How to make ventilation in a private house? Installation of ventilation in a private house Ventilation options in a private house

A properly built ventilation system for a private home is a process not driven by a whim or desire to comply with the norms and trends of modern housing, but a procedure that is extremely necessary to maintain climate balance. Complexity plays a special role here: it is not enough to arrange ventilation in the kitchen and bathroom (as many do). Every room in the house needs ventilation.

Insufficient air circulation between indoors and outdoors can lead to air stagnation, the formation of fungus and mold, and allergic reactions, heaviness throughout the body and poor health will become dubious “bonuses” in a room without ventilation.

The main types used in private homes are natural and forced, the distinctive features of which are the use (forced) of additional equipment, or ventilation using physical processes (natural).

Advantages and disadvantages of natural ventilation

The main advantage of natural ventilation is the simplicity and low cost of constructing the system, while forced ventilation can boast of more efficient and high-quality work.

Along with a number of undeniable advantages - low cost, ease of implementation - natural ventilation also has disadvantages, which, by the way, are significant. Many construction experts talk about the ineffectiveness of such a system and here’s why:

  1. According to building codes, the permissible temperature outside should not be lower than +5 degrees, otherwise the draft will increase and a large amount of cold air will begin to enter the house. According to some data, heat losses from natural ventilation in some cases reach 40% of the total volume.
  2. The situation is diametrically opposite to the previous point: if it is too hot outside, air exchange is minimized until air circulation completely stops.
  3. There is no way to treat the air coming from the street. The environmental situation in the country and in the world leaves much to be desired. Clean air is more of a luxury than an ordinary thing. Untreated and unpurified air can cause many problems.
  4. Ventilation in the room has limited adjustment. While it is still possible to reduce air exchange by tightly closing windows and doors, it is no longer possible to significantly increase it.

Air conditioning is mandatory

To create an effective atmosphere in the rooms of a private house, it is necessary to resort to complexity: the best option would be a combination of natural circulation with technological developments in this area (fans, filters, etc.).

Why do you need a hood in a private house with a stove or fireplace?

If a stove or fireplace is used in the house not as a decorative element, but performs its direct duties - heating the room, you need to take care of natural ventilation in double. For complete combustion of the fuel, a sufficient amount of oxidizer (in this case oxygen) is necessary. If there is a shortage of fuel, the fuel will not burn completely, releasing carbon monoxide, which will enter the living space. Naturally, there is little pleasant or useful in this.

Ventilation device in a house with a fireplace

If there is not enough air flow, then in the warm season you can open the window - this will be enough. In winter, such a trick is unlikely to work, so even at the construction stage it is advisable to install a pipe under the floor directly to the fireplace, through which the required amount of air will flow.

To organize a hood, they most often resort to the services of experts; this article is aimed at craftsmen who plan to carry out the installation themselves. Next, we will consider the main recommendations for constructing such ventilation, common problems and disadvantages.

How to make a natural ventilation system with your own hands

Natural ventilation works based on physical laws - due to the difference between warm air indoors and cold air outside (warm air is lighter) as well as pressure differences. Based on this, we came up with a simple design that is quite simple to make in a private house: in the center of the future home, most often in a load-bearing wall, a channel with a cross-section of about 130–140 mm is laid. Horizontal branches with a diameter of 100–100 mm are drawn from it into the rooms of the house.

Diagram and design of a system with a ventilation duct

Ventilation system design

Correct installation

Ventilation duct in the wall

To organize wiring they use. Then physics comes into play - warmer room air is under pressure and is drawn out due to traction force, colder street air enters the rooms through specially made channels, or naturally (doorways, open windows, etc.).

Placement of supply ducts in the wall

  1. The thickness of the walls of the exhaust duct must be at least one and a half bricks. Otherwise, the air in it will quickly cool and the reverse process will occur - the air will not be drawn out, but will flow into the rooms.
  2. The pipe at the outlet of the exhaust duct on the roof must be higher than the ridge. Otherwise, roof turbulence will interfere with the normal operation of the traction.

Bringing the system to the street

The main flow channel, as described above, is done in a standard manner. But the influx of fresh air coming from the street can be organized in two ways - either by making flow channels in the window sills, or by making gaps in the windows. When choosing the second method, it is better to use metal-plastic windows, which have one competitive advantage over wooden ones - an increased level of sound insulation. These measures will be enough to ventilate the house to the required extent.

Fresh air is essential

If we talk about the advantage of using natural ventilation over forced ventilation (filters, radiators, etc.), you need to focus on two points - noise and air frequency.

Natural ventilation does not require additional equipment (at least, you can do without it). This means that there will be no extraneous noise in the house from operating fans and radiators.

Many people, when installing air purifying filters, forget that they require constant replacement. After prolonged use, the filter becomes dirty and the air passing through it is not cleaned, but is supplied with an additional dose of dust and other substances, making it even more polluted. There is no need to control air exchange during natural ventilation - especially since some of the large particles coming into the house from the street along with the air settle on the windowsills, where they can be easily removed with a damp cloth. And if we assume that wet cleaning is carried out in the house regularly, then this should not cause any additional inconvenience.

Video: how to arrange a natural hood

Don't forget about the air conditioning system. A properly organized tandem of natural, forced ventilation and air conditioning will make life in the house comfortable and safe for health.

When building your own home, everything needs to be thought through at the design stage. How deeply and correctly the communications in the house, including ventilation, are thought out depends on how comfortable the inhabitants will feel in it. If the moment of designing ventilation in the house is missed, then this work can be done later. But there will no longer be a guarantee that you will get exactly what you want. Yes, and doing alterations is quite a troublesome and costly task. If a ventilation system for a home is provided during the construction process, then it will be truly easy and comfortable to breathe in, and most importantly, to breathe environmentally friendly air. How to make ventilation in a private house? There are several options to choose from:

  • the most common natural ventilation;
  • progressive-exhaust, in other words, forced ventilation;
  • combination of two types of ventilation (mixed type).

You can select a ventilation system depending on the natural and environmental conditions of your home. If there are forests, lakes and the air is incredibly fresh, then, of course, there is nothing to think about, natural ventilation is installed. If the site for the house is located near some enterprises and its environmental cleanliness is in great doubt, then, naturally, we install forced ventilation with filters. A good owner, when starting any work, advocates first of all for an economical but high-quality result. Let's consider the factors that influence this result. To ensure effective ventilation, attention should be paid to:

  • cleanliness of the surrounding air;
  • building material that is used to construct a home.

Houses built from the following materials are suitable for installing natural hoods: timber, brick, adobe, gas block, foam block and expanded clay block. Forced ventilation should be planned for houses made of sandwich panels, frame models and expanded polystyrene concrete.

What is air circulation

Air circulation consists of:

  • air flow - air entering through open windows and doors;
  • air flow - air moves through the home;
  • air exhaust - air exiting through ventilation holes.

In order for unhindered air circulation to occur, it is necessary to properly install the doors and windows of the home. The doors should contain a small grille, or the installation should be carried out so that there is a gap of about two centimeters at the bottom. Without such holes, air circulation will not occur. The most unclaimed room is usually chosen for the air exhaust device.

Characteristics of types of ventilation

To fully determine the type of ventilation, let’s consider what their essence is:

Natural ventilation

Natural ventilation can be different, but there is one similarity - it occurs naturally.

  • Infiltration. This process of air ventilation occurs as a result of air entering through leaky parts of windows and doors. When using wooden doors that have high air throughput (10-20 kg/hour per square meter). This type of natural ventilation is quite suitable for a house with an area of ​​100 m2 to 140 m2.
  • Ventilation. This process involves the independent entry of air into windows and doorways. But its disadvantage is that heat is lost during the ventilation process. The time to completely fill a home with fresh air is from 30 minutes to 1.5 hours, taking into account the area of ​​the home. If you carry out ventilation in winter, then during the ventilation period the window frame and the adjacent parts of the room cool. This cooling results in fogging and condensation. If you ventilate by opening the windows all the way, the circulation of fresh air occurs in 8 minutes. And if you also open the door, then in 4 minutes.

    Important! But do not forget about drafts, they are very dangerous to health.

  • Ventilation process using exhaust valves for windows and walls. When replacing wooden windows with metal-plastic ones, the entry of air into the room completely stops. Given this fact, it is best to take a closer look at windows that will have ventilation holes. If it didn’t work out with the windows, then you can make a ventilation hole in the wall. It is a pipe with a diameter of 100 mm, which is mounted through the wall. It is covered with a special mesh outside and inside.

Important! It is best to install such ventilation holes immediately behind the battery so that the incoming air has time to warm up.

Forced ventilation

When wall valves cannot cope with the ventilation process, a forced ventilation system is installed. This system includes ventilation equipment: filters, air valves, a fan, devices for heating air and absorbing noise. It is also necessary to stock up on air ducts and various items that help in air distribution: grilles, diffusers. Don't forget about the air intake grille.

Exhaust ventilation

For installation of exhaust air purification, special channels are designed. They are usually made of brick, so you should think carefully about the design first. Sometimes such a system is installed in the form of additional shafts. They run along the walls of the house. So, exhaust ventilation can be performed in the following options:

  • build ventilation shafts in the wall;
  • make exhaust ducts in the image of shafts adjacent to the wall;
  • install ventilation shafts in the form of hanging ducts;
  • bring exhaust ducts to the roof.

Exhaust ventilation can be of natural or mechanical type. Natural type hoods are installed if the intake of clean air is small. In this case, the exit from the ventilation shafts is closed with a regular grille. Otherwise, install a mechanical hood. To do this, special ventilation devices are installed at the exits of ventilation shafts. They come in different types. Their large assortment allows you to choose a fan for every taste.

What types of air ducts are there?

When installing various types of ventilation hoods, appropriate air ducts are used. Most often these are air ducts with a round diametrical cross-section. Since the inside of such outlets is ideally smooth, air passes through it without encountering much resistance.

If air ducts with a rectangular cross-section are used, the resistance is higher, but it is easier to install. Often ventilation hood shafts have certain bends, then it is better to use flexible air ducts. They are used if it is necessary to connect two parts of air ducts.

At the connection points, the air resistance is much higher than at other places. Therefore, you should try to make such connections to a minimum.

Ventilation hoods with recovery

The recovery process is the heating of incoming air flows with air at the ventilation outlet. In other words, counter flows exchange heat. This operation allows you to significantly save on heating the street air. But in cold weather, the heat from the output flow is not enough to heat the incoming flow, then you have to use a heater. With such a ventilation system, the exhaust can only be forced. To install a recuperation system, a separate place should be allocated, for example, in the basement.

Steps to take when planning ventilation

Whatever the house and the type of ventilation, certain rules should be followed when planning installation:

  • First you need to correctly calculate the volume of air exchange. This is the determination of the amount of incoming air that meets all sanitary and environmental standards.
  • Calculation of the dimensions of the air duct section.
  • Choosing the right type of ventilation hood. To do this, you should take into account all the features discussed above.
  • Introducing a plan diagram of exhaust ducts into the design of a private house. If the circuit is drawn up correctly, it will fully ensure good operation.
  • Determining the location in the house for installing the ventilation system.
  • Selecting a location for air intake and outlet.
  • Direct installation of the ventilation system.

Correctly calculating ventilation

When calculating ventilation, attention should be paid to the main factors:

  • How many people will live in the house?
  • The actual dimensions of the house.
  • How much air can fit in the rooms of the house.

The operation of technical devices, electricity, and hob must be taken into account. All this absorbs oxygen. We also pay attention to which rooms require the cleanest air. Various methods can be used for these calculations. Some of them require the presence of professionals to compile tables and diagrams. You can refer to building codes, SNiPAs, GOSTs, etc. In everyday construction, calculations are most often performed based on the area of ​​the house, sanitary standards and multiplicity.

  • The easiest way to calculate is by taking into account the area. This method is used for the size of air exchange in a home. According to the standards, three cubic meters of incoming air should be supplied per square meter per hour. The calculation process follows the formula: you should multiply the area of ​​the house by the amount of air according to the norm.
  • We calculate using the air exchange rate. This calculation is a little more complicated and uses several metrics. This calculation is usually performed with the help of a specialist. Multiplicity is a value that shows how many times in one hour the air is completely replaced. Standards for this value vary for certain types of premises.
  • Calculation taking into account sanitary standards. In this case, calculations are carried out taking into account the norm of the amount of air per person living in the room. The standards are different for each room (for the bedroom, for the kitchen, for the dining room, etc.). As a result, all the data standards are added up and the total volume of air intake is obtained.​

We install an exhaust system in the house

We begin installation with the main ventilation shaft. The best place to place it is a wall that runs through the center of the house. With this placement, it is easier to connect pipes that act as an air duct from each living room of the house. When planning and installing hoods, horizontal bends should be made as little as possible, as this weakens the draft. As a result, ventilation efficiency is significantly reduced. All branches are ultimately connected to a common pipe, which provides air outlet. It is usually located on the roof.

We provide typical hood dimensions:

  • The rectangular cross-section of the exhaust shaft in the wall is 13x13 cm.
  • The width of the wall that contains the exhaust shaft is 38 cm.
  • The exhaust shaft for a heating boiler or fireplace is 13x26 cm.
  • The diameter of the pipes used for ventilation is 10-12 cm.
  • The height of the exhaust pipe on the roof should be higher than the level of the ridge, and the thickness of its walls should be at least two and a half bricks.

If the wall is made thinner, the air at the outlet will cool very quickly and return back. And if there is not enough height, the traction process will be disrupted.

In addition, you should definitely worry about air flow. If doors and windows are tightly closed and air flow cannot occur, the ventilation system will not be able to operate efficiently. Therefore, you should make sure that there is a gap of about two centimeters wide between the doors and the floor.

So, to ensure proper operation of the ventilation system, many nuances should be taken into account and special attention should be paid to its layout. Only in this case can we ensure fresh air in the house and comfortable living in it.

A large country house is the dream of many families. But in order for the building to be comfortable for living, it is necessary to provide for the presence of all necessary communications in it at the design stage. One of them is ventilation.

An established air exchange system in the house will provide:

  • supply of oxygen to the premises;
  • protecting rooms from dampness, mold and mildew;
  • comfortable living conditions and optimal sanitary conditions for human life.

Which rooms need ventilation?

For normal life, a person needs pure oxygen. Therefore, its supply should be ensured in living rooms, such as the bedroom, living room, and children's room. Service areas in the house (bathroom, etc.) also need constant circulation. Here there is often high humidity and accumulation of odors that need to be removed outside. Ventilation of these premises will reduce the formation of dust, dirt, excessive stuffiness, condensation, the spread of harmful microorganisms, and mold.

Ventilation system, methods of organization

There are two main types of air exchange arrangement in residential buildings:

  • natural (natural);
  • mechanical (forced).

Features of the arrangement and principle of operation of natural ventilation of a private house

Natural air exchange in residential buildings is carried out based on the difference in pressure inside and outside the house, as well as the effect of wind on the building. How it works?

The temperature inside the house is higher than outside, so the oxygen there has a lighter structure. Thanks to this, he climbs the shafts and goes out into the street. A vacuum arises in the room, which draws fresh air from the street through the openings in the building envelope. The incoming masses have a heavy structure, so they are located at the bottom of the premises. Under their influence, light warm air is forced out of the rooms.

The wind accelerates the circulation of air masses. As the difference in temperature inside and outside the cottage and wind speed increases, the supply of freshness to the house increases. Previously, the places where it entered were leaks in windows, doors, and porous walls. But modern insulation systems, as well as plastic windows, are designed so that there are no gaps in them for air supply. In this case, the inflow is carried out through special valves mounted in the windows or walls of the building.

Waste oxygen enters the openings of the vertical ventilation ducts of the house, located in the kitchen and bathroom, and is discharged outside through them. Replenishment of fresh water occurs through ventilation (opening windows, doors, transoms).

Advantages and disadvantages of the system

Natural air exchange in the house has the following advantages:

  • efficiency. The movement of air flows is carried out without the use of additional equipment;
  • no accidents. The ventilation design is extremely simple, does not depend on the power supply, and does not require regular maintenance;
  • quiet operation;
  • Possibility of combination with filtration and air conditioning systems.

The main disadvantage of natural ventilation is poor air exchange, which leads to the formation of condensation, the accumulation of unpleasant odors, and the occurrence of mold and mildew. This threatens not only the gradual destruction of the house, but also the health of the people living in it.

The natural ventilation system does not allow you to regulate the volume of air removed and supplied to the premises. The recycled stream either does not have time to be discharged outside, or is removed too quickly, causing heat loss in the house. In the summer, when the temperature inside and outside the house is almost the same, the draft disappears and the air movement in the system stops. Therefore, natural circulation is practically not used in modern house construction. It is used in combination with a mechanical system.

Forced ventilation - features, types

This is an artificially organized system, the movement of oxygen in which is carried out through the use of injection devices (fans, pumps, compressors). It is used in private buildings where natural ventilation is not provided or does not work. Advantages of mechanical organization:

  • works autonomously, regardless of weather conditions (pressure, temperature, wind);
  • allows you to prepare the air supplied to the premises to a comfortable state (heat/cool, humidify/dry, purify).

Disadvantages of the forced scheme for mansions:

  • significant costs for setting up the system, purchasing equipment, paying for electricity;
  • the need for regular maintenance.

Mechanical air exchange in a private house can be arranged in several ways. There are different types of ventilation:

  • supply - provides forced supply from the outside;
  • exhaust - removes the processed flow from the premises mechanically;
  • supply and exhaust - inflow and supply in the house are organized artificially.

Supply ventilation in a private house

This system is designed to replace exhaust air in the house with fresh air. It consists of:

  • air intake;
  • heating and cooling devices;
  • cleaning filters;
  • devices supplying air to rooms;
  • sound-absorbing devices.

Through the air valve, clean air enters the system, is subject to certain processing, filtered, and, using a fan, is distributed throughout the rooms in the house. Getting into the rooms, it displaces the waste stream. The supplied air can be additionally cooled or heated.

Supply ventilation systems are:

  • duct - air circulation is carried out through pipes;
  • channelless - the flow is supplied to the room through holes in the walls and windows.

According to the device method, they are distinguished:

  • stacked ventilation systems consisting of separate units connected by one air duct;
  • monoblock - all devices are collected in one compact housing.

Supply installation schemes have the following advantages:

  • the ability to regulate the temperature and volume of oxygen supplied;
  • compact dimensions;
  • functionality (they have additional devices for cleaning, heating, cooling the supplied air);
  • ease of installation and maintenance.

The disadvantages of this type of ventilation can be identified:

  • noisiness. During operation, the system units produce sounds, so it is necessary to provide a noise suppressor and install the equipment away from the living rooms in the house;
  • the need for space to install all its elements (this will be required when installing a typesetting system);
  • need for regular maintenance.

Exhaust ventilation in a private house

When installing this system, clean air enters the rooms through windows, doors, and special valves, and exhaust air is removed using exhaust fans. These devices are installed in the most problematic areas of the house (kitchen, bathroom); they come in wall and duct types.

Pros of this installation:

  • control of the volume of exhaust air;
  • independence from environmental conditions;
  • ease of installation.

Among the disadvantages of the system:

  • inability to control the amount of air supplied to the house;
  • costs for the purchase of equipment, electricity;
  • the need for regular maintenance.

Ventilation using supply and exhaust units

How to make ventilation in a private house with metal-plastic windows, finished with modern thermal insulation materials? To do this, you need a high-quality system that allows you to supply fresh air and remove exhaust air automatically. Air handling units will solve this problem.

They provide for the organization of two parallel flows:

  • for exhaust air removal;
  • for serving fresh.

These installations allow you to regulate the volume of output and supply flows, allowing you to maintain an optimal level of humidity in the premises of the house. Main elements of the supply and exhaust system:

  • air ducts - intended for supplying and removing air masses. They form two parallel lines, consisting of pipes and fittings (tees, rotating elements). Air ducts differ in shape (round, rectangular), cross-sectional area, rigidity (made of aluminum foil, galvanized sheet, plastic);
  • fan - provides the pressure in the ventilation system necessary for supplying and removing air. It can be installed on the roof of the building, directly in the air duct, or on a special support;
  • air intake grille - through them, air from the street enters the supply channel. Also, these elements protect the system from foreign objects, rodents, birds, and precipitation;
  • air valve - prevents air from entering the system when it is off. It can operate on an electric drive, in automatic mode, and can also be equipped with electric heating that prevents freezing of the sashes;
  • filters - protect ventilated rooms and the system itself from insects, dust, and other small particles. They require regular cleaning (recommended once a month);
  • heater - heats the air supplied to the premises during the cold season. This device can be water (suitable for large cottages) and electric (used in small houses);
  • noise mufflers - prevent sounds from operating devices from spreading through the pipe system. They are tubular, plate, chamber, cellular. Once air enters them, it passes through special barriers (perforated channels, tubes or plates), as a result of which its intensity decreases. Installing a silencer is not always necessary. Sometimes, to reduce the intensity of sounds in the system, it is enough to reduce the speed of the installation and ensure sound insulation of the fans;
  • air intakes and distributors. The first serve to enter the flow into the system, the second - to distribute it evenly throughout the room. These elements are presented in the form of grilles and diffusers of round and rectangular shapes. They are mounted on the walls or ceiling of the room;
  • control system. It can be mechanical (represented by a switch) or automatic (operation is regulated by a remote control). Its main elements are thermo- and hydrostats, pressure gauges;
  • security system - represented by a set of additional devices that protect ventilation elements from overheating and power surges.

An improved model of supply and exhaust ventilation is a recovery type system. It ensures efficient circulation in the house without loss of heat. This ventilation system is equipped with a recuperator, which allows reducing the cost of heating air coming from the street. The influent masses are heated by the heat of recycled streams removed from the house. This is the most effective and energy-efficient way to organize air exchange in residential buildings, although it is the most expensive.

Gas ventilation in a private house

The presence of gas appliances in the house places increased demands on the arrangement of circulation in the premises. Impaired traction can cause poisoning from combustion products.

Oxygen is required for normal operation of gas installations. If there is not enough of it, the air in the room is discharged. As a result, reverse draft occurs, and instead of the chimney, combustion products enter the surrounding space. They can cause malaise, severe headaches, loss of consciousness in a person, and even complete respiratory arrest.

Requirements for ventilation of a gas boiler room

Air exchange in a room with a heating device running on natural gas must be organized in accordance with the following technical requirements:

  • there are no more than two gas units per chimney;
  • combustion products must enter the chimney from different levels (from a distance of more than 50 cm). With a single-level supply, a cut of the same height is installed in the channel;
  • To prevent soot and carbon monoxide from leaking into the house, the boiler ventilation system should be sealed. Processing of joints and seams is carried out with material resistant to high temperatures;
  • all elements of the exchange system must be thermally insulated to prevent fire.

Ventilation of the boiler room is constructed on the basis of the following calculation: air outflow = air exchange x 3.

Air supply = outflow + volume of oxygen required for the combustion process.

Methods for ventilating a gas boiler room

Air exchange in the room where gas equipment is located can be organized using:

  • natural and mechanical ventilation based on draft. Natural circulation is the result of a pressure difference inside the house and outside. During mechanical ventilation, draft is generated by a fan;
  • supply, exhaust, or combined ventilation systems, organized according to their intended purpose. Air forced into the room puts pressure on the exhaust flow, pushing it out. Also, oxygen can be supplied to the boiler room naturally and removed mechanically. A combined (supply and exhaust) system will allow you to organize the ventilation of the room automatically, which works effectively in any weather, since the supply and exhaust are carried out mechanically;
  • channelless or channel (depending on the design of the cottage). In the first case, the boiler room is connected through holes to another room, from where the waste stream is discharged into the air duct. In the second case, a complex system of pipes is laid to ensure exchange in all rooms of the house.

Advice: to improve the natural ventilation of a gas boiler room, it is better to additionally install an exhaust fan, which will ensure the movement of air masses in the absence of draft.

Closed-type heating devices operating on natural gas are equipped with a coaxial (double) ventilation duct. Through its inner pipe, combustion products are removed, and through the outer pipe, fresh air is supplied to the burner.

If a gas boiler with an open combustion chamber is installed in the house, you should:

  • install a pipe to remove carbon monoxide to the street;
  • arrange a general air exchange system in the room;
  • arrange the supply of oxygen to the boiler.

Note: oxygen can enter the room from the street through cracks and gaps in windows and doors. If the room is sealed hermetically, you will need to organize a forced air supply.

Proper ventilation in a private home

Organizing oxygen exchange will ensure a favorable microclimate in the house, the health of its inhabitants and the safety of the structure itself. How to arrange it correctly?

Norms and rules for home ventilation

To create optimal conditions for human life in the residential and office premises of a cottage, it is necessary that 60 m 3 of oxygen (minimum 20 m 3) enter each of them in 1 hour. Comfortable air humidity is 50%, and its exchange rate is 0.5 m/s.

This can be achieved through proper system design. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the air exchange rate for rooms for different purposes. For a bathroom this figure is 50 m3, a common bathroom - 25 m3, a kitchen - 90 m3. Not only office rooms, but also living rooms and utility rooms should be ventilated. To form a calculated hood, it is necessary to sum up the air exchange rates of each compartment of the house. In this case, it is desirable that actual ventilation exceeds the minimum standards.

Designing an air exchange system in a house

Development of a home ventilation project includes:

  • selection of equipment;
  • drawing up a communications wiring diagram taking into account architectural, construction, sanitary, and economic criteria.

The purpose of this work is to develop a system that will cope with the supply and exhaust of air, within the estimated volume calculated for the house. The design must not only ensure uninterrupted ventilation of the premises, but also free access to all structural elements (assemblies, chambers). This is necessary for quick troubleshooting and regular maintenance.

For circulation to work well, it is important to carefully select all equipment. It should last as long as possible. The devices used should not spoil the architecture of the house, so it is better to install them in a hidden way.

When designing cottage ventilation, it is important that the system complies with sanitary and epidemiological standards. It must not only cope with the supply/removal of air masses, but also operate as silently as possible. Don't forget about the efficiency of the system. But the desire to reduce installation costs should not affect the quality of the installation. The main design task is to develop the optimal ventilation option for the house, taking into account all the above criteria.

The preparation of a project by a contractor begins with the formation of technical specifications. It contains all the criteria by which the ventilation system should be laid, as well as the customer’s wishes.

Calculation of ventilation in a private house

The operation of the system depends on whether the volume of air supplied and exhausted corresponds to the conditions of the house. This can be calculated using special formulas. The basis is the house plan, which indicates the purpose and area of ​​each room.

First, the air exchange rate is calculated - an indicator that determines how many times in 1 hour the air in the room is completely changed. For most residential premises it can be single, for kitchens, bathrooms, boiler rooms - 2-3 times. It is also necessary to take into account the people living in the house.

The air exchange rate is calculated using the formula: L(air supply unit capacity, m3/h) = n(multiplicity rate for a specific room) *V(room volume).

Calculation of air exchange, taking into account the number of people living in the house, is carried out according to the formula: L = N(number of residents) * L(air intended for one person is the norm). When performing physical activity, one individual needs air renewal - 30 m 3 / h, in a calm state - 20 m 3 / h.

Please note: having calculated the air exchange rate by the frequency and the number of residents, they are guided by the larger of these values.

Equipment selection

Criteria by which the main system settings are selected:

  • power, performance;
  • operating pressure;
  • noise level emitted.

The speed of movement along the highways directly depends on their cross-section, as well as the power of the fan. But you should also take into account that the air ducts provide a certain resistance, which reduces the performance of the air handling unit.

Note: the productivity of the cottage ventilation system should be in the range of 1000-3000 m 3 /h.

At the stage of developing a feasibility study, the type, quantity and power of system elements are determined, its preliminary cost is compiled, and optimization adjustments are made. After this, a working design is drawn up, based on high-precision calculations of air exchange and heat release of a particular house. The devices and air distributors in it are selected according to.

Ventilation diagram for a private house

The air distribution network consists of pipes, fittings (rotating elements, splitters, adapters), distribution devices (diffusers, grilles). Based on this, you can determine:

  • fan operating pressure - it depends on the technical parameters of the unit, the type and diameter of the air ducts, the number of rotating and connecting elements, and the air distributors used. The longer the line and the more different connectors, turns, and adapters there are on it, the greater the pressure the fan should create;
  • the speed of movement of air masses depends on the diameter of the highways. For residential buildings this is 2.5-4 m/s;
  • noise level - depends on the cross-section of the highways and the speed of air movement along them. Quiet operation of the ventilation system will be ensured by large diameter pipes. If it is not possible to install them, use lines with a cross-section of 160-250 mm, equipped with distribution grids 20x20, or 20x30 cm.

According to the interstate standard (GOST 21.602-2003), the diagram must show all elements of the ventilation system. They are designated by certain symbols and signed.

To make it comfortable and safe for a person, it is necessary to organize its ventilation. This will not only provide a favorable microclimate, but will also extend the operational life of the structure itself. There are several types of indoor air exchange arrangements. The choice of a specific system depends on the area, design features of the house, the number of people living in it, and the budget. For it to work effectively, it is better to entrust its planning and installation to professionals with experience in this field.

Natural ventilation channels

For effective ventilation, Each room of the house must have two ventilation devices: one is for air supply, the other is for removing air from the room.

Every room in a house or apartment equipped with a supply and exhaust natural ventilation device according to one of three options:

  1. Supply valve in a window or outside wall for air flow. Transfer hole into an adjacent room with an exhaust duct for air removal (hole in the door or internal wall, partition).
  2. For air flow - overflow hole from an adjacent room with an inlet valve, and exhaust duct
  3. Inlet valve for inflow, And exhaust duct ventilation to remove air.

Check whether in the house or apartment where you currently live, whether all rooms have supply and exhaust ventilation devices?!

In which rooms should exhaust ventilation ducts be installed?

Exhaust ducts for natural ventilation must be provided from the following areas of the house:

  • Sanitary facilities - bathroom, toilet, laundry room.
  • Kitchens.
  • Dressing room, storage room - if the doors of the premises open into the living room. If the doors open onto a corridor (hall, kitchen), then you can do one of two things: arrange an exhaust duct from the premises or install a supply valve in a wall or window.
  • The boiler room must have both a ventilation duct and a supply valve.
  • From rooms separated from rooms with a ventilation duct by more than two doors.
  • On the floor above the first, if there are entrance doors from the stairs to the floor, ventilation ducts are made from the rooms indicated above, and/or from the corridor, hall.
  • On the floor above the first, in the absence of entrance doors from the stairs to the floor, a ventilation duct and a supply valve are installed in each room of the floor.

In other rooms of the house that do not have natural ventilation exhaust ducts, be sure to install a supply valve in a window or wall and a flow hole into the adjacent room.

In addition, natural ventilation exhaust ducts are used for ventilation:

  • Sewer pipe riser.

Building rules (clause 6.5.8 SP 60.13330.2016) require that in residential buildings, for premises housing gas equipment (gas boilers, hot water heaters, kitchen stoves, etc.), provide mechanical forced exhaust ventilation and natural or mechanical forced ventilation.

Location and dimensions of ventilation ducts

The minimum side size of the natural ventilation channel is 10 cm., and the minimum cross-sectional area is 0.016 m 2., which approximately corresponds to the diameter of a standard ventilation duct pipe - 150 mm.

A channel of minimal size will provide air exhaust in a volume of 30 m 3 /hour with a vertical pipe length of more than 3 m. To increase the performance of the hood, the cross-sectional area of ​​the channel or the length of the channel is increased. Channels less than 2 long m. do not provide the necessary intensity of natural ventilation.

In practice, the length of the ventilation duct on a floor is usually determined by design considerations - the number and height of the upper floors located above, the height of the attic, the length of the pipe above the roof. On the floor, the length of all channels must be the same. This is done so that the traction force in each channel on the floor is approximately the same.

The cross-sectional dimensions of the channels on the floor are often made the same, but for design reasons - it’s more convenient. The performance of the ventilation channel in a particular room on the floor is adjusted by choosing the size of the ventilation grille.

Ventilation ducts from the premises of the house on different floors are placed side by side, combining them into a block of ventilation ducts.

For design reasons, they try to lay several ventilation ducts from rooms on the same floor side by side, in one place - to create a block of ventilation ducts.

A block of ventilation ducts in stone houses is usually placed inside the load-bearing internal wall of the house or attached to the wall.

The block is laid out from masonry materials, for example, brick. In brickwork, it is convenient to make channels with a cross-section that is a multiple of the size of the brick, taking into account the thickness of the joints - 140x140 mm. (1/2 x 1/2 brick, 196 cm 2) or 140x270 mm. (1/2 x 1 brick, 378 cm 2)

Double-channel expanded clay concrete ventilation block 390x190x188 mm. Flow area of ​​one channel 168 cm 2
Concrete blocks for laying ventilation ducts in a private house. Block height 33 cm., width 25 cm., wall thickness 4 cm. The flow area of ​​one channel is 12x17 cm. (204 cm 2)

They produce hollow concrete blocks specially designed for laying ventilation ducts.

A block of ventilation ducts made of masonry materials must be supported on a foundation or on a reinforced concrete floor.

In other cases, for example, in wooden or frame houses, a block of ventilation ducts is assembled from plastic or galvanized steel pipes. The block of pipes is covered with a box.

How to combine several channels into one channel

In a private house, the number of channels is small, so there is no need to combine air flows from several channels (rooms or floors) into one, as is often done in apartment buildings. Each natural ventilation channel in a private house should begin in the room and end at the head on the roof. Any combination of two or more channels impairs ventilation performance.

In some cases, there is still a need to combine several channels, to combine them into one common natural ventilation channel.


Ventilation channel performance

Performance of a single exhaust ventilation channel with a cross section of 12x17 cm.(204 cm 2) from concrete blocks depending on the channel height and room temperature:

Capacity of natural ventilation channels with a cross section of 12 x 17 cm.(204 cm 2) depending on the channel height and room temperature (at an outside air temperature of 12 o C)

To determine performance for intermediate channel heights, plot the channel height versus performance graph.

Similar tables can be found for ventilation ducts that are made of other materials.

However, for ventilation ducts of the same cross-section (204 cm 2), but made from other materials, the performance will differ slightly from that indicated in the table.

For a channel of a different cross-section, the performance value from the table can be proportionally increased or decreased.

To increase the performance of a ventilation channel of the same height, it is necessary proportionally increase the cross-sectional area of ​​the channel. To do this, for example, choose a concrete block with a larger hole, or use two or three channels of the above size to ventilate one room.

Calculation of natural ventilation of a private house

The building regulations specify the minimum required capacity of natural ventilation ducts. Typically, people feel better when more fresh air is supplied to the room than specified in the standards. The performance of the natural ventilation channel very much depends on atmospheric and other variable factors (air temperature inside and outside, wind pressure and direction, resistance to air flow into the room). All this suggests that for a private house there is no point in carefully performing calculations accurately. I recommend rounding the calculation results towards greater productivity of natural ventilation channels. During operation, if necessary, the channel capacity can be easily reduced.

Calculation of natural ventilation is carried out in order to determine the size of ventilation channels based on the volume of air removed.

When determining the volume of air removed through natural ventilation ducts, it is taken into account that air enters rooms with supply valves from the street, then this air flows into rooms with exhaust ducts, and is removed through the ducts again to the street.

Calculation is being carried out for each floor at home in the following order:

  1. Guided by the standards (see), determine the amount of the minimum volume of air that should come from the street for ventilation all rooms with supply valves - Q p, m 3 /hour.
  2. According to the standards, the amount of the minimum volume of air that must be go outside for ventilation all premises equipped with an exhaust ventilation duct - Q in, m 3 /hour.
  3. Compare the calculated minimum values ​​of air flow from the street (Q p, m 3 /hour) and going outside (Q in, m 3 /hour). Usually one of the quantities turns out to be greater than the other. The larger of the two quantities is taken as the minimum design capacity of all exhaust ventilation channels on the floor— Q r, m 3 /hour.
  4. Based on the vertical dimensions of the house, the height of the natural ventilation channel on the floor is determined.
  5. Knowing the height of the ventilation channel, and the overall estimated minimum performance of all channels on the floor (Q p, m 3 / hour), According to the table (see above), the total number of standard channels made of concrete blocks is selected. The total performance of the selected number of standard channels must be no less than the value of Q p, m 3 / hour.
  6. The selected number of standard ducts are distributed between the rooms of the house, which must be equipped with exhaust ventilation ducts. When distributing, take into account the need to ensure standard air exchange in each individual room with a ventilation duct.

An example of calculating the natural ventilation of a private house

For example, let’s calculate natural ventilation in a one-story house with a total floor area of ​​120 m 2. The house has five living rooms with a total area of ​​90 m 2, kitchen, bathroom and toilet, as well as a dressing room (storage room) with an area of ​​4.5 m 2. Room height - 3 m. The house is designed with natural ventilation of the underground space through a ventilation duct. Height of ventilated space under the floor 0.3 m. We use concrete blocks to install ventilation channels - see above.

Fan at the entrance to the natural ventilation channel

Continuation: for the next one

An influx of fresh air is needed to ensure healthy living conditions, good maintenance of plants and high-quality functioning of technical systems. At the same time, it is necessary to remove various harmful impurities. Do-it-yourself productivity in a private home will help you solve these problems in a complex. Diagram, calculations, installation methods - all this is in today's review.

A good ventilation system is an essential element of the engineering equipment of a modern private home.

Read in the article

Installation of a ventilation system in a private house: general parameters and requirements

Modern buildings are created with improved airtightness and. This improves economic performance during operation, but blocks the access of fresh air. This example explains the need for an integrated approach when considering the functionality of engineering systems.

The following features should also be noted to correctly formulate the requirements for a good ventilation design for a private house:

  • The composition of the indoor atmosphere can be affected by the condition of the air outside and the presence of sources of harmful and unpleasant impurities in the property itself.
  • Ventilation control methods are essential.
  • It is possible that contaminants from household chemicals, finishing and building materials may enter the air.
  • To calculate the ventilation device in a private house, you can use the method of taking into account maximum permissible concentrations of impurities, or indicators of normal air exchange.
  • We must not forget about the different needs in and on, in the training room and.
  • , and other equipment actively consume oxygen.
  • It is necessary to take into account the individual physiological characteristics and preferences of users. Particular attention should be paid in the presence of allergic reactions.

It should be emphasized that current domestic and foreign regulations, industry and sanitary and hygienic standards contain contradictory data. The above information explains the actual complexity of the task. Too many factors influence indoor air parameters. In addition to objective indicators, individual preferences will have to be taken into account.

For your information! For residential premises, the total exchange rate is calculated using the proportion of 30 cubic meters. m. per hour per person. Below are adjustment data for different rooms and special operating conditions.

That is why, when performing calculations for installing ventilation in a private home, experienced specialists make a sufficient margin for performance. It helps make the necessary corrections during peak loads.

Types of ventilation systems

The supply of fresh air to the premises is constantly organized. Only the intensity of the corresponding operations changes. This means that the most convenient and economical system is one that performs its functions without close monitoring and power consumption. On the other hand, the use of forced mechanisms simplifies the ventilation of rooms.

Advantages and disadvantages of natural ventilation in a private house

This simplified diagram of natural ventilation in a private house shows the main parts of the engineering structure. Here there are holes in the walls through which air from the street comes in. Paths have been created for the free movement of flows between rooms.

To ensure air exchange according to the above standard (30 cubic meters per person per hour), it is enough to install a supply and outlet pipe with a diameter of 150 mm or more. The height of the vertical part is made from 300 cm or more. This typical example can be used for calculations taking into account the architectural features of the property.

Important Notes:

  • The same length of vertical pipes will allow equalization.
  • The efficiency of the system is reduced by: branches, horizontal sections, changes in cross-section.
  • For ease of construction, ducts from rooms on different floors are combined into a single ventilation shaft, or mounted side by side.

Filter elements are installed in some input channels to retain dust and other mechanical impurities. Such parts can significantly reduce system performance.

For your information! The height of ventilation pipes is not regulated by SNiP. However, in practice, chimney standards can be applied. If you follow the above rules, obstacles to the free movement of air in the desired direction will be minimized with different wind directions and strengths.

Why do you need a forced ventilation system in a private house?

In the systems discussed above, air moves due to different atmospheric pressure at different altitudes, when heated, under the influence of gusts of wind. The main advantage of these techniques is energy independence. However, they are all overly susceptible to all sorts of external factors. The task becomes more difficult as the height of the channels increases.

To ensure the required performance under any conditions, impellers with electric drives of various types are used.

This figure shows the centralized equipment of the facility. Here, one power unit is used, which provides air supply and outlet. When installing sensors and control devices, the ventilation performance of individual rooms is changed. When combined with, they solve the problem of maintaining comfortable temperature conditions.

air handling unit

What schemes are used to organize effective ventilation in a private home?

In practice, various combinations of natural and forced methods are used. To clarify the requirements of the technical specifications, it is necessary to study in detail the standard design solutions.

Supply ventilation in a private house: principle of operation

Using this kit, you can provide a dosed supply of purified air into the room:

  • To protect against the penetration of insects and leaves, there is a removable grille (1).
  • Air movement is provided by electric (2). The rotor speed of this model is adjusted by switch (5) in steps.
  • The liner (3) made of porous material retains small mechanical impurities.
  • The internal grille (4) performs decorative functions.
  • The sliding design of the pipe (6) ensures precise installation taking into account a certain wall thickness.

In such devices, multi-stage speed controllers, fine filters, and heaters are installed. Built-in electronics allow you to set custom operating modes based on time and temperature. Operation is simplified using remote controls.

Modern systems are combined with intelligent control and management complexes of the “smart home” category. This simplifies the optimization of equipment operation and allows for remote control of equipment via a network.

Features of exhaust ventilation in a private house

This system is needed to effectively remove exhaust and polluted air from premises. With its help, gas combustion products are removed from the atmosphere of residential real estate during operation and.

Using this example, you can explore the solution to a typical problem in a separate function block. This system removes moist air from the bathroom and odors from the toilet using forced ventilation. Electric drives are connected to power separately. Installed in the toilet. It turns off the fan automatically at the desired time interval after turning off the lights in the room. The reverse movement of air is blocked by two. Contaminants are discharged out through a common shaft.

In this option, you should not increase the length of the side channels excessively and use several turns. This will increase the resistance, so a more powerful fan will be needed.

For your information! In such systems, significant temperature differences occur over a small section of the route. This stimulates the appearance of moisture on internal surfaces. To prevent condensation from penetrating indoors, you should make a slight slope towards the street for free drainage.

On a three-dimensional model it is easier than on a flat drawing to study the relative position of engineering systems, decorative and functional elements of a house. This approach minimizes errors. In particular, for better ventilation, the supply and exhaust are installed diagonally in the room. Space is cleared around the ventilation holes so as not to create artificial obstacles to the movement of air.

Expanded possibilities for high-quality supply and exhaust ventilation in a private home

As the name suggests, this system provides fresh air in and exhaust air out. An integrated approach allows for economical use of energy resources and consistent implementation of assigned tasks.

The principle of operation of this technique is clear from the figure. The heat exchanger combines two channels (exhaust and supply) without mixing. This solution helps to preheat/cool air without using additional energy sources.

air handling unit with recuperator

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Helps ensure adequate access to fresh air. This article discusses the principles of operation, factory models, technology for manufacturing and installing equipment in-house.

Below are other important facts worth noting:

  • It is quite acceptable to use several dependent and autonomous systems in one object. The example above shows that it is better to equip the house attached to it with separate ventilation.
  • In some rooms it is more convenient to install individual sets of equipment. The breather can be installed in an hour. It does not need to be connected to the central ventilation duct. All work is carried out without making changes to the decoration of the room.
  • When assessing the noise level of duct installations, experienced specialists recommend taking measurements in the area of ​​the inlet and outlet openings, near units equipped with electric drives. Manufacturers indicate acoustic power or sound pressure in the accompanying documentation. For comparison, you need to take the same parameters.
  • The power of standard heating elements exceeds 3 kW. This allows you to quickly raise the temperature at any time of the year. But you need to make sure that the wiring and other network components are designed to handle the appropriate loads. If necessary, install a liquid heat exchanger.
  • The automation parameters must be checked carefully. You should make sure that the remote control is easy to use and the settings are simple. In addition to the standard change in rotation speed, the ability to set an individual time schedule will be useful. At night, for example, reduce the temperature and ventilation intensity.
  • It will be useful to save user settings in memory. Maintenance is simplified if there is a differential pressure sensor. This device measures pressure changes before and after the filter. An increasing difference in readings will indicate excessive contamination. In cheap modifications, time-based alarms are installed, which do not provide high accuracy of control.
  • Self-diagnosis using software and electronic tools will help you find out about equipment problems in a timely manner. Additional convenience is provided by notifying the user with sending messages to a smartphone, or other mobile device, or desktop computer.
  • In serial equipment for household use, G4 filters are installed, which are capable of removing poplar fluff, bird feathers, and other large impurities. If necessary, elements with small channels are installed instead or sequentially. Retention of particles smaller than one micrometer is acceptable. It must be remembered that such modernization will increase the load on ventilation units.

When developing project documentation, it is necessary to separately study the issues of future operation. Ventilation equipment will have to be serviced. It is necessary to exclude situations when, in order to inspect and perform routine maintenance, parts of decorative finishing and building structures have to be dismantled. For this reason, it is more convenient to place fans, filters and other system components in a special technological room. This solution will simplify the creation of effective noise insulation of the ventilation unit.

What to consider when equipping individual rooms

During the distribution of flows, it is necessary to ensure the initial penetration of air from the street into the living room, bedroom, and other living rooms. From there, he is sent to the technical rooms, to the storerooms. This solution will create excess pressure in places of permanent residence, which will prevent unpleasant odors and other contaminants from entering there.

For your information! According to current standards, “permanently occupied” rooms are rooms in which people stay for more than 6 hours in one day or for at least 2 hours continuously.

Ventilation in the kitchen in a private house: a rational solution to complex problems

In this room the temperature varies over a wide range. The cooking process is accompanied by the appearance of odors and atmospheric pollution with hazardous and persistent impurities. It is necessary to take into account not only the intensity, but also the high frequency of various negative impacts.

It is also necessary to remember the peculiarities of working with kitchen appliances. If installed, an air exchange of at least 60 cubic meters should be ensured. per person per hour. When installing a gas stove, this standard is increased by 50% (up to 90 cubic meters).

infiltration supply valve

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There are many ways to ensure a healthy atmosphere. If you install a supply valve into the wall, the problem will be solved quickly. In a special publication we will look at how to choose and install it correctly.

For your information! The minimum distance from the hood body to the gas/electric stove must be at least 65/75 cm, respectively.

Principles of coordinated operation of the two systems:

  • Rice. "A". Initially, the design of the house provided only natural ventilation using an opening (2). It can be seen that part (1) will reduce the cross-section of the common channel (3) after installation.
  • In Fig. “B” shows the work (5), which is installed behind the decorative grille (4). When the hood fan is turned on, it closes, blocking the air flow in the opposite direction.
  • The following figure “C” shows how natural ventilation works.

Table hoods lower into the cabinet furniture when turned off. They can be connected to ventilation shafts according to a standard diagram, from above. But if necessary, the corresponding channels are created in . The latter option involves significant changes in architectural designs. It is used in the construction of houses and during major renovations.

kitchen hoods

To maintain high performance, the following details must be taken into account when designing the hood connection:

  • Corrugated pipes are not difficult to work with. But these products create greater resistance to air flow compared to smooth channel walls.
  • The cross-section of the air duct is selected in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. It should not be less than the specified value.
  • When laying the route, it is necessary to prevent flattening of flexible pipes and other significant deformations. The number of turns should be minimized.

An approximate calculation of the required hood performance can be made using the formula P = (L x W x H) x 12 x 1.25, Where

  • P– the maximum amount of air removed from the room per hour in cubic meters;
  • D,Sh And IN– length, width and height of the room in meters;
  • 12 – standard correction factor;
  • 1,25 – additional power reserve, which is useful for quickly removing fumes from burnt food.

This operation can be performed safely by using steam over boiling water. Special detergents are also used. To remind you of routine procedures, hoods are equipped with electronic timers with sound and light alarms.

Here the hood is supplemented with air conditioning. This technique is more expensive than standard models. But it is capable of maintaining a user-specified temperature in the room.

Such equipment performs the functions of a filter. With its help, pollution is retained. As a rule, additional elements with carbon fillers are used. These sorption technologies help remove the smallest impurities and unpleasant odors. However, in any case, it is necessary to ensure work. In this embodiment, an existing shaft is used. To increase productivity, forced mechanisms are installed in the input (exhaust) tract.

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To find out, you need to supplement with deep thematic knowledge. This article contains information that will help you make a comprehensive analysis and make the right decision about purchasing a specific product.

How to create good ventilation in the toilet and bathroom

To calculate the needs of these parts of the property, the following air exchange standards in cubic meters are used. in an hour:

  • 25 – for each individual room;
  • 50 – for a combined bathroom.

Insufficient ventilation in the bathroom in a private house contributes to the appearance of mold and fungal colonies. In addition to the unsightly appearance, the composition of the atmosphere will deteriorate. Some microorganisms provoke the occurrence of diseases dangerous to health, so appropriate preventive measures can be called mandatory. Of course, we must not forget about peeling paint and damage to other decorative coatings, and the intensification of destructive corrosion processes.

Air can be supplied here from living rooms and corridors. If there are not enough existing cracks, through holes with plastic inserts are made in the door panels.

supply valve for windows

Natural ventilation is not sufficient for such premises. Therefore, more productive compulsory systems are used. The choice of fan is made taking into account individual conditions. The above are the minimum regulatory requirements. They will not be enough if you shower frequently and there are many people living in the house. As in the case of the kitchen, it is better to install a sufficient power reserve here.

For your information! For an approximate calculation, you can use the above formula with the coefficient “5” instead of “12”.

The walls are reinforced with a piece of plastic pipe. The installation location is chosen at a distance from plumbing fixtures in order to prevent accidental splashes on the body of the equipment.

When choosing equipment, you need to pay attention to the features of modern models:

  • The grille and body made of durable polymers are not damaged in conditions of high humidity or temperature changes.
  • An aerodynamic impeller with a large number of blades creates a strong air flow at relatively low speeds, with minimal noise.
  • Vibrations from the electric drive are effectively dampened by damping inserts.
  • The rotor supports on ball bearings are designed for long-term intensive use.
  • Good tightness of the joints of individual parts prevents moisture from penetrating inside.
  • Light weight makes installation easier.
  • Some models are additionally, or as standard, equipped with check valves.

For your information! When choosing a fan for a small room, pay special attention to the noise level. A value of 35 dB and below can be called quite acceptable. If the manufacturer specified less than 25 dB, the sound of the operating electric drive will not be heard at a distance of several meters.

exhaust fan for toilet

Special ventilation in the basement of a private house: reliable protection against mold and dampness

The requirements for the system design are formulated taking into account the intended purpose of the premises in this part of the building. With an area of ​​up to 40-50 sq. m. In a low-rise building, it is enough to install natural ventilation.

This figure can be used to explain the main parameters of the system:

  • The entrance hole is covered with a grill to prevent rodents from entering.
  • The opening of the supply pipe in the basement is mounted at a distance of 20-30 cm from the floor level.
  • The hood is installed diagonally. The pipe entrance is 20 cm below the ceiling.
  • A plug is used to block the channel in winter, preventing the penetration of cold air.
  • An “umbrella” on the roof protects against precipitation from entering the system.

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In the review we will talk about how the air circulation diagram in such rooms should be arranged, as well as what types there are. After all, in a garage it is necessary not only to remove gases, but also to maintain humidity at the required level - its excess reduces the service life of the car.

The examples given are suitable for organizing suitable conditions in the lower part of the building for storing vegetables, canned goods, gardening tools, and consumables.

In this case, standard standards for living rooms are used to calculate the system and individual parts. They make additional supplies for the gym, shower room, and kitchen unit. Productivity is increased with forced ventilation.

Important! To figure out how to make ventilation in the basement of a private house, you need to create a list of requirements in advance, taking into account the characteristics of individual rooms. The mode of their operation also matters.

Mandatory requirements for boiler room ventilation

The parameters of the ventilation system when installing gas equipment are precisely established by the current building codes and regulations:

  • The minimum supply capacity is determined by the characteristics of the boiler. The cross-sectional area of ​​the input channel is normalized (in cm2 per 1 kW of heating equipment power):
  1. 8 or more if the inflow is made directly from the street;
  2. more than 30 when air comes from adjacent rooms.
  • The exit hole is made on the ceiling. It is connected to the central ventilation shaft of the house.
  • In addition to the main one, it is necessary to install a second channel (25-30 cm lower) for routine inspections and removal of contaminants.
  • The volume of the room is made no less than 7.5 cubic meters. with a total power of heating equipment up to 30 kW.

For your information! A heated attic in a private house is ventilated using the usual standards for residential premises.

How does the ventilation of the sewerage system perform its functions in a private house?

The diagram of sewer ventilation in a private house shows that the number of outlet channels is determined by the design features of the sewer system. Here one pipe is installed in front. The second is in the far part of the infiltrator.

If it is not possible to install ventilation ducts on all risers, only the far part is connected to the roof outlet. The deflector increases the efficiency of removing contaminated air.

In this figure the following parts are indicated by numbers:

  • (1) connected to heating equipment;
  • “backlash channel” (2);
  • wooden (3) and cast iron (4) cover;
  • outlet section of the ventilation system (5);
  • brickwork (6);
  • clay castle (7), preventing the penetration of contaminants into the soil.

Base ventilation: important nuances

If this part of the building is not in use due to its low height, or for other reasons, appropriate protective measures are necessary. Organizing good ventilation in a private house without a basement prevents damage to wooden parts of structures by rotting processes and the appearance of fungal spores that are dangerous to humans.

For your information! Installation of ventilation for the basement floor of a private house is necessary for the timely removal of radon. This radioactive gas is not detectable by human senses.

Normalizing the humidity level in the pool using efficient ventilation

This information will help you formulate the correct ventilation requirements for the relevant premises:

  • Experts recommend not increasing the water content in the atmosphere above 14 g per kg of air.
  • The normal range of relative humidity is 40 to 655.
  • If the surface temperature is below the dew point, intense condensation occurs. Such processes, in particular, can be observed on the outer walls of air duct pipes.
  • To prevent drafts and the respiratory diseases caused by them, the speed of air flow should not exceed 0.15 m per second.
  • Increasing the pressure in the room (special adjustment of inlet and outlet) will prevent chlorine chemical compounds from entering other rooms. If this pressure is set to more than 15-25 Pa, obstacles may arise when opening the doors.

How to make ventilation in a private house: preparation of calculations, design documentation

When calculating ventilation in a private home, professionals determine the following important parameters:

  • Air exchange system capacity in cubic meters. in an hour. It is determined for each functional room separately, based on current standards and operating characteristics.
  • The characteristics of the individual components of the air distribution network are further clarified:
  1. channel sizes;
  2. dimensions of distribution devices;
  3. resistance to air movement;
  4. power ;
  5. consumed electrical energy.
  • The data obtained is used to select a suitable air handling unit.

For your information! In order not to have to figure out how to properly install ventilation in a private home, you can use the help of experienced specialists. When purchasing equipment, such services are provided free of charge by specialized stores.

The materials posted in this article will help you understand how to make a hood in a private home yourself. It should be noted that in any case, personal preferences are of decisive importance. For a demanding user, the volumes of fresh air specified in building regulations may not be enough.

Do-it-yourself ventilation schemes in a private house: overview of standard solutions

Creating high-quality ventilation in a private house with your own hands

Such supply and exhaust ventilation can be created with your own hands. But to implement large-scale plans, you will have to study design issues at a professional level. You will need knowledge on how to properly set up the joint operation of all engineering systems in the house.

Proper distribution of labor and other resources will help solve difficult problems without errors. The execution of individual works and the most complex stages can be entrusted to specialized specialists. Some parts of the supply ventilation can be installed with your own hands without the help of assistants.

Proper solution of individual tasks during system installation

The installation of channels should not violate the tightness of the layers. Damage to wiring, water and gas supplies should be avoided. In order not to disrupt hidden communications, precise plans and step-by-step photographs of construction processes are used. The necessary materials should be prepared in advance. Similar precautions will come in handy when installing underfloor ventilation in a private home. If possible, routes are installed under removable suspended ceiling panels. Dismantling wooden cladding will also not be overly difficult.

roof deflector

How to choose pipes and other components of the ventilation system without mistakes

With the help of such parts, a route with a complex configuration can be created quickly, without errors.

Various devices are used to clean the incoming air from contaminants. In addition to mechanical (mesh and volumetric), you can install photocatalytic, carbon and other types of filters. Some of them perform their functions efficiently, but do not increase air flow resistance.

Such products can be used if they are suitable in diameter. Products in this category (gray) are intended for indoor installation. Excessive heating (above +60°C) and strong mechanical stress should be prevented.

Step-by-step installation with comments

How to make ventilation in a house using specialized components is described in the following table:

Photo Work operations, explanations, comments

It is convenient to use the system for work. The specially reduced height helps save space.

Such products are installed in horizontal and vertical positions.

Manufacturers' assortment includes air ducts with different channels: round (diameter - 100; 125; 150 mm); rectangular (dimensions - 60 x 120; 60 x 204 mm).

Fast and accurate installation is ensured by matching the dimensions of the joined parts and a large number of various additional elements. Lightweight products are not difficult to handle in hard-to-reach places or at heights. They are connected into a single structure without special tools. They are cut to the required size by hand with a wood blade.

Before installation work, it is necessary to prepare design documentation. In accordance with the drawings, holes are made in certain places in the building structures.

Next, select the necessary fittings.


This product makes the transition from a rectangular section of the channel to a round pipe.

Such bends are used to change the route in different planes.

To speed up the assembly of ventilation in the house with your own hands, functional modules from several elements are connected in advance.

Such blanks are mounted in the right places. Special fasteners are used to fix vertical and horizontal sections. This entrance hole is located taking into account that plasterboard sheathing with a decorative grille will be installed on top.

To speed up work operations, cutting to size is done using . But the use of hand tools is quite acceptable.

Connections are strengthened.

For your information! Installation of ventilation in a private house is often accompanied by drilling holes in the external walls to create supply channels. These complex operations are performed using diamond tips. To cool them, water is supplied to the working area, which flows down along with the debris, forming unpleasant spots. This procedure must be planned before finishing to prevent additional costs for restoring the flawless appearance of the facade.

Features of professional installation of ventilation in a private house: prices, scope of work, control operations

Installation and other work operations Cost of service, rub.
Design based on 1 sq. m. premises area55-70
Installation of flexible/rigid channels (per 1 sq. m.)99-120/300-850
Installation with a capacity of up to 2 thousand cubic meters. at one o'clock8000-35000
Installation of duct/roof fan4000-7000/3500-5000
Installation and configuration of an automation cabinet5000-10000
Departure of specialists for technical maintenance3000-6000

A correctly selected do-it-yourself ventilation scheme in a private scrapyard is a reliable basis for future success. Careful preparation will allow you to choose the best option for a specific structure and specific needs. An objective assessment of your own financial capabilities and installation skills will be useful. If necessary, specialized specialists can be involved to perform individual operations. You should carefully study technical innovations and modern materials so as not to miss out on current advantages in the relevant market segment.

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