Beautiful balcony flowers (80 photos). What flowers to plant in balcony boxes. Annual flowers for a balcony on the north side Flowers for a closed loggia

As soon as warm weather sets in, townspeople begin to arrange their yards and loggias. In the spring-summer period, a pressing question for many is how to decorate a balcony with flowers, taking into account its position relative to the sun. Fragrant flowers on the balcony became fashionable back in medieval Venice; they were grown to fill apartments that were damp during the winter with aromas. Designers offer different ways to organize external space, taking into account centuries-old traditions and new ideas.

Flowers on the balcony

Balcony with flowers

How to prepare a balcony for decoration with flowers?

Although a balcony is a limited space with a narrow area, there are still proven ways to fill it almost entirely with vegetation for the summer. The fashion for decorating loggias, apartment greenhouses and winter gardens is quite changeable, but there are many interesting ways that have become classics:

  • external boxes with petunias and night violets, fixed around the perimeter;
  • ampelous varieties of lushly flowering and indoor plants in hanging pots;
  • small tubs for “indoor” palm trees, citrus fruits and tall flowers, which are brought indoors for the winter;
  • climbing plants and vegetable crops that take root well as an addition to the decoration of the balcony with flowers;
  • decorating balconies with compact sized garden crops - lilies, dahlias, roses, etc.

Balcony design with flowers

Flowers on the balcony

Although there is always little space in city apartments, even on a loggia or balcony with an area of ​​no more than 2-3 sq.m. There is always a corner for your favorite flowers. To do this, it is enough to create a base for curly forms on the free end wall. It is better to attach hanging flower pots to the ceiling. On the remaining area add:

  • shelves;
  • jumpers on the frame;
  • light shelves for flowers.

Advice. To have more space for flowers, it is worth removing unnecessary objects, old furniture and all sorts of little things stored “just in case” from the balcony. If you are engaged in floral decoration of a balcony, then you need to do it with all seriousness.

Before landscaping the external space of the apartment, it is important to sensibly assess the additional load from large pots filled with soil. If this is an old house about to be demolished, and the balcony itself does not inspire confidence, it is better to limit yourself to flowers mounted on a main or load-bearing wall, as in the photo.

Balcony with flowers

Flowers on the balcony

You should not buy unfamiliar plants if you do not know the specifics of caring for them, otherwise they may degrade and die. Decide in advance how to decorate your balcony with flowers to get maximum results at minimal cost. If everything is organized well, then next year it is enough to add a few new flowers.

Attention! When buying rare plants or difficult to care for, it is important to assess whether they will have enough light, heat and watering if you have to go on vacation. Today there are many ways to organize automatic watering with your own hands.

When choosing plants for landscaping a balcony, it is important to consider whether it is glazed. The open space will not be protected from sudden cold snaps, gusty winds and slanting downpours. For an open terrace, loggia and balcony, low-growing plants with strong stems, dwarf conifers and hanging (hanging) forms are used.

When decorating a balcony with your own hands, it is important to imagine the end result. For example, you can choose vertical gardening for one wall or cascading for the entire balcony. It is useful to make a preliminary plan, markings and sketches of how the balcony will be decorated with flowers (as in the photo).

Balcony with flowers

Balcony design with flowers

What is important to consider when landscaping a balcony

For lovers of flora and fauna, the main thing is that the loggia or balcony is decorated with evergreens all year round - dwarf bonsai, low-growing thuja and juniper. They are sold in garden and flower shops in pots and do not require replanting or planting in open ground.

For those who practically do not go out onto the balcony in winter, it is better to plant large-flowering annuals every year. Seeds in autumn and winter cost much less, the assortment is much wider than at the height of the season - use catalogs.

Flowers on the balcony

Balcony with flowers

Indoor plants need good lighting, and to compensate for the lack of sunlight, they are often taken out to the balcony in the summer. Consider a separate place for each pot so that the flowers do not shade each other.

Advice. The orchid is not suitable for outdoor gardening with indoor flowers; it does not like rearrangements. Use chlorophytum, tradescantia, pelargonium, zamioculcas (dollar tree), violets, mother-in-law's tongue, cyclamen, hibiscus, etc.

Plants that require shading are best separated from the glass with gauze or translucent curtains - think about their design. You may need an additional canopy or blinds for your balcony in the summer.

Relaxing surrounded by fragrant flowers is a pleasure. Plan what you will sit on there. If the balcony is very narrow, use reclining seats, stackable chairs or stools. They will not interfere with the passage during daily flower care.

Balcony design with flowers

Flowers on the balcony

Place tall plants along the wall, small plants along the perimeter along the aisles. On the spacious balcony, surrounded by flowers, you can place a sun lounger or attach a hanging swing.

If the balcony is glazed, make sure that the plants will not interfere with the closing of the transoms, and the pots will not break if a door or window suddenly opens in a draft.

When deciding how to do landscaping on the balcony with your own hands, try to minimize the load on the supports. Do not use wrought iron flower stands, banquettes or heavy furniture. To sleep outdoors, it is better to use an air mattress or a light cot so as not to weigh down the balcony with bulky old furniture.

Attention! The total weight of pots with moistened soil, stands and decor, plants and furniture is an additional 200-500 kg. The lighter and more elegant the design of the balcony, the better you feel there and the more pleasant you spend your relaxing time.

Balcony with flowers

Balcony design with flowers

Functional landscaping of the balcony

Climbing plants are a good way to hide defects in the walls of a balcony or loggia. It is easy to hide boxes with tools and other rarely used items behind the mini-garden. A babbling indoor fountain promotes relaxation and diverts attention from unsightly areas of the living space.

Today it has become fashionable to cultivate not only decorative flowers on the sunny side of the balcony for the sake of design, but also to shade it with useful and edible plants.

Flowers on the balcony

Balcony with flowers

By decorating the open area of ​​your apartment for the summer, you can get the most out of it:

  • use as a greenhouse for growing vegetables (special varieties of cucumbers, tomatoes and bell peppers are needed);
  • sow herbs (dill, anise, parsley, shallots) in boxes;
  • grow indoor plants for sale in maximum natural light;
  • acquire special varieties of strawberries (garden strawberries) in hanging, climbing and remontant forms;
  • collect indoor lilies, roses, orchids, violets;
  • organize a greenhouse for growing dwarf lemons and tangerines.

In the storerooms of the loggia you can grow edible mushrooms using a mixture of wood dust and seed husks. Mushroom culture is ordered from the catalog. The main condition is to maintain a certain temperature and high humidity. Light-loving plants do not take root on the northern part of the house, but shade-tolerant exotic plants can be used if the balcony is insulated.

Balcony interior with flowers

Flowers on the balcony

The simplest methods of “green” balcony design

To decorate a balcony, it is not advisable to buy everything; it is better to use one interesting idea or general concept. Plant varieties are selected according to the principle of compliance with the design concept.

If you organize a gym or mini-hall on an insulated loggia, then there is no place for large plants. They will interfere with your training. It is better to place a collection of succulents in the free corners. These are compact plants with fleshy leaves that retain moisture, like cacti. It is cacti and other thorny plants that would be inappropriate here - awkward movement, and a lot of needles in the body. Nothing will happen to lithops and succulents, even if you hit them with a weight, they easily reproduce vegetatively. The plants are undemanding in care and are rarely watered, which is convenient for those people who forget about them.

Balcony with flowers

Flowers on the balcony

Balcony plants will help emphasize the Japanese style in interior design. This is a collection of bonsai, a compact sakura tree in a tub and 2-3 junipers for a “rock garden”, skillfully laid by craftsmen around a small homemade pond, as in the photo. A Japanese-style curtain with hieroglyphs will complement the overall picture.

There are many other ways to decorate a balcony with flowers. For example, to imitate a corner of a certain climate zone or a recognizable corner of the planet. Or you can decorate several square meters as a terrace of a Parisian courtyard, using adhesive film for glass with views of Paris. Inside, the balcony is designed as a place for romantic dates with indoor roses. Another option is the same collectible cacti for Mexican-style apartment design.

Balcony design with flowers

Flowers in the interior of the balcony

An unexpected play of color is a good design technique. Today, dark purple, black and green colors (of different types) are in fashion against a background of lush greenery and white plastic containers. Extravagant decoration of the balcony with flowers is appropriate in an apartment with elegant white decor in any modern style.

Ivy and wild grapes are ideal plants for landscaping and shading an apartment on the 1st floor on the south side of the house. You just have to plant them under the balcony in the yard. There are very beautiful varieties that would be quite appropriate for decorating a corner of the house in the English style. The apartment will have an aristocratic interior and a courtyard covered with ivy, as in literary works. Just don’t forget to cut off several cuttings of ivy for the winter and place them in a vase to receive cuttings. Ivy dies during severe frosts, although it is a persistent perennial.

Balcony landscaping often suffers because of pets who like to rummage in the soil with plants and nibble on fresh herbs (due to a lack of vitamins). You shouldn’t punish them for this - organize a green “lawn” in a small box. The corner where they can misbehave with impunity should be at the bottom. It is better to plant flowers in hanging flower pots, forming a kind of arch on the front side of the balcony. Plants can be hung in any order, the main thing is that they are inaccessible to the cat.

Various flowers on the balcony

Balcony with flowers

Beautiful flowers on the balcony

Experts have developed an all-season way to decorate a balcony with flowers. This is when different flowers delight with their fragrance all year round. For example, crocuses and primroses are replaced by balcony forms of tulips and daffodils, and then “flowerbed” annuals bloom wildly. In autumn they are replaced by asters, dahlias and chrysanthemums, and in winter dwarf needles with small cones turn green.

Do not forget about adequate lighting, watering and fertilizing of plants. Then, with any balcony design, they will delight the eye with their healthy appearance, lush greenery and charming flowers.

Video: Which PLANTS are suitable for landscaping a BALCONY or LOGGIA

A well-kept balcony always attracts the glances of passers-by, especially if it is beautifully decorated with flowers. Lush vegetation can not only transform the facade of a house, but also create a living wall that will protect from the scorching sun in the hot summer.

Climbing specimens occupy a leading position in the design of a balcony. We will talk further about which flowers are preferable to grow outside the window of a city apartment.

Advantages of climbing plants and balcony design options

Ampelous plants are characterized by the presence of a long flexible stem. Very often they are used to decorate the facade of a building in hanging flowerpots. The long stem hangs down without additional support; if you take care and tighten the threads for it, it will grow beautifully in the right direction. A distinctive feature of climbing species is their rapid growth and long flowering period. Caring for hanging flowers does not create unnecessary problems; it is enough to water them in a timely manner and periodically feed the green spaces.

Climbing flowers on a balcony can transform its appearance beyond recognition, the main thing is to place the vegetation correctly. There are many options:

Comment! Depending on the height of the containers with flowers on the outside of the fence, climbing plants may need periodic pruning to avoid disturbing the neighbors below.

Have you thought about decorating your balcony or loggia? Flowers are the best solution! Under the guidance of some rules and your own imagination, you can create a unique flower corner in your home.


Features and benefits of design

In order for the flower balcony to turn out exactly the way you intended it, you need to take into account several nuances: microclimate, neighborhood, etc. When planting your favorite flowers on the balcony, do not forget about their characteristics, because each plant requires different conditions for growth. Some people love the bright sun, while others don’t mind living in the shade. The same goes for temperature and humidity.

It is also worth inquiring before planting which plants can live peacefully with “neighbors” and which prefer to grow alone. A striking example of a “sole farmer” is the handsome dahlia. But modest marigolds, on the contrary, are distinguished by their special friendliness, and they are also excellent defenders of the garden from a variety of pests.

What to plant

All plants that have ever been planted on balconies can be divided into three types:

  • Annuals;
  • Perennials;
  • Biennials.

From the names it is clear how each type differs. The variety of colors has virtually no boundaries. The choice is huge, so you can plant any flowers you like on your loggia or balcony. However, there are several nuances that should be taken into account when planting a particular plant. If you wish, you can build a mini garden, with the help of which the landscaping of the loggia will go off with a bang. In addition, you can get a good harvest in the form of greens and some vegetables.

Sunny side

There are a lot of plants that love sun and warmth. Therefore, for an open balcony on the sunny side, the choice is huge. This includes fast-growing annual flowers, for which the east side is an ideal location in summer.

Avid gardeners recommend planting climbing plants, such as morning glory, on the sunny side. The main thing is to secure the boxes correctly so that the flowers weave around the desired area. But gardeners give first place to the beautiful petunia, whose color range is so huge that everyone will find a flower to their liking. It is quite easy to care for, and its lush flowering lasts a very long time.

Unpretentious marigolds are no less popular. They, like petunias, are very diverse: they differ in height, shades and density of the flower. The rose takes root very well on the balcony. However, it requires proper planting and care. If you follow all the rules, you can enjoy your own grown roses, which are a hundred times more beautiful than store-bought ones.

On a sunny balcony it is better to plant low-growing plants such as calendula, nasturtium, some types of asters, zinnias and dahlias. Bright clematis looks very attractive.

You can combine business with pleasure and plant herbs on the balcony: oregano, balsam, thyme, mint, etc. If you have a closed balcony, then seedlings will settle on it for a while, no worse than any flower.

Shadow side

A balcony in the shade is not a reason to give up a flower garden. Many flowers love shade and partial shade, so the north side can be decorated as well as any other. In addition, in such conditions you can plant indoor plants on the balcony: most bulbous plants and large plants such as Monstera, Myrtle, Ficus and ferns.

Many people think that shade-tolerant plants do not have lush flowers, but this is not true. A very bright shade-loving representative is Begonia. It blooms for 5 months; loves fertile and moist soil. The ampelous types of this flower are especially good. Since they do not tolerate heat and perfectly decorate shady areas. An equally bright representative of the shadow is Fuchsia.

Also, do not forget about annuals that are unpretentious: nasturtium, petunia, marigolds, calendula and forget-me-nots. And if you are a lover of bright aromas, then you definitely need to plant cloves, verbena, alyssum or gillyflower in improvised beds on the western side.

Winter Garden

A winter garden is the dream of many women. If you wish, you can create your own green corner on a closed balcony. Having even a small loggia area, you can place a large number of different plants, the main thing is to choose the right species and create all the necessary conditions.

A loggia or an insulated terrace is ideal for a winter garden. If you plan to grow fairly heat-loving plants, then the space must be equipped with additional lighting and heating devices. In this case, the choice of the type of plants grown will be huge.

How to put it beautifully

It’s not enough to choose beautiful plants; you also need to choose a beautiful container in which to plant the plants. Using boxes and pots you can decorate the facade in an interesting way. Bright pots and containers in art style are a decoration that will not fade against the backdrop of flowering plants.

How, where and what to place must be decided in advance so that in the end you get not just a bunch of flower pots, but a beautiful blooming composition. Long before planting, draw a plan for the future garden on a large sheet of paper. Choose a corner for each plant where it will feel comfortable. It is important that the plants do not interfere with each other:

  • The vines will be comfortable against one of the walls;
  • Summer plants in small boxes can be beautifully placed against a background of vines;
  • Large plants in round boxes can be safely placed in all corners;
  • Cannas, zinnias, dahlias and gladioli can be distributed along the entire length of the balcony.

There are many interesting options for placing flowers on your covered balcony. You can write about each of them separately.


A very compact and simple way to place a maximum of pots and flower boxes on the balcony. Shelves can be made of any size, and they can be placed at different levels away from each other. It is more convenient to place large plants at the bottom, and it is best to place pots with hanging flowers at the top.

What container should I use? I love it. For shelves, it is better to choose oblong drawers or small flowerpots. You can make the boxes yourself, taking into account the size of the shelves. If desired and possible, you can make real shelving along all free walls. In this case, there will be plenty of space for plants.

Canvas “with pockets”

A very interesting option for placing flowers on the balcony. It is best suited for open spaces, because it looks original and attracts attention. To build this structure with your own hands, you need to purchase a dense fabric commensurate with the balcony wall and sew pockets made of the same dense material onto it at different distances from each other. After that, the canvas is securely fixed to the wall, and pots or bags of flowers are inserted into the pockets.


Trellis usually consist of a strong mesh or numerous intertwined cords perpendicular to each other. This option is ideal for climbing plants such as morning glory, thunbergia, maurandia, etc.


An option suitable for both simple and curly flowers. In specialized stores you can purchase stands that have several tiers and additional guide supports for loaches.


This design most likely resembles a regular cabinet, which has many open drawers. Despite its massive size, it is very convenient to use, as it allows you to place a maximum of plants. To prevent the cabinet from looking like a rough and inappropriate design, it can be decorated or disguised.

A few tips regarding placing and growing balcony plants:

  • Choose boxes and pots of medium size: in small containers the soil dries out quickly, and the flowers quickly become uncomfortable; large pots take up too much space and mold often grows in them due to waterlogging.
  • Balcony boxes with holders are very ergonomic to use, since they can be mounted not only on the wall, but also under the balcony “pocket,” which will significantly save space. To make reliable hanging boxes you will need a bracket and the “right” hands.
  • You can grow flowers on your balcony in summer in a variety of ways. But there are no fewer accommodation options. Numerous shelves and racks that are easy to make with your own hands are very practical to use.
  • Do you want to create a bright balcony that is unlike anything else? Then you need to decorate your balcony. This can be done not only with flowers, but also with containers for them. Make diverse shelves or purchase multi-tiered stands and plant in them a mixture of the brightest ampelous plants that get along with each other and have lush “hair”.
  • Want to make drawers and shelves yourself? Then do not forget about their safety. Before you start using them, cover every centimeter with a protective layer of special impregnation or regular paint.
  • To paint shelves and drawers, choose a paint shade that is much lighter than the color of the flowers, or something neutral. The ideal option is all shades of green. Using a similar trick, drawers can be easily hidden against the backdrop of blooming greenery.


Do what you love without haste and with special attention, and let your home flower garden delight you and passers-by.


In order for a flower garden to delight you every day, it is necessary to care for it correctly and in a timely manner:

  1. Watering. The main point in growing any plant. On the sunny side, flowers need more moisture than their shade-loving counterparts. If the balcony is on the north side, then certain types of flowers can do without watering. It is also worth considering the type of balcony: on an open balcony in cloudy weather, flowers are not watered, but on a glazed balcony, watering is simply necessary, regardless of what is happening on the street.
  2. Fertilizer. Each species requires its own norm and type of feeding. But all flowers have one thing in common: you need to add fertilizer only in the afternoon, when sun activity decreases. But it is best to feed the flowers on cloudy days.
  3. Protection. Insects are the main enemies of any flower garden, regardless of its location. It is very important to prevent infection from time to time using special means.
  4. Microclimate. If everything is clear with an open balcony (the temperature on it is the same as on the street), then with a loggia the situation is completely different. The temperature in a glassed flower garden warms up significantly in the summer, so you can grow indoor plants and even flowers from southern countries there. They need special and careful care, because even the slightest disruption in temperature or humidity can destroy the plant.

Follow simple rules and enjoy your successes.

Often gardeners and vegetable gardeners create real masterpieces on their balconies and loggias. What is the secret of their success? The thing is that they choose the right plants, combining horizontal and vertical placement.

Unfortunately, not all plants are suitable for the sunny side: therefore, you should choose the right flowers for your balcony. There is one simple hint lying on the surface - on the sunny side you need to grow flowers that are not afraid of the aggressive sun. Namely those that grow in southern cities, in flower beds, without any protection from the external environment.

Sunny side: what flowers to plant

If you have been to resorts, you have probably noticed the abundance of simple, but such bright, beautiful flowers. They also create a special atmosphere of a southern city. These are the kind of plants that need to be grown on a sunny balcony. It is worth taking a closer look at the most prominent representatives of this group.

Petunia is called the “queen of balconies”: therefore it is perfect for the sunny side

Flowers for the sunny side:

  1. Nasturtium. It tolerates sun easily and will bloom until frost. One of the most common drought-resistant plants. You can plant a low-growing type of nasturtium, but some people also like tall representatives of this plant, reaching several meters in length.
  2. Geranium. There are representatives of this species that tolerate heat well. This is a zonal or ivy-leaved geranium. True, the latter does not like the wind.
  3. Petunia. Take the type of petunia that has small-leaved forms; if you like ampelous petunias, they do not like the wind. The "Typhoon" variety is the best for balconies and loggias.
  4. Purslane. A suitable ground cover plant, very easy to care for. It will bloom from July to the end of September. This flower grows on light sandy soil and loves the sun so much that after it sets it simply closes.
  5. Snapdragon. An unpretentious flower that can easily withstand heat. Distinguished by its amazing colors and interesting shape. It will bloom from the end of May until the coldest weather.

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One of the main disadvantages of zonal geranium is its unpleasant odor.

These are, of course, not all flowers. This list can include begonia, phlox, gaillardia, sedum, cymbalaria, etc.

What flowers to plant on the balcony (video)

Indoor plants for a south balcony

Among this list of flowers, and it will be large, we can highlight those that require minimal care.

Kalanchoe grows in the tropics and subtropics: that is why it is not affected by sunlight

Such plants will take root well on a southern balcony.:

  • Abutilone;
  • Echeveria;
  • Passionflower;
  • Myrtle;
  • Kalanchoe;
  • Cacti;
  • Equal leaf bell;
  • Clivia;
  • Bougainvillea etc.

On the southern balcony, water from containers quickly evaporates, and even if you know that the plant is completely unpretentious, keep a spray bottle of water in place to give the flowers nutritious moisture.

Flowers for the east side balcony: what to choose

The peculiarity of the eastern side is that it receives its sun in the morning (and the western side, for comparison, in the evening). The gentle sun is a very good bonus for an amateur gardener, and especially for a beginner who does not yet know all the nuances of growing flowers.

Geranium prevents the growth of weeds and other harmful plants

The most popular plants for the east side:

  • Begonia tuberous;
  • Marigold;
  • Balsam;
  • Ageratum;
  • Geranium;
  • Petunias.

Dahlias, violas, asters, sweet peas, matiollas, lobelias, and verbenas will also feel great on the eastern balcony.

The higher the balcony, the lower the flowers should be so that the wind does not break their stems. A flower garden of low-growing varieties sometimes looks more impressive than a rich “multi-story” flower garden.

Northern part: what to grow on this side

The north side has natural shading, so don't expect lush flower beds there. Don’t even try to plant purslane on the north side - to no avail. But begonia and fuchsia will take root quite well on such a balcony.

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Oleander has a mild and sweet scent

To somehow brighten up the not very active flowering, you need to choose plants with variegated colors.

Also suitable for the northern balcony:

  • Cissus;
  • Zebrina;
  • Oleander;
  • Aspedistra;
  • Tradescantia.

To somehow enliven the background of the northern balcony, choose flowers with bright colors, for example, the vertical walls of ampelopsis or ivy.

Climbing plants for the balcony: what to choose

If the balcony is not glazed, you are better off choosing unpretentious, hardy plants. In order for plants to look good, choose them according to the principle of contrast - they should not merge with the wall.

It is best to combine different flowers on the balcony: this will create a special, romantic interior

You can take ivy to a shaded balcony; it can withstand even strong winds, but it is not frost-resistant at all. But girlish grapes are good for everyone, so they will feel great on the northern balcony.

The southern balcony will be decorated with wisteria and climbing roses, but rather, they are good for the southern regions.

For a sunny, always well-lit balcony, you can choose: Chinese lemongrass, decorative beans, morning glory, honeysuckle, actinidia.

Ampelous plants for the balcony: what will give the balcony a zest

If we are talking about hanging plants, they can create a special atmosphere on the balcony. True, for this you need to be able to collect beautiful flower arrangements.


A balcony or loggia is not only a harmonious proposal for any apartment, but also a place for interesting interior solutions. Here you can organize an office, a living room or a real greenhouse. The microclimate on the loggia allows for the cultivation of a large number of plant varieties, but it is very important to approach the choice of the type and variety of ornamental crops. In the article you will find the names and descriptions of the most interesting colors for the balcony.

Annual plant species are most often used to decorate balconies. This allows you to avoid difficult flower care in winter, since not all varieties are frost-resistant. As a rule, these are low shrub varieties characterized by bright and long-lasting flowering. Recommended for growing in boxes.

A compact plant of the Asteraceae family, which, even when cut, can retain an attractive appearance for a long time. Cultivated since the late 19th century, more than 60 different species are known. The height of the bush varies from 10 to 50 cm, the stem is always erect. The leaves at the top are bright green and can grow in different order depending on the part of the bush.

Small flowers are collected in corymbose inflorescences with a diameter of 1-2 cm. Depending on the variety, they can be colored purple, white, pink or blue. In the fall, a seed fruit is formed, which can be preserved and used for the next season. Ageratum goes well with many low-growing annuals, thanks to which you can create a beautiful composition even on a small loggia.

A common annual, unpretentious plant, known for its large number of petal colors. Depending on the variety, the height of the plants can reach 25 cm; the most popular are miniature varieties of viola. The trunk is thin, it bears single flowers and round leaves. The buds are single, consisting of several large petals. Their color range is very wide, ranging from white to black.

There are usually spots in the center of the bud, which gives the flower its name. Flowering directly depends on the variety; it can be in spring or summer. May last up to several months. Pansies look most decorative when planted in a group in a spacious and wide box.

The plant has been known since the times of Ancient Greece, when the medicinal properties of calendula were described in detail. Today it is actively used as a garden or balcony annual. Calendula is a herbaceous plant up to 15 to 70 cm high. The stems are highly branched with a large number of thick shoots. The flowers are collected in large apical inflorescences up to 7 cm in diameter. They have a bright color, ranging from golden to bright orange.

Flowering continues from June until the onset of frost. In autumn, arched fruits are formed, after which calendula is called “marigold”. The seeds have good germination, so they can be used as planting material. The plant is unpretentious to external conditions and care, recommended for beginning gardeners.

The plant has been known since the mid-18th century and was described in detail by C. Linnaeus. Belongs to the Asteraceae or Asteraceae family, and is widely used for decorating balconies and garden landscaping. It is represented by a herbaceous or semi-shrub plant up to 90 cm high. The stem is erect, bearing pubescent ovoid leaves.

The flowers are collected in single apical baskets with a diameter of 3 to 14 cm, depending on the variety. The color of the petals is varied; you can often find purple, yellow, white or red zinnias. Flowering is observed from the second half of June and can continue until frost. On the balcony, the flower can be placed in a single or group planting; it is best to use a large pot or box.

Perennials on the balcony

Perennial plant varieties are less popular for growing on balconies. They require regular care, and it is also recommended to have an insulated room so that the flower does not die in winter. The increased life cycle allows for longer flowering, and with the help of these plants you can decorate the space even after the onset of cold weather.

One of the most popular perennials for growing in boxes on a balcony or loggia. This is a perennial herbaceous plant up to 30 cm high. The false trunk is assembled from small rosette spatulate leaves. The inflorescence is represented by baskets of large reed or tubular flowers of various colors. Depending on the variety, they can be terry or simple.

Daisies look great in multi-species plantings and are combined with bulbous ornamental crops. The plant is frost-resistant, so it is suitable for areas with long winters.

The plant has several names, but is more commonly known as crane's grass or geranium. There are more than 400 species that are found almost throughout the globe. This is a perennial plant, the height of the bush can reach 60 cm. The leaves are very soft, covered with small hairs.

The flowers are regular in shape, collected in large spherical inflorescences. In structure they can be terry or smooth; in Russia you can most often find geraniums with white, red, purple or blue petals. If the growing conditions are met, you can achieve a very long flowering period. It is important to remember that the plant is sensitive to light, soil quality and moisture.

This flower is believed to bring happiness and prosperity to the home. There are many legends and beliefs associated with chrysanthemums; they are often used to decorate houses and garden plots. The plant has a thickened rhizome, so when choosing a pot you should give preference to large containers. The stem is erect and can reach a height of up to 120 cm, depending on the variety.

The leaves are very decorative, have strong dissection and different shapes, as well as a characteristic aroma for the culture. The inflorescence is represented by a basket consisting of a huge number of reed or tubular flowers. A wide variety of shapes, structures and shades of chrysanthemum flowers have been developed. There are several hundred different varieties of this plant known, so when choosing, you need to carefully study the photo and description of the garden chrysanthemum.

An unpretentious plant of the Buttercup family, today more than 300 varieties and varieties are known. They are represented by flowers of different botanical characteristics, very different in appearance. Among them there are both perennial shrubs and climbing representatives.

The most popular varieties are those that produce a large number of buds of different colors. Flowers can be bell-shaped, simple or double. Usually have a large diameter and a double perianth. Clematis needs a lot of light, and the lifespan is usually 3-4 years, after which replanting or rejuvenation is required.

Flowers for the sunny side

Not all types of flowers can tolerate exposure to direct sunlight. When placing a balcony on the sunny side or on high floors, it is advisable to give preference to colors that love light. This allows you to avoid burns on the leaves and death of plants.

One of the most popular balcony plants. Belongs to the Solanaceae family, the birthplace of petunia is South America. More than 40 species are known, among which there are plants ranging in height from 10 cm to 1 meter. The stems can be creeping or erect, and the shoots often have small hairs.

The leaves are alternate and different in size and shape. The color of the funnel-shaped buds depends on the variety; the most common are pink, white, purple, blue and two-color petunias. Flowering is early and can continue until the first frost. The plant is considered unpretentious, but it is necessary to maintain good lighting and monitor soil moisture.

A herbaceous plant of the Portulaceae family, known as Portulaca oleracea. It is considered a vegetable crop, since the above-ground part can be eaten, but the plant is also actively grown for decorative purposes. It is a perennial or annual with succulent and powerful stems. The leaves are always arranged in a regular order and have a solid blade.

The flowers are solitary or collected in groups of 2-3 in apical or axillary inflorescences. Flowering can last from May to mid-October. Externally, the flowers are very delicate, painted white, yellow or dark brown. In autumn, a seed basket is formed, which can be saved and used as planting material.

A multispecies genus of herbaceous plants in the Asteraceae family. More than 200 species and even more varieties are known. Appearance largely depends on the variety. It is usually a single or bush plant with a strong, erect stem. Flowers are represented by paniculate or umbellate inflorescences of double, semi-double or simple structure.

Depending on the variety, the color can be very different; the most popular are asters with purple, red or blue petals. Flowering is very long, can last the entire season, and its beginning always depends on the species group of the aster. This is an unpretentious plant, but to maintain the health and quality of the flowers, it is advisable to place the aster only on the sunny side of the balcony.

A typical representative of the Nasturtium family. The genus is represented by a wide variety of species, differing in the appearance of the leaves and the color of the buds. They are a perennial or annual vine on which shield-shaped, lobed or dissected leaves are formed.

Flowering is usually observed in the first half of summer and can last up to several months. The flowers are double or simple, consisting of 5 irregularly shaped petals, collected in a small funnel. They can be colored yellow or red, but there are also more exotic representatives. The shoots and flowers have medicinal properties and are used to create various home remedies.

Shade-loving flowers

If the loggia is located on the north side, you can take a closer look at the shade-loving plants. They are able to grow and bloom profusely even with a constant lack of sunlight. In addition, such plants are suitable for small balconies on the first floors of the house, where there is often darkness.

A herbaceous ornamental plant, widely used as a house flower. This is a low, stemless perennial, the trunk of which is formed from small rosette leaves.

The flowers are simple or double, collected in bell-shaped or umbrella-shaped inflorescences. They can be painted in a wide variety of colors, so primrose can be used for group planting in a box. Flowering lasts from April to the end of June, and all parts of the plant can be collected and used for medicinal purposes.

This plant has several names. Depending on the variety, cyclamen is more commonly known as "alpine violet" or "druka". This is a perennial, characterized by its unpretentiousness and decorative appearance.

There is a wide variety of varieties, differing in bush height, leaf and flower color. Flowering occurs in winter, and in summer the plant goes dormant. The petals are slightly bent to the side and have a pointed end. Depending on the variety and type, the buds have different textures and are colored in a wide variety of shades of red and purple.

A popular perennial native to Latin America. The stems are creeping or slightly raised above the ground. The leaves are ovoid or oval in shape and have a beautiful decorative gloss. The leaf blade can have a solid or variegated color of green, purple or pinkish.

The flowering period occurs at different times of the year, depending on growing conditions, and can last several months. The flowers are simple, umbellate or paniculate inflorescences, painted in bright colors. The most popular varieties are red, blue, light blue or white. Each flower opens for only one day, and the abundance is achieved by the huge number of buds on the plant. The flower is easy to care for and can withstand frost and drought.

A houseplant that can be grown on a loggia or balcony without any problems. Belongs to evergreen herbaceous plants of the Amaryllis family, named after the governess of the Queen of Great Britain. Clivia cinnabar has gained the most popularity. Externally, the flower is represented by a stemless plant; the false trunk is assembled from large vaginal leaves, tightly clasping each other.

Flowering is usually observed from the end of February; if growing conditions are met, it is possible twice a year. The flowers are bell-shaped and always bloom gradually. Several flower arrows can form on one plant. The flower is unpretentious, so it can even be grown on loggias on the north side of the apartment.

A multi-species genus of plants native to East Asia. Among the varieties there are deciduous shrubs with semi-ampelous shoots, tree-like vines and small trees. Flowering continues from spring until the first frost. The flowers are very decorative, collected in spherical inflorescences of paniculate or corymbose shape.

Depending on the variety, the petals can be white, blue or pink. For planting on the balcony, it is advisable to choose low-growing varieties, and when caring for it, it is important to monitor the soil moisture, since the plant is moisture-loving.


This group of flowers is suitable for growing in hanging pots or flowerpots. In addition, they can be placed on the loggia parapet, cabinet or drawer. With the help of hanging types you can decorate the interior even in a small room.

An ornamental plant that can bloom throughout the year in warm climates. Fuchsia got its name in honor of a German doctor and has been grown as a house flower for more than 200 years. This is a perennial evergreen plant of the fireweed family. Appearance may vary significantly depending on the variety. Most hybrids grow up to 1 m in height and have beautiful small leaves with jagged edges.

The flowers are of a drooping type and can have a double, semi-double or simple texture. The color of the buds is very diverse, there are single-color, two-color and multi-color forms. Due to the beautiful appearance of fuchsia during flowering, the plant received the name “Chinese lantern”.

A perennial herbaceous plant, but at home it is often used as an annual. Only climbing lobelia is used as an ampel flower, which is important to consider when choosing a species. The bush grows compact, rarely exceeding 35 cm in length. The leaves are small and unattractive, usually lanceolate in shape.

Flowering lasts from June to September. Lobelia produces a large number of small flowers up to 2 cm in diameter. Depending on the variety, the buds can be dark blue, purple or white. After flowering, a capsule-shaped fruit develops; the seeds can be used as planting material for the next season.

Euphorbia (Euphorbia)

An unpretentious and very decorative plant of the Euphorbiaceae family. The plant's homeland is Africa, more than 200 species are known. Among them there are representatives completely different in appearance and type. For a hanging pot, euphorbia ampelous or hanging euphorbia are best suited.

It is represented by a spreading bush with flat, articulated stems up to 4 m long. It is distinguished by dichotomous branching of shoots. The plants have thorns on the surface, and the milky sap is a strong poison, so care should be taken when working. Despite its beautiful appearance and unpretentiousness, it is extremely difficult to achieve flowering when grown at home.


They are ideal for decorating parapets and loggia windows, grilles or balcony railings. Climbing species require the installation of a special support, thanks to which they grow in a vertical direction.

It is a decorative and easy-to-care vine. Usually grown as an annual crop. The stem can reach 8 meters, on which beautiful heart-shaped leaves are abundantly located. Flowering continues from June until the first frost.

The flowers are shaped like a small gramophone with double or semi-double petals. They bloom every day and fade in the evening, thinning out the pleasant aroma. Depending on the variety, the color of the buds may vary; the most common are red, blue, white and pink shades.

The plant grows wild in Japan and Northern China; among flower growers, calistegia is better known as Siberian or French rose. Externally, it is a long and climbing vine, the height of which can reach 4 meters.

The leaves are heart-shaped or arrow-shaped and often have a double structure. Flowering can continue throughout the season until the first frost. Depending on the variety, the buds have a simple or bell-shaped shape. The corollas, growing up to 6 cm, are of great decorative value. During flowering, they almost completely cover the bud. The petals are painted white or pink.

This is an evergreen vine native to South America. In its natural environment, the plant can grow up to 15 m, but decorative varieties are more compact. Thanks to its strong adhesion to the support, the vine can be given almost any shape, which is important when growing in limited space. The leaf blades can be smooth or pubescent, but are always alternately located on the stem.

The flowers are collected in racemose inflorescences, and the perianths are most decorative. In their texture, they resemble a crumpled piece of paper, painted scarlet, purple or white. Bougainvillea blooms from mid-April to early September.

When choosing a plant for a loggia or balcony, many factors should be taken into account. These are area space, type of planting and climatic conditions in the region. By combining different types of flowers you can create an ever-blooming greenhouse that will be a wonderful decoration for your home.