We build ourselves and discuss preparations for construction. House designs as an important stage in preparation for construction. The work is entrusted to the general contractor

Preparation for building a house is that before you start building a house with your own hands, you need to carry out certain preparatory work: first of all, think carefully about the layout of the future house and the area near it, decide what shape and size you are going to build the house from, what building materials (wooden or stone house), what kind of heating, water supply, plumbing and sewerage it will have, as well as other aspects.

Today, your home is not only a home, but also an investment of money, sometimes very hard earned. Therefore, it is important to make the right choice in what and how to invest. The size and efficiency of investments in building a house, the time spent and quality of work, as well as the liquidity of home ownership (whether it can be sold at a profit if necessary) largely depend on how preparation for construction is carried out - on the choice of layout and project.

What needs to be done at the stage of preparation for building a house

Preparing to build a house, especially with your own hands, does not tolerate fuss and haste. Errors in the layout of the house, the choice of materials, installation technology, as well as directly in the conduct of construction work may not appear immediately, and correcting them will take time, nerves and money. We hope that the information presented in the articles in this category will help you avoid such mistakes, make the right choice and be well prepared for building a house.

Obtaining a building permit and choosing a project

If you already own a plot of land with a designated purpose - for housing construction, then at the stage of preparation for construction you will also need to obtain:

  • permission to design a house (local executive authority);
  • architectural - planning assignment (architecture department);
  • technical conditions of enterprises that will service communication systems (electricity, water supply, gas supply, low-current networks);
  • order or buy a ready-made house project;
  • carry out its examination and approval;
  • obtain a building permit.

And only after this can you begin to realize your dream - building your own home, which usually begins with the construction of the foundation. But before starting construction work, it is necessary to ensure the availability of water and electricity on the site.

Communications supply

It’s good if communications are already connected to the site - at least electricity and water. If not, then before starting construction work you need to take care of this, because you cannot do without water and electricity, no matter how you look at it.

If it is impossible to connect to the power line, you need to stock up on a liquid fuel electric generator with a capacity of 5 kW or more, fortunately there are now enough of them in the retail network. This, of course, is an additional cost, but it will be quite useful to you in the future as a backup source of electricity.

The issue of water supply to the site, in the absence of a running water supply, is resolved by drilling a well or digging a well (if the aquifer is at a shallow depth - up to 20 m).

Site fencing

If the construction site is new and not yet fenced, then when preparing for the construction of a house, it would be advisable to fence it off, at least with a temporary fence. This will prevent unauthorized persons from entering the site and will help preserve construction materials and tools.

Today, message boards are teeming with construction companies ready to build your dream home for a “very low cost.” Many people actually choose this option, because it's fast and convenient.

Where to start building with your own hands?

At the same time, many people prefer build a house with your own hands. This option is also good and has a lot of advantages: you choose it yourself and can personally evaluate its quality, choose it for yourself, and besides, the cost of independent construction is an order of magnitude lower, This construction option eliminates the possibility of deception.

This section will answer the main questions regarding preparation for the construction of a private house and will reveal in detail its main types. You will learn when it is most favorable to start construction, and also become familiar with the stages of this process. You want to build your dream home and we will help you with this.

Construction standards

On areas allocated for individual housing construction, there are certain rules that are regulated by SNiP. These include, for example, the rules distance from neighboring houses, fences, red line etc.

Initially, you need to receive - this is an official document that allows you to conduct legal construction of residential properties capital construction. To obtain a building permit, you must write an application from the developer addressed to the head of the administration. Then provide an extract from the Unified State Register or title documents for the land plot.

Site development planning

It is also required to present a town planning document land plan, issued no earlier than 3 years before the date of submission of the application for a construction permit. The following is a diagram of the planning organization of the land plot.

Then you need to draw up a project for your future home. There are three ways to obtain a private house project: buy finished project, order architect's project come up with it yourself.
The architectural design contains information about the number and location of rooms, doors, windows. When developing an architectural project, it is necessary to determine the number of floors, rooms, their location, size and purpose, number and location of bathrooms, the presence of a basement and garage.

How to prepare a plot of land?

When building a house, you must complete several conditions. First, access to the construction site must be ensured. Secondly, it is necessary to trace the construction site area. Thirdly, a plot is required. It involves artificial leveling of the relief. Fourthly, you should carry out drainage to protect your home from water and moisture. And finally, drill and take care of the septic system sewer system.

Can I get compensation?

It should be noted that you can receive property during the construction of housing. In this case, you have the right to receive a deduction as on the cost of building a house, and on interest on loan issued for construction. You can return up to 13% from the full amount of expenses for construction and finishing of housing.

Also, building a house is one of the options for allocating funds to improve the level of living conditions.

There is such a thing as a government subsidy. a private house is free form of assistance to individuals at the expense of the state budget. In practice, subsidies for housing construction are not provided immediately. Citizens stand in line to receive subsidies for quite a long time, which can be calculated in years.

Every citizen of the Russian Federation can receive it at the expense of the state budget. The forest is provided to the individual developer in the form of an area intended for felling. It is cut down independently by the developer or construction organization at the expense of the developer. The cut timber is delivered to the housing construction site. After cutting down the trees, the area should be put in order.

The pressing question is: when is the best time to start construction? The best time is in the summer. The main benefit of this season is that the work is being carried out quite quickly in favorable weather conditions. The optimal construction season is from April to November.

The construction of country houses has become very popular in recent years. After all, such a house provides you with the opportunity to spend weekends, and often also vacations, in the lap of nature. Country houses harmoniously combine the coziness and comfort of a city home with beautiful landscapes of quiet nature. The construction of such a house, as indeed the construction of any house, begins with a project.

Selecting a project is one of the most basic tasks. If you are at least familiar with the laws of design, then drawing a sketch of a house project will not be difficult for you. But it can save costs in the future. So, the first step that the future owner should take is to draw up a functional diagram, which should indicate what functions should be present in the house. For example, what kind of premises are needed, what amenities should be there, or what is the height of the ceilings. The second step is to evaluate what parameters of the house are most important to you and evaluate its energy efficiency. To avoid unforeseen situations, such as groundwater or water lenses, it is necessary to order a study of the topography and geodesy of the site from specialized companies. This will help you correctly determine the type of foundation, so that in the future it will not cause sedimentation and cracks.

House designs have been selected, and having decided on the type of foundation, you can begin to determine the technology and construction work. You need to choose a material for the walls. There are several types of work: stone (the walls of which consist of brick, monolith, foam block); wooden (log, timber); and frame Canadian technology of timber-frame walls.

The final stage of preparation for construction is obtaining a construction permit, as well as the development of technical documentation and linking it to the construction site.

A building permit is an important step, and it is important to understand what steps you need to go through in order to obtain all the necessary documents. This procedure is quite labor-intensive and must be taken seriously. This is especially true for large-scale house projects, where it can take a lot of time to coordinate all the details.

You can do this process yourself, or you can contact companies that specialize in preparing such documents, or seek advice from the appropriate persons.

Once you receive your permit, you can begin making your dream home a reality.

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The construction of houses from gas silicate blocks has its own secrets, knowing which you can control the team of builders or build a house without their full participation.

We are glad to meet you again, dear blog readers. If, in order to save money, you do not turn to designers, but are trying to independently understand all the intricacies of construction and, at the same time, not make mistakes, the best thing to do is turn to regulatory documents.

There is a lot of information on construction on the Internet, often it is contradictory and not credible. If you doubt any of the advice offered, look for the information you need in the offered regulatory documents, refer to primary sources. It often happens that you don’t know the name of a document and spend a lot of time searching for it. We decided to help you with this - after all, we ourselves often turned to them at the initial stage.

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And again we are with you, dear blog readers. In this article we will talk about what should be on the master plan of the site. To do this, we will look at a specific example (photo on the right). By clicking on the photo you will get an enlarged image - this is master plan of our site.

Heading: | So, what do we have? A rectangular plot of fairly regular shape with an area of ​​about 20 acres (approximately 31 m - the width of the plot and 64 m - the length of the plot), located on a flat surface. The plot is surrounded on three sides by the neighbors' garden plots, and on the fourth side there is a dirt road. From the road side there is an entrance/entrance to the site. |

The master plan shows all the dimensions of the plot, the main existing buildings and the location of the future home. The site on the plan is oriented according to parts of the world, i.e. The entrance to the site is located in the northwest.


  • Good afternoon, dear blog readers.
  • You already have a plot. And there is a desire to build a house. What should you pay attention to when planning a site for building a house? So:
Heading: | So, what do we have? A rectangular plot of fairly regular shape with an area of ​​about 20 acres (approximately 31 m - the width of the plot and 64 m - the length of the plot), located on a flat surface. The plot is surrounded on three sides by the neighbors' garden plots, and on the fourth side there is a dirt road. From the road side there is an entrance/entrance to the site. |