Monthly horoscope Pisces. Monthly horoscope for Pisces. Monthly financial horoscope for Pisces

Forecast for May 2019

General horoscope for May for Pisces

Pisces may have a restless and troublesome time in the family at the beginning of May. Perhaps this will be due to some urgent matters that need to be done. At the same time, you may encounter aggressive behavior of some family members. What exactly will cause anxiety in the family is largely due to the individual characteristics of your family composition. This is also a challenging time for your career. Your bosses may rush you and express dissatisfaction if work deadlines are missed. During the remaining days of May, the situation in the family calms down. This time is marked by active contacts, travel, study and new experiences. Your relationships with people around you will be based on mutual assistance and mutual support. If you cannot resolve any issue, then contact the person who can help you. This is a time to expand business connections. The most successful days in May: 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 22. Busy days: 5, 6, 7, 21, 30, 31.

Love horoscope for May for Pisces

Pisces lovers will receive pleasant news between May 7-14, and the 2nd half of the month promises to be the happiest. It is this period that the stars advise Pisces to wait for, eager not only to bestow their partner with spiritual treasures, but also to shower them with material signs of attention. Perhaps you will receive a gift yourself. After May 22, the risk of letting it slip will increase. If you have secrets, choose your words carefully.

Career and financial horoscope for May for Pisces

At the beginning of May, relations with higher authorities may become strained for Pisces. The point is that you will be required to meet deadlines in order to stay on schedule. And this is exactly where you may have problems. Despite your best efforts, you may encounter complications that prevent you from reporting the work completed. All of this can have a negative impact on your career. On the remaining days of May, your business contacts become more active. People may appear in your field of vision, thanks to whose assistance you will be able to deal with your issues much faster and more efficiently. Listen to the advice of friends and like-minded people - they will not let you down. Information and commodity-money exchange is accelerating.

The most accurate love and financial horoscope for Pisces for the month

Read the most truthful and most accurate Pisces monthly horoscope: Pisces monthly love horoscope, Pisces monthly financial and business horoscope, Pisces monthly horoscope for free. Find out which days will be successful for Pisces.

“Listen to the advice of astrologers, and your day will be easy and productive!”

Pisces in May 2019 will be sufficiently focused and purposeful to achieve good results. Leave all prejudices and excuses behind and get down to business. What you have so carefully planned and dreamed about for a long time may come true this month. You just need to make every effort and focus on the main thing, without wasting energy on all sorts of distracting little things. Remember that daily household chores and current problems will exist tomorrow, and in a week, and always. But now gather your willpower into a fist and do what is long overdue. Try not to explain the course of your actions and the direction of your thoughts to strangers. You will only waste your precious time. The faster your reaction and response, the greater your chances of success. Now it is important to change your perception of the world around you and look at problems differently. Only in this way will you understand that there were no problems at all, and that you were simply exaggerating and deceiving yourself.

Horoscope for the 1st decade of May for Pisces

In the first ten days of May 2019, the stars advise Pisces in conflict situations to put themselves in the enemy’s place in order to see the situation through his eyes, and, accordingly, to fight with his own weapons. Don't make mountains out of molehills. After all, most of the obstacles and obstacles on your way are simply invented by you. Focus your attention on achieving your main goal. Now you have great opportunities for success. Try to use your time wisely, as there will not be enough time during this period. Basically, the location of the planets suggests that all troubles will bypass Pisces, you just need to strive and persistently move towards your happiness. You should not sacrifice yourself, your time and health for petty results. Target the “big fish” and very soon he will be hooked.

Horoscope for the 2nd decade of May for Pisces

In the second ten days of May 2019, the professional side of life for representatives of the Pisces zodiac sign should be quite eventful. The position of Mercury suggests that Pisces will receive an excellent reward for their nobility and reliability. But during this period, you will have to change tactics to make people around you respect your dignity. Do not take responsibility for the mistakes of your colleagues and do not agree to provide them with services if this goes against your principles or will negatively affect your well-being or personal life. Be firm in your decisions. In the end, announce yourself to the whole world. You have those qualities that many lack - you are quite hardworking and smart. And this is quite enough to win everyone’s respect and strengthen your authority. In mid-May, you will likely be asked to take on some responsibilities that are not listed in your job description. If you are afraid of offending your superiors, try to refuse as tactfully as possible. Stop being a superman who always helps everyone out, but is deprived of even the slightest reward and gratitude. Live for your own pleasure. Rest as much as possible, do not burden yourself with extraneous problems. The most important thing in success in the professional field is to begin solving current affairs with a cheerful spirit and in a great mood. And all you need for this is just a good night's sleep. You have many pleasant moments ahead, including a salary increase or a transfer to a worthy position, and maybe generous bonuses.

Horoscope for the 3rd decade of May for Pisces

In the third ten days of May 2019, Pisces in love will be like dumplings in butter. It's time to put everything in its place and have a heart-to-heart talk with your loved one. The influence of Venus aspects will have the most favorable effect on mutual understanding and harmony in your relationships. Therefore, you should not remain silent and worry within yourself about all sorts of little things that irritate you. Calmly and without emotion, tell your chosen one about the problem. He will understand and support you. Avoid dividing the family budget into mine and yours. This can lead to resentment. Let the money be common. Just plan your expenses together and make unanimous decisions. Pisces are secretive by nature and are accustomed to acting independently, but just for the sake of the purity of the experiment, try asking your partner for advice before each decision. You will see how your relationship, and your loved one himself, will transform. Yes, it will be a little difficult, but believe me, it will be worth it. You will enjoy it, and you are unlikely to want to return to your previous lifestyle. Moreover, you have good adaptive abilities, take advantage of this.

Pisces prefer to go with the flow, not really caring about tomorrow. A rich imagination paints them pleasant pictures of the distant future, and the tendency to dream about the impossible prevents them from soberly assessing the situation. Astrologers warn: such behavior is fraught with consequences. Pisces' favorite pastime is communicating with children and loved ones in the family circle. In the coming days, the stars do not advise changing your lifestyle and entering into dubious enterprises.

Horoscopes for Pisces

Horoscope for today Pisces from Pavel Globa

Dreamy and thoughtful Pisces will spend the day in bliss and meditation. Allow yourself to relax and be in a serene state. By the evening Pisces will feel a surge of energy. Go for a walk or visit friends. The stars do not advise ending this day alone.

Fate has prepared a pleasant surprise for unmarried Pisces. Perhaps this will be a new acquaintance or a meeting with an old friend to whom you were not indifferent. Give free rein to your feelings and emotions - this is your chance. Business meetings on this day should be postponed. Visits to the doctor and beauty salon will be unsuccessful.

Horoscope for tomorrow Pisces from Pavel Globa

On this day it is not safe to engage in intrigue or enter into dubious enterprises. Try to avoid people you don't like and keep your mouth shut. Quarrels in the morning can develop into real hostility, which will last for many years. In the afternoon, try to pay more attention to your loved ones. Spend this evening with your family, and end your dinner with soothing chamomile and mint tea.

Famous astrologer Tamara Globa warns that emotional turmoil is possible on this day. She does not specify what they will be connected with, but advises to beware of quarrels and visiting crowded places. Spend the day reading your favorite book or doing household chores.

Weekly horoscope for Pisces women

Another forecast from Pavel Globa is a weekly horoscope. This week Pisces will experience both success and disappointment. At work everything will work out just fine. You will receive interesting offers, and perhaps your management will appreciate your work. Those born in February can safely participate in lotteries and sweepstakes, and those born in March can make purchases and send resumes. All matters related to career and financial situation will be successfully resolved during this period. Don’t be afraid to take risks; a greater chance of success is not expected in the near future.

Minor troubles are expected in your personal life, which, however, will not develop into a serious quarrel or even a breakup. Try to control your emotions, behave more restrained and tolerant towards your loved ones. The stars do not advise lonely Pisces to trust new acquaintances and listen to the advice of friends. Beware of Leo and Sagittarius unless they are close to you.

At the beginning of the week you will need a lot of information and you will feel the role of the Internet in your life. The desire to educate yourself will become so strong that you would like to study languages ​​or complete some courses. By the end of the week, the mood will change from working to romantic. Do not deny yourself the pleasure of visiting an exhibition or theater. It’s better to leave club parties for next time; this week is not the most favorable for wild fun and new acquaintances.

Pavel Globa advises: dedicate this week to important matters. It is not recommended to borrow money or make large purchases. Any financial matter will bring disappointment and loss, and disagreements will arise in the family over money.

In the love sphere, the situation is more favorable. Single Pisces may get carried away by new relationships, while married Pisces may feel increased attention from their spouse. This week Pisces will shine and enchant.

For a month

This month gives you a chance to show yourself. If you use it, you will reap the benefits of success and recognition for a long time. Be bolder and more confident. You will probably have envious people who will not hesitate to put a spoke in your wheels. Be careful and beware of people born under the sign of Leo.

Throughout the first ten days of the month, you will be interested exclusively in your financial situation. Perhaps there will be a desire find additional work or start a business. Any undertaking this month will be successful. Don't be afraid of unusual projects and trust your intuition. Remember that of all the signs of the Zodiac, she is the most developed in you.

Don't give up on business trips and long trips. There is every chance of making useful acquaintances or just good friends who you can rely on in the future.

To pay attention health, in particular kidneys and liver. Watch your diet and refrain from drinking alcohol. Pisces often suffer from swelling, so drink diuretic tea and avoid stressful situations. You should not look for salvation from troubles in alcoholic drinks.

The beginning of the month promises romantic acquaintances or a light affair. Married Pisces should be careful and not allow themselves to be seduced. Stay in shape, don’t forget to take care of your problems and take care of your health. Perhaps a sharp turn of fate awaits you, which will change your previous worldview.

Pisces born in February will have inspiration and a desire to draw, write poetry or prose. Try your hand at art and who knows, maybe this is what you have been missing all your life.

  • Favorable days: 1, 5, 7, 12, 26.
  • Unfavorable: 2, 6, 13, 17, 21, 29.

Forecast for 2018

The coming 2018 of the Yellow Earth Dog promises Pisces a lot of pleasant adventures. All behavior of representatives of this sign will be dictated by the desire to surprise others. The stars will be favorable Pisces, but only if they themselves take the first step. Those around you will be surprisingly supportive and no special obstacles are foreseen. This year can be considered to some extent decisive. Representatives of this sign will have a chance to make a fateful decision that will be successful.

Love relationship

Show as much initiative and activity as possible. Your partner has been waiting for radical actions for a long time. Single Pisces will have a lot of new acquaintances, which, if desired, can develop into something more. Important the meeting could happen in the first half of the year. Don’t give up on long trips and business trips; you are more likely than ever to start a romantic relationship with a pleasant travel companion. And who knows, perhaps this acquaintance will become that promising gift of fate that the Yellow Earth Dog has prepared for you.

Finance and career

Representatives of this sign will face a tense financial period that will last until the middle of the year. Career and work will take a lot of time and will not always lead to a positive result. Only by the end of the year is stabilization and tangible material success possible. The most successful year will be for Pisces born in the year of the Monkey.

  • In winter, Pisces will need additional training.. These could be language courses or trainings. Athletes’ results will noticeably improve, and representatives of creative professions will become inspired.
  • In the spring, expenses will exceed income, which will encourage you to take risky actions. Do not take loans or invest money in dubious enterprises. During this period, any financial transactions will bring loss and disappointment.
  • In the summer, don’t hesitate for a long time, but get down to business. You will have a lot of opportunities, but the main thing is to make the right choice.
  • Avoid scammers and adventurers in autumn. After a successful summer, your financial situation will stabilize and by December you will forget about the failures of the first half of the year.

This is the year of careerists and people prone to adventures and intrigues. Many Pisces will think that everything will work out for them, if only they take a risk. The stars warn: you should not blindly trust crooks, but it is better to listen to your own female intuition, because it is very developed in you.

If you are planning to make a large purchase, the most favorable month will be February or the summer months. To open your own business the best period will be November and December. By this time, your financial situation will stabilize, and failures will leave you.

At the end of summer you will want to earn extra money. September is the most favorable month for looking for a new job.


Pisces should constantly monitor their weight and control bad habits. Unfortunately, weak willpower does not allow this sign to completely abandon them.

  • In winter you will have to completely reconsider your diet. and lifestyle, otherwise health problems will not be long in coming. Don't take too much medicine, it will affect your liver. It is better to take the advice of traditional medicine and do cleansing procedures.
  • In spring, a weight loss diet will not hurt you. Play sports or just visit a fitness club. If you tend to be overweight, it will come in handy.
  • Oddly enough, in the summer Pisces will have a risk of catching colds which will develop into bronchitis or pneumonia. Avoid drafts, because the summer heat is very insidious. Throughout the summer months, you will be haunted by minor health-related troubles, and visits to the doctor will become something routine. There is no need to worry, as no serious problems are expected and everything will stabilize by the end of summer.
  • Autumn does not bode well. This is the most favorable period of the Year of the Dog for you. Your vitality will be at its best. You will feel a surge of vigor and energy. To avoid emotional overload, do yoga or meditation.

Attention, TODAY only!

General monthly horoscope for Pisces

Pisces may have a restless and troublesome time in the family at the beginning of May. Perhaps this will be due to some urgent matters that need to be done. At the same time, you may encounter aggressive behavior of some family members. What exactly will cause anxiety in the family is largely due to the individual characteristics of your family composition. This is also a challenging time for your career. Your bosses may rush you and express dissatisfaction if work deadlines are missed. During the remaining days of May, the situation in the family calms down. This time is marked by active contacts, travel, study and new experiences. Your relationships with people around you will be based on mutual assistance and mutual support. If you cannot resolve any issue, then contact the person who can help you. This is a time to expand business connections. The most successful days in May: 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 22. Busy days: 5, 6, 7, 21, 30, 31.

Monthly love horoscope for Pisces

Pisces lovers will receive pleasant news between May 7-14, and the 2nd half of the month promises to be the happiest. It is this period that the stars advise Pisces to wait for, eager not only to bestow their partner with spiritual treasures, but also to shower them with material signs of attention. Perhaps you will receive a gift yourself. After May 22, the risk of letting it slip will increase. If you have secrets, choose your words carefully.

Monthly financial horoscope for Pisces

At the beginning of May, relations with higher authorities may become strained for Pisces. The point is that you will be required to meet deadlines in order to stay on schedule. And this is exactly where you may have problems. Despite your best efforts, you may encounter complications that prevent you from reporting the work completed. All of this can have a negative impact on your career. On the remaining days of May, your business contacts become more active. People may appear in your field of vision, thanks to whose assistance you will be able to deal with your issues much faster and more efficiently. Listen to the advice of friends and like-minded people - they will not let you down. Information and commodity-money exchange is accelerating.

The first half of April is a favorable time for Pisces to plan their lives for the future. These days, you may have the gift of strategic foresight, and you will be able to correctly guess the nature of upcoming changes in the months and years ahead. This is an optimistic period when you are filled with energy and want to act and take initiative. It’s good to start visiting sports clubs or a fitness club, giving yourself physical activity to strengthen your muscle strength. Women are recommended to visit beauty salons and change their image.

Along with spring, you will have a desire to update your appearance, making it brighter and more attractive. This is a great time for initiatives and endeavors.

The second half of the month may be associated with difficulties of mutual understanding in the family. If you are young and do not yet have your own family, then living in your parents’ house, willy-nilly you can face the eternal problem of fathers and children. Different understandings in different generations are what can become a problem for you in your family.

The most successful days in April: 9, 10, 13, 14, 15, 30. Busy days: 2, 12, 16, 22, 23, 27.

Financial horoscope

The strength of Pisces in the first half of April may be the ability to think strategically and plan their activities for a long period of time. Work on drawing up a business plan will go well. You can plan to open a new business by developing project documentation. You will also be able to harmoniously fit into the collective work of the creative group. The employer may pay a cash bonus.

The second half of the month is associated with slowdowns in work on projects that are already close to completion. For example, if you planned to complete the construction work and hand over the object to the customer, then deficiencies and defects that need to be corrected may begin to emerge. Try to achieve high quality so that you don’t have to redo it later.

Love horoscope

In April, the position of Pisces lovers is ambivalent. Even your obvious advantages, such as beauty, sexuality or erudition, will cause a side effect. Love affairs this month promise a lot of anxiety. By increasing mystery or being flexible, you run the risk of appearing like a dark horse to your partner. In the 3rd decade, try to look at the situation differently and master more honest tactics of love play.