Talisman for fulfilling wishes: meaning and features. How to make an amulet that grants wishes How to make an amulet that grants wishes

A wish-granting amulet will help you realize your wildest dreams. A magical item made with your own hands can work real miracles.

An amulet that fulfills any wish

You will need lavender, more precisely, its crushed flowers, a blue shred, candles, honey, rope and a small sheet of paper. When creating an amulet, we will turn to an ancient ritual that helps in achieving any goals.

Site experts advise attracting positive flows to yourself on the waxing Moon. Four candles - four cardinal directions. Place them on the floor, at a short distance from each other. Now the most important task: on a piece of paper you need to describe in detail your dream or several desires. From a piece of fabric, make a small bag that will hold lavender flowers and your handwritten dream.

Light the candles, stand in the middle, squeeze the bag tightly and repeat your wish until you feel overwhelmed with positive energy. The bag can be carried with you, or hidden in the house. However, after your dream comes true, do not forget to burn the amulet.

Fire amulet

A dream implies not only fulfillment, but also getting rid of all interfering factors that put a spoke in your wheels. The element of fire will help rid space of energy blocks. You will need white rope and a regular candle.

We get rid of everything unnecessary only during the waning moon. Your amulet, which will get rid of all blockers and interference, must first be charged. To do this, you need to stretch the rope in different directions, thinking about the hated objects that stand in the way of your dream. The more anger you let out, the better.

After this, rewind the candle with a rope from beginning to end. Light the wick and let the candle burn completely. After this, you will receive an amulet that destroys danger and blocks the realization of desires. Put it in a secret place so that no one discovers or accidentally takes it out.

For you, we have selected the most effective and time-tested amulets that will flawlessly fulfill your wishes. As mentioned earlier, you can choose absolutely any assistant for yourself. Even an ordinary bracelet can be turned into a personal amulet by charging it correctly. We wish you fulfillment of all your desires, success and good luck. be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

I want a new job that pays a big salary, an apartment, a ring, a car, a cake, chocolate, not to get sick, to eat and not to get fat, to the sea, to win the lottery, world peace, every stray dog ​​has an owner, and so on, so on. . The list of human “wants” that arise in our heads every day can be continued endlessly. Here there will be desires from the most base and simplest to the cosmic and unrealizable. A dream can drive you crazy and deprive you of sleep. The editors of the website “About Amulets” studied the issue of fulfillment of desires: how not to spoil a dream, how to bring it closer and what means will help.

Adults understand perfectly well what they want, but if you think about it, the thought that is spinning in your head and is on the surface does not reflect the essence and true need. We receive what we ordered, but there is no inner satisfaction and happiness. For example, “I want to win money.” Perhaps behind this is the dream of having a lot of money. And what's next? Let's say the order is completed and the winnings amount to 10 million rubles. Will the money be used to purchase an apartment, a car, a fur coat, travel around the world, go on a spree in restaurants, or develop a business? Why complicate everything and make it a win? Making money is much easier than winning. It is better to initially make plans to buy an apartment and go towards the goal, enlisting the help of the universe.

Perhaps this is not the final need. You need an apartment to move away from your parents, or you’re tired of changing rental housing, or your old one has become cramped, or you want to move to a new convenient area of ​​the city closer to work, or maybe you’re just tired of noisy neighbors. The question needs to get to the very essence. There is a possibility that buying a home will not solve the problem. Let’s say you need housing in order not to live with your parents, to become independent and independent. By asking for an apartment, a person gets it. Independence and independence will not increase. Separate housing does not solve this problem. Or “I want to move, here the neighbors sing songs and break dishes on weekends. Let’s say the thought “I want a new home” was sent into the universe. The dream has come true - the apartment is new, but the problems are old. New neighbors beat each other up every day, then make up noisily, and threaten with violence in response to comments.

The thought of a dream come true should resonate in the soul. It is not enough to receive an object of desire, you need to understand what it will give, what will change in life and what emotions will arise. For example, I want to marry handsome Vasya. So what is next? Dreams begin of a luxurious life, travel, children, grandchildren, a dacha. This is not true. One thing is replaced by another. Maybe the goal here is a beautiful picture of the future, and not Vasya himself. Correct design - I want to become Vasya’s wife, because I love him and will be happy with him.

Let's make a few rules:

  1. One desire must be formed.
  2. A dream should be independent and not drag on other dreams.
  3. It should evoke feelings.
  4. Desire should not harm anyone.
  5. The dream must be clearly formulated. Not “I want a car,” but “I want to buy a Ford Focus, no older than 2015 no later than the end of this year.”

Be afraid of your desires

The universe fulfills sincere dreams, but it understands them literally, therefore, when formulating a dream, you need to monitor your thoughts and words.

First of all, you need to get rid of all types of negativity. For example, I want to get married, we will divide the problems in half. Along with your husband, problems will arise. Or “I’m ready to work two jobs just to make money.” As a result: two jobs, a lot of work and money, but no increase in happiness, not a minute of rest.

Thoughts are formulated specifically. For example, a woman, tired of work, everyday life and her husband’s laziness, asks: “let them take care of me, but I want to become weak.” The result is a serious illness. And indeed there is weakness, there is care as ordered.

Get rid of the habit of making installations and labeling. They harm everyone. Children especially suffer. Almost from birth, one is called a tomboy and restless, the other lazy and incompetent. The thought settles so densely that there is no longer any strength to fight. Some people think: “they offer a good job and the salary is decent, but I can’t do it - I’m not good enough for this job.” The result is neither knowledge nor experience.

Any bad thought, even one that accidentally enters your head, must be transformed into a positive one. The more good, the better the result. For example, “Don’t worry about it on a plane, there could be terrorists flying there.” To get rid of the negative attitude, you need to imagine the terrorists barbecuing and having fun, but not wanting to hijack the plane.

You need to be able to wait. Time passes from the origin of a thought to its implementation. The main thing is not to stop believing.

Amulets of wish fulfillment

Perhaps, to make your dream come true, you don’t need amulets, it’s enough to keep the thought in your head. If this works out, then it is possible. And if the goal is periodically forgotten, weakened, eclipsed, then it is better to create a talisman. It will become a reminder of your dream. It can be a magazine or a poster where association pictures, a charmed stone, or a thing reminiscent of a dream are pasted. For example, a tank cap for a coveted car or a keychain for.

Examples of talismans for making wishes come true with your own hands.

Charged Stone

You don't have to take a precious one. To fulfill your wishes, any one you like, picked up on the street or the seashore, is suitable. Stages of making a talisman:

  1. Energy cleansing. It is soaked in a saline solution for three days, then frozen.
  2. Energy exchange. You need to hold a clean, dried stone in your hand and, imagining that it is a magical object, transfer to it some of your energy, thoughts, and warmth.
  3. Information exchange. You need to focus on your dream, imagine the desired image and share it with the stone. It is important to feel the unity of yourself and the stone, to feel how energy flows into the mineral.
  4. CONSPIRACY. Afterwards, consolidate the ritual by whispering your desire to the stone. The breath should reach the stone.

Always have it with you, preferably in a bag, isolated from other objects, so that the energy does not get confused. Sometimes the talisman is taken out and the images that accompany the desire are brought to life in the imagination. This ritual will help your dream come true faster.

This is called simple, formed in a natural way. Since ancient times, this stone was also considered a talisman to attract good luck. If you manage to find a pebble, then you should make it a talisman. You can perform the ritual described above or simply clean it and wear it around your neck or in your purse. Experts advise looking through the hole at the object of desire.

Fulfillment of financial desires

Wealth and prosperity are associated with legumes. As an amulet, you can use a bag of beans, peas, or make a rosary from beans by stringing the beans on a rope. The amount of money depends on the number of beans. The resulting beads are carried in a purse. Sometimes the rosary is picked up and fingered to make a dream come true.

Lavender amulet

It is suitable for making any dream come true. For production you will need:

  1. Crushed lavender flowers.
  2. Blue patch.
  3. Candles.
  4. Paper.

The ceremony is performed on the waxing moon. Four candles are lined up in a square and a sheet of paper is placed in the center. A wish is written on it. A bag is made from fabric. It contains lavender and a note. The product is clenched in a fist, emotions, energy and thoughts are mentally transmitted to it.

Getting rid of obstacles

To make your dreams come true, you need to get rid of problems. To do this, a ritual is performed on the waning moon. You will need a rope and a candle. The rope is furiously tugged at and pulled in different directions, mentally imagining all the obstacles on the path to the dream.

The rope is wound around a candle, the candle is set on fire and they wait until it burns out completely. The rope is hidden in a secluded place.


An important part of rituals. This helps to make the dream closer and transform it from abstract in the mind into real and achievable.

It is necessary to clearly imagine the object in the smallest detail. Imagine your emotions, when your desire comes true, the reaction of others, your further actions. If this is an apartment, then imagine the furniture, decoration, view from the window.

Every detail of the visualization is important. It is advisable not to be distracted during the process. A little training and the image will appear by itself at any time. An indication that everything is being done correctly - a good feeling and peace, complete dissolution in the dream.

Thoughts are material. This has already been proven many times, so all your wishes will come true sooner or later. The main thing is faith and the correct formulation of your thoughts. Small amulets will help you focus on your dreams.

1. Shadow ritual. Before lunch, stand facing your shadow, with your back to the sun, preferably so that there are no shadows of other people nearby, and say the following words: “I will pray to the Lord God, I will bow to the Holy Trinity, the True Lord God of Hosts, I stand before you, servant (name) you He created the firmament of the earth and the heavens, separated light from darkness and called light day and darkness night. And on the seventh day he created man and his shadow. That shadow that you gave me for every day. I pray to it and punish it, let it fulfill my will (short text of desire). Amen, Amen, Amen."

Do not carry out this wish spell too often, maximum every other day. Under no circumstances make shadows of different wishes at the same time!

2. Spell on an apple To make any of your wishes come true, write it on a small piece of paper and fold this paper several times with the inscriptions inward. Cut a large apple in half and cut a small indentation in the center of each half. Place the two halves of the apple together, placing your note in the cavity created by the cutouts in the halves. Tie the folded apple with a thread or pierce it through with a wooden knitting needle to keep the apple halves together and not fall apart. Bury an apple in the ground in a deserted place, and your problem will completely disappear when it rots and decays.

3. Spirit of dreams. To fulfill your dream, write on a piece of paper what you want, roll this sheet into a tube and set its end on fire with the flame of a red candle. When the paper is more than half burned, throw it into a small bottle, which you immediately seal with a stopper. Take this vessel with you to where the outcome of your dreams will be decided, and do not forget to uncork the bottle there.

4. Ritual with a candle and oil. You will need a large, thick candle and enough sunflower oil. Use a needle to write your wish on the candle. For example: “By the end of the week my debt will be repaid” or “I will be loved (or loved) by such and such a person.” Having done this, dip the candle in oil so that it saturates its entire surface. Then remove the candle from the oil, wait a little while the excess drains from it, and place it in the candelabra. Light a candle. When the candle burns out, collect all the remaining wax in a small envelope and store it as a talisman until the plan is fulfilled.

5. Ritual with a mirror. Write your desire on a small mirror, for example: “I want more money, love and promotion.” Then wash off this inscription from the surface of the mirror with clean water. After this, do not pour out the water, but collect it in a small vessel. You can also place the mirror in a deep plate filled with water and wait for the ink with which your dreams are written on it to dissolve. Spill all the ink water or sprinkle it in the place where your dreams are to be fulfilled.

6. Magic honey. Dip your finger in liquid honey and write your wish on the saucer with it, for example: “I want more money,” or “I want love,” or “I want to get a promotion.” Pour water into a saucer, wait for the honey to dissolve in it, and drink the resulting drink. This simple witchcraft will give you the necessary vitality that will help you achieve what you dream of.

7. The key to a dream.

Talisman of wishes. Take the key to an ancient castle and throw it into a cast iron pot or into a cauldron of boiling water. Think about what “doors” this key will have to open: is it the key to money, fame and new positions, or will it open a new love for you. Focus on the goals and problems that your mascot will need to solve. When the water has cooled completely, remove the key from the boiler and wipe it on your clothes. Keep this talisman under your pillow at night and carry it with you during the day.

8. The magic of the pen.

In order to achieve success and win in many matters, you will need a bird feather. It is very important what kind of bird this feather will come from and what color it will be. A gray feather will provide you with success in the service and career growth, a black one will protect you from ill-willed people and enemies, a white one will give purification and protection from the Higher Powers, a red or pink one will give you love, a blue one will give you health, and a green one will give you money. You will need a sparrow feather in order to establish new business connections, a raven and eagle owl feather will give wisdom and the ability to learn, a rooster feather is needed to restore strength and acquire new energy, a magpie feather will determine your financial wealth, and a peacock feather will provide quick luck and honor. Read the spell on your pen:

Mafafua zangi die argmafon

- and always carry it with you. This spell is universal and can be used to fulfill any desire. In this case, you can also say the following words:

I conjure with fire, I conjure with air,

from earth to sky, from sky to earth, everything is in my power, everything is in my favor.

9. Ritual with candles.

You probably know: in order not to forget something, people tie knots as a keepsake. You may also know that this tradition comes from ancient times, when there was no developed accounting system yet and the debts of one person to another were indicated by the number of knots on a special “debt rope”. But probably not everyone knows that this had a deeper meaning. The fact is that by resorting to such a calculation system, ancient man performed a magical action that allowed him to increase wealth and strengthen his influence both on the physical and on the astral plane. Initially, the rope itself was represented as the fate of a person, and the knots tied on it as certain events that were part of fate itself. In this way, something that should happen in the future was initiated, for example, the repayment of a debt.

By tying or untying a knot, you perform a physical action, which, when combined with work on the astral plane, you get magnificent witchcraft. In other words, combine the creation of your thought form with tying a knot, connect your physical effort with your effort on the astral plane, imagine that the stronger the knot, the greater the power of your thought form. Strengthen your magic by using a rope that you have previously soaked (and dried) with wormwood infusion. You can also increase the effectiveness of your actions by carrying them out in front of a mirror. Then they will be more noticeable and visible to the other world. When your wish comes true, burn the rope with the knot on the flame of a candle.

Take a red woolen thread in your hands and say: “What I think will come true, what I speak will happen, what I will do, everything will turn out for the better.

Tie a knot on the thread and continue the plot: “As this knot is tied evenly and correctly, so would my business come together evenly and correctly.”

Place a thread under the threshold of the front door of your home and go about your business in full confidence that whatever you do today, everything will be in your favor.

More perfect witchcraft is the interweaving of your will, faith and desire into one whole physical state. Take three identical thick ropes. Place one of them in an alcoholic infusion of wormwood (lilies, pine needles, sandalwood, you can use the essential oils of these plants), the other in an infusion of bay leaves (celandine, geranium, lavender), and the third in an infusion of verbena (lily of the valley, acacia or clover). Leave the ropes in the infusions overnight, and in the morning remove them and let them dry completely.

After this, put these three ropes together and tie their upper ends with one common knot. Weave a braid consisting of twelve weaves and tie the opposite ends of the ropes again so that the braid cannot unravel. While doing all this, you must imagine how the images of the reality you desire are intertwined with your faith in their reality and with your will aimed at their actual embodiment. When braiding a pigtail, you must make exactly twelve movements - moving the outer thread into the middle, between the other two.

You can enhance the effectiveness of your witchcraft by casting special spells during these actions.

1. Amis akfom liba.

2. Heba garden giba.

3. Cados game aguerra.

4. Lafa zaul farra.

5. Assen farad taul.

6. Eda kofor maul.

7. Gibes laus edar.

8. Saul fas fadar.

9. Mal vara liba.

10.Dobas akas fiba.

11.Ziga fagas libura.

12.Amin kade kura.

These spells should be used only when it is not difficult for you to simultaneously think, create your own images and visions, and at the same time pronounce words. Therefore, here you should learn spells very well and cast them without thinking, automatically, so as not to waste your internal energy on external processes.

Being in such an intertwined state, your will, imagination and faith, directed towards one goal, bring you closer to it every minute. When this goal is achieved, unbraid the braid and burn all three witchcraft threads on an open fire.

11. The magic of the nine of diamonds.

To make your dreams come true, remove the nine of diamonds from the new card deck and place it on the table between the gold and silver candles. Light the candles, look closely at the card and mentally formulate your wish or imagine your dream. Let the candles burn out completely. Carry this card with you as a talisman for fulfilling your wishes.

12. Bottle of desire.

To make your wish come true, write it on a piece of paper. Roll this sheet into a tube and tie it with colored ribbon. If your desire is related to love experiences, then the ribbon should be red, if you need money, use a green ribbon, and in all other cases, use a blue one. Place the resulting certificate in a bottle and seal it with a cork. Write on another piece of paper the date by which your dreams should come true and stick this sheet on the bottle like a label. Keep such a talisman secret and inviolable until the day indicated on the bottle. In any case, whether your dreams come true or not, go to a deserted place on the marked day and break a bottle there, throwing it on the stones. When returning home after this, do not greet or talk to anyone.

13. Aces of desire.

Increase the likelihood of your wishes coming true: remove four aces from the card deck and place them in a saucer - one card on top of the other, face up (the bottom card is an ace of clubs, the second is a diamond, the third is a spades, and the top is a heart). Scatter nine tablespoons of granulated sugar onto the cards to create a sugar mound. Place a candle painted with silver or gold paint in the center of the saucer and slide and light its wick. When the candle burns out and goes out on its own, clear the cards of sugar and store them all together as a talisman for making wishes come true.

14. Ball with a dream.

To make your wish come true, write it on a small piece of paper. Roll the paper into a tube and place it in a balloon filled with helium. If your desire is related to money, then the color of the ball should be green, if you dream of love - pink or red, if you are thinking about a career, high positions and positions, put a note in a brown ball, and if your goal is to improve health or recover from illness, the color of the ball should be light blue. Use the white ball for protection and peace with others, the yellow one for revealing secrets, and the orange one for friendship and restoration of strength. Fill the balloon with helium. Go out into an open, deserted place, release the ball and watch it fly up to the clouds. If you have a balloon already filled with helium mixture, tie a long narrow fabric ribbon to its base and write your wish on it.

15. Money desire.

To successfully implement your plans, purchase nine Chinese coins with square holes in the middle. String all these coins on a red cord or thread and keep this necklace in your home. From time to time, hold this amulet in your hands and imagine that your dream is coming true.

16. Z aspiration to get what you want
"Monday with Tuesday,
Wednesday with Thursday,
Friday and Saturday
Sunday is the Crown of all Creation!
I Create and Create, on this day, this time, here and now.
Command of the Word! Creation of Work!
Give up the hour of doubt!
Reign the hour of Completion!
Reign and do, according to my word, according to my deed:
(say what you want)
The word is crowning! Crown with the Creator!
Come true everything you said
word for word, deed for deed.
Hour of Fulfillment - Crown my request.
What I said will come to pass!
On this day, this time.
Here and now. "
You can't abuse it. Done only in exceptional cases. No more than three times per year are allowed. I think everyone understands that you can’t talk about it, but do it completely alone.

17. Summon a Demon to fulfill a wish.

The power of demons respects blasphemy, but it comes to blasphemous words, and if the one who blasphemes wishes, they can fulfill it.
Blame is strong, and blasphemy can curse spirits many times stronger than before, and the power hidden in the word.
What is said in the book of the people of Christ, who is the Word in the beginning, and if the Word has honor and through honor the saints can be called, so through another word is spun foul and filled with blasphemy, then with this word one can do secret deeds. In these words, I am ready to come and do the black deeds.

If you intend to encourage demonic power through blasphemy, then you must do as this tale commands.

On any Thursday, you need to set the table with black in the morning, and the altar will be famous.
Yes, put a deep bowl in the middle, and pour out the standing water in it, either from a swamp, or from some ravine. Yes, put a second saucer, and pour clean water from a well into it. It looks like a demon, but the wish will come true.
Three candles must be placed in a row on the set table.
Wait until the evenings, but you need to take the icon of God, where the Mother of God herself is beautiful in her image, and even better than with a baby in her arms...
As soon as it gets dark, light the candles. Afterwards, you need to take a rag, dip it in frozen, stagnant water. Then wipe the face of the icon with that rag and pronounce sentences.

You were blessed by the river, but the spirit of the godfather was exiled to you, but now you are blasphemed with water, but washed with dirt, and glorified with filth, even if you are immaculate, but with black water you are defamed, but unglorified, and blasphemed, even if you are not pure, but made unclean by water , Yes, your conception was through fornication, your roof is laced with vice, it is said, and even though I am an unChristian darling, I have respect for the demon, and these words are filled with power. Amen. Amen. Amen,

Sprinkle and wash her face, and after a couple of times, throw the rag into a bowl full of black water.
Yes, put a bowl of clean water on the icon, and since it is placed on its face, it must be spoken.

The secret of all secrets, and the bad name that was called to the icon, and blasphemous acts, then your demonic glory is now revered, and for this necessary moment, for this secret moment, then it was called upon me, and it was spoken, and even the blasphemy was accepted, but the blasphemy is directed at you , then you are a devil, in my retreat, and do what is spoken, and for this hour it is said, like me, who have renounced people, and who am cursed by the Church of Christ, and who I ask, yes I beg, (rivers of what is needed, but fill your words with desire) then my desire, yes your fulfillment. Amen,

If you prick your finger on the left hand side, drop some drops into the water and let them drop three, and say something.

Bloodshed, yes it was agreed, but it was fulfilled. Amen,

Afterwards, wait for the spirit of mystery that you have rescued, and whatever sign he assures you, then listen to the silence that is full in the hut. If you learn something by hearing, then brain it later.
Afterwards, extinguish those candles made with wax. Let everything sit until the morning. Pour that black water into the earth, not near the hut, but at a distance. And with that water that looks like a demon, and the blood is put there. Having washed it with that water, wash your face. Yes Ruins, yes, too, drain, and if you fit, then near the edge of the hut, pour into the earth.
That is glorious blasphemy. Let it be what you desire.

Every person has deepest desires that he tries to bring to life. To quickly achieve their goal, people from time immemorial have used an amulet of desires - a magical object that attracts to its owner the benefits he needs (love, luck, money), while simultaneously protecting him from evil intentions and the actions of others. The easiest way to ensure that you get what you want is to buy a ready-made talisman in a souvenir shop. But amulets made by hand are endowed with special power and energy.

Manufacturing rules

A magical object that makes dreams come true can be made from any natural material - stone, wood, metal, fabric. The choice of substance is carried out intuitively - it should cause pleasant sensations upon visual and tactile contact. When making a talisman, it is important to follow the rules:

  1. An amulet of innermost desires is made Preferably on Sunday or Days of Power - solstice, Christmas time, Midsummer.
  2. All necessary actions - applying symbols to the workpiece, activating the talisman - are carried out alone after sunset.
  3. They make an item to fulfill wishes in good health, with bright thoughts. If you feel discomfort or malaise, work should be rescheduled to another day.

What amulets can you make yourself?

You can make a talisman to make your wish come true with your own hands in any shape from the material you like.

  1. But practicing magicians recommend that ordinary people use time-tested items.
  2. Pyramid. The triangle, the basis of this geometric figure, is the main magical shape that brings good luck. The pyramid is a powerful magnet that attracts the energy of the universe, which can be directed to make your dreams come true. It is made from scrap materials, you can use thick paper or clay. While working, you need to concentrate on the area in which it should work: attracting love, money. On one side of the pyramid the owner of the amulet is depicted. After the work is completed, the figure is placed on a new photograph of the owner.
  3. To make an amulet for fulfilling financial wishes, use legume seeds (beans). They are used to make rosaries and a bracelet that is worn in a purse or pocket. The magic of beans begins to work if the owner of the item often picks it up, sorts through the beans, reading money affirmations, concentrating on desire.

Cross. is a symbol of Christianity, a powerful amulet. But this sign was used long before the spread of religion. In Ancient Egypt it symbolized power and achievement of goals. The Slavs embroidered their wishes with a cross on their clothes. Today this tradition is alive. Many embroiderers claim that dreams materialize through work. To buy real estate they embroider a house, to conceive a child - three angels, for a good job - horses. These paintings are decorated in a beautiful baguette and used as a talisman.

Regardless of the type of amulet you make yourself, while working, it is advisable to read conspiracies that attract good luck.

Islam is one of the oldest religions. The Koran, the main book of Muslims, contains the answers to all questions. You can find in it the secret of fulfilling desires. In addition to surahs, short prayer texts, Islamists use special objects, the magic of which ensures the fulfillment of innermost desires.

  1. (Anchovy). This is a body decoration in the form of a woman's palm with two thumbs located on both sides of the hand. This powerful Arabic talisman is a symbol of humility, patience, and devotion. The energy of the item supports the owner in difficult life moments and fulfills innermost desires. For Hamsa to work, you need to believe in its power. The amulet helps people with a pure heart in difficult times. An evil, treacherous person will not benefit from this decoration.
  2. Muslim eulogy - a pendant on which are written sacred texts from the Koran praising Allah. The decoration was made by craftsmen who knew the true meaning of the suras. Texts were written on blanks made of different materials - precious metals, wood.
  3. This symbol is not religious. It appeared even before Islam and was originally used as a talisman against damage and the evil eye. Today, the Eye of Fatima is used as a tool to fulfill a cherished dream.

Muslim talismans, like artifacts of other cultures, need periodic energy recharging. They begin to work if you read over them. During contact with the object, it is recommended to burn incense - to enhance the energy of the amulet with the energy of Air.

Slavic amulets

To fulfill wishes, the ancient Slavs used bracelets made from leather laces, chains, cords woven from natural fibers. Bags with special contents were hung on them - aromatic herbs, stones, plant seeds,

The items hanging on the bracelet were chosen depending on desire. If a woman wanted to get pregnant, she made nuzys with a symbol of wheat ears and ripe rose hips. To attract money, they tied knots of a special shape, sometimes tying coins in them.

Slavic women often prepared several bags with different contents, which they changed on the bracelet depending on their goals. You cannot tie many knots for different wishes - the amulet stops working due to uncertainty. He should have one task.

The mysterious world of magic, which helps us in different cases of life, is very diverse.

Today we will look at the topic of making a talisman to make a wish come true.

A talisman is a thing for which you can make one wish and wish that this talisman fulfills your wish.
Perhaps the most powerful talismans are those made from natural material. And therefore the stone, like nothing else, is ideal for this purpose.

Amulet for making a wish come true

Any stone you like is suitable for making an amulet. It doesn't have to be precious or purchased from a jewelry store.
First, the stone must be energetically cleansed. To do this, it is best to place it in a plastic glass filled with

salted water solution into the freezer.
This must be done on the 1st lunar day.

After 3 days, remove the stone and let it thaw. Rinse off salt.

Place the stone in the palm of your right hand. Imagine that this is not just a stone, but some kind of magical object that has a connection with the cosmos through invisible rays and threads. Try to warm him up. Believe that this is your assistant.

Think carefully about your desire, describe it in one phrase and focus on it. Hold the stone in your hand or between your palms. Create mental pictures of the reality you need and at the same time feel how the warmth of your hands is transferred to the stone. Imagine that this is not only thermal energy, but the energy of your desire. At this moment, you need to feel that you and the stone are one, and that your desires and aspirations are transferred to this mineral.
Bend over the pebble so that your breath touches the pebble itself and say your wish (about love, health, finances, etc.) and mentally ask the stone for help in fulfilling your cherished desire. Hold the stone until you feel that your sensations have reached their greatest value, and the amulet has absorbed the maximum amount of your energy and warmth.

Carry this pebble with you all the time so that it does not “catch” other energy, and when you decide that the favorable moment has come for the fulfillment of a desire, hold it again between your palms. This time, imagine that it is no longer you, but the stone that shares its warmth and energy with you, giving you real strength and opportunity to fulfill your desires and aspirations. It is at this time that your thought form will begin to actively operate, and the energy accumulated in the stone becomes your driving force, capable of bringing you all the intended benefits and advantages.

But remember - there must be one desire. A talisman can helpyou only in one thing. Well, for example, you can say: “Keep my love”, “help me with my work”, etc. It is important that there should be only one phrase.
You cannot make several wishes at the same time; you need to wait until one comes true, and then make the next one. To fulfill a new wish, you need to make a new amulet.

This method only works for the person himself; you cannot ask for someone (for example, requests such as “for my chosen one to be with me”), because the amulet will not work for this.

By the way, Some rituals for fulfilling wishes involve combining the energy of stones with the magical power of fire. This is done like this:

The pebble should be placed in the center of the left hand. Focus on your desire.

Then light a match and draw three circles of the match flame clockwise around the stone, and at the same time
repeat your wish to yourself several times, and then mentally imagine that your wish has come true.
Try to experience the joyful emotions that will arise when your desire is fulfilled.
The match must be extinguished so that the smoke slightly touches your talisman

Another way. Light a white candle, look at the fire for about 3 minutes and imagine your wish in as much detail as possible, as if it had already come true. Let the candle burn out to the end, and let the stone lie nearby.

After that, for the first 3 days you need to carry the stone with you so that no one touches it. And periodically pick it up and say your request. Your amulet is ready. Place the amulet in a box or in a specially designated corner where objects with magical powers are collected, it will help you.

In order for the fulfillment of your desire to really begin to progress, try to take advantage of the opportunities provided in time and do not miss the right chances. In your everyday life, strive to do what can bring you as close to your goal as possible.
Believe in the power of your imagination. Your wishes will be quickly fulfilled to the extent that they are reasonable and sincere.
Based on materials from nasch-mir.ru, www.fantasiya.net

PS. Magic is not a set of magical things (there are no magic objects) and special rituals. Magic is simply faith (more precisely, the power of faith), and all its “magical” effects are due to ordinary physiological processes occurring in our brain.

And since even energy is material, is it any wonder that a certain structure of this energy, formed by our brain, is capable of influencing surrounding energies! We change the structure of the energy around us, and it, in turn, changes phenomena and events. The conclusion is simple: our thoughts are material. And if so, then each of us, if we want, can control the alignment of things in a given situation, and even become a magician. Or be branded a witch.

What happens in the end? The direct materialization of our desires is very similar to the materialization of ordinary physical things. Does it follow from this that our desires are also material? Definitely. After all, they are a material product of a material body, like emotions, memory, feelings and, naturally, thinking itself. And from here we will dance.

Let's take, for example, stones that have the energy of fulfilling wishes - amber, malachite, chrysoberyl, selenite or adularia (more commonly known as moonstone) or other stones that suit your sign or simply like. But if you take for this purpose an ordinary pebble found on the river bank, it will also be suitable for our purposes. Why?

Have you noticed how a simple “magic trick” works that we use on New Year’s Eve, when the clock begins to chime the last minute of the last hour of the year? Well, this is known: we write our wish on a piece of paper, set it on fire, throw the ashes into a glass of champagne and after the last hit we drink this “magic cocktail”. And almost always the wish comes true.

“Almost” - because not everyone knows how to clearly formulate a desire or give the exact direction of thought. Some simply write: “money”, “buy an apartment” or “get married”. You need to be as specific as possible about the task you set for your brain. If “money” - then “salary so much per month by my birthday”, if “get married” - then “to Vasya from the sales department by October”, and so on.

The following scheme emerges: materialization occurs when a specific desire is clearly outlined. And when the desire is outlined as specifically as possible, the thought (as a product of the brain and as material energy) becomes very strong. It's simple, isn't it? We ourselves saturate our thoughts with force, which, due to an excess of power, breaks out into external substances.

And the stronger this thought, the faster it will manifest itself outside. And for this thought to become even stronger, it needs to be imbued with additional components - emotions, images, feelings and words. And all these components should be repeated as often as possible. You think about your Vasya from the sales department - experience an increase in heart rate, touch the pencil that he forgot on your desk, pronounce his name, imagine his face, feel his touch.

And at this time, hold your desire stone in your hand so that it is “saturated” with the warmth of your body, and the structure of the necessary energy, and all the other components of material thought. Always carry this wishing stone with you, take it out into the light of day more often, repeat your images, thoughts, emotions and words. And most importantly, be patient and confident in your success. Don’t try to rush things, and then these events will come to you.