English tutor. English tutors When do you need private lessons?

Knowledge of English is a serious advantage in the modern world. This subject is taught already in elementary school, and many children become acquainted with it in kindergarten or in lessons with a tutor. Some parents try to find a private teacher, while others prefer to send their child to group classes.

How to choose an English tutor?

For your search to be successful, you need to understand the purpose of the classes. If additional lessons are needed so that your child can catch up with the school curriculum, a few lessons will be enough, even with a beginner private English tutor. If individual lessons are considered as preparation for the Unified State Exam or international exams, it is definitely better to choose professionals with extensive experience.

Specialists from the World of Tutors company will help you find an English language tutor in Moscow. Leave a request on the website with your wishes for the teacher, his experience, education, price per hour, etc. We work with a large number of talented teachers and will select the right one completely free of charge.

Register and post your own vacancy for free in our interactive service. Responses from applicants will be sent to your email. Find qualified candidates in your area by searching our private tutor directory.

Benefits for employers:

  • Current profiles of English tutors in Moscow with photographs and recommendations from previous employers.
  • The information of each candidate is subject to mandatory verification by moderators before posting the application form on the website.
  • A convenient search through the largest tutor employment system in Moscow will allow you to quickly and easily find the best tutor for you.

Do you need a job as an English tutor in Moscow?

Register and post your profile with a photo for free. Employers will call you directly or send you an SMS to invite you for an interview. You can find a job near your home using the job search by area.

Benefits for applicants:

  • All services for English tutors are free.
  • Simple job search, convenient catalogs of English tutor vacancies by region in Moscow.
  • Current offers from direct employers and reliable recruitment agencies.

Our advantages:

  1. Coverage. Our database contains all vacancies and resumes for tutors in Moscow.
  2. Prices. The cost of an English tutor is from 500 rubles per hour. Choose a teacher that suits your budget!
  3. Guarantees. We will refund your money if you do not find a tutor through our service.

Often looking for tutors:

English tutors

Moscow, Street 1905 Goda

Age 50 years

Experience 5 years

Payment 1000-1250 rub/45 minutes

Tutor in physics, mathematics and English. Graduated from the Pedagogical Institute in 1993, from 1993 to 1999. - work at school. Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, 1999. From 2000 to 2012 he lived and worked... Tutor in physics, mathematics and English. Graduated from the Pedagogical Institute in 1993, from 1993 to 1999. - work at school. Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, 1999. From 2000 to 2012 he lived and worked in colleges in Canada. He taught mathematics, physics and English to immigrants. Since 2012 I have been living and working in Moscow at secondary school 1286. to uncover...

Resume with 2016 no messages yet?

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Resume with 2015 no messages yet?

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Moscow, Beskudnikovo

Age 60 years

The article was written by an English language tutor who has been successfully working with clients for more than 5 years, so the information is relevant, first-hand. Here you will get answers to the following questions:

  • what is the role of the tutor in the educational process;
  • what goals to set for yourself;
  • how to find the teacher you need.

Who is a tutor?

Tutor- this is, first of all, mentor, mentor. This is a person who will show you the direction, correct your mistakes and charge you with energy and enthusiasm to study on your own. All.

The tutor should not do homework for your children or communicate with you informally. The lessons should maintain a friendly atmosphere, business communication, and mutual respect.

I am convinced that a professional English tutor will not chat in Russian on abstract topics during lessons, give tasks to complete or turn on, and immerse himself in reading a tablet. A real teacher will not raise his voice at your children. I understand that life always makes its own adjustments, but if there is a non-working atmosphere in the lesson, the tutor should leave.

Do you need an English tutor?

The best and most cost-effective solution is to start learning English on your own, read, buy any teaching aid with answers for self-test, expand your vocabulary to, and also watch. And only then, having reached intermediate, find someone with work experience and good reviews. On the other hand, studying with a tutor from scratch will make progress faster, but this option will be more expensive.

A good tutor is only 20% of your success. 80% is your motivation and availability of free time. I am often asked, . And I already have a good answer ready. In the appendix to my diploma it is written that we studied English 2846 hours. So, in order for me to have time to teach the Inyazov program in your favorite intensity mode (twice a week for 90 minutes), I will need 16 years. And this does not take into account the school curriculum and related disciplines at the university. Do you still want to “learn English in a month”?

💡 Answer yourself the question, why do you need English , and then read the typical answers below. Do you recognize yourself in a certain profile? In certain cases you need to think twice. 💡

1) To pass a test or international exam, for example , FCE, . Great! You are most likely well motivated and know why you are taking this or that test. In the average untreated case, you should start studying a year before you are supposed to take the exam.

2) For work. Commendable! But keep in mind that only you know the specifics of your work; the tutor does not know it. Most business English textbooks are about 10 percent useful, unless of course you work as a guide or in a call center. In other words, you will get more from reading professional literature and. You can find a tutor specifically for these purposes. At the same time, improve your spoken English.

3) Pass an interview in English or any other short-term order. You have excellent motivation, you are ready for brainstorming and intensive training! You definitely need a tutor. However, not everyone can afford urgent orders, because the teacher’s schedule is usually drawn up a year in advance! On the other hand, at lunchtime you are always welcome.

4) For study. Very good, especially if classes are supposed to be with a student. Stable and regular exercises yield rich fruits in the future. Perhaps, by the 11th grade, the student will know the language almost at the level of a language university, and he will not have to spend money on language courses, he can easily find a job in a foreign company. To achieve these goals, it is necessary to go ahead of the school curriculum, give much more, and the child must complete all homework at school independently. But working with a tutor for years is, of course, expensive. Or maybe you are a student? This is not very good, the tutors don’t like you... Today you again have an urgent test, an exam, a sudden lecture, so the lesson will have to be canceled urgently? A good tutor will stay with you only if he has regular lessons without cancellations.

5) For travel. This is where the red zone begins, think twice about why you need a tutor. You will lose some of the benefits of group learning that are available in English courses, namely: working in a group, communicating with non-native speakers in broken English, dialogues with different people and different things. Do you think that in Italy, Turkey and Egypt they speak pure Royal English? On the other hand, some teachers can help (but certainly not your complex).

6) For yourself. Badly! You don't know why you need a tutor. You don't set any goals for yourself, you have no motivation. Maybe you want someone to entertain you? Think three times, make yourself a cup of tea or coffee, buy, watch and evolve into another category. If all this is not interesting to you, then do something else, find another hobby.

How to find an English tutor?

The best teachers are usually recommended by friends. Ask your friends and colleagues, post on social networks. If word of mouth does not work, then you need to go to the so-called "tutor website" These are special agencies for the selection of teachers, and various specialists in general. I'll recommend a few:

– market leader, the largest database of tutors in all regions of the Russian Federation. Many tutors have their passport details, higher education diplomas, etc. checked. There is a feedback system.

Repetit.ru is second place among tutoring sites. They also check passport details to protect clients. They don’t bother you so much on the phone; they communicate more cordially and at home.

Karta-repetitorov.ru is convenient when the tutor lives near you. On this site you can visually see where your English teacher lives. Moscow is big. On the other hand, proximity should not be a deciding factor in this matter.

On any of these sites you can leave a request for a tutor. It is advisable to indicate your goals, a convenient time, and also decide whether you will study at home or go to the teacher’s home yourself. You can also choose a tutor yourself, based on the questionnaire data. If you are taking international exams, make sure that the teacher has the required certificate. But the best thing to say about him is certificates of his students who successfully passed this test.

By the way, to help with the school curriculum, it is not necessary to look for a tutor with 10 years of experience. A responsible senior student at a language university would be a good fit for you. In other cases, it is better to rely on the professionalism of the tutor. In the first classes, a training program is usually built, a class schedule is fixed... and then everyday schoolwork begins and the mandatory completion of homework, without independent work - no way.

With great pleasure I am ready to continue the discussion of this topic in the comments or on the forum!

1000 rub / 45 min

Medvedeva Olga Yurievna

Private tutor, Moscow

A lesson is a means of communication and immersion in the language, overcoming one’s own fears and uncertainty in mastering a foreign language. I use an individual approach to working with each student, using modern communication techniques. ...

Omsk State Pedagogical University (OMSPU), Faculty of Foreign Languages, graduate, 1988 - 1993 Education: higher, pedagogical Teacher of English and German languages. Specialization: "Literature of Great Britain...

525 RUR / 45 min

Kalinnikova Maria Ilyinichna

Student, Moscow

I offer English classes for your child. I guarantee an individual approach and interesting classes. I teach children from 6 years old and schoolchildren. My classes include all components of preparation, that is, listening, reading, grammar, ...

Teaching experience: 2 years. I study at the Moscow International Academy. Languages ​​studied: English, German, Spanish.

1000 rub / 45 min

Veselova Svetlana Viktorovna

University teacher, Moscow

Teaching English to schoolchildren. Help in preparing homework, eliminating gaps in understanding school material, consolidating the material covered, going through school material “forward”. Setting the right...

2 higher educations: linguistic and psychological. I have been working as a tutor for more than 10 years. I have been working as a teacher at the institute since 2008. I have experience teaching English to schoolchildren and students.

1250 rub / 45 min

Miss Muse

Native speaker, Moscow

Shake-It-Up Sessions With Miss Muse If you want to activate your language skills, to make your English sound better, to enrich it with new words and useful structures, to get intensive speaking practice and to do it in a non-boring way -...

Master's Degree in Linguistics, (diploma with honors in the field of training development) plus University of Life, Good Books And Never-Ending Self-Education. Training experience: 10 years, corporate education sector.

525 RUR / 45 min

Deykina Ksenia Sergeevna

Student, Moscow

I have been teaching English to children since 2014. I help schoolchildren in grades 1-11 improve their curriculum and deepen their language knowledge. I use methods and textbooks that are used in Russian schools to help the student master the program and homework...

Education - 4th year (bachelor's degree) of Moscow Pedagogical State University, Institute of Foreign Languages, direction - pedagogical education. I have experience working in a school, so I have the necessary skills to communicate with children. ...

600 rub / 45 min

Babich Sergey Eduardovich

Private tutor, Moscow

English tutor since 1989. The experience of living in the USA (12 years) allowed me to develop an effective system. The price of a lesson is determined after an unpaid personal meeting (testing, interview, trial lesson) I also offer...

Higher technical in the USSR and linguistic in America, where he spent 12 years working in different companies and improving the language. I passed exams of varying difficulty and studied. He developed his own language learning methodology based on the acquisition of...

1125 RUR / 45 min

Sokolova Natalya Anatolevna

Private tutor, Moscow

What am I offering? Effective classes in foreign languages: English and Spanish. Who is English for? Schoolchildren - from 1st to 11th grade - Preparation for the Unified State Exam - Preparation for the Unified State Exam Adults - Beginners - Intermediate level (increasing levels) - ...

Moscow State Pedagogical University named after. N. K. Krupskaya Faculty of Pedagogy Linguist. English teacher Total teaching and tutoring experience – 8 years.

750 RUR / 45 min

Sharipova Gulnaz

Private tutor, Moscow

I teach English. I am preparing for the State Examination/Unified State Exam, TOEFL and simply raising the level of language knowledge. An individual teaching method has been developed, with a strong emphasis on spoken language, strong grammar, Business English. I am improving my language level enough...

Our database of Moscow English tutors includes teachers of different specializations, experience and teaching approaches, living in Moscow, the USA or England and working on location or remotely via Skype.

You can choose an English tutor to improve your high school knowledge, to prepare for the Unified State Exam, to improve your speaking skills, or to pass international exams IELTS, TOEFL, ILEC, FCE, FCA.

We offer you a free selection of an English language tutor in Moscow based on various criteria, such as specialization, price, work experience, area of ​​residence.

Tutors work both on site and conduct lessons at home or remotely via Skype.


    • When choosing an English tutor, be guided not only by the convenient location of the teacher and the cost of classes, but also by his work experience, as well as reviews and ratings!

      Simonov Alexey Ivanovich

      Education and experience

      Education: Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology and Moscow State Pedagogical University. Experienced teacher and translator of English and German. Linguist-translator. Any level of difficulty from beginner to advanced. Individual sessions. I have many years of experience in working and preparing for the OGE and Unified State Examinations, I will help fill gaps in knowledge, and conduct classes with those who are lagging behind.

    Prices and lesson options

    For a student: 600 rubles. / 45 min Lesson duration: 60 min.

    • When choosing an English tutor, be guided not only by the convenient location of the teacher and the cost of classes, but also by his work experience, as well as reviews and ratings!

      She graduated from Moscow State Pedagogical University in 1999, Faculty of Foreign Languages, majoring in Philology (formerly Moscow State Pedagogical Institute named after V.I. Lenin). Qualified as a teacher of English and German. In 2005 - Seneca College in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. In 2006 - UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO, Toronto, Ontario, Canada I work with schoolchildren of all ages, as well as adults. I have experience in successful teaching, from beginner to advanced level, including business terminology (finance, law). I am proficient in traditional and intensive teaching methods, preferring the traditional one. I prepare schoolchildren for Olympiads and exams. I am preparing for: YLE (Young Learners of English Cambridge exams): Starters, Movers, Flyers; PET, KET, FCE, CAE, IELTS, TOEFL, OGE, Unified State Exam, solving Olympiad problems. I have been a member of the Russian Union of Translators since 2000. She started teaching from the first year of university. My students are currently studying at MGIMO, Moscow State University, Higher School of Economics, Financial University and other prestigious lyceums, gymnasiums and universities in Moscow and abroad. Successfully passed YLE (Young Learners of English: Starters, Movers, Flyers) - 100%, KET - 88% and 97%, PET - 94%, IELTS - 81% and 87%. OGE/GIA - from 86% to 100%, Unified State Exam - from 85% to 99%. My student (5th grade) in 2015, having taken first place in the regional Olympics, entered the top 30 in Moscow according to the results of the All-Russian Olympics.

      Education and experience

      At home for a student: 1500 RUR / 45 min

      Lesson duration: from 45 minutes Lessons with schoolchildren 45 minutes - from 1000 rubles; Preparation for the Unified State Exam and exams 45 minutes - from 1,500 rubles; Adults - individually, after testing and depending on the tasks.

    Prices and lesson options

    Kolesnikova Elena Igorevna

    Tutor in English and French

    • When choosing an English tutor, be guided not only by the convenient location of the teacher and the cost of classes, but also by his work experience, as well as reviews and ratings!

      In 2005 she graduated from Moscow State Pedagogical University named after Lenin. 2006-2007 - work as a teacher at a lyceum with in-depth study of a foreign language. I have been working for more than 13 years and during this time I realized that the main thing in training is an individual approach. My priorities: 1. development of fluent spoken language; 2. successful preparation (if we are working on preparing for the exam); 3. ease of learning. How will we learn? We will talk, talk and talk again (of course, in a foreign language), as well as watch movies, read interesting books, shoot our own videos and achieve success.

      Education and experience

      Remotely: 500 rub. / 45 min. For a tutor: 650 rubles. / 45 min. For a student: 800 rubles. / 45 min. Lesson duration: 60-90 minutes.

    Prices and lesson options

    Sevostyanova Yulia Valentinovna

    • When choosing an English tutor, be guided not only by the convenient location of the teacher and the cost of classes, but also by his work experience, as well as reviews and ratings!

      Graduated from the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​at Moscow State Linguistic University in 2011. From the first years of the institute, I felt an ability to teach and a predisposition to linguistics. Since I have been studying the English language specifically for more than twenty years, I am inclined to think that there are no longer any unknown figures of speech, phrases, or even just words. It is not for me to judge the strengths, but practice shows that not a single question asked by any of the students remained unanswered. I focus not on the quantity of material covered, but on quality. Each lesson is new knowledge for the student and new heights.

      Education and experience

      Remotely: 375 rub. / 45 min. For a tutor: 375 rubles. / 45 min. For a student: 550 rub. / 45 min. Lesson duration: 60 min.

    Prices and lesson options

    Lukina Yulia Sergeevna

    English tutor

    • When choosing an English tutor, be guided not only by the convenient location of the teacher and the cost of classes, but also by his work experience, as well as reviews and ratings!

      Currently I am studying at Moscow State Pedagogical University. Lenin as a teacher of two foreign languages. My level of English is Upper-Intermediate. She studied abroad at the Marino International Institute (Dublin, Ireland).

      Education and experience

      With a tutor: 300 rub / 45 min

      Cost - 400 rubles for 60 minutes.

    Prices and lesson options

    Vorobiev Alexey Andreevich

    English and social studies tutor

    • When choosing an English tutor, be guided not only by the convenient location of the teacher and the cost of classes, but also by his work experience, as well as reviews and ratings!

      I am a student of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Russian Economic University" named after. G.V. Plekhanova, Faculty of State Russian Academy of Education and Science, graduation year 2020. During the classes I create a creative atmosphere, strict control of knowledge, and as training progresses, boundary quality control of knowledge is provided. Extremely demanding and at the same time very kind. I always find an approach to students, I know how to interest them in the subject. The main task for me in the classroom is to teach the student to think, and not to cram the material.

      Education and experience

      For a tutor: 600 rubles. / 45 min. For a student: 750 rubles. / 45 min. Lesson duration: 60-90 minutes.

    Prices and lesson options

    Babich Yana Igorevna

    English tutor

    • When choosing an English tutor, be guided not only by the convenient location of the teacher and the cost of classes, but also by his work experience, as well as reviews and ratings!

      Graduated from Pyatigorsk State Linguistic University (2008-2013). I always try to do my work as conscientiously as possible, to work for results. All aspects of the language: grammar, vocabulary, spoken English.

      Education and experience

      For a tutor: 800 rubles. / 45 min. For a student: 800 rubles. / 45 min. Lesson duration: 45-90 min.

    Prices and lesson options

    Khrapova Yulia Alexandrovna

    Tutor in English and Russian languages

    • When choosing an English tutor, be guided not only by the convenient location of the teacher and the cost of classes, but also by his work experience, as well as reviews and ratings!

      In 1997 she graduated from Moscow State Pedagogical University. V.I. Lenin, received a specialty - philologist, teacher of Russian language and literature. In 1999 he graduated from Moscow State Linguistic University. M. Toreza is a philologist and an English teacher by profession. Training is based on communicative methods. On average, the course lasts 2 years from entry-level to intermediate, each stage (Beginners, Elementary, Pre-Intermediate, Intermediate) lasts six months. I work with children up to 8th grade, as well as adults. I teach business English. My lessons are always lively and dynamic, and thanks to this, the student quickly learns the material.