What does it mean to see a concert in a dream. Preparing for the performance

If you imagine that you are in a student audience, this means that in reality positive life changes await you thanks to the selfless support of your friends.

If in a dream you have to listen to a lecture from a teacher, you will have to show enviable patience in the upcoming important task.

Seeing yourself at the department in the role of a teacher speaking in front of an audience means illness and unsuccessful results in work due to disagreements with colleagues or partners about how best to do this and that.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

Dream Interpretation - Strange dream

Apparently your friend is hiding something from you. In addition, you need to change your attitude towards life, and in no case envy the success of others. This dream is just a warning against envy. Otherwise, you risk depression.

Dream Interpretation - Number 20

The dreamer is in a huge audience - great opportunities are open to the dreamer, but they are from the area of ​​upcoming experience, that is, the dreamer is now preparing for what she was before - not at all ready. The dreamer was called, she is number 20 - the dreamer is in demand as an attractive girl and confident in her abilities (or rather, charms). A dreamer in beautiful boots with a confident gait - the dreamer is counting on success in love and the only thing left to do is to find someone after her heart and marry him. That's all. Sincerely, LIVIA.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

Dream Interpretation - Swimming Pool

A key symbol in your dream, the swimming pool represents conditional love. It is the conditionality, in due time, of the birth of your love that is an obstacle to establishing the relationships your soul needs and a catalyst for all kinds of conclusions. There are no clues in the dream, so the decision is yours. Listen to your intuition and the right choice and luck.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

Sweat appears on the body - portends misfortune, evil. The ruler, the emperor with his retinue goes on a military campaign - portends great, unexpected happiness.

Interpretation of dreams in Islam: Acting as a muezzin without actually being one in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

How to interpret the dream “Nobility, nobility”

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

To dream that you are communicating with the nobility means that your aspirations are wrong, they will lead you to a dead end if you prefer spectacles and pleasures to the high development of the intellect. A young woman's dream of nobles foretells that she will choose a suitor based on appearance,...

Dream - Wedding

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

A wedding in dreams is like a test of your feelings for your loved one. In a dream, being present at the wedding of a young couple means in reality once again experiencing a heightened sense of closeness and kinship with your other half. If you dreamed that you were getting married, then this...

The essence of the dream - Buffalo

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If a woman sees in a dream that she is killing buffaloes, it means that she will take on some very important business and, by showing willpower and giving up material wealth, will win the approval of men and get what she has long wanted. In addition, the buffalo seen in a dream...

How to interpret the dream "Dragon"

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

A universal and very complex symbol. The dragon, or “winged serpent,” combines snake and bird, spirit and matter. At first, its symbolism was entirely favorable and meant the waters carrying the life of the serpent, and the breath of life of the bird. He identified with the heavenly...

How to interpret the dream “Wedding”

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

A wedding in dreams is a kind of test of your feelings for your loved one. If this was your wedding, it predicts not only a carnal, but also a spiritual union with a worthy person with whom you will go through life together, share troubles and...

Dream - Items

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

They constitute perhaps the most mysterious part of the interpretations. Of course, in order to consider a table or chair in the interpretation, cups, a lamp, etc., it is necessary for this thing to be exposed and clearly defined in the dream. Like Gogol in his stories, so in his dreams, every object seems to come to life...

I had a dream “Baptism”

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Receiving the rite of baptism means labor and trials that can end in a happy ending. Baptizing your children in a church or cathedral is a harbinger of happiness or prosperity. Act as a godfather or mother - join in the joyful, festive events, take part...

I had a dream about “Congress”

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Received an invitation to a symposium or congress - such a dream means the favor of management, and possibly a promotion. Giving a report at a congress means success in business.

Had a dream "Clip"

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

A harbinger of a promotion or improvement in financial situation. Taking part in the filming of a video clip - you are trying to do more than you can, you grab onto everything, but you cannot finish the job you started. Video clip and see yourself in it - soon...

I had a dream “Cabaret”

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Watching a performance in a cabaret means loss and loss; performing in a cabaret yourself.

Dream Interpretation: why do you dream about a Scene?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

A man seeing a scene in a dream is a sign that he likes curvy women; a woman is dissatisfied with her figure and wants to correct it. Seeing a theater stage in a dream means small profits. Seeing someone you know on stage...

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about a Dog?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Aggressive black dogs that you dreamed of promise the danger of becoming an object of ridicule, robbery, or accusations of theft. this dream predicts quarrels and squabbles. A white dog dreams of a long-awaited meeting with your best friend. Beating and driving away black dogs - such a dream is a harbinger of scandals in...

Dream Interpretation: Why does the Dead Man dream?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

A white coffin with a deceased person promises recovery, healing from a fatal illness, an improvement in life, and hope for the future. There are situations when the same dream about a dead person torments a person for a long time. Typically, this situation indicates that in your life...

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about the Frog?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing a frog in a dream means that there are quite a large number of insincere people, gossipers and flatterers around you. Seeing a lot of frogs in a dream means numerous quarrels with relatives. Seeing frogs in a swampy area is a sign of misfortune or great difficulties. For …

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream of an Explosion?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

An explosion in a dream foreshadows unexpected and unpleasant actions of people around you. Perhaps an unpleasant action will be secretly committed behind your back, which will affect your interests and reputation. Seeing an explosion in a dream from the outside means that you will become a witness or participant...

Dream: You have had the opportunity to speak in public, in front of a live audience, but you don’t succeed. It seems like something has gone wrong with your audio equipment and you have to unplug and plug in some cables to be heard. Once you start speaking, you may forget the words, or suddenly the words come out of your mouth crumpled or in the wrong order. The audience gets impatient and you get very frustrated because you know you can give this speech perfectly, but everything around you seems to be stacked against you.

The meaning of the dream “Public speaking in a dream”

Dreams about public speaking reflect your need to have your talents recognized and appreciated by a wider circle of people. This could be your creativity or the professional skills you use at work. Although you undoubtedly have all these talents and skills, you find it difficult to get other people to recognize it. It's easy to blame the environment in which you're trying to perform, but more often than not, the lack of acceptance is because you have trouble accepting the approval of others in your daily life. This can make you seem arrogant, uninterested in other people's opinions, when in fact you desperately want their acceptance.
Your arrogance can lead to alienation from friends and colleagues, and you often try to compensate for this by paying extra attention to formalities and trying to hide behind technical details. As a result of not connecting enough with other people, you lose touch with your true feelings, with the ability to say what you really want to say. Instead of speaking from the heart, in your natural voice, you may try to communicate in an aloof manner. You may end up forgetting who you really are and becoming confused about what you really want to say or do. The most important person in the audience is always yourself, and this dream shows that you are frustrated and annoyed by the lack of recognition you receive.

Your actions after the dream

This dream explains to you that the main thing in public speaking is to be able to recognize your talent yourself, and not just demonstrate it. It's easy to hope that other people will accept and appreciate you, but it's much harder to achieve this if you yourself have difficulty recognizing and appreciating your talent. The more you appreciate others, the easier it is for you to accept and enjoy your own abilities. The more confident you are and the more generous you are with approval, the more freely you will be able to perform in public with your unique talents.

Prerequisites for the dream “Public speaking in a dream”

From an early age we are encouraged to perform in public - at a family function or in a school play. Our success and acceptance by others depends largely on our ability to say the right things at the right time and take the right actions. Many of our favorite television shows are based on judging people's talents during their public appearances, and we put a lot of effort into seeking the approval of others rather than simply accepting ourselves. The more we accept our own talents, the more easily and naturally we can share and demonstrate them.

Oh, how many discoveries the dream book has reserved for those who were lucky enough to perform on stage in a dream! Rather, remember where this happened in order to know exactly what this performance was about in your dream.

Miller's dream book about theater

For a person who dreamed that he was in the theater, Miller predicts meeting new friends and successful activities. If in a dream he performed on stage, the tonality of the interpretation of the dream changes. Yes, everything will be fine, but it won't last long.

The dream book makes an exception only for opera - singing arias for the public foreshadows the fulfillment of desires. But dancing in a variety show means an annoying warning: the dreamer may waste his fortune.

Dive into illusion

Why dream of watching a theatrical performance from the audience? Behind every action or situation there is a clue:

  • Seeing actors in a performance means having to resort to sophisticated tricks to expose the deceiver.
  • To look distantly, indifferently - to the uselessness of fraudulent schemes against you.
  • Carefully watching the performance leads to illusory self-deception.
  • Staying in the gallery means loss of prestige.
  • Applauding joyfully means unbridled joy and dishonor.
  • Fleeing from a hall engulfed in fire means participating in a bad adventure.

Family dramas

Have you ever performed on stage in a ballet performance? Dream books interpret ballet as the embodiment of romance and the hardships of family life. Dancing in a ballet in a dream means that the spouse is either cheating or is ready to cross the threshold of what is permitted.

If you dreamed that your spouse was participating in the play, then the sleeper is burdened by the relationship, but does not know how to say it. Dream books advise talking through problems with your partner - things won’t get any worse.

If the participants in the performance were dancers of the same gender as the dreamer, then he gravitates toward same-sex relationships.

Loneliness or sociability

What do dream books say about why you dream of performing solo on stage? It will surprise no one that this image reflects inner loneliness. On the contrary, seeing a large dance group is the lot of a sociable extrovert. Anyone who dreamed of dancing in a couple will find allies, comrades-in-arms, and real support in a noble cause.

Participating in a temperamental fast dance in a dream means that a person will have a lot of fun in the near future. A slow foxtrot is more likely to be dreamed of by someone who anticipates sexual attraction.

Only about sex!

The images of dancers in Freud's dream book are analyzed in particular detail. The fact that they perform on stage in front of an audience testifies to their unbridled adventurism.

Show business is a world of acting and intrigue. Seeing in a dream what is happening on stage, especially participating in the action yourself, is both an act of self-affirmation and a danger of deception. Dream books give cautious interpretations of what dreams of theater stages or filming mean.

Be at the theater

Seeing yourself in the theater, according to Psychologist Miller’s dream book, predicts a favorable course of events and the acquisition of new good friends. Sitting in a box means traveling abroad.

If an opera was staged on stage, this means the plan will be fulfilled. Listen to an opera diva sing - expect the outcome of a complicated story.

The interpretation of why you dream of applauding at a concert is not encouraging: for the sake of an empty whim, you will sacrifice your reputation. To escape from a burning theater is to take part in a dubious adventure.

The Dream Book of the White Magician Longo reports that sitting in the hall and not hearing anything from the stage is a sign that, absorbed in your own egocentrism, you are left completely alone.

Why do you dream about the lobby? Nothing will limit your imagination and ingenuity. An old, dilapidated theater building - all your tricks are worthless, your tricks will be exposed.

Public speaking

If you dreamed of your own performance, in reality you are looking for new horizons, trying on new roles. According to other versions, this is a symbol of possible deception; do not be too trusting. Rehearsing on stage in a dream - in reality you will take on a difficult task; according to another version, you will write an important letter. Listen to the prompter's tips - you will be given false information.

Why did you dream of performing on stage yourself? The dream book of the Sorceress Medea predicts that you will be able to attract someone’s attention. The White Magician Longo claims that such a dream exposes the dreamer's vanity.

Miller's dream book gives his interpretation of why one dreams of playing in a play, being an actor: this foreshadows joy, which, alas, will be short-lived. It is also believed that performing in front of an audience in a dream means you will have to lie to loved ones.

I dreamed of singing on stage - to be held accountable for what I did. Seeing your performance in a dubious show means, as Miller’s dream book says: you are foolishly ready to sacrifice your well-being.

Dancing in a variety show is a sign of reckless actions. Why dream of performing a dance number for the audience - predictors warn against envy, which does not make a person more successful, but only leads to depression. If you dreamed of dancing ballet in a dream, it means betrayal of a friend or loved one, intrigue and heartache.