his speech.

Anal is one of the reading vectors. Big bookworms. His innate desire to collect information is ensured by a corresponding ability - he loves and wants to learn, and has a phenomenal memory.

Anal people are collectors of information, scholars, winners of the “What? Where? When?". Golden hands, economic people, and in combination with the upper vectors - also golden heads.

Anal-visual people are winners of all Olympiads, excellent students, they graduate from school with a gold medal, and university with honors. The best teachers and lecturers.

To systematize the acquired knowledge, the anal reader is given perseverance (sitting initiates his erogenous zone) and special, systematic thinking, an analytical mindset. Information is sorted into categories at the entrance, so assimilation is slow but sure. For the same reason, he never makes mistakes and never forgets anything, not a single detail, and knows exactly the answers to questions.

It is anal people who always ask questions, ask clarifying questions, understand the smallest details in order to get to the bottom of things, in order to put every detail in their own box, to create a perfect, accurate system in their heads.

All actions, both mental and physical, are performed in a strict order - one follows the other and nothing else. Some call him tedious and slow, but it is his consistency, painstakingness and meticulousness that make him an indispensable worker.

Measure twice, cut once - that's about it. He doesn’t know how to rush or do things quickly—it takes time to do something well. If you push him or interrupt him, he goes into a stupor. Then later he will have to start all over again. He cannot be interrupted, he is not able to quickly switch from one thing to another, or do several things at the same time.

He must have order in everything, at home and at his workplace everything must be in its place, neatly, on shelves, he will not have a single screw in a box of screws. This is a feature of his thinking: to organize, to find each detail its place.

These are professionals in any field. A true specialist in his field - always with an anal vector. Never go to the doctor without an anal vector - he will forget the scalpel in your stomach and diagnose it incorrectly.

Diligent, loyal and efficient. It’s difficult for them to start, but if they’ve already started, they bring it to the point, to the end, to perfection. Bringing to perfection occurs through the search for flaws. This is why anal BUT exists.

BUT is a mandatory word in anal speech; we will always find a fly in the ointment in a barrel of honey. The portions of the “fly in the ointment” depend on the development and degree of implementation of the vector. If the anal vector is not developed, then the spoon reaches the size of a ladle - he does not see the good, only the bad. It is unfulfilled or undeveloped analists who spread psychological dirt on the Internet, taking advantage of the fact that here they can do this with impunity.

When the vector is developed, then it is this BUT that allows you to bring the work to perfection. “You did everything well, BUT... it’s not right here, and it’s not right there.” Such attention to detail allows an anal person to do everything with such high quality that no one else can.

His subconscious geometry of the highest comfort is the square, its smooth edges. A picture hanging crookedly or a book standing unevenly make him feel uncomfortable, and he will definitely come over to correct it.

Straightforward, they speak and think straight, always the truth, always straight forward, they do not know how to play around or lie. Perceiving others through themselves, anal people are confident that other people are as honest as they are. Anal people can say, “We saw it, we know,” but in reality they still remain simple-minded and ready to take a word, believe a promise (they know that they will always keep their word). Therefore, they are easy to deceive. They love straightforwardness in everything: better is the bitter truth than a sweet lie.

They strive to divide everything equally: a piece of bread in half and wine between two equally. Therefore, they are considered fair people. Anal justice is what it is “everyone equally.”

The upper edge of the square in its psyche should always be straight; any bend or distortion causes discomfort. The bending of the upper edge of the square outward, when he receives something without giving the same in return, causes in him guilt.

The feeling of guilt exists only in the anal vector. If perceived correctly, it gives the anal person a positive movement.

An anal person cannot remain in debt: if you gave to him, and he knows that he cannot repay, he will not be able to take. He will return to you exactly as much as he took to level his square, to regain his balance. So, anal people will never take extra change; if the cashier makes a mistake, they will definitely go and return it. External and internal cleanliness is important for an anal sufferer: my house is clean and I have “pure thoughts” - I cannot deceive you.

On the other hand, when he does not receive what he expected, what he considers deserved for himself, the edge of the square bends inward, causing severe discomfort, a feeling that he was “not given enough,” and resentment.

The feeling of resentment is very difficult and can completely take away the vital energy of an anal person. The resentment only gets worse over time and requires equalization. He cannot forgive, demands compensation, takes revenge. He won’t do anything on the sly, he’ll warn you honestly. The threat is a warning of the anal man's revenge; when he says it, he really means it. You need to ask him for forgiveness, preferably right away, because resentment tends to accumulate, acquiring hypertrophied forms.

Analnik can endure and wait for a long time, but he never forgets the bad.

Thanks to his excellent memory, he remembers everything that happened to him, hence gratitude for the good, and memory for the bad, resentment.

They have a rigid psyche, clumsy, viscous, stuck. Mental “cast iron”: hardness (stubbornness, adherence to principles) and fragility (does not bend - only breaks)

These are the rear guards, the people who guarded the cave while the others were hunting. In a realized state, these are the best masters, friends, fathers and husbands, “behind him like behind a stone wall.” In a frustrated state, they are sadists and rapists. The phenomenon of domestic sadism applies only to people with an anal vector.

Monogamous. Faithful, devoted to family, homeland. Loyal adults, obedient children. Marriage is sacred, they will never encroach on someone else’s property, including someone else’s woman, by nature, otherwise no one would have left them in the cave while all the other men were hunting.

An anal person is very caring towards people in general, including towards his sexual partner. If an anal person does not find reciprocity in his couple, then he suffers and suffers for a long time. For a long time he is unable to switch to another person or create a new relationship.

An anal person has great sexual potential and an undifferentiated libido. Initially, an anal person is attracted to teenage boys, in most cases this attraction is inhibited and makes the best teachers and professors from anal people. In especially rare cases when this does not happen, we are faced with a pedophile. This is also where the roots of homosexuality lie.

People of the rural type strive to be closer to nature. They love to do handicrafts, make things with their own hands, go to nature, sit around and fish, go to the bathhouse, and drink beer with friends.

Home for them is a territory of comfort. Home begins with slippers, they are homebodies, their legs are not adapted to walking, they often have flat feet, joint diseases, do not tolerate stress well, they have a slow metabolism, and often have an overweight body. Comfortable shoes are the most important condition, and choosing them is a whole procedure. They cannot walk in heels; they prefer flat-soled shoes that are stable and comfortable.

The toilet is their refuge, they like to stay there for a long time, they initiate their erogenous zone there, it calms them down and balances stress. It’s the anal lovers who say to each other: “Relieved!” They like to read in the toilet. The stomach and digestion are their weak point. In anticipation of stress, they experience diarrhea; after experiencing stress, they experience constipation. The native fear of an anal person is the fear of disgrace, that is, of losing control of your sphincter.

They tend to want to cleanse their rectum and get everything out to the end. Their thoroughness, thoroughness, and desire to complete any task begins with this process and extends to everything they do. This is reflected in the need for completeness and cleanliness in everything; they value a clean tablecloth, a clean woman, an impeccable (unsullied!) reputation.

The psychology of children with an anal vector has its own characteristics. An anal child is distinguished by complete obedience - “Vasya is such a good and obedient boy,” but he, with the wrong approach, can become the most stubborn.

For an anal child, the relationship with his mother is very important. How they turn out shapes his entire life scenario in the future. These are the children most dependent on their mother, they are absolutely helpless, they are the least able of all other children to adapt - the future is always a stress factor for them.

And it is the mother who acts as a guarantor of safety for them. Mom helps, tells them what to do, and he is happy, willingly listens and obeys like no one else. More than others, he needs his mother's love, support and praise. If she doesn’t receive it, then she lives her whole life with a deep sense of resentment towards her mother.

If this is an anal-visual child and the mother begins to manipulate his specific need for love, then the child develops a “good boy” complex.

Thus, people born with the anal vector have enormous abilities that require proper development and implementation. You can learn more about the various states of the anal vector in its pure form, about its combinations with other vectors, about how best to interact with anal people, how to raise such children and much more at the training of system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan.


Urethral vector

To fall in love is like a queen, to lose is like a million.

And we will go the other way!

Those who don't take risks don't drink champagne.

If not me, then who?

Population: 5% are born, 1% survive.

Archetype: continuation of living matter in time.

Species role:

In peacetime, the leader is the direct origin and responsibility for the life of living matter.

In wartime, the leader expands the living space of the pack.


1. The color of greatest comfort is red.

2. The geometry of the greatest comfort is a triangle.

3. Place in the quartile - the outer part of the TIME quartile, extrovert.

4. Type of thinking - strategic, non-standard (not limited by laws and rules).


Urethral people are people of the future, extroverts.

The task of all humanity at all times has been to survive, at all costs, and to continue itself through time. The urethral is a leader by nature. It is he who ensures the movement into the future of the entire flock - he is responsible for the expansion of living space and the generation of new living matter.

In primitive times, expansion was a prerequisite for the survival of the pack. If we sat in one place all the time, we would die of hunger. The food around the cave has run out - we need to look for new pastures and expand. We must hunt and fight. Today the world has changed, we no longer starve, but the need for expansion remains. Nowadays, it comes at the level of promoting new ideas.

Urethral specialists promote them to the masses, expanding the horizons of what is possible for all of humanity.

The urethralnik led the flock to war and hunting. Fearless, brave, courageous, a hero - that’s what others say about him - he inspired the entire army with his example. With the urethral at its head, it became invincible.

Today, the functions of the leader have also transformed. The urethral fish still needs its pack. He can become the head of state or a large company, or in a negative version - the head of a criminal group. With his unconventional, innovative approach to solving any issues, he takes everything he undertakes to a new level.

Expansion of living space is impossible without the generation of new living matter. Today the warriors of the pack went hunting and caught a mammoth, but not all returned - three hunters were killed. Tomorrow there will not be enough of them to catch new prey. New warriors are needed. That part of the women of the cave who have husbands will give birth to new ones, but there are also other women - those who did not marry or whose husbands were among the dead. What should they do? After all, this is an untapped resource.

Urethral people with their natural polygamous sexuality solved this problem. The phenomenon of polygamy is by no means a change of sexual partners on the basis of novelty, as is commonly believed today.

All the talk about polygamy in men is not true, unless we are talking about a urethral man. Polygamy is not even sex, but ensuring a shortage of ejaculate for the purpose of having children. Out of its natural mercy (not to be confused with visual pity), the urethral fertilizes these women. Mercy exists only in the urethra and its essence is attraction to females who are “unaccepted” for one reason or another.

The urethral has a special connection with only one woman - with the provocatively non-giving birth female skin-visual. She becomes his muse and companion in hunting and war.

The urethral individual is dominant. If we compare the pack with a biological cell, then the urethra is its core. A bundle of living energy, strength, desire to live. Incredibly attractive to other people (except skin). Eyes sparkling, dominant look. When a urethral teenager runs out into the yard, all the other children are instantly drawn to him. Not a second passes, and everyone is already running with him, regardless of any prohibitions, along the roofs, along the gullies, headlong, forward. He leads, they follow. These are unconscious processes.

In childhood they say about such a child: “at least tear it off and throw it away” - his behavior is so uncontrollable, impudent and unpredictable. He does not recognize any authorities. While still a child, he already knows exactly what he wants and will not allow himself to be controlled or manipulated. From the outside, his insubordination may look like irresponsibility. In fact, he initially feels responsible for the survival of the pack. Only he realizes it not through agreeing to be led, but on his own - he invents a strategy and finds a path that was hitherto unknown to anyone, so that the whole flock can enter a new stage into the future.

The urethral individual is not limited by anything - neither by law nor by morality. How can something that is responsible for survival be limited? You need to survive at any cost! Even the trajectory of his movement is unpredictable - always behind the flags.

Moreover, such unlimitedness is combined with innate altruism. The entire being of the urethral is directed towards bestowal. “Yours is yours, and mine is also yours.” Nothing of our own. He does not need any forms of possession, does not feel them.

Lack of desire to preserve one’s body, as feedback to ensure a natural function: “My life is nothing, the life of the pack is everything.” Gastello, Talalikhin, Matrosov and others are people who carry the urethral vector.

It is urethral specialists who become pioneers in everything. Columbus, Miklukha Maclay, Gagarin - not a single major event in the life of mankind was complete without a urethral. They are always ready to take risks and do not feel adrenaline. This is the reason for their high mortality rate.

No desire for wealth, accumulation of property, etc. The only thing is the attributes of power - he may not have a penny to his name, but he will have luxurious clothes and expensive accessories. Loves all the best, the latest model, of the highest class. Urethral people are very generous people. The companies led by them have the highest payrolls.

Urethral values ​​are especially close to Russians. Everyone is well familiar with the phenomenon of Russian hospitality - how we welcome guests with our hearts wide open and how we use our last money to set a luxurious, generous table. For a Russian, one of the most negative concepts is the concept greed, it is condemned, while in the West it turns into “reasonable economy” and is welcomed. Russians love to brag in urethral fashion and talk about their achievements. Urethral courage is also close to us. It is precisely because of the influence of urethral values ​​that Russian people do not understand restrictions of the law, but judges everyone by justice.

Urethral men have the highest libido. The erogenous zone - the urethral canal - is initiated by urine and ejaculate. It is the urethral that conquers and marks new territories and receives the greatest pleasure from sexual relations, this is feedback from its natural task. His high libido is ensured by the corresponding opportunity - the pheromones of a man’s urethra are the most attractive to women. He wants all women - and all women want him.

Urethral people have a special, real justice. Not according to the principle “so that everyone gets the same amount” and not according to the principle “who is entitled to what according to the law.”

Real justice- due to shortages.

Mothers of five children - 5 pieces of bread, and mothers of one child - 1 piece. However, in the event of war, everyone has the same demand - the first five go to war, and the second sends her only son. One is impossible without the other.

Freedom is always giving and responsibility. Freedom only comes out. We are not free to receive from where we want, and the amount of receiving is limited by the needs of our body, but we are free to give where we want and how much we want. It is the urethral person who has innate freedom.

The urethral specialist has this: what I want, I will do, and what I don’t want to do, I will never do. A urethral child at school will do great in those subjects that he wants to study and that are interesting to him, but in others he will do nothing at all. A urethral specialist is capable of doing something that he does not want to do only for the sake of some higher priority.

A urethral person does not compete, he can only enter into confrontation with a person in the person of another urethral person (there are no two leaders in a pack). He has no such ambitions, he does not pretend to anything. He has an inner feeling that he is the first, which means there is no one to compete with.

It is the leather workers who may begin to compete with him, but he himself will never become a rival.

The weak point of the urethral is a decrease in rank. When someone sat on his chair or interrupted his speech. Reacts with an instant powerful outburst - anger. And then he forgets. In general, urethral patients have a special memory device. Since all their thoughts are directed towards the future, the past is not particularly remembered. They can only remember in general terms everything that happened to them, for example, in childhood.

Another weak point is the inability to lose and give up. A urethral person will never go back, will never give up what he is doing.

The cry of the urethral makes others want to go lower and bow their heads, we unconsciously obey it, even the body takes this position.

A distinctive feature of urethrals is a smile from ear to ear, similar to a grin (not to be confused with the Hollywood one).

A urethral person always has the fastest reaction - both in body and mind. The peculiarity of their thinking is non-standard, unreadable, and a unique ability to find new solutions and paths. There is audacity and courage in everything they do, which is sometimes confused with skin impudence. So, it is the urethral workers who pass without a queue in the queues, and even under the approving glances of others (how else can you look at the leader?).

The urethralist enjoys the very process of life. He loves to eat, drink, walk, women - life in all its manifestations! Everything goes beyond the horizon. “To love is to love, to walk is to walk!” This is the root of urethral addictions. They become addicted to everything they like: vodka, sex, and so on. Urethral people become drunk very quickly. In their quest to reach the horizon, they drink more and more, and the horizon keeps moving back. Urethral sounders, by the same mechanism, quickly die from a drug overdose.

They have a high body temperature. Once upon a time they discovered new lands, were the first to sail across cold seas and walk along snow-capped mountains. For this purpose, they were given the highest ability to maintain body temperature. Hot, disheveled. You will not see a pure urethral person, buttoned up or wrapped in a scarf - they are always hot. Clothes wide open.

Urethral men do not live long. In its pure form (without other vectors) they rarely die in their beds.

Urethral babies are the easiest. They are absolutely adequate, responsible from birth. They do not obey anally, they do not obey skinwise, they are not cultured, not moral, not moral in the visual, they are not spiritual in the sound, they are superior to everyone by nature. But at the same time, the most developed spectator is less moral than the altruistic urethral person from birth.

This is how he should be raised - emphasizing his sense of responsibility, being a regent, as under the king. “If not you, then who?” It is important not to limit him or demand obedience.

You need to understand that such a child will resist pressure and violence by running away, while experiencing courage. The feeling that “the world is hostile” will be fixed, and then in the future the urethral will create its own flock, in contrast to the world, it will fight with it. This is how the leaders of the most dangerous gangs grow up. Despite the fact that urethrals are not criminals by birth, here they become the most dangerous gang leaders and leaders of uprisings. Stenka Razins, Pugachevs, Spartaks - that's all of them.

Today, urethral children are diagnosed with "hyperactivity", crippling them with treatment. This is a most dangerous trend. Without healthy urethral surgeons who lead society forward, we have no future. System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan gives us the opportunity to move on to a correct understanding of their nature, as well as change existing approaches to their upbringing.


Visual vector

Beauty will save the world!

Out of sight, out of mind.

Fear has big eyes.

Number 5%.

Archetype: the value of human life, private and whole.

Species role: daytime guard of the flock.


1. the color of greatest comfort is green;

2. the geometry of the greatest comfort is a circle;

3. place in the quartile - outer part of the INFORMATION quartile, bright extrovert

4. type of intelligence - figurative


Sigmund Freud, in his works on the “hysterical personality,” without knowing it, described the manifestations of a stressful visual vector. As a psychiatrist, Freud was based on observations of pathological conditions, so a healthy viewer does not fit his description. Today, Systemic-vector psychology for the first time defines the entire spectrum of manifestation of this type of character, including the NORM.

In the primitive pack, the spectator served as the “day guard of the pack.” The erogeneity of his visual receptors gave him the opportunity, better than anyone else, to notice the slightest changes in the surrounding environment in a timely manner: no one except the viewer would be able to see a spotted leopard in the shade of the trees. The viewer is very observant, notices the smallest details, nothing can be hidden from his curious, inquisitive gaze.

In addition to color, the viewer is also the best at consciously differentiating smells: while enjoying pleasant smells, he enjoys using expensive perfumes and cosmetics. Likewise sensitive to unpleasant odors.

The viewer has the No. 1 learning ability in the world: since it is through the eyes that we receive

99.9% of all information contains great potential for the development of figurative intelligence.

In addition to acute vision, the viewer must also have another property necessary to fulfill his specific role: great sensuality and emotionality. In order to instantly warn the flock about the noticed danger, the spectator had to experience severe fright. Thus, the entire flock in a matter of seconds caught the fear pheromones emanating from him and took off in time.

To this day, the visual vector has the greatest emotional amplitude. They say about him: “he makes a molehill out of a molehill,” this is a strong emotional experience of any situation. However, we see that the ability to make a mountain out of a molehill is given to him by nature specifically to fulfill a given species role.

The entire emotional amplitude of the visual vector fluctuates from two peak states: fear-love.

Fear is a primitive, primary, root state.

This is a state of “into oneself”, fear - always for oneself, fear for one’s life.

In further development, the state of fear moves from the inside out, and fear for others becomes love for others. Almost everything that is considered to be fears and phobias belongs to the visual vector.

The greatest visual fear is the fear of darkness, in which danger is not visible. In childhood, the visual vector can be transferred from a state of fear to a state of love through reading books that foster empathy. Empathy for the main characters helps channel emotions in the right direction. In parallel with sensuality, intelligence develops. In no case should you frighten visual children by reading scary fairy tales, this fixes children with fear and significantly slows down their development.

For the same reason, it is better for visual children not to attend a funeral; this traumatizes them, puts them under stress, giving rise to a lot of unpleasant experiences.

Fixation in childhood on the state of “fear” deprives the mature viewer of the ability to move from fear to the state of “love”. It’s easy to see a viewer who is fixated on fear - he likes to scare himself: he watches horror films, goes to cemeteries at night, reads creepy stories about the other world. Death and everything connected with it frightens the viewer. And a hysterical spectator in a bad, unrealized state even reaches out to death, is filled with fear: he goes to the cemetery at night, surrounds himself with various paraphernalia associated with death, thus creating for himself a kind of substitution: allegedly becoming the source of his fears, and then being afraid there will be nothing!

Development of archetypal fear for MY life, its sublimation, implies the transition of a state of fear for oneself into ability to empathize to others. The ability of the visual vector for empathy and love has 4 successive levels of development: inanimate, plant, animal and human. The maximum sublimation of the properties of the visual vector is love for a person.

Spectators, or rather female spectators (since visual boys simply did not survive in primitive society) were the weakest members of the pack. The viewer has the weakest immune system. The viewer catches a cold more often than others, and during seasonal cold epidemics he is always the first to fall ill. About visual people we say “neither live nor die.” The viewer is not capable of murder, he feels sorry for everyone: birds, fish, elephants, and spiders. The visual vector is the only vector whose essence is anti-murder.

The viewer himself unconsciously realizes that, among all the others, he will always be the first in line to die, unable to defend himself. There are 2 poles of states here - in a state of fear, he fears for his life. In a state of love, as an emotion directed outward from oneself, viewers create the prerequisites for the development of an understanding of the value of life - both their own and, in general, any individual private life. Through the state of Love, the visual measure affirms the importance and inviolability of Life itself for the entire Whole.

The older brother in the information quartile - the sound engineer - is tormented in searching for the meaning of human life; for a developed viewer, the answer to this question is simple: the meaning of his life is in Love.

The viewer, developed to the state of Love, directs all his rich emotional amplitude outward: he is able to subtly feel the emotional state of another person, he knows how to truly sympathize and empathize. A developed viewer understands the psychology of communication through his emotional sensitivity - he is able to feel the emotional state of another person and share it.

Empathizing with another person, the realized viewer relieves his stress with the amplitude of his emotionality - absorbing someone else's small emotion with his huge one. For example, a skinny friend with a masochistic scenario was beaten by her husband. She comes to her visual friend to “cry”, talks about her troubles and misfortunes with dry eyes. The visual friend cries deeply for her, empathizes with her and thereby equalizes her emotional state. The viewer is a born “psychotherapist”; he is very interested in the psychology of relationships.

Earthly love as it is is possible only in the visual vector. In the relationship between a man and a woman, a developed spectator is able to experience the deepest, most sincere, selfless and genuine feeling of love for another.

At the same time, the viewer, who has not finally reached the state of “outside”, the state of love for others, also feels the need to fill the emotional amplitude. And in this case, instead of great and all-consuming love, they will experience frequent and fleeting love: such spectators can literally fall in love for five minutes with an actor, a neighbor, even with a passenger sitting opposite him on a tram...

All its content will be directed “inward”.

Instead of love and compassion for others, he will demand attention and empathy for himself. Instead of a subtle sense of the emotions of others, he will rather notice changes in their appearance, and, of course, it will be extremely important for him how he himself looks, he will strive to attract attention with a catchy, demonstrative appearance, in extreme cases, even to the point of exhibitionism. Instead of sincere sympathy for another, he will demand attention to himself.

The emphasis on external or internal beauty will directly depend on the degree of development of the viewer. The desire to be naked in a developed viewer is expressed in sincerity (baring the soul), in an underdeveloped viewer it is expressed in direct exposure of the body.

The viewer, unable to realize himself in love and compassion, is filled with fears and often throws hysterics, thus releasing emotions that have not found a better use. One of the ways for an unfulfilled viewer to attract attention to himself can be emotional blackmail, in a particularly severe case, even attempted suicide. (It is very important to distinguish in this case the visual manipulation of your feelings from a real suicide attempt in the audio vector for severe depression.)

Thanks to the wide emotional amplitude, the viewer is very impressionable; everything that happens around him causes a storm of emotions in him. Any incident will not leave him indifferent and will evoke sympathy for the participants in the events. The viewer, from his inner state of love, is able to sincerely cry out of sympathy for the heroes of novels, feature films, thereby causing sincere bewilderment on the part of others - “Well, this is just a film, fiction, why cry!”... and also with the side of those viewers whose emotionality and sensuality are not sufficiently developed to “come out” from a state of fear for themselves into a feeling of love and compassion for others.

The viewer with a large amount of fear becomes impressionable anxiety, creating a feeling of internal discomfort and tension. Such a viewer is also easily hypnotized and is highly suggestible. It is the viewer who becomes the victim of fortune tellers and charlatans.

The flip side of visual hypnosis is the highest self-hypnosis. The viewer creates images for himself and believes in them so much that for him they become reality. It is for the spectator that all kinds of autogenic training are effective, only for the spectator they give good results, for them all kinds of placebo effects work best.

The viewer is a dreamer. Having believed it himself, he is able to present his fiction to others as absolute reality. Fiction is sometimes more accurate than any truth, any art. The world that we see, naturally in associative rows and differences, is dictated to us by the visual part of living matter. Visuality is ahead of the knowledge of our world, creating the observable reality of the surrounding world. But there is another side to fiction - illusion, fantasy, mirage.

“The pleasure of contemplation in the visual vector is called BEAUTIFUL. Further it depends on the development and direction of the visual vector"

Yuri Burlan.

“The implementation of the visual vector in modern society is BEAUTIFUL not in painting, not in art, but in Love for a person. “Sensual, empathetic and classically in love with people, a viewer of humanity, calls human qualities beauty (there are also reverse assessments of the terrible).”

Yuri Burlan.


Olfactory vector

Still waters run deep…

Grandma said in two.

Forewarned is forearmed!.

Don't poke your nose into someone else's question.

Number: less than 1%.

Archetype: survive at all costs.

Species role:

Strategic intelligence officer, adviser to the leader, shaman.


1. The color of greatest comfort is purple (but prefers to wear inconspicuous gray).

2. The geometry of the greatest comfort is zigzag.

3. Place in the quartile - inner part of the ENERGY quartile, introvert.

4. Type of thinking - intuitive, non-verbal, strategic.


Previously, it was believed that the human sense of smell was an atavism of animal nature. But it is thanks to him that the perception of the most important information occurs: in addition to conscious odors, he recognizes unconscious ones - the so-called pheromones.

Any sensor has part of the information that enters consciousness, and part that goes directly into the unconscious. So, for example, with my skin I feel how another person touched me, but I don’t notice or realize the constant touch of my shirt.

It's the same with the sense of smell. There are receptors in the nose that are responsible for the conscious differentiation of odors: pleasant - unpleasant. And the so-called “zero nerve” distinguishes not odors, but pheromones.

Pheromones are the basis of everything that happens between people. Through them, two important processes occur: ranking (that is, alignment by rank) in men and emergence of attraction between men and women. “Nerve zero” is the erogenous zone of the olfactory sense.

Pheromones are unconscious odors that say more about a person than he could say about himself. They are a reflection of our emotions, states, unconscious desires. As the condition changes, the smell also changes. On the other hand, a certain smell can cause a certain emotional state in a person.

So, when smelling, the olfactory “senses” both your state and your thoughts. To the olfactory sense, these thoughts “smell” worse than the smelliest garbage dump. For him, the whole world is a source of all kinds of smells, and among them there are no pleasant ones. The smell of every state, every thought reveals all the imperfections, all the flaws of human nature. That’s why there’s a mask of constant disgust on his face. When born, the olfactory sense immediately falls into this constant “stench”. He despises people. His feeling is “you are all below me”; he does not strive for contact with people.

The archetype of smell is to survive at all costs. The key to survival is information. The olfactory sense through the perception of pheromones receives unique information that is not available to anyone else. This gives him the opportunity to manage, divide, and rule.

However, no one knows anything about the olfactory observer himself. He is always on the side, but so that he has everything in sight and... closer to the exit in case he has to flee. The olfactory smells are hidden so that no one can “read” him. The absence of smell causes a reaction of unaccountable fear in people of other vectors. We seem to see a person, but it’s as if he’s not there - without feeling the smell, we don’t perceive him at all as an animate object. Thus, the sense of smell influences other people on an unconscious level.

The sense of smell is realized only through the survival of the pack. He despises all people, and first of all, their stinking stupidity.

“My life is nothing, the life of the pack is everything” - this is how the urethralist thinks.

The olfactory observer is not concerned about people in any sense or capacity, except for one thing: he needs a flock for his own survival (no one survives alone). Thus, in a primitive pack, the olfactory hunter becomes an adviser to the leader. He is engaged in internal counterintelligence and external strategic intelligence.

Foreign reconnaissance - reconnaissance about dangers in the landscape. When the spectators look around and say that there is no danger, and when the sound people listen and say that there is no danger, it is the olfactory sense that will notice the catch. He will come and say that there is no need to go there. It is not clear why, but this will turn out to be the case. It turns out that there is danger lurking there.

Internal intelligence - intelligence about dangers within the pack. A flock can only survive if everyone fulfills their specific role. Therefore, the olfactory observer “sticks his nose” everywhere. He makes sure that everyone is working, everyone is fulfilling their specific role, and gets rid of unnecessary individuals for the flock. Hence the primal fear of the spectators’ sense of smell, rationalized by the words “not a good person, I can feel it.”

There is an unconscious collusion between the urethral leader and the olfactory advisor. The urethral is the only one that tolerates the olfactory, because it offers the chief the best way to survive on the landscape. The olfactory sense becomes the leader’s advisor, because the olfactory sense protects him from the hatred of the pack.

The task of “surviving at all costs” does not pause for a single second. Because if we imagine that in nature there is a break for it at least for one second a year, then it is at this second that everything ends.

Therefore, the erogenous zone of the olfactory sense, the nose, never rests. Olfactory people's sleep is always superficial. He wakes up at the most critical moment, he doesn’t know why. It is the olfactory senses that become the heroes of stories like “I went out to the store in the middle of the night, and at that time my house burned down” or “I decided to stay at home and missed the plane that crashed.”

Olfactory senses have a unique, intuitive, non-verbal mind. They have no mind in the usual sense. They do not engage in logical constructions, do not analyze the situation, do not try to imagine it, do not try to accurately analyze it, name it. Instead, olfactory senses have precise, powerful, vivid sensations of what to do and how to do it, based on what they perceive. pheromone background of others. These feelings are not put into words and are not spoken.

The olfactory observer does not have any keywords. Not only are there no keywords, there are not even exact names of smells. Not in any language in the world. The thoughts of the olfactory person are spoken by his younger brother in the energy quartile - the oral sensor.

Since the task of “surviving at all costs” is more important than all others, it is not limited by moral norms, cultural norms, or morality and ethics.

The olfactory sense preserves exclusively living matter. Not culture, not morality, but life itself.

And not the life of each individual person, but the life of the entire integrity of people. And therefore, no cultural or moral restrictions are imposed on him. Where the sense of smell is limited, all living things will die.

For the same reason, olfactory senses do not distinguish between truth and lies. They are the only ones who never lie. Because they simply do not distinguish between truth and lies.

In a developed state, olfactory senses are simply adapted to the concepts of truth and lies, good and evil, but they do not feel this within themselves. And they fulfill their specific role outside of these categories. In other words, developed olfactory senses work in areas where the concepts of morality, truth and lies are not required, where something else is more important - ensuring the survival of the pack. These are espionage, politics, finance and science.

They strive to take control of what threatens their survival, and, in the end, this becomes their profession.

Today, foreign intelligence as such is becoming a thing of the past - today the world is global and cosmopolitan, the boundaries between countries and peoples are becoming more and more blurred, and the World Wide Web of the Internet completely erases all conceivable boundaries. But everyone knows such brilliant intelligence officers of the past as, for example, Rudolf Abel, without whose work the USSR would have been defenseless against the atomic bomb.

Foreign strategic intelligence has developed into politics. Olfactory people today create our pack's relationship with the outer pack based on the imperative to "survive at all costs." Occupying major political posts, becoming ministers of finance, ministers of foreign affairs, they reach agreements among themselves, pursuing a policy of containment. Moreover, they are not based on any moral values. “England has no permanent enemies or friends, only the interests of its crown.”

All financial systems were created exclusively by smellers and are still managed by them to this day. Among the famous financiers: John Snow, Henry Paulson, Alexey Kudrin, Alexander Shokhin.

Olfactory intelligence today is aimed at threats from the microworld. Olfactory scientists are those scientists who are engaged in exploring the unknown in areas where there are risks to human survival. This is what people call “curiosity.” When this is combined with the corresponding skill, then we are dealing with extreme curiosity. She makes brilliant scientists out of smellers. Not those who systematize ready-made knowledge, but those who make colossal breakthroughs. Such, for example, as the invention of penicillin.

Undeveloped senses of smell are considered big scoundrels. Great intriguers, they sometimes themselves become victims of their own intrigue.

Archetypal olfactory hunters become the most terrible serial killers and maniacs, fulfilling their species role directly, that is, physically eliminating individuals who are not capable of performing their tasks in the pack.

An olfactory child prone to melancholy does not strive to communicate. In the yard, in the classroom, at school, everyone doesn’t like him. He feels it as a constant threat. And, naturally, he tries to leave her, to stay at home under one pretext or another.

If parents support this behavior, they are raising a scoundrel and a schemer with a bad future. Someday he himself may become a victim of his own intrigues.

You need to understand that truly caring for your olfactory baby means pushing it out

to the team. Everyone in the yard? And him into the yard. Is everyone off to school? And him to school. Is everyone going fishing? And off to fishing! This is exactly what he needs. Straining all his abilities in order to survive in the team, not to get into his erogenous nose, the olfactory sense develops. This is how he learns to fulfill his species role - to survive, no matter what.

You will learn more about the peculiarities of the psyche of olfactory people, about this amazing and rare measure, at the trainings of system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan. We invite you to attend our (free) psychological seminars.


Oral vector

If you don’t lie, you can’t tell it beautifully!

For the sake of a nice word, I will not regret either my mother or my father!

A secret to the whole world!

Number: 5%

Archetype: induction - uniting people through the creation of unified thought and verbal series.

Species role:

In peacetime, food is divided into edible and inedible.

In wartime - a cry as a warning of danger.


1. The color of greatest comfort is yellow.

2. The geometry of the greatest comfort is oval.

3. Place in the quartile - the outer part of the ENERGY quartile, extrovert.

4. Type of thinking - verbal, thinks by speaking.


In a primitive pack, an oral man performed two important functions: in the savannah, he warned the pack of danger with a cry, and in the cave, he compiled a menu, dividing food into edible and inedible.

An oral cry is a signal for everyone that they need to save themselves. At a rest stop, when the whole flock was asleep, he was a guarantor of safety. Having received a signal from the night guard of the pack, the oralist with his scream made sounds that made the blood run cold in the veins of all living things around. Nature endowed him with such an ability not by chance, since an extra second of delay could turn into a tragedy for everyone - the flock could be killed by predators or enemies. The scream of the oralist does not give time for reflection - the reaction to it is instantaneous: everyone immediately, before they have time to wake up and understand what is happening, find themselves high in the trees, far from danger.

During the hunt, this cry also did its job. The oral beater helped direct the prey into a pre-prepared trap - the animal, frightened by his scream, lost its bearings and rushed wherever its eyes looked.

In peacetime, when the flock was in a cave, it was the oral specialist who determined what food could be eaten and what not, and compiled the menu for the flock. To this day, oral people make better cooks.

When it comes to food, food lovers don’t just alternate dishes, but look for ever new recipes, ever new, most exotic tastes. The process of eating is a great pleasure for them. They are the ones who love to travel in order to try new dishes, discover new products, and change their taste experiences.

The erogenous zone of the oral cavity - the oral cavity and lips - is particularly sensitive. Oral people love to touch their lips, they love to talk, they love to scream at the top of their lungs.

Even in the appearance of the oralist, the mouth stands out. Sensual, large, with a vicious upper lip, which is somehow uncomfortable to look at, he seems to live his own separate life, all the time he says something, moves, chews.

The oral vector refers to the outer part of the energy quartile. The elder brother of orality in the quartile, smell, has at all times been responsible for the survival of the flock.

The gray eminence of this world, olfaction, and his watchdog, orality, have always worked together.

Since the survival of the pack is a primary task, its implementation is in no way subject to the requirements of morality, ethics, morality. That is why neither the olfactory nor the oral sense differentiates the concepts of truth and lies. For an oral person, the main thing is to find a way to create interest in your speaking. In this desire, lies are born, from the smallest to the largest.

The lie of an oral speaker cannot be distinguished from the truth. He comes up with all the non-existent details and circumstances on the fly so that it is impossible to doubt them.

When an oral person speaks, it always sounds convincing. Although his speech is often incorrect.

He may have incorrect diction, distort words, confuse stress, but what he says is imprinted in everyone’s head.

Oral people have a unique verbal intelligence. They speak first and think later. Moreover, they begin to understand a subject only in the process of talking about it.

An oral person does not talk to himself. He needs ears that will listen to him, and listen carefully. With another person you can sit and nod your head abstractly, but this will not work with an oral speaker. Your full attention should be focused on him, and he will achieve this in a variety of ways.

We learned to speak thanks to oral man. The oralist was the first to use words to denote individual actions and objects. Moreover, he did this in a special way - so that the same connections arose in everyone’s heads, everyone began to think in the same categories, and a language was formed.

The formation of a common language is explained by the ability of the oral speaker to induce. This means that he does not just speak, but influences each listener in a specific way. So that they begin to build common semantic lines, common connections, and a common way of thinking appears. Often from his words one gets the feeling that “I always thought so, I just couldn’t say it in words.”

The greatest speakers of all time—oral people—exert extraordinary influence on their listeners. Lenin managed to rouse the country to revolution. Trotsky created the Red Army with lightning speed. Hitler inspired the entire German people to follow his ideas. To this day, the Cuban people are ready to listen to four-hour speeches by their leader Fidel Castro.

Even without knowing the language, without seeing the speaker himself, feeling the absolute opposite of the ideas he preaches, you involuntarily rush towards them. Every word of such a speaker, spoken publicly, controls the masses of people and gives them the direction of movement.

Orality always serves power.

The leader's jester—an oral man—always had the right to speak the “truth.” At the same time, the power of the oralist is so great that if he becomes in opposition to power, to an idea or to culture, then they immediately crack. He is capable of turning any thought, any idea into a subject of general ridicule, completely discrediting it.

They say about the oralist that he is the soul of any company. Everyone loves him: he is cheerful, always in an upbeat, even cheerful mood. He doesn’t look dangerous, he’s funny with his jokes, and he’s relaxing. A joker and a chatterbox.

He is hospitable: guests are both listeners and objects for kissing.

Due to these abilities, the oral practitioner enters everyone’s personal space. Not even a minute goes by

from the moment we met - and he already hugs you by the shoulders and says something in your ear.

The oralist easily finds a common language with anyone. But it is necessary to remember that this is not a person who should be trusted with your innermost feelings. Before you know it, all your brightest thoughts will be laughed at and turned upside down.

Also, you should not trust your secrets to an oral sex worker. Out of his desire to attract more ears to himself, the oralist will tell them to everyone he meets, and even lie from above.

He is called a gossip and slanderer. Oral people are masters at giving nicknames. Accurate, sharp, bright, it clings to a person for life.

Depending on the level of development, an oral practitioner becomes a cook, a comedian, a commentator, a singer, or a speaker.

All the most famous comedians and humorists are owners of the oral vector: Arkady Raikin, Mikhail Zhvanetsky, Mikhail Zadornov, Maxim Galkin, Elena Vorobey and many others.

Oral singers are always at the top: Freddie Mercury, Alla Pugacheva, Grigory Leps and others. Oral people with sound make brilliant opera singers. And such oralists as Vladimir Vysotsky, with their singing, set the general thinking of an entire nation.

With developed verbal intelligence, an oral speaker is a great gourmet. If undeveloped, it means a glutton. An undeveloped oral speaker does not shut up for a minute, even while eating. He speaks, and food scatters in different directions - this is what it looks like.

Another way to initiate the oral erogenous zone is swearing. The oral speaker experiences special pleasure when uttering swear words. The famous sexual education is assigned by nature to the oral sex worker.

At the age of 6, an oral child begins to try swearing in his speech; he is the first to joke about “these” topics and tell indecent stories. And if he is not allowed to talk about it, it is he who writes swear words on fences and in elevators. This is how his peers will learn the answer to the question “where do children come from?”

Oral children are very noisy and talk non-stop. Since the need to speak is great, and the speech apparatus is not yet developed, he has a strong lisp, is in a hurry and swallows parts of words.

Oralnik is the favorite of the class. He jokes so much that everyone laughs, including the teacher. His classmates are just waiting for another joke from him - laughter relaxes the mind, gives a pleasant feeling of liberation from all worries and thoughts.

An oral child is ready to say anything if only they will listen to him. If his parents do not guide him in time, he may go into total lies. He will come up with the most incredible stories about neighbors, acquaintances, classmates, parents.

If, as punishment for lying and swearing, an oral child is hit on the lips, such blows to the sensor turn him into a stutterer.

It is important to direct the activity of the oral child in the right direction. Show him what you want to hear about. In order to be listened to, he will definitely find out and tell you about it.

He should be sent to a public speaking club - this will develop his verbal intelligence and help him subsequently realize himself. Any type of activity related to speaking will be good for him: politician, satirist, commentator, presenter.

An oral speaker with remaining undeveloped verbal intelligence is doomed to be a kitchen jester and joker all his life.

The mysterious and bizarre oral vector, the peculiarities of the psyche of oral people, the peculiarities of their thinking are revealed in all their glory at the training of system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan.


Muscle vector

There is strength - no need for intelligence.

It's hard to learn, but it's easy to fight.

Where everyone goes, so do I!

Number: in pure form - 38%, total - 95%.

Archetype: fundamental mass of living matter.

Species role:

In peacetime, he is a builder.

In wartime, he is a warrior-hunter.


1. The color of greatest comfort is black.

2. The geometry of greatest comfort is a rectangle.

3. Place in the quartile - the inner part of the quartile of SPACE, introvert.

4. Type of thinking - practical, visual and effective.


The muscle vector forms the inner part of the quartile of space. This is the basis, the foundation of all living things.

All properties-desires of the muscle vector are aimed at providing four basic human needs: eat, drink, breathe, sleep.

The muscle vector is the most numerous. About 95% of people are carriers of the muscle vector. However, only 38% of them are considered muscle people. Why?

The fact is that in combination with other lower vectors (anal, skin, urethral), muscularity only enhances their existing desires and completely merges with them in properties. So, about a person with anality and muscularity we will say “powerful anal”, about a person with urethra and muscularity - “powerful urethral” and so on. Thus, we call musclemen only those people who do not have other lower vectors.

The remaining 5% of people are born without a muscle vector. You need to understand that the absence of a muscle vector does not mean the absence of muscle mass. Just as the absence, for example, of a visual vector does not mean the absence of eyes. This means that a person does not have such an erogenous zone. Just as without a visual vector a person does not strive to admire beauty or experience deep emotional states, so without a muscle vector a person does not strive to increase muscle mass and does not enjoy physical labor. His muscular frame is relatively weak, and this cannot be changed by any exercise.

In the primitive pack, the muscular man played the role of a warrior in war and a builder in a cave. It was the muscular part that primarily ensured survival, obtaining food by hunting, protecting the flock from external threats and conquering new territories. Under the leadership of the urethral leader and the command of the skin commanders, not sparing their lives, they went to hunt and war and killed. Later, muscle warriors formed the bulk of armies. They easily took the lives of others and gave theirs just as easily. Giving your life in battle is the value of a muscular man.

Today, the role of musclemen as soldiers is becoming a thing of the past. The entire confrontation between powers comes down to a policy of containment. Individual local conflicts are taking on new forms, and in a modern army it is more important to own all the latest weapons than to go hand-to-hand. The role of muscular ordinary soldiers is increasingly losing its importance; their place is being taken over by specialists capable of wielding cutting-edge military equipment. Therefore, the main field of activity for musclemen today is useful physical labor, which creates the basis for the survival of the entire flock.

You need to understand that without muscular man the existence of modern civilization would be impossible. People accustomed to the structured life of a modern city do not think about where the food in stores comes from, who works at the neighboring thermal power plant, and why the sewage system works in their apartments.

All this rests on the shoulders of the muscular part of humanity.

At the same time, the biggest and most important thing that a muscular person can do today is construction. This is especially necessary in modern Russia: in a destroyed housing and communal services system, in conditions of an acute shortage of housing and in the presence of vast uninhabited territories, it is the musclemen who perform this task.

The two basic states of a muscular person are rage and monotony. His rage puts him in a state of "war" where he just goes and kills. Absolute monotony is the state of the world when, hour after hour, day after day, he builds houses, works in a mine, plows fields...

Muscular people are very peace-loving; it is difficult, but possible, to move them from a state of monotony to a state of rage. This will not happen until the provision of his needs (eat, drink, breathe, sleep) is encroached upon. So, you shouldn’t take away the roof over a muscular person’s head, snatch the plate from his hands, or abruptly wake him up. You also need to be extremely careful with drinking alcohol: by disinhibiting the cerebral cortex, alcohol releases the muscular warrior-hunter - a born killer.

Muscular people never think in terms of “I”. Their whole worldview is built on “we”. A person without a muscle vector will never be able to join this “we”. Whatever he is, he will never become part of a single monolithic muscular “we”, as they say, “on the board.”

The whole world of a muscular man is divided on a territorial basis into “us-us” and “we-strangers”: our yard is your yard, our street is your street, our pack is someone else’s pack.

They build their lives in such a way as to preserve their community as much as possible. At the same time, they are guided by the generally accepted - so that everything is “like people,” “humanly,” “like everyone else.” Separation from “we” is perceived by musclemen as very painful. Solitary confinement in prisons is the biggest test for them.

The musclemen are absolutely in control. They will never go to protest and destroy everything around on their own, without encouragement from the outside. They do not have a so-called personal opinion, because for them, unity into a common “we” is primary, and not the particularity of their “I”. To the question “What do you think about this situation?” the muscleman will answer: “What am I? Like everyone else, so am I.” A muscular man acts as he is taught.

What a muscleman becomes depends on who influences him. If an archetypal skin drunk is nearby, then the muscle person will start drinking. If an anal foreman is nearby, then the muscleman will work hard.

Here lies the solution to the problem of the Russian village drinking itself to death.

The thinking of a muscular person is visual and effective. As shown, it will do so. Not because he will think that this is right, this is better, but because he was told “do it this way.” At the same time, he cannot be called stupid in any way. He has a special mind. What a muscleman can do, a person with a different set of vectors will never be able to do - no one can hammer a nail, saw a board, or put up a fence so easily and smoothly. And he needs to be taught by showing everything clearly. If the task is to maintain a fire, then you need to show how to throw brushwood and where to get it from, you need to explain everything down to the smallest detail.

Muscle men, like no one else, are tied to their land. Moreover, they are absolutely adapted to any landscape. It is in the city that they wander. And once, for example, in the forest, they instantly navigate the area and know how to survive here. They can cut down a tree, build a hut, and catch a bird.

A muscular man is suspicious of sex, especially when it seems to be happening.

“not like a human being,” for example, before marriage. And a muscular woman strives to get married quickly - her body is designed to give birth to children. As soon as she reaches childbearing age, she develops a strong desire not for sex, but for the birth of offspring.

You need to understand how important it is to maintain the population. No matter how great a nation may be, if its numbers are too small, others will take its place. The physical strength of muscular people allows them to give birth to the largest offspring; they are the ones who give birth to the most children. Poor muscle condition means poor demographics in the country, and vice versa.

Before birth, the umbilical opening is the channel through which the erogenous zone of the muscular person - the muscles - connects with the outside world. At birth, this channel closes, interrupting the provision of basic needs (eat, drink, breathe, sleep). This is felt by a muscular child as suffering - now everything must be done by oneself, on one’s own.

Further life passes in the feeling that death is deliverance. Muscle men are not afraid of death. They perceive it as a return to the original state, to the womb of the mother, where he felt so good, where all his basic needs were provided. Muscular people say: “Where I came from, I will return there, I will return to Mother Earth.”

For the same reason, muscular people always perk up at the sight of death. They are the ones who will be best able to organize funerals and wakes, striving to “bury them like people.”

Muscular children are very flexible, they do not need special training. The most important thing is not to leave the muscular child hanging around and watch who he communicates with. Otherwise, there is a high probability that he will end up in the wrong company.

He needs to be accustomed to hard physical work, so that he can help his parents in childhood, so that he learns to enjoy work. When he digs, he experiences muscular joy. You need to understand that it is through muscle effort that the thinking of a muscular person is activated. Physical labor directs him into a peaceful direction, into construction, work in a factory, in a mine, and so on.

At the same time, it is strictly forbidden to send muscular children to sports. Their physical data will not contribute to victories in competitions, because a muscleman has no desire to compete, to compete, to win. What sport will give to a pure muscleman is a state of war. A muscle worker who is not accustomed to physical labor and devoted to sports will only be able to realize himself in crime.

Carefully select the people next to whom the muscular child will be. In the village he should be next to an anal foreman who will teach him physical labor. In the city, such a child must master the restrictions of the city, so here it is best to send such a child to a vocational school. There, a leather turning teacher will teach the muscleman not only the craft, but also discipline him properly and teach him to limit his animal urges.

The role and importance of the muscle vector in the life of society cannot be overestimated. The plight of muscularity is the cause of many problems in modern Russia. You will learn about ways to solve them and more about the muscle vector at the training on system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan.
