How to draw up a comparison sheet of the results of the inventory of fixed assets and inventory items. Matching sheet Inv 26 sample filling

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Inventory results record sheet (form and sample)

To summarize the results of inventories that were carried out in the reporting year, the INV-26 form was developed. Below you will find a sample of filling out INV-26, and you can also download the form for this statement.

INV-26: form and content

When conducting inventories, various forms of inventories, acts and statements are used to draw up the results. Each form has its own purpose and reflects the results of inspections in relation to different types of property and liabilities.

For example:

  • INV-1 reflects data on the presence of OS;
  • INV-1a - information about intangible assets;
  • INV-3 contains data on inventory items;
  • INV-4 - information about goods and materials shipped;
  • INV-5 - information about inventory items that have been accepted for responsible storage;
  • INV-16 - information about securities and BSO.

When discrepancies are established between the actual availability, condition of property and accounting data, comparison statements (INV-18 and INV-19) are drawn up, recording the presence of a shortage or surplus. The INV-18 statement reflects the results of the inventory of fixed assets and intangible assets. The INV-19 statement is intended to reflect data relating to inventory items.

Information about surpluses and shortages is also entered into the record of results identified by the inventory (INV-26), which reflects the results of the inventory carried out for the corresponding reporting period.

A new sample of this form was approved on March 27, 2000 by Resolution of the State Statistics Committee No. 26. Just like other unified forms, from 01/01/2013 this form is not mandatory for use. Business entities have the right to develop, approve and apply their own forms containing all the mandatory details provided for by the accounting law. The list of these details is given in Article 9 of this law and includes the name and date of the document, the name of the business entity, the fact of economic life and its size, full name, position and signatures of the responsible persons.

If the form approved by Goskomstat suits you, then you can download the INV-26 form.

Blank form INV-26

The Goskomstat form contains sections with information:

  • about accounting accounts (name and number in accordance with the Chart of Accounts);
  • about surpluses and shortages (indicate the amount in rubles);
  • about damaged property (indicate the amount in rubles);
  • on write-off, re-grading and attribution of losses to responsible persons (indicate the amount in rubles).

Information is reflected both in relation to each individual accounting account (fixed assets, inventory items, intangible assets, financial statements, etc.), as well as the total amounts of identified shortages or surpluses, write-offs, re-grading, etc.

The statement also indicates the name of the organization and the OKPO code. If inventories relate to a specific structural unit, then its name is indicated in the form.

The prepared statement is signed by the organization's officials (manager and chief accountant), as well as the chairman of the inventory commission. The statement is drawn up in 2 copies, one of which is transferred to the accounting department for reporting.

Sample of filling out form INV-26

This document is intended to formalize the inventory result. It is filled out after the protocols (INV-4,), as it records discrepancies in the warehouse and actual balances. INV-26 is a kind of final document based on the results of a scheduled or unscheduled inspection. Do not forget that the entire procedure is preceded by an order (instruction) to conduct an inventory.


Before you are going to print out INV-26, please note that this document is displayed on 2 sides of the sheet: on the first there is the form for recording results with a listing of positions, and on the second the signatures of responsible persons from the commission and management of the enterprise are placed, and also wet printing.

Filling in the fields

In the header (as well as at the beginning of other inventory statements) you must indicate:

  • OKPO code,
  • organization,
  • activity code.

The following remain at the discretion of the filling party: the name and code of the structural unit and the type of operation. The latter is used by enterprises using a coding system.

Although it is customary to draw up such a statement based on the results of the annual audit, the Rosstat decree does not predetermine a specific minimum period for which the form must be filled out. The compilation date may be later than the end date of the inventory.

— option based on the results of an unscheduled audit.

Of course, after verification, not all fields may be filled in. Those that do not provide values ​​are left blank (no dashes are placed here).

Another similarity with INV-3 and INV-4 is that the number of rows in the table can be increased if the need arises. As a rule, this happens due to a large number of discrepancies during the audit at the end of the year.

Whereas with column No. 1 everything is clear, the second column of the form requires explanation. Here you can enter both (in our example) and, as well as raw materials and other inventory items. IN column No. 2 indicate the type; This form of inventory does not require greater detail.

The last line of the document contains the total values ​​for all columns from the fourth to the tenth.

— “Total” for all inventory and write-offs for shortages. Values ​​are not cumulative.


The form of the statement has not changed since 2001, i.e. from the date of approval by Rosstat, so you can use forms dated not only from the last 12 months. In addition, there are no standards regarding the specifics of filling: font, size, ink color.

INV-26 is always filled out in 2 copies: the first is stored in the structural unit where the audit was carried out, the second in the accounting department of the main legal entity, where a package of inventory reports is collected.

Inventories are necessary for organizations to achieve the goals of monitoring the availability of existing assets. The object of the transaction may be goods, inventories, cash, and other material assets. The results of the inspection are documented. When surpluses or shortages are identified, a statement of results identified by the inventory is generated, that is, form INV-26.

Carrying out inventory in organizations

In order to confirm the presence of the organization's listed property and check its current condition, an inventory check is necessary. The procedure also allows you to assess the quality of storage of material assets, preventing possible damage to assets. In addition, there are frequent cases of theft and misuse of materials. Some stocks are subject to natural loss - spoilage, shrinkage.

All these factors influence the actual amount of materials and property in the organization. For this reason, accounting data may not coincide with actual balances.

What does an inventory sheet reflect?

The final results of the inventory are reflected in specially designed forms. All these forms of inventories, acts and statements give an idea of ​​the actual availability of property, including fixed assets, materials, and cash balances. Matching statements record the resulting accounting discrepancies.

General information about the surpluses and deficiencies identified as a result of the property inspection is contained in the INV-26 statement - a statement of records of the results identified by the inventory. The obligation to enter general information into a separate document is confirmed by the Ministry of Finance, in the guidelines for inventory of property, approved by Order No. 49 dated June 13, 1995.

The inventory sheet, a sample of which was developed by Goskomstat, as well as other unified forms, are not mandatory for use. Economic entities have the right to develop their own INV-26 form using the required details. The inventory sheet, a sample of which is presented below, includes data on all property checks carried out during the year, including unscheduled ones.

Inventory sheet - sample filling

Organizations, in case of creating their own INV-26 form, can borrow a sample filling from the Goskomstat form. The inventory sheet, drawn up according to all the rules, must contain the following sections:

  • accounting accounts;
  • information about inventory discrepancies in monetary terms;
  • information about the amounts of damaged goods and materials;
  • data on misgrading, write-offs and identified losses at the expense of responsible persons (in rubles).

The reliability of accounting is confirmed by the real picture after the inventory. INV-26 reflects the results of all audits carried out during the year and allows us to identify deviations in accounting from real data in full.

The presented inventory list also contains such mandatory details as the name of the enterprise. If the audit was carried out in a separate structural unit, then this information must also be indicated. The data is confirmed by the signatures of the responsible persons, the manager, and members of the inventory commission.

The inventory sheet should contain data not only for each accounting account, but also provide general information about the amounts of identified shortages or surpluses received. Based on the final indicators, it is necessary to adjust the accounting data.

INV-26 is a document that reflects shortages and surpluses identified during inventories.

It is worth noting that this unified form is also compiled when summarizing the results of all inventories carried out in the organization for the reporting year.

To carry out an inventory, the head of a commercial organization must issue an order by which he will appoint a commission consisting of at least three employees. This local document appoints the chairman of the commission, who will be entrusted with monitoring the progress of the inspection and documenting its results.

The inventory process involves preparation of relevant documentation:

  1. An order is issued to conduct an inventory of inventory items or other assets of the enterprise.
  2. Inventories are drawn up that describe the progress of the inventory (INV-1, INV-3 and other forms, depending on what property is being checked).
  3. Statements INV-18, INV-19 are drawn up.
  4. If during the inventory a shortage or surplus of inventory items was identified, then the INV-26 statement is drawn up.

Starting from 2013, form INV-26 no longer mandatory Therefore, business entities can independently develop forms that will reflect the results of inventories.

But, as practice shows, commercial organizations and individual entrepreneurs continue to use the unified form of statements.

The unified form of the document should reflect following data:

  1. Full name of the business entity.
  2. OKPO and OKVED codes are indicated.
  3. The reporting period for which the inventory is carried out.
  4. Data on shortages or surpluses identified during inventory activities. Information about damage to property owned by the organization is also indicated.
  5. The total amounts of shortages or surpluses are indicated.
  6. The accounting accounts for which discrepancies were identified are indicated.
  7. Information about the write-off of shortages within the limits of natural loss norms is indicated.
  8. Data on the attribution of shortages to financially responsible persons.

After compilation, the statement is submitted for signature to the head of the commercial organization, the chairman of the commission and the chief accountant.

Every business entity must properly organize and maintain document flow. This requirement of Federal law applies to all commercial companies and individual entrepreneurs.

Each business transaction carried out by entities must be documented in the appropriate primary document. Based on primary accounting data, accounting employees fill out accounting registers.

In this case, the unified statement INV-26 is primary accounting document. It will be used by the accounting department:

  • to write off shortages within the limits of natural loss (if we are talking about goods that may lose weight during storage);
  • to attribute shortages to financially responsible persons (deductions will be made from wages);
  • for capitalization of surplus (the unified form will be used when determining the profit tax base);
  • to fill out accounting registers;
  • for reporting.

A unified form drawn up in accordance with all the rules and signed by responsible persons filed in a separate folder. It must be kept by the business entity for as long as 3 years.

Filling in the fields

Filling out the unified form is entrusted to members of the commission, which is appointed by order of the manager to conduct an inventory at the enterprise or in its department or division. The commission may include employees of a commercial organization or individual entrepreneur, as well as third parties.

Before the start of the audit, the chairman of the commission must be elected. He can be appointed by the head of the enterprise, or elected by members of the commission. It is worth noting that both the chairman and members of the commission must be noted by name in the unified form INV-26.

The statement, regardless of whether the business entity uses a form approved by law or an independently developed form, is compiled in two copies.

After registration and signing by all responsible persons, one copy is transferred to the accounting department, where, after posting all the data and reflecting it in the accounting records, it is filed in a separate folder. The second copy remains in the warehouse or department where the audit was carried out.

It is worth noting that the completed document, after signing by all responsible persons, must be certified seal of the business entity.

Persons responsible for conducting the audit must enter all identified deviations in a unified form or in a self-developed form. For this data, the document provides special table.

In the case when the responsible persons during the inventory identified many deviations, a spreadsheet application can be used to record them, which will be an integral part of the document.

After completion of the audit, it is also signed by all responsible persons.

When filling out a unified document form, you must take into account the following recommendations:

  1. A header is filled in, in which all the details of the business entity should be entered. In the case when an audit is carried out at a structural unit, its details are indicated.
  2. Each statement is assigned a serial number.
  3. The period for which the audit is carried out is indicated, as well as the date the document was compiled.
  4. When filling out the tabular part of the document, you should indicate all important data. The serial number of each entry indicates the name of the account on which the property being inspected is kept. In this case, we can talk about inventory, fixed assets, finished products, cash, etc. The total amount of the identified shortage is indicated. In the case where inventory assets have lost their quality due to natural reasons, their total cost is also reflected. If surpluses or shortages are identified, commission members must fill out columns No. 7-10.
  5. The last row of the table shows all totals.
  6. At the bottom of the unified form there are spaces intended for the signatures of responsible persons (initials must be entered and positions held must be indicated) and the seal of the business entity.

Sample and form

When filling out the unified form, commission members must indicate all data in the appropriate columns and sections. In order to prevent mistakes, you can use a sample statement prepared in accordance with all the rules.

Documents for download (free)

  • Sample form INV-26
  • Form INV-26


To carry out inventories, the organization creates inventory commissions. These goods are entered into a separate inventory under the name “Inventory items released during inventory.”

In addition, control over the receipt and disposal of goods during inventory must be ensured.

Corrections in documents when conducting an inventory and recording its results must be agreed upon with all members of the commission, financially responsible persons and certified by their signature.

According to the schedule, regardless of the organizational form of business at the enterprise, an inventory procedure is carried out.

With the beginning of the inventory at the enterprise, an order must be issued, according to which the structure (date, timing) of the inventory and the composition of the commission are approved. To find out whether the accounting data corresponds to the actual data, it is necessary to conduct an inventory.

For more information about the standards of procedure and the sequence of stages of preparation and the process itself, see the section “carrying out an inventory.” Its purpose is to compare and identify discrepancies in the actual availability of goods with the data that is in the organization’s accounting system.

Therefore, it is important for every entrepreneur to know how to properly conduct an inventory and document its results.

There, based on them, a comparison sheet will be drawn up, which reflects the inventory results for each product.

The process is quite complicated, especially for beginners, so we have developed a table that will clearly tell you how to take inventory.

Inventory deadlines

Let's look at the details of how to properly conduct an inventory. After this, the sale and movement of goods that fall under inventory are prohibited.

That is, either it is necessary to close the entire warehouse or store, or only the department being checked and the cash register at the department.

Inventory of a warehouse and a retail outlet differ in that counting goods in a warehouse is much more difficult than on the shelves, and therefore requires more time and effort.

Carrying out an inventory and recording its results

To simplify the process in a large store, you can draw up an inventory plan, for example, according to a product location diagram.

During an inventory, the commission checks not only the quantity of goods, but also its compliance with quality standards, storage and expiration dates.

If the accounting processes in your organization are automated, then the verification, most often, goes faster - the remaining goods are printed from the system and checked with what is on the shelves and in the warehouse.

Surpluses and shortages during inventory

Based on the results of the audit, it is necessary to transfer the inventory completed and signed by all members of the commission to the accounting department.

It is filled out in triplicate (for the financially responsible person, the accounting department and the department where the inventory is carried out) and signed by all members of the commission.

It is also filled out in triplicate and approved by the head of the organization.

At this stage, when there is a clear picture of deviations, the manager issues an order to approve the inventory results. After this, the owner or accounting department has legal grounds to recover damages from the guilty parties. The inventory process has been documented completed.

Sometimes inventory shortages are written off as customer theft or accounting errors - according to established standards. Read more about regrading during inventory.

We have already said above that the accounting automation system greatly simplifies the inventory process. You always know how much product should be in the store or warehouse.

With the help of the cloud service for trade management MoySklad, inventory of goods will become a simple and quick task.

In addition, in our service you can keep warehouse records completely free of charge, record the receipt and consumption of goods, and also print the documents necessary for trading.

The organizational and control functions of the permanent commission include conducting scheduled as well as random inventories and control checks of goods during the inter-inventory period.

Working commissions that directly carry out planned inventories of material assets and funds in places of their storage participate in determining the results of the inventory.

In any case, on the date of the inventory, the accounting quantity and value of the inventory items must be known. Every person in the role of a buyer has encountered an inventory of goods at least once. Before conducting an inventory, it is important to make sure that the organization has a clearly organized warehouse and access control system. Before carrying out an inventory, the financially responsible person must prepare all goods (sort them) and draw up all incoming and outgoing documents.