After using candles. Consequences after using Depanthol suppositories. Taking the right doses

Medicines are available in the form of tablets, ointments, solutions, tinctures and suppositories. The latter are rectal, vaginal and ear. Before using them, you should learn how to do it correctly.

How to take rectal suppositories

  1. Before inserting a suppository (suppository) rectally, you should empty your intestines. Otherwise, a possible urge to defecate will negate the therapeutic effect of the drug. This does not apply to laxative suppositories, since this is their purpose.
  2. The procedure should be performed with cleanly washed hands. You also need to prepare a wet wipe in advance to clean your hands after inserting the suppository.
  3. You need to lie on your side, pressing your knees to your stomach, and insert the suppository into the anus to a depth of two to three cm.
  4. It is recommended to remain in a lying position for at least 20 minutes. This is how long it takes for the candle to dissolve and the active ingredients to penetrate the body.

How to take vaginal suppositories

  1. Before the procedure, you must thoroughly wash your hands and genitals.
  2. Take a lying position, bending your knees and spreading them shoulder-width apart. For greater comfort, you can put a pillow under your head.
  3. Having freed the suppository from the packaging, it is inserted as deeply as possible into the vagina. The hips should be slightly raised when inserting the suppository. Since the suppository will need to be pushed into the vagina with your finger, you can use a fingertip to ensure greater hygiene.
  4. After the candle is deep in the vagina, you need to lower your hips and remain lying for 15-20 minutes. During this time, the suppository will dissolve, and the risk of it slipping back will greatly decrease.
  5. At the end of the procedure, you should use a pad, since the suppository cannot be completely absorbed and residual discharge will appear.

How to take ear candles

  1. You need to lie on your side and insert the pointed end of the phytocandle into the ear canal.
  2. Then you should set it on fire at the other end.
  3. Burning slowly, the candle creates a vacuum in the ear canal, which pushes out the wax plug.

Ear candles have a number of contraindications, so using them often and uncontrollably is not recommended. This procedure is best performed under the guidance of an experienced specialist.

You will find more information about treatment methods and medications in the section.

For the treatment of gynecological problems, there is such a dosage form as vaginal suppositories. "Hexicon" is one of the drugs of this type. It is prescribed in frequent cases due to its combination of effectiveness and safety of use. But what should you do if you notice bloody discharge after hexicon when there shouldn’t be any?

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Application of Hexicon candles

The basis of Hexicon candles is chlorhexidine; additional components are various polyethylene oxide compounds. The base substance copes with gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, some types of viruses and protozoa. Therefore, Hexicon is recommended for those diagnosed with:

  • syphilis,
  • trichomoniasis,
  • ureaplasmosis,

Suppositories are also indicated for the prevention of the listed infections, as well as:

  • before operations on the uterus in order to reduce the likelihood of infectious complications;
  • before diagnostics that require intrusion into an organ with instruments;
  • after interventions, including;
  • for the treatment of chronic inflammatory diseases of the vagina and outer cervix.

Despite the safety of Hexicon, it is not advisable to use it without the advice of a specialist. Especially if the woman is pregnant. The condition does not exclude the possibility of using suppositories, but this cannot be done without a doctor-confirmed need.

Contraindications and side effects from Hexicon

Even local treatments, despite their limited impact, may have side effects from use. Candles are no exception.

The body’s negative reaction to them looks like this:

  • and perineal mucosa;
  • skin rashes;
  • redness of the membranes and swelling.

The use of Hexicon is contraindicated for those who suffer from intolerance to chlorhexidine or polyethylene oxides.

Causes of discharge with and without blood while using Hexicon

It is not a rare complaint that specialists hear from women - bloody discharge appeared from hexicon. Although the list of adverse reactions does not include such treatment accompaniment.

There may be several explanations for the alarming manifestation:

  • The disease that the drug is intended to eliminate. For example, with cervicitis, either the vessels of the mucous membrane lose their elasticity, their walls are easily destroyed. The result of this may be the appearance in natural blood secretions. Sexually transmitted infections also stimulate the production of mucus by the internal genital organs. The presence of pathogenic bacteria in it irritates the membrane, which makes vascular damage more possible. Cervical erosion is the replacement of flat cells with cylindrical ones, which are easily separated as a result of contact with a suppository, staining the discharge with blood.
  • Underexamination of the patient. After Hexicon suppositories, spotting may be the result of a pathology that has not yet been detected. This is a serious reason, since among them there is even cervical cancer. In this case, suppositories will be a provoking circumstance for blood to enter the discharge.
  • Drug overdose."Hexicon" is used in an amount of no more than 2 suppositories per day, and for prevention, 1 suppository is enough. But if you use the product on your own, the usual dose may be too much. There will be irritation of the mucous membrane and, as a result, injury to the blood vessels and removal of their contents to the outside.
  • Menstruation has begun. The drug should not be blamed for this; it is not capable of affecting. But diseases that cause the need to use suppositories may well move it. And the daub that appeared simultaneously with its use will turn out to be the early beginning of a new cycle.
  • Intolerance. The instructions do not mention any bleeding that occurs due to this. But if the mucous membrane is swollen, there is discomfort, pain, burning, and the volume of contents leaving the genital tract has increased, Hexicon is probably not suitable for the patient. Intolerance can also manifest itself in this form. In this case, the vessels of the mucous membrane are damaged due to swelling.
  • Mechanical injury to the vaginal walls. Those who have inserted Hexicon into the vagina to prevent sexually transmitted infections should pay more attention to the discharge. This is done immediately after the act or 2 hours later. Sex can also cause minor damage to the mucous membrane. A small amount of blood clots quickly and does not come out immediately. This can happen after using a suppository, as it turns into liquid in the vagina. It seems that Hexicon caused the blood to appear, although in fact the drug had nothing to do with it.

Another sign that worries women is when they appear after hexicon. After all, the instructions say that the drug does not affect the microflora. But the diseases for which suppositories are prescribed can have a negative impact on it.

Colpitis, cervicitis, and sexually transmitted infections weaken local immunity, as a result of which the candida fungus can join pathogenic bacteria. But this drug will not cope with it.

Should I stop taking the drug if I have discharge?

If the discharge is insignificant, and the use of Hexicon does not cause any other difficulties, treatment can not be interrupted, because it lasts 10 days. But after that it makes sense to see a doctor and insist on further examination.

It’s a different matter when there is a lot of discharge, or the woman is pregnant, then a specialist is needed immediately. In the second case, there are even more reasons for the appearance of blood due to the use of Hexicon. And they may be associated with a danger to the condition. Until a specialist’s verdict, it is better to stop using Hexicon.

Bloody discharge detected after suppositories should not be alarming. But it is necessary to identify their exact causes.

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Discharge after using suppositories very often bothers women during the treatment of diseases or after using suppositories. This can bring unpleasant sensations or even the very feeling that the disease has been cured disappears. Such discharge may be normal with this treatment, but you should know when to look for such symptoms as they may indicate complications. Therefore, it is necessary to know the main symptoms and complications that may arise during the use of suppositories in order to prevent their occurrence in time.

Causes of discharge after using suppositories

The use of suppositories in gynecological practice is very common, since this dosage form is the most accessible in this case in terms of local treatment of pathologies. Suppositories are used with different mechanisms of action and for different pathologies. The most common disease of the female genital organs is fungal vaginitis or “thrush”. This is a pathology that is characterized by the proliferation of fungal flora of the vagina with the development of corresponding clinical manifestations. This occurs against the backdrop of a decrease in the number of vaginal lactobacilli and Doderlein bacilli, which normally form lactic acid in the vagina when breaking down glucose and thus help maintain a slightly acidic vaginal environment. This is one of the main local mechanisms of vaginal protection, which is disrupted in women with candidiasis or fungal vaginitis. To treat this pathology, as the most common among diseases of the female genital organs, suppositories are widely used. The names of suppositories for the treatment of this pathology can be completely different, but the active ingredient of all these suppositories is antifungal drugs - ketoconazole, fluconazole, nystatin itroconazole, fungicide. They can also use combination drugs, which in one suppository contain not only antifungals, but also antibiotics, then their effect is more complex. The main names of such suppositories are “Anticandin”, “Moronal”, “Fungicidin”, “Nystatin”, “Poliginax”, “Stamiin”, “Fungistatin”, “Neotrizol”, “Vagikin”. These suppositories have different compositions and different methods of application and dosage, but due to their pronounced effective local action, they are very widely used even among pregnant women. Another indication for the use of suppositories is bacterial vaginosis. This is a non-infectious disease, which ranks second in frequency of occurrence in women after candidiasis. This pathology lies in the fact that the number of Doderlein bacilli decreases, and the ratio of aerobic and anaerobic flora changes, which also changes the environment in the vagina to an alkaline one. This is accompanied by clinical symptoms of vaginal discharge and requires local treatment in the form of suppositories. Therefore, the use of suppositories is very widespread, which in turn matters in the occurrence of complications of therapy or their clinical manifestations.

One of the symptoms during treatment with vaginal suppositories is the appearance of unpleasant discharge immediately after each use of the suppository or after complex treatment. Leucorrhoea can be of different types and depend on the cause. The most common cause of discharge after suppositories may be the peculiarities of the mechanism of action of the suppository itself. In addition to the active ingredient, the suppository has many other components, such as powder and glucose, which contribute to better absorption of the suppository on the mucous membrane. In this case, part of the active substance is absorbed, and the other part, along with additional substances, can be excreted after each use of the suppository in the form of unpleasant leucorrhoea. A distinctive feature of such discharge is that it occurs after each use of the candle.

Another reason for the appearance of discharge after using suppositories may be secondary infection due to improper use of treatment. Then leucorrhoea has a characteristic appearance. Also, the cause of discharge after suppositories may be a response to this method of treatment.

It is necessary to use suppositories correctly for their intended purpose for treatment, and if any leucorrhoea occurs, it is necessary to find their cause in order to determine whether this phenomenon is normal or pathological manifestations.

Symptoms of discharge after using suppositories

Symptoms after treatment with suppositories may occur during treatment, immediately after treatment, or some time after treatment. The appearance of such symptoms must be clearly differentiated from the pathological manifestations of the disease.

The first signs of this pathology are the appearance of discharge after each use of the suppository. In this case, leucorrhoea is small in quantity and has a white color, is odorless and does not cause unpleasant sensations in the form of itching and burning. This is normal, since a small amount of additional substances contained in the suppository is released. This is considered normal and does not require treatment and is not something to worry about.

Symptoms of discharge after using suppositories may occur at the end of the course of treatment or after its completion. In this case, you should pay attention to their color, character and features. After all, the local effect of a suppository in the presence of concomitant pathology in the uterus or cervix can cause similar symptoms that require adjustment of treatment or complete discontinuation of the drug. Such clinical symptoms are characterized by the appearance of bloody discharge or leucorrhoea of ​​yellow or green color, which may indicate their ineffectiveness or re-infection. In addition to discharge, other symptoms appear in the form of unpleasant sensations, itching, burning in the vagina, difficulty urinating, and pain when urinating. This already indicates the presence of a serious problem that needs to be corrected in time, so a second consultation with the doctor is necessary so that he can adjust the treatment or cancel it.

Clinical symptoms of leucorrhoea after suppositories may appear after treatment; they can be of a different nature and may indicate that the treatment was incomplete. Indeed, very often one treatment with suppositories is not enough, since complex treatment using general medications is necessary, as well as concomitant treatment of the intestines. Therefore, the use of suppositories can only be the initial stage of treatment, and then it is still necessary to restore normal flora in the vagina.

The different nature of the discharge indicates different types of pathology, which helps in the diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment of pathology.

Bloody discharge after suppositories occurs in the presence of concomitant pathology. If there is a polyp, cyst or endometriosis in the vagina, then the use of suppositories can cause such leucorrhoea. This happens if the suppositories, in addition to antibiotics and antibacterial drugs, contain a small amount of hormonal components, then the reaction very often occurs in the form of bloody leucorrhoea. This is due to the fact that under the influence of the active substance, the secretion of blood from the endometriosis site is stimulated. In this case, you should pay attention to this, since the same treatment cannot be continued.

White discharge after suppositories is often normal, as a symptom of a reaction to the suppository itself. Therefore, if such leucorrhoea appears and it does not cause any discomfort, then you should not worry. If the discharge is cheesy in nature, then you need to think about the ineffectiveness of treatment and consult a doctor again for advice.

Brown discharge after suppositories may indicate an incomplete course of treatment or re-infection. This may be a specific urogenital flora, so special attention should be paid to such discharge. Brown leucorrhoea can also be bloody in composition, but it can change shade under the influence of the candle itself, so this also needs to be taken into account.

Yellow or green discharge after suppositories can occur due to re-infection after treatment or due to improper use of suppositories. After all, candles should be placed at night or in the morning after all hygiene procedures, since a candle can be a conductor of infection and bacteria from the lower parts of the vagina can move higher. In this case, re-infection occurs, which requires the use of antibacterial agents. If the leucorrhoea has a cheesy character after using suppositories, this may indicate incomplete treatment, since the antibiotic contained in the suppository suppresses the number of beneficial lactic acid bacteria in the vagina and this promotes the activation of fungi. Therefore, after suppositories, it is also necessary to prescribe drugs that are probiotics.

Orange discharge after using suppositories often occurs due to certain medications, for example when using Viferon. This may also be normal as it is a residue of the base or active ingredient, so there is no need to worry.

Every woman can have leucorrhoea of ​​different nature and color after using suppositories, and it is necessary to determine when to worry. Generally speaking, bloody and purulent discharge with an unpleasant odor indicate the presence of some kind of pathology and require consultation with a doctor. If the leucorrhoea is not excessive and matches the color of the candle, then it is most likely the remains of the foundation and should not be worried.

Complications and consequences

The consequence of the appearance of discharge after the use of suppositories can be not only a worsening of the pathology, but also infectious inflammation, which has an ascending nature. If you do not consult a doctor in a timely manner, inflammation of the uterine appendages - adnexitis, as well as inflammation of the renal pelvis and bladder with the development of pyelonephritis and cystitis may develop.

A complication of discharge may be a protracted process in the uterus with slow regression of symptoms, so it is necessary to closely monitor such phenomena.

Diagnosis of discharge after using suppositories

Diagnostic signs of discharge after using suppositories include mainly complaints about the appearance of pathological whiteness. It is necessary to clarify the anamnestic data regarding the nature of the discharge, its quantity, color, as well as the method of using suppositories for treatment.

When examining a woman in the mirrors, you can see the cervix, possible concomitant diseases in the form of polyps, foci of endometriosis, which may cause bleeding after using suppositories. You can also see leucorrhoea and determine its color and character. A microbiological examination of a smear from the posterior vaginal vault is mandatory. This smear makes it possible to determine the possible pathogen in case of re-infection, as well as determine the effectiveness of the treatment.

For a more accurate diagnosis, special instrumental research methods are used. Colposcopy is a diagnosis of the cervix with a special device that has a magnifying ability of 2 to 32 times, depending on the power. This magnification allows you to see any changes in the epithelial cover that are not detected during normal examination in mirrors. In addition to simple colposcopy, extended colposcopy is also performed. In this case, the area of ​​the examined cervical epithelium is stained with trichloroacetic acid, iodine or Lugol's solution, and the degree of staining is examined. Areas of altered epithelium will be pale against the background of normally colored epithelium. Such a diagnosis makes it possible to confirm the presence of other concomitant conditions, such as metaplasia, polyp, endometriosis, cyst, which in turn may be the main or only cause of discharge after the use of suppositories.

Differential diagnosis

Differential diagnosis of discharge after suppositories must be carried out by the nature and color of the leucorrhoea, which can provide a basis for assumptions of a particular pathology. It is also necessary to clearly differentiate the appearance of discharge after the use of suppositories, which occurs normally, from those that occur during infection, since untimely treatment of infectious pathology can cause the development of complications. Leucorrhoea during the infectious process has a yellow or green color, an unpleasant odor and can cause unpleasant sensations in the form of itching, burning and tingling. Normally, leucorrhoea after suppositories, which is the result of the release of residues of the drug base, does not cause any sensations. If we are talking about infection, then intoxication syndrome will also be observed in the form of a rise in temperature and changes in blood tests.

Taking these features into account, it is necessary to clearly distinguish the main features of the clinical course of these different conditions in order to promptly adjust therapy and prevent the occurrence of complications.

Treatment of discharge after using suppositories

Treatment of discharge after suppositories is mandatory only if it is precisely confirmed that it is pathological discharge. Then you need to urgently decide on the method of treatment, which can be medication or a traditional method. It is also necessary to resolve the issue of changing therapy if an infectious agent is confirmed.

Conservative treatment of cervical metaplasia involves complex treatment using various directions.

The regimen for this disease is general, dietary recommendations are without any special features, a healthy diet is recommended. During the period of treatment it is necessary to refrain from sexual activity.

As for medications, to carry out etiological treatment it is necessary to determine the type of pathogen and its sensitivity to different antibiotics. To do this, a vaginal smear is examined for pathological flora while simultaneously determining the sensitivity of the pathogen to antibacterial agents.

Medicines that are used in the case of discharge after using suppositories are aimed mainly at reducing the inflammatory process and eliminating the source of infection by eliminating the pathogen. Therefore, anti-inflammatory drugs, antifungals and antibiotics are used. The best route of administration is local therapy, which provides good results along with general treatment.

If the discharge is white or yellow in the form of curdled masses, it is most likely that we are talking about candidiasis or a fungal infection. In this case, it is necessary to use antifungal agents, and Nystatin is most often used, since it used to be the “gold standard” for the treatment of candidiasis, but over time the standards were revised due to the formation of fungal resistance to this drug. Today they are returning to it due to the fact that microorganisms have “forgot” this drug a little and it is highly effective.

Nystatin is a drug that has an antifungal effect, which is especially pronounced against yeast-like fungi. A drug from the group of polyene drugs, which has a pronounced effect on fungi and does not affect bacterial and viral flora. In moderate therapeutic doses, the effect of the drug is to temporarily block the proliferation of fungi, that is, it has a fungistatic effect.

Nystatin, as a pharmacological drug, is available in different forms - in tablets, ointments, suppositories, and is also part of combination drugs. Suppositories, that is, suppositories, are distinguished between vaginal and rectal, which are used respectively for the treatment of candidiasis of the vagina and intestines. Tablets, ointments and suppositories have a similar trade name - “Nystatin”, and the drug is also part of a combined suppository for the treatment of candidiasis with the drug name “Polygynax”. The dosage of the drug for the treatment of discharge after using suppositories is the starting one and in the case of using suppositories it is 250,000-500,000 per day. Candles must be placed twice a day, morning and evening after hygiene procedures. The course of treatment is 7-10 days, depending on the regression of manifestations. The drug is contraindicated for use, especially during pregnancy, if there is a history of allergic reactions or if you are allergic to additional components of the drug. Side effects occur very rarely precisely because of the characteristics of pharmacodynamics, since the drug is not absorbed and does not affect systemic organs. If the dose is exceeded, dyspeptic disorders may occur in the form of abdominal pain, nausea, malaise, and vomiting. There may be local manifestations when using suppositories with nystatin in the form of itching, discomfort in the vagina, burning.

Precautions - during pregnancy and lactation, you should consult a doctor.

If discharge appears after using suppositories, which is associated with an endometrioid cyst, hormonal treatment is necessary. For this purpose, both monocomponent and complex preparations are used.

Janine is a low-dose, biphasic combined estrogen-progesterone drug that helps balance hormonal levels and suppresses the secretion of endometriotic areas. It is available in the form of tablets, the number of which is 21. Reception begins on the first day of the menstrual cycle. Due to the content of estrogen and progesterone, the drug can regulate any hormonal imbalance. Take one tablet per day for 21 days, then take a break for 7 days, then resume taking it. Side effects can develop in the form of dyspeptic manifestations, allergic skin reactions, changes in the mammary gland in the form of pain, swelling, as well as bloody uterine discharge. Contraindications to the use of the drug are diabetes, thrombosis and other vascular problems, migraine, as well as pregnancy and lactation.

If the discharge is purulent in nature and the infectious nature of such discharge is proven, then antibacterial therapy is mandatory. For this purpose, systemic antibiotics are used, which are most clearly capable of inhibiting pathogenic organisms. In parallel with antibiotics, anti-inflammatory suppositories are used as local remedies. Among antibiotics, preference is given to broad-spectrum cephalosporin drugs.

Cefepime– a beta-lactam antibiotic from the group of 4th generation cephalosporins, which has a pronounced bactericidal effect on gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms, that is, it covers a huge spectrum of microbes. Available in the form of powder for injection, 1 gram. The drug is used in a dose of 1 gram per day, administered intramuscularly or intravenously at intervals of 12 hours. The course of treatment is 7-10 days.

Contraindications to use are allergic reactions to penicillins or other beta-lactam antibiotics. No negative effects on the fetus were detected during pregnancy. Side effects are possible from the gastrointestinal tract, allergic manifestations, reactions of the nervous system in the form of headache, drowsiness, dizziness.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in the form of suppositories are used as anti-inflammatory therapy.

Dicloberl– a drug that has an anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous, antimicrobial effect. It also relieves pain, signs of irritation and inflammation, which contributes to a better effect along with the use of an antibiotic. Available in the form of suppositories for local therapy, 50 and 100 milligrams. The suppositories are administered rectally twice a day after toileting the genitals. The course of treatment is no more than five to seven days.

Contraindications to the use of the drug are a history of allergic reactions, bronchial asthma, as well as pathology of the gastrointestinal tract in the form of gastric or duodenal ulcers, intestinal bleeding, hyperacid gastritis.

Side effects are possible from the gastrointestinal tract in the form of glossitis, damage to the esophagus, stomach, intestines with symptoms of dyspepsia, and impaired intestinal evacuation function. Also possible allergic manifestations of varying severity. The effect of the drug on the hematopoietic system may cause anemia, a decrease in the number of platelets and granulocytic neutrophils.

When acting on the heart and vascular system, rapid heartbeat, pain in the heart area, heart rhythm disturbances, and blood pressure lability may occur.

It is necessary, in parallel with hormone replacement therapy, to carry out restorative and immunomodulatory treatment in the form of vitamin therapy. Vitamins A and E are recommended, or better yet, multivitamin complexes. It is also recommended to take B vitamins in injection form, and even better, complex vitamin preparations - Pregnavit, Complivit.

Physiotherapeutic treatment methods include iontophoresis and electrophoresis, as well as radiopulse therapy. It is also necessary to prescribe calcium supplements and prophylactic doses of acetylsalicylic acid.

Traditional treatment of discharge after using suppositories

Alternative treatment of discharge after using suppositories is of priority, since repeated treatment after using suppositories is often undesirable. They use medicinal herbs and folk remedies.

The main methods of traditional treatment are:

  1. Garlic has a pronounced antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect, which allows it to be used to treat pathological leucorrhoea. To do this, juice is squeezed out of a garlic clove and mixed with boiled water in a one-to-one ratio, and then a tampon is made and inserted into the vagina once a day. This can be done for 10 days for no more than 10 minutes.
  2. Propolis tincture reduces inflammation and helps reduce pathological discharge in case of re-infection, and also promotes epithelial regeneration and has a bactericidal effect. To prepare the tincture, boil 10 grams of propolis in boiled water for about 20 minutes, this solution should infuse for at least an hour, then apply a tablespoon orally 2 times a day.
  3. Honey has a pronounced relaxing effect on the uterine myometrium, and also has a bacteriostatic and immunomodulatory effect. It helps normalize cell membranes and reduces endometrial hypersecretion in case of bloody leucorrhoea after using suppositories. For treatment, one tablespoon of honey must be diluted in a liter of boiled water and douched twice a day. This course must be completed over 7-10 days.
  4. Aloe leaves, which have a pronounced anti-inflammatory and regenerating effect, are squeezed into a glass and, after wetting a tampon, inserted into the vagina, repeating the procedure once a day for two weeks. In this case, leucorrhoea should stop after 3-4 days.
  5. Burdock juice perfectly relieves irritation, swelling and has an immunomodulatory effect, which helps inhibit the proliferation of accompanying microflora. To do this, you need to squeeze out the juice from pre-washed burdock leaves and take one teaspoon three times a day for five days, and then one teaspoon twice a day for another five days.

Herbal treatment also has its advantages, since herbal medicine, in addition to local action, has a general calming effect.

  1. Acacia shows a good effect in treating purulent discharge after suppositories. To prepare the tincture, you need to collect acacia flowers, dry them, add alcohol and leave in a dark place for at least a day, and then dilute with boiled water, take one tablespoon three times a day. The course of treatment lasts one month.
  2. Sage in the amount of 2 tablespoons is brewed in boiled water and infused, after which it is taken half a glass 2-3 times a day.
  3. Chamomile infusion, which is prepared from three tablespoons of chamomile leaves, which are brewed in a liter of boiled water. Before taking, add a spoonful of honey and take half a glass 3 times a day.
  4. Stinging nettle leaves also help restore hematopoiesis and relax the myometrium, reducing the amount of pathological leucorrhoea. For treatment, a herbal tea is prepared, which has a hysterotropic effect. Stinging nettle and barberry leaves are infused in boiled water and boiled for another five to ten minutes, after which they are drunk instead of tea up to four times a day.

Homeopathic remedies for the treatment of discharge after suppositories are also widely used, since they do not contain hormones, but are able to regulate hormonal levels, and also have anti-inflammatory activity. Main drugs:

  1. Gynekohel is a combined homeopathic drug that has an anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and decongestant effect. The drug is available in the form of drops and is used 10 drops three times a day, before which it must be dissolved in warm water. Side effects are rarely observed in the form of allergic phenomena.
  2. Traumeel S is an analgesic, decongestant, anti-inflammatory agent. It is highly effective against inflammatory discharges. Available in ampoules for parenteral administration and in tablets. The dosage of the drug is one tablet 3 times a day. Precautions - not recommended for hypersensitivity. Side effects are possible in the form of redness and itching at the injection sites.
  3. Galium-Heel is a drug that has a pronounced immunomodulatory effect, and also improves the removal of pathological secretions and accelerates recovery. The drug is available in the form of drops and is used 10 drops three times a day. Side effects are rarely observed in the form of allergic phenomena. Contraindications for use are pregnancy and allergic hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.
  4. Lycopodium is a monocomponent homeopathic medicine that is effective for leucorrhoea, which can be caused by right-sided inflammation of the appendages or bloody discharge from an endometrioid cyst. The drug is produced in the form of homeopathic granules of 10 g in a jar, also in the form of tincture of 15 ml. Take between meals, dissolve under the tongue until completely dissolved, 1 granule 4 times a day. Not recommended for pregnant women. No side effects were found.

One of the fastest ways to administer medications is rectally. Pharmacies offer many drugs that are intended specifically for such purposes. Medicinal suppositories or suppositories are made from oily substances that quickly dissolve under the influence of body temperature. In the rectum, the remaining components are absorbed very well, entering directly into the circulatory system.

Such medications are especially effective for problems with the digestive system, for example, when the patient may vomit and the medicine taken has not yet had time to take effect. Unlike the oral route, suppositories provide more options for use. Most often they are used to treat small children, because the baby cannot yet swallow a pill on his own. In addition, suppositories will help get rid of delicate proctological problems, for example, in the treatment of hemorrhoids. Many medications used in the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract are also available in the form of suppositories, because this reduces the burden on the body and increases the effectiveness of the administered drugs.

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How to insert a candle correctly

The rounded shape of the suppository facilitates easy administration, but for the most successful result it is also necessary to take into account the basics of physiology. At the “entrance” to the rectum there are anal sphincters, which are responsible for the normal process of defecation. Weakening or paralysis of these sphincters is an extremely undesirable process, but it is the natural reaction of these muscles that poses an obstacle to the normal administration of suppositories.

Algorithm of actions:

  • It is advisable to use disposable latex gloves, but thorough hand washing before and after the procedure is also acceptable.
  • It is necessary that your hands are cold enough, otherwise the candle will begin to melt long before the required moment.
  • Long nails will need to be trimmed to avoid possible injury to the sensitive mucous membrane.
  • Before administering the drug, it is imperative to relieve yourself and perform hygiene procedures.
  • When administering the suppository, you must lie on your left side and bend your knees, pressing them to your chest.
  • The anus area can be slightly lubricated with Vaseline or soap.
  • The candle is inserted with its pointed end, without much effort, to a depth of 2 - 2.5 centimeters.
  • It is necessary to relax as much as possible; if the sphincter involuntarily contracts, you can try again after a few seconds.
  • After inserting the suppository, you should wait a few minutes, squeezing your buttocks tightly.
  • It is advisable to maintain a lying position for about 15 minutes, after which you can go about your usual activities.

Any suppositories have a mild laxative effect, so they are often used to relieve constipation. The course of treatment is determined individually depending on the disease and the drug used. In addition, it should be noted that such a dosage form will not always be optimal. If the patient has severe diarrhea or bleeding from the anus, using suppositories will only make the problem worse.

Important nuances of using suppositories:

  • Pediatricians often prescribe suppositories for the treatment of young children. It is easiest to introduce them while the baby is sleeping, when the body will not strongly resist such actions. To do this, you can lightly lubricate the anus area with baby cream, and then carefully introduce the medicine.
  • Candles must be stored in the refrigerator. It is necessary to take them out immediately before use, because they melt quite quickly.
  • If defecation occurs less than 10 minutes after administration, a second suppository can be used. On average, the medicinal components of the suppository dissolve and are absorbed in 20–25 minutes.
  • When reducing the dosage of the drug, it is necessary to cut the candle lengthwise and not across. This must be done very quickly and with a sharp blade so that the medicine does not crumble.

Medicinal suppositories are used in the treatment of many diseases. They are quickly and almost completely absorbed in the rectum, immediately entering the circulatory system. This is highly advisable if the patient has vomiting or problems swallowing hard tablets. In addition, this form of the drug does not irritate the gastric mucosa, which also represents an additional advantage for the patient. The only inconvenience is the insertion process itself. To prevent the candle from slipping back out after a couple of minutes, and also to minimize possible discomfort during insertion, it would be useful to study the useful tips in our article.

Depantol is considered one of the favorable and safe combined agents for topical use. It is antibacterial, regenerative and metabolic in nature. It is used to restore mucous membranes after cauterization of erosion, removal of HPV, including during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Can be taken during menstruation. Alcohol is also not a contraindication. The main active ingredients used in intravaginal suppositories are Chlorhexidine and Dexpanthenol. Depantol does not reduce the effect of lactobacilli. In the presence of blood and pus, it may slightly reduce its actions.

About the drug Depantol

Depantol suppositories are prescribed in gynecology for:

  • Regeneration of mucous membranes during the period after operations and childbirth, after destructive methods of treatment (conization, cauterization of erosion or HPV)
  • Treatment of vaginitis, both acute and chronic
  • Treatment of cervical erosion as part of complex therapy
  • Elimination of inflammation of the mucous membranes of the cervix (cervicitis).

The drug is also prescribed to pregnant women in their final stages to sanitize the birth canal, to get rid of bacteria, and to avoid infection of the baby during childbirth.

Depantol is used to treat the consequences of removal of papillomas (HPV), to relieve inflammation and restore mucous membranes.

You can light candles and drink alcohol - this is not a contraindication, provided you follow the instructions for use.

Also, the course of treatment is not interrupted during menstruation.

Depantol suppositories are not prescribed to patients with allergic reactions to one of the active components of the drug.

The drug is sold without a doctor's prescription and is stored for 24 months from the date of manufacture.

Possible consequences after using Depantol

The course of therapeutic therapy with the drug is 7-10 days (in individual cases it can be extended to 20 days). 1 suppository is administered twice in 24 hours.

Women may experience some warning signs after using Depantol. If the discharge is clear, odorless and not abundant, then this is normal, just like yellow discharge. If changes in discharge, itching and burning occur, you should consult your doctor for advice. It is also necessary to correctly combine treatment with other drugs with this medicine during menstruation, after cauterization of erosion, HPV and conization.

Depanthol suppositories, like any medicine, entail (in some cases) side effects, for example:

Threat of miscarriage

Expectant mothers react very sharply to any changes in the body. Including when spotting appears after using Depantol suppositories. If such discharge is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen (as during menstruation), in the lumbar region, increased excitability of the uterus (tone) and frequent urge to go to the toilet, then this may be a direct sign of a threatened miscarriage and you should immediately consult a doctor. If the doctor has not detected any changes in the shape of the cervix and the pharynx is not open, then we can say that there is no threat of interruption, but you should remain calm and perform relaxing therapy on the smooth muscles to relieve tone. Alcohol is contraindicated.

A disease that was not detected in time

When prescribing a drug, for example, for sanitizing the birth canal before childbirth, a disease may be overlooked, which will lead to unpleasant symptoms in the form of pinkish or white discharge. Itching and burning with white cheesy discharge may indicate the appearance of thrush. The release of opaque mucus may indicate cervicitis and colpitis, in which the walls of blood vessels become less elastic and more susceptible to microtrauma. Actually, because of this, a small amount of blood enters the normal secretions, coloring it a different color. If such signs appear, it would be correct to contact your doctor and conduct additional examination to exclude the formation of malignant neoplasms.

When contacting a doctor, it is worth clarifying whether alcohol was consumed, whether therapy was carried out during menstruation, whether HPV was diagnosed and whether it was removed or whether the erosion was cauterized.

Inflammatory processes of the cervix

When prescribing therapy with Depantol during inflammation of the cervix, erosion, removal of HPV, side effects may occur such as spotting with a pinkish or brown color, rather than transparent or yellow. Suppositories are not the direct cause, so there is no need to stop using them. Suppositories can only enhance such signs, which is the reaction of the body and microflora to this drug.

Bloody discharge (pseudo-menstruation)

The drug does not cause side effects such as cycle shifts during menstruation. Discharge after completion of physiological bleeding may indicate the presence of sexually transmitted and gynecological diseases. Injury to blood vessels is also possible after cauterization of erosion and removal of HPV.

Allergic reactions

Like any medicine, Depantol can cause allergic reactions. It is worth diagnosing reactions to the main components of the medicine before use. If it is not possible to do this before therapy, then you should listen to your body 24 hours after the start of treatment. As a rule, after the second and third days of use, the body will show an undesirable reaction (if any). Itching and burning, as well as bleeding, may occur. If the symptoms are mild and pass quickly, then there is no reason to worry, but it is worth mentioning this at your doctor’s appointment. If the symptoms are very severe and do not go away, then you should immediately stop taking the suppositories and consult a doctor.


Sometimes it happens that suppositories were introduced before the onset of sexual intercourse (PA) for preventive purposes. Since the suppository has a liquid state when dissolved, and during PA you can get microtrauma to blood vessels and mucous membranes (especially if alcohol was consumed), a small amount of blood can get into the liquid. A woman usually notices this the next day. This condition does not require additional treatment.


The active components of the drug Depanol do not have a detrimental effect on candida and do not affect lactobacilli. Therefore, when using the drug and thrush occurs due to the body’s reaction, it will be necessary to carry out additional therapy with other medications to eliminate the disease. If you do not consult a doctor to prescribe the necessary treatment, there is a possibility of a secondary infection of the genitourinary system, which can have adverse effects on the body, especially during pregnancy.

Eliminate unpleasant symptoms

Vaginal suppositories tend to acquire a liquid state if used correctly, as a result of which the discharge appears more abundantly than usual and has a yellowish tint (excess suppository). It does not require any specific actions, but it is recommended to administer the drug at night or use panty liners.

If the nature of the mucus secreted changes to pinkish or brown, which is accompanied by a burning sensation and pain in the lower abdomen, you should consult a doctor. As a rule, the doctor prescribes symptomatic treatment if necessary.

In case of overdose, as a rule, the drug is stopped within 72 hours. If the symptoms disappear and, if necessary, it is worth continuing treatment regardless of menstruation.

When thrush appears, the doctor may prescribe drugs such as Terzhinan and Livaror. They have a local effect, cope well with Candida strains and do not have a detrimental effect on the fetus (during pregnancy) if you follow the instructions for use.