Heat pump for an outdoor pool. Using heat pumps to heat water in swimming pools. DIY pool heat pump

Ecology of consumption. Estate: Swimming pools, regardless of size, require heating at any time of the year. For this, different devices are used to maintain the temperature.

Swimming pools, regardless of size, require heating at any time of the year. For this, different devices are used to maintain the temperature.

A pool heat pump is perfect for solving this problem correctly. This is a special converter that allows you to create thermal energy for heating water as efficiently as possible, without disturbing the surrounding ecology.

Design and operating principle

The main advantage of heat pumps is that they allow you not only to fully automatically heat the water in the pool, but also to control its temperature level within the required range.

Scheme of operation of a heat pump with refrigerant

According to reviews from owners, this greatly simplifies the maintenance of such an object. It uses classic heat to heat the water in the pool.

The principle of operation is similar and works exactly like similar devices in heating systems, when the consumer receives heat directly from the primary source: groundwater, soil, or air.

It is important to know: the water-to-water pipeline must be buried in the ground.

Due to the constant heat of groundwater, regardless of the season, heating with such a pump can be carried out all year round. The main element, due to which such a heat pump takes heat directly from the primary source, is the collector.

The better its heat transfer performance, the more efficient the operation of such a pump. It is equipped with a special substance, like antifreeze, which allows it to absorb heat with very little temperature difference.

The main component inside such devices is the refrigerant. It is he, circulating in the system, that changes its state from liquid to gaseous, due to changes in two factors: temperature and pressure.

After this, the heat pump compresses the gaseous substance entering it in the compressor, resulting in a sharp increase in temperature, and the resulting heat is transferred further along the circuit. And then it is transferred to the final heat exchanger, which is the last link in the chain.

Main advantages

The main advantages of such pumps can be considered:

  • the ability to maintain a constant water temperature level specified by the owner throughout the pool;
  • saving energy during its conversion into heat. Thus, such devices can convert ordinary electricity into heat in a ratio of 1:5. Due to this, from 1 kW of consumed electricity, approximately 4 kW of thermal energy is obtained;

This is what heat loss from a regular outdoor pool looks like

  • maximum environmental friendliness, due to the absence of the need to burn fuel and release pollutants onto the site;
  • reliability and long service life. And if any problems arise in its operation, it automatically turns off and it signals a breakdown;
  • ease of use, due to automation of the entire process, makes it possible to simply select the desired temperature without additional manipulations;
  • maximum efficiency among all other types of heating, not only in terms of electricity consumption, but also in terms of heating speed.

Criterias of choice

When choosing such units, it is necessary to take into account factors such as:

  1. Conditions in which it will be used: either it is an outdoor pool, or it is supposed to be located indoors.
  2. Where the device itself will be located, the level of availability of sources from which potential energy can be extracted.
  3. If it is in a building, what type of roof will it be?
  4. Initial indicators of water temperature, as well as its maximum required values.
  5. Pool volume. The more water it contains, the correspondingly greater the power of the unit should be.
  6. Availability of additional sources of heat and ventilation, be it heating or air conditioning (for premises).
  7. The ability to easily connect not only to the electrical network, but also to the water circuit, which will make installation and maintenance much easier.

An example of the location of a heat pump on an outdoor pool, where communications are laid underground

For the installation of indoor swimming pools, comfortable air parameters will be from 22°C to 24°C degrees, and for water in the pool from 26°C to 27°C. Given these final values, if there are no special wishes that need to be achieved, it is worth opting for heat pumps.

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So, in most cases, the pump must be placed above the water level to increase its efficiency. The launch must be carried out at an acceptable temperature level of both and the surrounding air.

This is what the pool looks like and all the communications for heating the water and filtering it

It is also necessary to comply with the operating conditions of the equipment. It is necessary that the humidity level at the installation site of the unit does not exceed the permissible values ​​for it, and that there are no prolonged overloads and no overheating.

Good to know: so that the pump does not quickly fail, you need to take care of the correct filtration of the water entering it.

This will not only allow the pump to last a long time, but will also save energy consumption, which may increase due to its improper use and failure to comply with proper operating conditions.

Watch the following video for a review of one of the pool manufacturers:

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Swimming pools, regardless of size, require heating at any time of the year. For this, different devices are used to maintain the temperature.

Thermal is excellent for solving this problem correctly. This is a special converter that allows you to create thermal energy for heating water as efficiently as possible, without disturbing the surrounding ecology.

Design and operating principle

The main advantage of heat pumps is that they allow you not only to fully automatically heat the water in the pool, but also to control its temperature level within the required range.

According to reviews from owners, this greatly simplifies the maintenance of such an object. It uses classic heat to heat the water in the pool.

The principle of operation is similar and works exactly like similar devices in heating systems, when the consumer receives heat directly from the primary source: groundwater, soil, or air.

It is important to know: The water-to-water pipeline must be buried in the ground.

Due to the constant heat of groundwater, regardless of the season, heating with such a pump can be carried out all year round. The main element, due to which this type takes heat directly from the original source, is the collector.

The better its heat transfer performance, the more efficient the operation of such a pump. It is equipped with a special substance, like antifreeze, which allows it to absorb heat with very little temperature difference.

The main component inside such devices is the refrigerant. It is he, circulating in the system, that changes its state from liquid to gaseous, due to changes in two factors: temperature and pressure.

After this, the heat pump compresses the gaseous substance entering it in the compressor, resulting in a sharp increase in temperature, and the resulting heat is transferred further along the circuit. And then it is transferred to the final heat exchanger, which is the last link in the chain.

Main advantages

The main advantages of such pumps can be considered:

  • the ability to maintain a constant water temperature level specified by the owner throughout the pool;
  • saving energy during its conversion into heat. Thus, such devices can convert ordinary electricity into heat in a ratio of 1:5. Due to this, from 1 kW of consumed electricity, approximately 4 kW of thermal energy is obtained;
  • maximum environmental friendliness, due to the absence of the need to burn fuel and release pollutants onto the site;
  • reliability and long service life. And if any problems arise in its operation, it automatically turns off and it signals a breakdown;
  • ease of use, due to automation of the entire process, makes it possible to simply select the desired temperature without additional manipulations;
  • maximum efficiency among all other types of heating, not only in terms of electricity consumption, but also in terms of heating speed.

Criterias of choice

When choosing such units, it is necessary to take into account factors such as:

  1. Conditions in which it will be used: either it is an outdoor pool, or it is supposed to be located indoors.
  2. Where the device itself will be located, the level of availability of sources from which potential energy can be extracted.
  3. If it is in a building, what type of roof will it be?
  4. Initial indicators of water temperature, as well as its maximum required values.
  5. Pool volume. The more water it contains, the correspondingly greater the power of the unit should be..
  6. Availability of additional sources of heat and ventilation, be it heating or air conditioning (for premises).
  7. The ability to easily connect not only to the electrical network, but also to the water circuit, which will make installation and maintenance much easier.

For the installation of indoor swimming pools, comfortable air parameters will be from 22°C to 24°C degrees, and for water in the pool from 26°C to 27°C. Given these final values, if there are no special wishes that need to be achieved, it is worth opting for heat pumps.

Uninterruptible power supply for heating pump:

terms of Use

So, in most cases, the pump must be placed above the water level to increase its efficiency. The launch must be carried out at an acceptable temperature level of both the water in the pool and the air around it.

It is also necessary to comply with the operating conditions of the equipment. It is necessary that the humidity level at the installation site of the unit does not exceed the permissible values ​​for it, and that there are no prolonged overloads and no overheating.

Good to know: To ensure that the pump does not quickly fail, care must be taken to properly filter the water supplied to it.

This will not only allow the pump to last a long time, but will also save energy consumption, which may increase due to its improper use and failure to comply with proper operating conditions.

Watch the following video for a review of one of the manufacturers of pool heat pumps:

A swimming pool on a country plot or in a house is an attribute of a luxurious, comfortable life that many strive for. And if for “walruses” and just people who like to harden themselves, the temperature in the pool does not matter much, then for everyone else it is necessary to ensure a comfortable temperature. For adults, the recommended water temperature is +23 °C, and for children +25 - +28 °C. In hot summer weather, the water in the pool will warm up to this temperature on its own, but in the remaining cooler months it is necessary to ensure that the pool water is heated using special devices. There are several ways to heat water, which we will discuss below.

Keep warm - special film for swimming pools

Water itself is a good heat accumulator. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to ensure that the heat accumulated by water during the day is not wasted. To do this, the outdoor pool must be buried at least ¾ of its height into the ground. A heat-saving coating is spread on top of the water.

As a heat-saving coating, a film with bubbles of a light shade or black is used to accumulate solar radiation. The film is cut to the required size and laid on the surface of the water without additional fastening. This coating reduces the evaporation of water from the surface and reduces heat exchange with air.

The cheapest way to heat water is to use solar energy. This is especially true in regions where clear sunny days prevail.

For the solar collector to operate effectively, it must be positioned so that it receives 4 to 5 hours of sunlight during the day. This will allow you to maintain the water temperature in the pool at +25 - +30 °C or increase the water temperature by 6 - 10 °C.

A solar helio pool water heating system consists of several elements: a solar collector, a pump for pumping water, a filter and a control valve.

Filter necessary to prevent debris from entering the solar system collector. Pump necessary to lift water to the solar system and move it through it. Sometimes it is necessary to install a more powerful pump on the filtration system. Control valve necessary to control the operation of the collector. How it works?

There are sensors on the surface of the solar collector that monitor the level of lighting and heat input. When the sensors determine that enough heat is reaching the collector, they instruct the control valve to direct the flow of water from the pool into the collector. In this case, the filtration system must be configured so that it works intensively during the most active lighting period. Then the filtered water will flow into the solar collector, where it is heated and returned to the pool on the other side.

When the set temperature of the pool water is reached, the water is redirected and moves past the collector, directly entering the pool after filtration.

A coolant circulates inside the solar system collector, from which the water from the pool is heated. When the collector cools down at night, the flow of water through it stops. The control valve shuts off its supply to the solar system.

There are certain rules when installing solar collectors:

  • Typically, solar collectors are located on the roof of a house, but they can also be installed on the ground, on a support that provides a certain angle of inclination.
  • It is advisable to place the collector panels strictly south. Their displacement is allowed by no more than 45° relative to the south.
  • The slope of the placement of solar panels depends on the region of installation, so this information should be obtained from the instructions or from the manufacturer’s consultant.
  • Collectors can be installed on roofs facing west and east. In this case, special collectors with an increased area are used.

There are several types of solar collectors, you can see them in the diagram below.

Collectors with vacuum glass tubes are somewhat more expensive than selective panels. And stores that sell swimming pool equipment usually offer rectangular selective panels.

For example, water heating in a frame pool is carried out using panels “Sunheater”, “Azuro” and others. They are installed next to the pool on a special support that ensures the correct slope.

It is better to entrust the calculation of a solar heating system to professionals, since it takes into account many parameters: the intensity of solar radiation, the number of people in the pool, its size, installation location, and the required temperature in the pool.

Average solar collector surface area must be:

  • For an indoor pool or indoor pool - 50 - 70% of the water surface.
  • For an outdoor pool - 70 - 100% of the water surface.

Solar pool heating systems are very easy to maintain. You only need to regularly clean the filters and drain the water for the winter. Moreover, many modern models drain the water themselves for the winter. In winter, it is not possible to use a solar system to heat water in the pool, since there is a lot of snow in our region. During snowless periods, vacuum collectors can also operate in winter, since the antifreeze flowing in them can withstand temperatures from -30 °C to +70 °C.

The most popular are rectangular models of solar collectors, but there are also pyramidal models and even canopies over the pool. Solar collectors in the form of a canopy over the pool perform two functions at once: they heat the water and reduce water evaporation and heat transfer between water and air. Also, in addition to heating with the help of a collector, the water is heated under the influence of direct solar radiation, which is accumulated by the black surface of the system.

The second most economical way to heat pool water is to use a heat pump. Its operation does not depend on the intensity of solar radiation or the length of daylight hours, which allows better control of water heating.

The heat pump is based on the Carnot cycle. In fact, it works like a refrigerator, only in reverse. A heat pump takes heat from the environment and uses it to heat the water in the pool. The heat source can be soil, water or air. It is not profitable to use heat pumps with ground and water collectors only to heat a swimming pool. The equipment itself and the installation of the collector are too expensive.

Only if the heating of the house and other life support systems are organized using a heat pump with a ground or water collector, then it can also be used to heat water in the pool.

In other cases, air heat pumps are used for swimming pools. Externally, they resemble the outdoor unit of an air conditioner. The fan sucks in ambient air, which transfers its heat to the coolant (antifreeze), which then passes through the compressor and evaporator. In the evaporator, the heated antifreeze gives off its heat to the water from the pool, which enters there through pipes. Then the cooled coolant is heated again and the cycle repeats.

Important! The air source heat pump can operate even at an ambient temperature of +5 °C. It is usually installed in close proximity to an outdoor pool. If it is necessary to heat the water of an indoor pool in the house, then the heat pump is installed outside the house.

Also note that if a heat pump is used to condition indoor air, it can easily be used to heat water. The heat taken from the room is directed to heat the pool, and is not simply thrown out into the street.

A heat pump for heating a pool is much more economical than a conventional electric heater. It consumes only 1 - 1.24 kW, and produces heat at 5.5 - 6 kW, thereby saving up to 80% of electricity. This system is an excellent alternative to traditional energy sources, as it is absolutely environmentally friendly, does not harm the environment and allows you to save money.

Remember to keep your pool warm with bubble wrap. After all, much more energy and time is spent on the initial heating of the water in the pool, and very little on maintaining the set temperature.

A heat exchanger is used quite often to heat swimming pool water. The principle of its operation is as follows: it is connected to a heat source, for example, a heating boiler or built into a central heating system. The coolant, heating up in the boiler, is sent to the heat exchanger, where it gives off heat to the water from the pool, which is pumped through it.

The pool water heating system works like this: a circulation pump is connected to pump water through the heat exchanger. When the pool water temperature drops below the required temperature, the thermostat gives a signal and the pump turns on. Water is pumped along the coil in the heat exchanger and heated. It drains back into the pool on the other side.

Likewise, when the set temperature is reached, the pump turns off. Water from the pool stops passing through the heat exchanger.

For a large pool, several heat exchangers are used at once to speed up the heating of the water. The sizes and power of heat exchangers vary from 13 kW to 120 kW. They also come in horizontal and vertical, titanium and stainless steel. So you can choose a unit for pools of various volumes and sizes.

The only drawback of this method of heating pool water is its dependence on the heating boiler. Although, if you correctly design the heating system and hot water heating, then such a heat exchanger can be used in the summer, when the heating is not working. The boiler will only turn on to heat the coolant that circulates between the boiler and the pool heat exchanger.

Flow-through electric heaters are equipped with a heating element inside; the water in them is heated not with the help of a coolant, but directly from the heating element. This imposes certain restrictions on water quality. It should be soft enough, without salt impurities, so that the heating element lasts longer and does not become covered with scale. The heating element is also made from corrosion-resistant alloys and covered with several protective layers.

Considering that the energy consumption with this heating method is quite high, electric heaters are usually used only for heating small pools. For example, an inflatable pool, a frame pool, small Jacuzzi pools.

An inflatable pool with water heated using an electric heater is a luxury accessible even to a family with a modest budget.

The electric pool heater is connected directly to the network. Its power varies, from 3 to 18 kW. Sometimes the household electrical network is not capable of supporting the operation of such a device. And this is a significant drawback.

Finally, I would like to dwell on this method of heating water, such as the use of fuel boilers. For example, a boiler can be gas, pyrolysis, wood, fuel oil or other fuel. Heating water in it can be realized in several ways:

  • Using a heat exchanger, when the boiler heats the coolant, and the coolant heats the water in the pool.
  • Direct-flow heating of water directly in the boiler.
  • Heating water in a container and then discharging it into the pool.

Typically, such pool water heating systems are used in those regions where there is no main gas, as well as other convenient ways to heat the pool. Installing any boilers involves a number of difficulties: permits, designs, calculations, chimneys and fire safety. All this must be decided before the construction of the pool, and sometimes even the house, begins.

When choosing a water heating system for a swimming pool, you need to take into account its size, volume of water, to what temperature it should be heated, whether automation of the process is required, and much more. Budget is also an important aspect. Therefore, it will be more appropriate if specialists are involved in the selection and installation of heating equipment.

RUB 368,890.00


Fairland IPHC100T full inverter heat pump. Inverter-Plus Series. Efficiency class A. Ideal for heating water in home and public swimming pools. The main difference between the IPHC series of heat pumps and the IPH series is the ability to cool warm water. The most powerful model in the line. Recommended for large pools. Thanks to the use of a spiral-shaped titanium heat exchanger, the heat exchange area is increased by 30%. The heat pump can also be used with salt water. If the salt concentration exceeds 30 ppm, it may cause corrosion of the heat exchanger.

  • Recommended pool volume: up to 165 m³
  • Average thermal power: 24.2 - 36.5 kW
  • Performance factor: 16.5 - 5.8
  • Power: 400V/3/50Hz
  • Freon: R410A
  • RUB 315,851.00


    Fairland IPHC70T full inverter heat pump. Inverter-Plus Series. Efficiency class A. Ideal for heating water in large private and public swimming pools. The main difference between the new IPHC series of heat pumps and the IPH series is the ability to cool warm water. One of the most powerful models in the series. Thanks to the use of a spiral-shaped titanium heat exchanger, the heat exchange area is increased by 30%. The heat pump can also be used with salt water. If the salt concentration exceeds 30 ppm, it may cause corrosion of the heat exchanger. The device uses original Japanese components.

    • Recommended pool volume: up to 120 m³
    • Average thermal power: 18.2 - 27.8 kW
    • Productivity factor: 16.1 - 6.5
    • Power: 400V/3/50Hz
    • Freon: R410A
  • RUB 155,515.00


    Fairland IPHC30 heat pump, full inverter type. Inverter-Plus Series. Efficiency class A. Ideal for heating water in medium-sized private and public swimming pools. The main difference between the new IPHC series of heat pumps and the IPH series is the ability to cool warm water. Thanks to the use of a spiral-shaped titanium heat exchanger, the heat exchange area is increased by 30%. The heat pump can also be used with salt water. If the salt concentration exceeds 30 ppm, it may cause corrosion of the heat exchanger. The device uses original Japanese components.

    • Recommended pool volume: up to 50 m³
    • Average thermal power: 8.1 - 12.1 kW
    • Productivity factor: 15.6 - 6.0
    • Power: 230V/1/50Hz
    • Freon: R410A
  • RUB 215,818.00


    Fairland IPHC45 heat pump, full inverter type. Inverter-Plus Series. Efficiency class A. Optimally suitable for heating water in medium-sized home and public swimming pools. The main difference between the new IPHC series of heat pumps and the IPH series is the ability to cool warm water. Thanks to the use of a spiral-shaped titanium heat exchanger, the heat exchange area is increased by 30%. The heat pump can also be used with salt water. If the salt concentration exceeds 30 ppm, it may cause corrosion of the heat exchanger. The device uses original Japanese components.

    • Recommended pool volume: up to 75 m³
    • Average thermal power: 11.5 - 17.5 kW
    • Productivity factor: 16.6 - 6.2
    • Power: 230V/1/50Hz
    • Freon: R410A
  • RUB 146,129.00


    The first inverter-type heat pump in economy class. Mini-Inverter Comfortline Series. Model BPN13. Ideal for heating water in medium-sized private swimming pools. The main difference between Fairland BPN heat pumps and analogues is the combination of the technology of expensive full-inverter models with affordable cost and compact dimensions. Thanks to the use of a spiral-shaped titanium heat exchanger, the heat exchange area is increased by 30%. The heat pump can also be used with salt water. If the salt concentration exceeds 30 ppm, it may cause corrosion of the heat exchanger. BPN heat pumps use original Japanese components.

    • Average thermal power: 9.0 - 12.5 kW
    • Performance factor: 11.0 - 5.9
    • Power: 230V/1/50Hz
    • Freon: R410A
  • RUB 245,584.00


    Fairland IPHC55 heat pump is a full inverter type. Inverter-Plus Series. Efficiency class A. Ideal for heating water in medium-sized private and public swimming pools. The main difference between the new IPHC series of heat pumps and the IPH series is the ability to cool warm water. Thanks to the use of a spiral-shaped titanium heat exchanger, the heat exchange area is increased by 30%. The heat pump can also be used with salt water. If the salt concentration exceeds 30 ppm, it may cause corrosion of the heat exchanger. The device uses original Japanese components.

    • Recommended pool volume: up to 95 m³
    • Average thermal power: 14.5 - 21.5 kW
    • Productivity factor: 16.1 - 6.0
    • Power: 230V/1/50Hz
    • Freon: R410A
  • RUB 180,909.00


    Fairland IPHC35 heat pump, full inverter type. Inverter-Plus Series. Efficiency class A. Ideal for heating water in medium-sized private and public swimming pools. The main difference between the new IPHC series of heat pumps and the IPH series is the ability to cool warm water. Thanks to the use of a spiral-shaped titanium heat exchanger, the heat exchange area is increased by 30%. The heat pump can also be used with salt water. If the salt concentration exceeds 30 ppm, it may cause corrosion of the heat exchanger. The device uses original Japanese components.

    • Recommended pool volume: up to 60 m³
    • Average thermal power: 9.5 - 13.5 kW
    • Productivity factor: 16.3 - 6.7
    • Power: 230V/1/50Hz
    • Freon: R410A
  • RUB 1,282,753.00

    Available to order


    Fairland IPHC300T full inverter Inverter-Plus heat pump. First commercial series of full inverter heat pumps. Energy efficiency class A. Recommended for heating water in public swimming pools. The main difference between the new IPHC series of heat pumps and the IPH series is the ability to cool warm water. Increased power allows you to service commercial facilities. The most powerful model on the market in its segment. Thanks to the use of a spiral-shaped titanium heat exchanger, the heat exchange area is increased by 30%. The heat pump can also be used with salt water. If the salt concentration exceeds 30 ppm, it may cause corrosion of the heat exchanger. The device uses original Japanese components.

    • Recommended pool volume: 260 - 520 m³
    • Average thermal power: 81.0 - 110.0 kW
    • Productivity factor: 4.8 - 16.2
    • Power: 400V/3/50Hz
    • Freon: R410A
  • Starting from: RUB 159,724.00


    The Hayward Classic Inverter Mono heat pump with 100% inverter technology is suitable for heating water in medium-sized private swimming pools. Ensures rapid rise and precise maintenance of the desired temperature. Intuitive user interface with 2.75" LED touch screen.

    • Power: 220-240V/1/50Hz
    • Freon: R32
  • Heat pumps are undoubtedly one of the best inventions in the field of heating systems. It literally makes it possible to extract virtually free energy directly from the air, as well as from the ground or water. If you use a pool heat pump, the cost of heating water can be significantly reduced.

    We will tell you how to choose the optimal model for using “green” energy to generate water-heating heat. The article presented for review describes in detail the principle of operation of the system. Here you will learn how to install the unit and how to properly operate it in a domestic environment.

    Energy is everywhere, even in those objects that seem exceptionally cold to us. This energy just has a low potential. Heat pumps allow you to extract it from the environment and convert it into energy with high potential. In this state it can be used for heating.

    Heat pumps, like refrigerators, operate according to the Carnot principle. The refrigerator moves thermal energy from the chamber to the surrounding space to create a cooling effect, while the heat pump works in the opposite direction.

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    Such a system consists of two main parts - external and internal, between them there is a compressor and an evaporator. So, the coolant circulates through a system of pipes that are located outside. At the same time, it absorbs energy dissipated in the thickness of the earth, in water or in the air, depending on the type of pump.

    The coolant then passes through the evaporator chamber filled with refrigerant (usually freon). The refrigerant boils at a very low temperature. Heating upon contact with low-potential thermal energy, it turns into a gaseous state and enters the compressor.

    If the cost of a factory-made heat pump seems “exorbitantly” high, it can be used. How a unit is constructed from practically waste raw materials is described in the article we recommend.

    Device installation features

    The procedure for connecting a pool heat pump depends on the features of the specific model. Therefore, before starting work, you should carefully study the manufacturer’s instructions and strictly follow the requirements and recommendations contained therein. Typically, industrial models are supplied already assembled and with a set of components necessary for installation.

    Scheme of operation of a heat pump connected to a pool:
    1 – Pool heat pump
    2 – Remote control device
    3 – Clean water for the pool
    4 – Circulation pump
    5 – Bypass (bypass channel) and control valves
    6 – Water supply pipe from the pool
    7 – Filter

    During the connection, you will need to install a couple of pipes, as well as provide power. The heater is installed in the pool maintenance system so that it is located after the filtration system and before the chlorinator.

    As shown in this diagram, the heat pump should be connected after the water filter, but before the chlorination device

    It is very important to choose the right place to install the equipment. Usually it is an impressively sized unit, reminiscent of the outdoor unit of a split-system air conditioner.

    To install the air source heat pump, you must choose a sufficiently spacious place, which should be protected from external factors, for example, using a canopy

    The location for installing such equipment must meet the following requirements:

    • good ventilation;
    • absence of obstacles to the movement of air masses;
    • distance from open fire and other heat sources;
    • protection from external environmental factors: precipitation, debris falling from above, etc.;
    • accessibility for maintenance and necessary repairs.

    Most often, the heat pump is installed under a canopy. For additional protection, you can install a couple of side walls, but they should not in any way interfere with the air flow that is pumped by the fans.

    The pump is mounted on a metal frame; the base must be strictly horizontal. This will minimize problems such as vibration and noise during operation of the device, and will also protect the device from damage.

    The air source heat pump must be installed on a solid and strictly horizontal base. This will reduce vibration during its operation and reduce the amount of noise.

    When installing the heat pump and connecting it to the system, it is important to make sure that all its elements are clean. It wouldn’t hurt to check the inner surface of the pipes used to make the connection.

    All pipe connections through which water circulates must be carefully sealed and checked for leaks. To prevent vibration from the heat pump during its operation from being transmitted to the rest of the system, it makes sense to consider connecting using flexible hoses.

    Providing power to the heat pump will require special attention. It must fully comply with the rules for installing electrical equipment, taking into account all fire safety requirements.

    There is usually a high level of humidity around a swimming pool, and the likelihood of electrical equipment coming into contact with water increases significantly. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully insulate all electrical contacts, additionally protecting them from possible contact with moisture.

    In the connection diagram of the heat pump to the power supply, it is imperative to include automatic switches, which are equipped with sensors that respond to temperature increases. You will also need protection devices that will prevent current leakage.

    All conductive components must be grounded. To connect cables, both power and control, you will need special terminal blocks. The manufacturer's instructions usually indicate the required cross-section of electrical cables through which the equipment can be connected to the power supply.

    These data must be adhered to. The cable cross-section may be larger than recommended, but not smaller.

    Installation of a heat pump for heating pool water is carried out in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. It is usually installed after the water treatment system, but before the chlorination device, if available.

    Homemade heat pump – is it real?

    If you make a heat pump yourself, you can save a lot, but the efficiency of such devices is somewhat lower than that of industrially manufactured models. First, individual pump elements are manufactured, then they are combined into a common system. The evaporator can be made from a large plastic tank. A copper coil is installed inside.

    To make a coil, a copper pipe can be carefully wound around a gas cylinder or other suitable cylindrical object to give it the desired shape. Another coil is made in the same way - for the evaporator. This element is placed inside another tank, this time metal, welding work will be required.

    The compressor is simply purchased or removed from another device, for example, from a broken air conditioner. When these three devices are ready, they are connected into a common system. The compressor is then charged with refrigerant. All that remains is to connect the evaporator to a fan that blows air, and the condenser to the water heating system in the pool.

    Significantly more complex in design. Its construction requires the presence of a river or natural reservoir near the site; if they do not exist, then wells are drilled. However, if it is impossible to obtain energy from the air for technical reasons, this option will also be useful.

    A heat pump is a convenient, efficient and environmentally friendly way to heat a pool. With proper use, the cost of the model will pay off very quickly, and proper installation will significantly increase the service life of the device.