Clay oven of Arkaim. The miracle stove of the ancient Aryans helps save on utilities The stove of the ancient Aryans for heating homes

The stove is a traditional heating device that has been in constant use for thousands of years. Knowledge and experience in the art of constructing stoves for many centuries remained a measure of the maturity and talent of a people. Furnace craftsmen were especially revered by those peoples whose lives lived in harsh climatic conditions. Only thanks to the undying hearth - the prototype of the future stove - was the caveman able to enter into combat with nature and stopped wandering after the passing summer. This hearth, or, in modern terms, an open fireplace, became the basis of the culture of life of ancient people.

Millennia passed. Humanity has learned the secrets of building complex structures, some of which have made a list of wonders of the world. But heating technology for many centuries remained at the level of a fire: as soon as you missed the moment when it was time to add firewood, the cold would penetrate into the home. Man tried to store up heat; minds such as Archimedes and Leonardo da Vinci did this. Now it is impossible to know the names of all the inventors of heating systems of bygone times, but thanks to archaeologists, their deeds are well known to us.

For example, it was possible to find out that in ancient Rome, the homes of patricians were heated by hot air circulating under the floor slabs. Not so long ago, during the reconstruction of the Faceted Chamber of the Moscow Kremlin, a complex heating system was discovered that was in operation at the end of the 15th century. Thanks to the surviving records in the palace books, one can imagine how this heating system worked. The heat source was brick stoves installed on the ground floor of a two-story wooden mansion. The stove pipes passed through the rooms on the upper floor, and in order for heat to flow into the rooms, vents were installed in the pipe trunk - metal boxes that were opened immediately after the end of the firebox. To prevent hot air from escaping into the pipe, it was blocked in the attic with a round cast-iron valve - a view. Cold air entered the stove through the combustion door, washing the smoke circulation, it heated up and rose up to the air vents to transfer the resulting heat to the upper floors. The pipes that ran through the buildings were decorated with paintings or fancy tiles.

Mansion stoves with mounted pipes are the prototype of centralized air heating systems of our days. At that time, they could not find widespread use - brick was very expensive. In addition, people needed stoves that would serve not only for heating, but also for cooking and drying food for future use.

The adobe chimney hearth was mounted on wooden crowns. Such stoves heated the houses of our ancestors for more than five centuries.

Such a stove was created in Russia and became known throughout the world as a Russian stove. Its main feature is a tunnel-shaped vaulted cooking chamber - a crucible that heats up to 200°C. Bakers know that this is exactly the temperature required to bake bread. Experts in Russian cuisine will add that a heated crucible retains heat for hours, which means you can simmer milk in it, cook crumbly porridges, or cook roasts. The taste of food cooked in the oven is unforgettable; here the Russian oven has no competition compared to other fireplaces.

The first designs of Russian stoves were made of adobe; the crushed clay was sometimes reinforced with straw. The process of filling furnaces with clay mass was complicated, it was trusted only to experienced craftsmen, so the furnace was often built on a log frame. They filled the formwork with a vault and, without removing it, raised the walls. The structure dried for several days, and then it was fired for several weeks over low heat.

Russian stoves appeared at the beginning of the 15th century and at first did not have chimneys, that is, they were heated “black”. These stoves were called chicken stoves and quickly became the main, and for peasants, the only means of heating and cooking. The name was not accidental - the stove really smoked - it was impossible to build a large fire in it without the risk of setting fire to the wooden stove, and the house itself. Smoke filled the entire room and came out through the upper porch of the slightly open entrance doors. Cold air entered the house through the threshold of these doors. This continued until almost the middle of the 15th century, when small holes began to be made in the walls to allow smoke to escape. After the furnace was fired, these openings were covered with wooden shutters, so they soon began to be called fiber windows. The stoves were also heated “in the gray way” - the smoke was released into the attic, from where the gases gradually escaped through the dormer windows and leaks in the roof.

Surprisingly, Russian stoves operating “black” and “gray” did not pollute the walls of the room.

Our ancestors managed to achieve complete combustion of firewood, so that the soot settled only around the “top” or at the portage window. The secret is that the stove was heated with hardwood firewood: the logs were placed so that they were freely washed by fresh air, and in order to get rid of soot, aspen logs were placed on top. In the set of everyday rules and instructions of the 16th century, known to us under the name “Domostroy”, there was a place for the following instructions: “And in huts, always look through the stoves inside the stove and on the stove, and cover the sides and cracks with clay... And on the stove it would always be cleanly swept away... otherwise there would have been water stored up in advance, firemen for the sake of a parable...” And it’s true - devastating fires were often started from smoke stoves. In 1571, an order was issued by the “Tsar and Grand Duke of Diakov”, prohibiting the heating of stoves in huts “from spring until the cold.” It was prescribed to cook food, bake bread and rolls in Russian outdoor ovens.

At the end of the 15th century, clay increasingly began to be replaced by baked brick, and wooden chimneys rose above the roofs.

The path of smoke from the stove lay through the living room into the attic, and from there into the chimney. The chimney system was quickly improved, and soon the place of the chimney was taken by a pipe made of plank, which was placed at the very top. Finally, at the end of the century, stove makers in Muscovy and Yaroslavl invented a new method for removing flue gases. A smoke collector appeared above the mouth of the furnace. Its functions are varied, so you can hear different names: mantle - the upper part of the stove facade, shield - protecting the room from smoke, overpipe - the section of the flue in front of the pipe. The chimney sank to the very forehead, and its upper part, rising above the roof, began to be given an intricate shape. New chimneys increased draft many times over and improved combustion, but they were the cause of frequent fires. A safe brick pipe was required, but at that time only noblemen could afford it. A subtle expert on Russian life A.S. Pushkin noted this in “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”:

“He came to his dugout,
But there is no longer a trace of the dugout;
There is a hut in front of him
with a light,
With a brick, whitewashed pipe..."

A Russian stove with a brick chimney installed directly on its body was called white. Versatility and simplicity of design, high heat capacity, versatility - all this put the Russian stove beyond competition among heating devices.

Utensils from the butt of a Russian stove

Russian urban craftsmen developed a unique modification of the Russian stove.

Bread was not baked in the city oven, and therefore its walls were lined with half a brick, the width and length of the oven decreased, and the bottom became lower. One stove, as a rule, heated two rooms at once. Fuel was loaded from the entrance or kitchen, and the side facing the upper room was richly decorated.

The second birth of the Russian stove is associated with the work of the founder of domestic heating technology I.I. Sviyazeva. He supplemented it with upper smoke circuits; a grate made it possible to use coal and peat for the firebox. However, there was one more serious drawback - the oven did not warm up well.

In 1927, the People's Commissariat of Agriculture of the USSR announced an all-Union competition for the design of a Russian stove of an improved design. The first prizes were taken by a furnace developed at the All-Union Thermal Engineering Institute named after Dzerzhinsky, as well as a furnace designed by Grum-Grzhimailo and Podgorodnikov. The last serious drawback has been eliminated.

But still, despite the popularity of the Russian stove, it was believed that stoves that are heated with an open mouth have a low efficiency: 30...35%. To find out the actual efficiency of the Russian stove, special tests were carried out. The results were stunning - even a traditional Russian stove showed an efficiency of 68%, that is, comparable to the efficiency of a modern solid fuel thermal power plant. And in a Russian stove with bottom heating, fuel efficiency reaches 80%!

What explains such good performance of Russian stoves? Even in chicken stoves, the roof and floor were arranged with a slight rise from the damper to the rear of the cooking chamber. Hot gases slowly move from the back wall of the furnace to its mouth, spreading onto the roof. Thanks to this, the furnace warms up well, and the exhaust gases, on the contrary, cool down sufficiently.

The design of the Russian stove is still being improved. The Russian stove designed by I.S. is widely used. Podgorodnikova

Its features are a stove located in a hearth, a firebox for burning coal, and a water-heating box. The oven warms up well, which means that in the room where such a stove is located, there are no cold air currents above the floor. In such rooms, people suffer less from colds.

All these qualities of the Russian stove determine its enduring popularity. At the same time, the country has almost lost the rich traditions of hereditary stove-makers who passed on the secrets of their craft from generation to generation. And there are many such secrets. A good stove maker knows up to a dozen different designs of Russian stoves: ordinary and with top heating, with stoves in the walls, with a stove in a hearth and with a firebox along one of the walls, with bottom heating and with a fireplace in the oven.

And yet, work to improve the design of the Russian stove does not stop. A new generation of Russian stoves has been developed at the institutes of the State Committee of Architecture. Compact, designed in accordance with the requirements of modern design, the stoves fit perfectly into the interior of modern rural houses. The miracle stove will still serve people.

Science and life. 1988. No. 1.

The oven of the ancient Aryans.

The design of the Arkaim stove itself is interesting. In it, when combining the hearth and the well, a natural and strong air draft was created. The air entering the well column (in the illustration below) was cooled by the water located in the well column and entered the firebox. It is known that melting bronze requires a fairly high temperature, which cannot be achieved without supplying a large volume of air to the combustion site.

"The ancient Aryans were provided with sewerage. Moreover, each dwelling had a well, a stove and a small domed storage. Why? Everything ingenious is simple. We all know that from a well, if you look into it, there is always cool air coming from it. So, in In the Aryan stove, this cool air, passing through an earthen pipe, created a draft of such force that it made it possible to melt bronze without the use of bellows! Such a stove was in every home, and the ancient blacksmiths could only hone their skills by competing in this art. Another earthen pipe! leading to the storage facility, ensured a lower temperature in it."(Rites of Love, chapter Arkaim - Academy of the Magi, p. 46).

Although the practical production of a Vedrus stove is more complicated than any ordinary stove, the result of its work will be the solution to virtually all the energy problems of the estate, right down to. Its efficiency will not be inferior to the famous Spirin stove (remember, in whose stove all the pots melted?) and maybe even surpass it if we correctly restore the principle of its operation. If you forgot, I’ll quote a little from this publication by A. Elakhov:

“Once they told me the following story. Just before the Great Patriotic War, our government announced a competition for the best economical stove. It’s understandable: almost all of Russia was heated with wood, how much wood flew into the chimneys! The most prominent minds of the Motherland took part in the competition. The best The projects were selected and compiled into a book, but they did not come to fruition. The war interfered.
At the end of the forties, one stove maker returned to his native village and first decided to turn over the stove to the old woman. I climbed into the attic and found a yellowed book with unfulfilled projects. I chose the project of Academician Grum-Grzhimailo, a specialist in the field of ferrous metallurgy. The stove was folded, dried, and heated. The old woman put some cast iron in the oven and went to milk the cow. She returned, poked her head towards the stove, but there were no cast irons. Cast iron melted.
I admit, I believed that story at first, until I met in Kirillov with a general store loader, Alexander Pavlovich Spirin. He showed me a stove of his own design, in which if the pots don’t melt, then the next day you can bake pies. Spirin’s stove was so amazing that if I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes and felt it with my own hands, I wouldn’t have believed it. The stove burned without smoke. Not at all. And there were many other amazing things about her."

So, I think that in Spirin’s oven the same principle was used that the Magi of Arkaim used in their miracle ovens. What I mean is that the reason for the colossal heating of the furnace is the cold air supplied from below into the furnace. There is no absurdity here, since the supply of cold air was also used in ancient smelting furnaces in Europe:
A quick method of converting cast iron into steel was developed in 1856 by the Englishman G. Bessemer. He proposed blowing air through molten liquid iron in the hope that the oxygen in the air would combine with the carbon and carry it away as a gas. Bessemer was only afraid that the air would cool the cast iron. In fact, the opposite happened - the cast iron not only did not cool down, but heated up even more. Unexpected, isn't it? And this is explained simply: when oxygen in the air combines with various elements contained in cast iron, for example, silicon or manganese, a considerable amount of heat is released.
By the way, our 18th century Russian scientist Mikhailo Lomonosov came closest to the secret of the miracle stoves. While visiting the Ural mines, he noticed the cool air coming from the mines and became interested in this phenomenon. This is what the same Vladimir Efimovich Grum-Grzhimailo, whose work Alexander Spirin found in the attic, writes about him: calling Lomonosov his predecessor, he wrote in the preface to his book:

“In his dissertation “On the free movement of air noted in mines” (1742), he gave a crystal clear idea about the movement of air in mines and chimneys. His theory of squeezing out warm smoke by heavy, cold, outside air was perfectly understood by the whole world. But on This is where the matter stopped. In further attempts to explain the movement of gas in furnaces, the word “draft” was confused, which is grammatically absurd, because the verb to pull implies a direct connection between the force and the object that is being pulled. There is no draft in furnaces and chimneys: there is the squeezing out of warm air of smoke. heavy air, as M.V. correctly pointed out, who never used the word “thrust”.

In this case, my question arises: what force causes the cold air to move upward? For example, take the case of two communicating vessels containing water. You can take a flexible building level. No matter how we change the height of either end of the hose, the water in both vessels is always at the same level. Can the same thing happen if the communicating vessels contain not a liquid, but a gas? Yes, if the diameter of the vessels is the same. But if one vessel has a diameter of a decimeter, and another vessel has a diameter of a meter, will the gases occupy the same level relative to the surface of the earth? Indeed, in this case it is necessary to take into account the atmospheric pressure on the upper area of ​​the gas. Let's take a Vedrus well connected by a channel to a stove. The diameter of the outlet channel is 8-12 cm, the cross-section of the well channel is equal to a square meter. Obviously, the pressure of the atmospheric column into the well will be greater than the pressure of the atmospheric column into the outlet channel, plus the weight of the cold air located in the well itself, which means that the cold air will be quietly squeezed into the combustion space of the furnace, fulfilling the purpose of the ash.

It turns out that draft, the presence of which in modern stoves was so valued by stove-makers, is a harmful phenomenon in stoves with free movement of gases, since there is an uncontrolled release of valuable heat into the surrounding space and its irreversible loss of up to 80%, which also means that up to 80% of the forest cut down and burned in vain. The ecology of the soil and atmosphere is disrupted, as substances harmful to health remain due to incomplete combustion of fuel, the content of carbon dioxide in the air increases, and the greenhouse effect intensifies. To eliminate the harmful phenomenon of draft in a Vedrus stove, the outlet channel from the firebox must be arranged in the lower part, in the cold air zone. Thus, hot gases and hot air circulating in the upper compartment of the furnace are not removed to the outside, but accumulate increasing heat. This is where the temperature that melts metals comes from. A mixture of cool air and lower hot gases captured by the flow is removed from the combustion chamber. Having reached the top of the pipe, the gases are finally cooled and thrown out barely warm, in fact, as three scientists from the Yaroslavl Research Institute recorded while studying Alexander Spirin’s furnace

Of the modern stove designers who use the scientific developments of Professor Grum-Grzhimailo, I know only Igor Kuznetsov, but he, of course, does not use the well principle in his developments, although he has achieved high efficiency in his stove designs. Here I will give the basic operating principle of his free gas movement (FGM) furnaces.

The system of free movement of gases (FGM) in heat generators as interpreted by I.V. Kuznetsov. Heat generators are built according to the formula “The lower tier and the firebox are combined into a single space and make up the lower hood.” The essence of the formula. We are talking about burning fuel in a firebox located in a bell and optimally using the thermal energy released. The essence of the concept: to obtain the maximum amount of heat from fuel when it is burned; use the resulting heat to the maximum extent; The design of the heat generator must meet functional requirements and ensure maximum heat transfer.

The cap is a vessel turned upside down. Let's fill the cap with a portion of hot air. The hot air, as lighter air, will rise upward, displace the cold heavy air from the bell, and will remain there until it gives up its heat to the walls of the bell. As a result, we obtain a system that accumulates the heat of hot air in a limited volume. The movement of hot air in the hood occurs due to the natural forces of nature and does not require external energy. If you pass a stream of hot air through the lower zone of the hood, the hood accumulates its heat. The heat of the hot air will be transferred to the walls of the hood and the heat exchanger placed inside the hood, and excess heat (cooled air) will be released outside. The heat exchanger can be water boiler registers, an air heating heater, a retort for fuel gasification, etc.

A moving gas flow in a heat generator with any convective system transfers thermal energy and combustion products. To find out the difference in the mechanism of gas flow movement in the PDG (forced movement) and LDH systems, let’s imagine that the heat source is an electric heater. In this case, there is no need to remove combustion products. In an LDH system, for example a two-tier bell furnace, thermal energy is transferred due to the natural forces of nature, even with the pipe valve closed (without pipe draft). Heat transfer occurs over time, and if the hood and heat exchanger do not have time to absorb all the heat of the electric heater, then its excess in the form of exhaust hot air will flow into the second hood. In the second bell, the transfer of thermal energy occurs according to the same pattern as in the lower bell. This process of transferring thermal energy reflects the essence of the name of the system, “free movement of gases (FMG)”. To remove combustion products, if the source of thermal energy is fuel combustion, a pipe draft is required. It should be noted that the movement of gases inside the bell will be turbulent.

Unlike the LDH system, in the PDH system the transfer of thermal energy is possible only in the presence of pipe draft.

Clay oven - adobe bakery

Clay ovens were built from time immemorial, since there were no bricks in the villages before or they were too expensive. Nowadays it is almost a forgotten art. We made our own stove, relying on our own intuition and information gleaned from books; we also had no experience in this matter.

Video - Stoves and fireplaces.


Or a remake five years later. Or what kind of stoves are in Bashkir villages.

Before rework After

About the beginning of the alteration in the summer. Now look at what the request to change the door resulted in. We won’t fall for this anymore, it’s better to build again.

The stove was built according to a project from the magazine “Advice of Professionals”, I don’t remember what year it was. It is based on a T-shaped design, the smoke from the firebox first rises into a blank hood in the middle (located in the right side wall, where the cleaning door is below), then descends and diverges through two lifting channels, which converge above the hood ceiling and go into the chimney. I simply placed the distant channel in the side of the fireplace, and then added a fireplace.

So, I decided to try the Aryan, the oven of the ancient Aryans, as they call it. Although what does this have to do with the Aryans, and even the ancient ones, for the life of me I don’t understand. Once the customer’s sister was visiting; according to her, such stoves are in almost every yard in Bashkir villages. But the Bashkirs in the villages had heard little about the ancient Aryans. But this is a topic for a separate expedition; in the spring we will travel to Bashkiria again...

The Aryan oven consists of two chambers, the lower one is the combustion chamber, and the upper one is the cooking chamber. The wood burns below, the smoke goes to the top and heats it, and it remains cleaner than in the Russian one... although this is doubtful, the vault is still smoked, but underneath - without ash. And you can cook in it simultaneously with the firebox. Presumably, no data yet...

I lined the lower firebox on edge, threw the hob onto... into the barn, and covered the firebox with three rows, leaving an exit into the hood (to the right) and into the upper chamber (up). By the way, after heating, you can bake pies in this firebox, after raking out the coals. This is what they do in Bashkir villages, so they ask them to make the firebox bigger, bigger...

Yes - I pulled channels for secondary air under the floor from the blower and brought them out behind the back wall of the firebox under the hole in the ceiling. Just in case (for afterburning unburned fuel particles?)

What this gave is also not yet clear. No data, additional tests and experiments are required.

But when the hole is open, the smoke will go up, but it won’t go to the side, into the cap or under the cover. There is no way you can put a valve there, so without further ado I decided to just plug it with a brick. When the brick is closed, the oven operates in Dutch mode:

With an open brick - in Aryan mode:

An open cleaning door leads to the chimney of the fireplace located at the back, and accordingly into the chimney, so in the Aryan mode, you can tightly close the damper of the mouth so that the smoke is not even allowed to splash out; it will go into the chimney of the fireplace.
Well, if you close the brick again and light a fire right in the upper chamber, then the oven switches to Russian mode:

It turns out a Russian-Aryan Dutch woman with a fireplace!
The customer asked to put a cast-iron sheet on the Russian floor and hearth so as not to stain the brick with grease and it would be more convenient to move the pots on a level surface. This is what they do in Bashkir villages, and there is a reason for it.
Inserts with monograms at the top are nothing more than inserted bricks of cleaning holes, letter B

- the upper horizontal channel above the cap, just a curl - in front of the Russian hog. I decided that cast iron doors would be out of place there. There are no channels on the left; there is a shelf there, which in winter will be littered with wet woolen socks and mittens, and the inserts are purely decorative, for symmetry.

Well, on the keystone of the arch is the customer’s monogram:

After a little modification it will become my personal mark. Rumor has it that he has already earned it)))

The test fire didn't show much. There is no direct movement in the stove, so when lighting with the fire door open, smoke is observed. However, this was the case before the alteration. When the temperature of the flue gases increases, the smoking stops. As can be seen in the video:

In Bashkir villages, stoves are heated like this: the firebox is filled to the top with birch logs, and below is a piece of birch bark, which is set on fire. Just birch bark causes the birch bark on the logs to catch fire, then the logs themselves, the firebox is closed and they remember about it an hour or two later, when the wood burns out. Therefore, the above drawback will not be noticeable.
I also expected a different result from the Aryan. As I saw in the video on YouTube, in the upper chamber the flame blossomed like a flower, and rare sparks flew out here. Of course, we didn’t lay a full firebox, but a few logs, and they didn’t burn for long (we had to get home through the snowdrifts before dark), and with a full fire, the result might be different.
In general, a stove requires more careful and thoughtful testing, experimentation, and research. The owners will take care of this, and we will also catch up in the spring.
Thank you for your attention!

The article describes the interesting design of the Arkaim stove. In it, when combining the hearth and the well, a natural and strong air draft was created. The air entering the well column (in the illustration below) was cooled by the water located in the well column and entered the firebox.

It is known that melting bronze requires a fairly high temperature, which cannot be achieved without supplying a large volume of air to the combustion site.

"The ancient Aryans were provided with sewerage. Moreover, each dwelling had a well, a stove and a small domed storage. Why? Everything ingenious is simple. We all know that from a well, if you look into it, there is always cool air coming from it. So, in In the Aryan stove, this cool air, passing through an earthen pipe, created a draft of such force that it made it possible to melt bronze without the use of bellows! Such a stove was in every home, and the ancient blacksmiths could only hone their skills by competing in this art. Another earthen pipe! leading to the storage facility, ensured a lower temperature in it." (Rites of Love, chapter Arkaim - Academy of the Magi, p. 46).

There was a well next to the furnace, and the furnace vent was connected to the well through an air-blowing channel built in the ground. Experiments conducted by archaeological scientists showed that the Arkaim “miracle furnace” can maintain a temperature sufficient not only to melt bronze, but also to smelt copper from ore (1200-1500 degrees!). Thanks to the air duct connecting the furnace with a five-meter deep well adjacent to it, a draft arises in the furnace, providing the required temperature. Thus, the ancient inhabitants of Arkaim brought into reality the mythological ideas about water giving birth to fire.

There is no absurdity here, since the supply of cold air was also used in ancient smelting furnaces in Europe:

A quick method of converting cast iron into steel was developed in 1856 by the Englishman G. Bessemer. He proposed blowing air through molten liquid iron in the hope that the oxygen in the air would combine with the carbon and carry it away as a gas. Bessemer was only afraid that the air would cool the cast iron. In fact, the opposite happened - the cast iron not only did not cool down, but heated up even more. Unexpected, isn't it? And this is explained simply: when oxygen in the air combines with various elements contained in cast iron, for example, silicon or manganese, a considerable amount of heat is released.

By the way, our 18th century Russian scientist Mikhailo Lomonosov came closest to the secret of the miracle stoves. While visiting the Ural mines, he noticed the cool air coming from the mines and became interested in this phenomenon. This is what the same Vladimir Efimovich Grum-Grzhimailo, whose work Alexander Spirin found in the attic, writes about him: calling Lomonosov his predecessor, he wrote in the preface to his book:

“In his dissertation “On the free movement of air noted in mines” (1742), he gave a crystal clear idea about the movement of air in mines and chimneys. His theory of squeezing out warm smoke by heavy, cold, outside air was perfectly understood by the whole world. But on This is where the matter stopped. In further attempts to explain the movement of gas in furnaces, the word “draft” was confused, which is grammatically absurd, because the verb to pull implies a direct connection between the force and the object that is being pulled. There is no draft in furnaces and chimneys: there is the squeezing out of warm air of smoke. heavy air, as M.V. correctly pointed out, who never used the word “thrust”.

The question arises: what force causes cold air to move upward? For example, take the case of two communicating vessels containing water. You can take a flexible building level. No matter how we change the height of either end of the hose, the water in both vessels is always at the same level. Can the same thing happen if the communicating vessels contain not a liquid, but a gas? Yes, if the diameter of the vessels is the same. But if one vessel has a diameter of a decimeter, and another vessel has a diameter of a meter, will the gases occupy the same level relative to the surface of the earth? Indeed, in this case it is necessary to take into account the atmospheric pressure on the upper area of ​​the gas. Let's take a Vedrus well connected by a channel to a stove. The diameter of the outlet channel is 8-12 cm, the cross-section of the well channel is equal to a square meter. Obviously, the pressure of the atmospheric column into the well will be greater than the pressure of the atmospheric column into the outlet channel, plus the weight of the cold air located in the well itself, which means that the cold air will be quietly squeezed into the combustion space of the furnace, fulfilling the purpose of the ash.

It turns out that draft, the presence of which in modern stoves was so valued by stove-makers, is a harmful phenomenon in stoves with free movement of gases, since there is an uncontrolled release of valuable heat into the surrounding space and its irreversible loss of up to 80%, which also means that up to 80% of the forest cut down and burned in vain. The ecology of the soil and atmosphere is disrupted, as substances harmful to health remain due to incomplete combustion of fuel.

To eliminate the harmful phenomenon of draft in an ancient Russian stove, the outlet channel from the firebox must be arranged in the lower part, in the cold air zone. Thus, hot gases and hot air circulating in the upper compartment of the furnace are not removed to the outside, but accumulate increasing heat. This is where the temperature that melts metals comes from. A mixture of cool air and lower hot gases captured by the flow is removed from the combustion chamber. Having reached the top of the pipe, the gases are finally cooled and thrown out barely warm, in fact, as three scientists from the Yaroslavl Research Institute recorded while studying Alexander Spirin’s furnace.

Of the modern stove designers who use the scientific developments of Professor Grum-Grzhimailo, I know only Igor Kuznetsov, but he, of course, does not use the well principle in his developments, although he has achieved high efficiency in his stove designs.

clay oven Arkaim
The design of the Arkaim stove itself is interesting. In it, when combining the hearth and the well, a natural and strong air draft was created. The air entering the well column (in the illustration below) was cooled by the water located in the well column and entered the firebox. It is known that melting bronze requires a fairly high temperature, which cannot be achieved without supplying a large volume of air to the combustion site.

Clay Aryan oven Arkaim
"The ancient Aryans were provided with sewerage. Moreover, each dwelling had a well, a stove and a small domed storage. Why? Everything ingenious is simple. We all know that from a well, if you look into it, there is always cool air coming from it. So, in In the Aryan stove, this cool air, passing through an earthen pipe, created a draft of such force that it made it possible to melt bronze without the use of bellows! Such a stove was in every home, and the ancient blacksmiths could only hone their skills by competing in this art. Another earthen pipe! leading to the storage facility, ensured a lower temperature in it." (Rites of Love, chapter Arkaim - Academy of the Magi, p. 46).

Although the practical production of a Vedrus stove is more complicated than any ordinary stove, the result of its work will be the solution to virtually all the energy problems of the estate, including the generation of electricity. Its efficiency will not be inferior to the famous Spirin stove (remember, in whose stove all the pots melted?) and maybe even surpass it if we correctly restore the principle of its operation.
If you forgot, I’ll quote a little from this publication by A. Elakhov:
“Once they told me the following story. Just before the Great Patriotic War, our government announced a competition for the best economical stove. It’s understandable: almost all of Russia was heated with wood, how much wood flew into the chimneys! The most prominent minds of the Motherland took part in the competition. The best The projects were selected and compiled into a book, but they did not come to fruition. The war interfered.
At the end of the forties, one stove maker returned to his native village and first decided to turn over the stove to the old woman. I climbed into the attic and found a yellowed book with unfulfilled projects. I chose the project of Grzhimailo, a specialist in the field of ferrous metallurgy. The stove was folded, dried, and heated. The old woman put some cast iron in the oven and went to milk the cow. She returned, poked her head towards the stove, but there were no cast irons. Cast iron melted.
I admit, I believed that story at first, until I met in Kirillov with a general store loader, Alexander Pavlovich Spirin. He showed me a stove of his own design, in which if the pots don’t melt, then the next day you can bake pies. Spirin’s stove was so amazing that if I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes and felt it with my own hands, I wouldn’t have believed it. The stove burned without smoke. Not at all. And there were many other amazing things about her."

So, I think that in Spirin’s oven the same principle was used that the Magi of Arkaim used in their miracle ovens. What I mean is that the reason for the colossal heating of the furnace is the cold air supplied from below into the furnace. There is no absurdity here, since the supply of cold air was also used in ancient smelting furnaces.
By the way, our 18th century Russian scientist Mikhailo Lomonosov came closest to the secret of the miracle stoves. While visiting the Ural mines, he noticed the cool air coming from the mines and became interested in this phenomenon. This is what the same Vladimir Efimovich Grzhimailo, whose work Alexander Spirin found in the attic, writes about him: calling Lomonosov his predecessor, he wrote in the preface to his book:

“In his dissertation “On the free movement of air noted in mines” (1742), he gave a crystal clear idea about the movement of air in mines and chimneys. His theory of squeezing out warm smoke by heavy, cold, outside air was perfectly understood by the whole world. But on This is where the matter stopped. In further attempts to explain the movement of gas in furnaces, the word “draft” was confused, which is grammatically absurd, because the verb to pull implies a direct connection between the force and the object that is being pulled. There is no draft in furnaces and chimneys: there is the squeezing out of warm air of smoke. heavy air, as M.V. correctly pointed out, who never used the word “thrust”.

In this case, my question arises: what force causes the cold air to move upward? For example, take the case of two communicating vessels containing water. You can take a flexible building level. No matter how we change the height of either end of the hose, the water in both vessels is always at the same level. Can the same thing happen if the communicating vessels contain not a liquid, but a gas? Yes, if the diameter of the vessels is the same. But if one vessel has a diameter of a decimeter, and another vessel has a diameter of a meter, will the gases occupy the same level relative to the surface of the earth? Indeed, in this case it is necessary to take into account the atmospheric pressure on the upper area of ​​the gas. Let's take a Vedrus well connected by a channel to a stove. The diameter of the outlet channel is 8-12 cm, the cross-section of the well channel is equal to a square meter. Obviously, the pressure of the atmospheric column into the well will be greater than the pressure of the atmospheric column into the outlet channel, plus the weight of the cold air located in the well itself, which means that the cold air will be quietly squeezed into the combustion space of the furnace, fulfilling the purpose of the ash.

It turns out that draft, the presence of which in modern stoves was so valued by stove-makers, is a harmful phenomenon in stoves with free movement of gases, since there is an uncontrolled release of valuable heat into the surrounding space and its irreversible loss of up to 80%, which also means that up to 80% of the forest cut down and burned in vain. The ecology of the soil and atmosphere is disrupted, as substances harmful to health remain due to incomplete combustion of fuel, the content of carbon dioxide in the air increases, and the greenhouse effect intensifies. To eliminate the harmful phenomenon of draft in a Vedrus stove, the outlet channel from the firebox must be arranged in the lower part, in the cold air zone. Thus, hot gases and hot air circulating in the upper compartment of the furnace are not removed to the outside, but accumulate increasing heat. This is where the temperature that melts metals comes from. A mixture of cool air and lower hot gases captured by the flow is removed from the combustion chamber. Having reached the top of the pipe, the gases are finally cooled and thrown out barely warm, in fact, as three scientists from the Yaroslavl Research Institute recorded while studying Alexander Spirin’s furnace

Of the modern stove designers who use the scientific developments of Professor Grum-Grzhimailo, I know only Igor Kuznetsov, but he, of course, does not use the well principle in his developments, although he has achieved high efficiency in his stove designs. Here I will give the basic operating principle of his free gas movement (FGM) furnaces.

The system of free movement of gases (FGM) in heat generators as interpreted by I.V. Kuznetsov. Heat generators are built according to the formula “The lower tier and the firebox are combined into a single space and make up the lower hood.” The essence of the formula. We are talking about burning fuel in a firebox located in a bell and optimally using the thermal energy released. The essence of the concept: to obtain the maximum amount of heat from fuel when it is burned; use the resulting heat to the maximum extent; The design of the heat generator must meet functional requirements and ensure maximum heat transfer.

The cap is a vessel turned upside down. Let's fill the cap with a portion of hot air. The hot air, as lighter air, will rise upward, displace the cold heavy air from the bell, and will remain there until it gives up its heat to the walls of the bell. As a result, we obtain a system that accumulates the heat of hot air in a limited volume. The movement of hot air in the hood occurs due to the natural forces of nature and does not require external energy. If you pass a stream of hot air through the lower zone of the hood, the hood accumulates its heat. The heat of the hot air will be transferred to the walls of the hood and the heat exchanger placed inside the hood, and excess heat (cooled air) will be released outside. The heat exchanger can be water boiler registers, an air heating heater, a retort for fuel gasification, etc.

A moving gas flow in a heat generator with any convective system transfers thermal energy and combustion products. To find out the difference in the mechanism of gas flow movement in the PDG (forced movement) and LDH systems, let’s imagine that the heat source is an electric heater. In this case, there is no need to remove combustion products. In an LDH system, for example a two-tier bell furnace, thermal energy is transferred due to the natural forces of nature, even with the pipe valve closed (without pipe draft). Heat transfer occurs over time, and if the hood and heat exchanger do not have time to absorb all the heat of the electric heater, then its excess in the form of exhaust hot air will flow into the second hood. In the second bell, the transfer of thermal energy occurs according to the same pattern as in the lower bell. This process of transferring thermal energy reflects the essence of the name of the system, “free movement of gases (FMG)”. To remove combustion products, if the source of thermal energy is fuel combustion, a pipe draft is required. It should be noted that the movement of gases inside the bell will be turbulent.

Unlike the LDH system, in the PDH system the transfer of thermal energy is possible only in the presence of pipe draft.

The design of the Arkaim stove itself is interesting. In it, when combining the hearth and the well, a natural and strong air draft was created. The air entering the well column (in the illustration below) was cooled by the water located in the well column and entered the firebox. It is known that melting bronze requires a fairly high temperature, which cannot be achieved without supplying a large volume of air to the combustion site.

"The ancient Aryans were provided with sewerage. Moreover, each dwelling had a well, a stove and a small domed storage. Why? Everything ingenious is simple. We all know that from a well, if you look into it, there is always cool air coming from it. So, in In the Aryan stove, this cool air, passing through an earthen pipe, created a draft of such force that it made it possible to melt bronze without the use of bellows! Such a stove was in every home, and the ancient blacksmiths could only hone their skills by competing in this art. Another earthen pipe! leading to the storage facility, ensured a lower temperature in it." (Rites of Love, chapter Arkaim - Academy of the Magi, p. 46).

There was a well next to the furnace, and the furnace vent was connected to the well through an air-blowing channel built in the ground. Experiments conducted by archaeological scientists showed that the Arkaim “miracle furnace” can maintain a temperature sufficient not only to melt bronze, but also to smelt copper from ore (1200-1500 degrees!). Thanks to the air duct connecting the furnace with a five-meter deep well adjacent to it, a draft arises in the furnace, providing the required temperature. Thus, the ancient inhabitants of Arkaim brought into reality the mythological ideas about water giving birth to fire.

Although the practical production of a Vedrus stove is more complicated than any ordinary stove, the result of its work will be the solution to virtually all the energy problems of the estate, including the generation of electricity. Its efficiency will not be inferior to the famous Spirin stove (remember, in whose stove all the pots melted?) and maybe even surpass it if we correctly restore the principle of its operation. If you forgot, I’ll quote a little from this publication by A. Elakhov:

So, I think that in Spirin’s oven the same principle was used that the Magi of Arkaim used in their miracle ovens. What I mean is that the reason for the colossal heating of the furnace is the cold air supplied from below into the furnace. There is no absurdity here, since the supply of cold air was also used in ancient smelting furnaces in Europe:

A quick method of converting cast iron into steel was developed in 1856 by the Englishman G. Bessemer. He proposed blowing air through molten liquid iron in the hope that the oxygen in the air would combine with the carbon and carry it away as a gas. Bessemer was only afraid that the air would cool the cast iron. In fact, the opposite happened - the cast iron not only did not cool down, but heated up even more. Unexpected, isn't it? And this is explained simply: when oxygen in the air combines with various elements contained in cast iron, for example, silicon or manganese, a considerable amount of heat is released.

By the way, our 18th century Russian scientist Mikhailo Lomonosov came closest to the secret of the miracle stoves. While visiting the Ural mines, he noticed the cool air coming from the mines and became interested in this phenomenon. This is what the same Vladimir Efimovich Grum-Grzhimailo, whose work Alexander Spirin found in the attic, writes about him: calling Lomonosov his predecessor, he wrote in the preface to his book:

“In his dissertation “On the free movement of air noted in mines” (1742), he gave a crystal clear idea about the movement of air in mines and chimneys. His theory of squeezing out warm smoke by heavy, cold, outside air was perfectly understood by the whole world. But on This is where the matter stopped. In further attempts to explain the movement of gas in furnaces, the word “draft” was confused, which is grammatically absurd, because the verb to pull implies a direct connection between the force and the object that is being pulled. There is no draft in furnaces and chimneys: there is the squeezing out of warm air of smoke. heavy air, as M.V. correctly pointed out, who never used the word “thrust”.

In this case, my question arises: what force causes the cold air to move upward? For example, take the case of two communicating vessels containing water. You can take a flexible building level. No matter how we change the height of either end of the hose, the water in both vessels is always at the same level. Can the same thing happen if the communicating vessels contain not a liquid, but a gas? Yes, if the diameter of the vessels is the same. But if one vessel has a diameter of a decimeter, and another vessel has a diameter of a meter, will the gases occupy the same level relative to the surface of the earth? Indeed, in this case it is necessary to take into account the atmospheric pressure on the upper area of ​​the gas. Let's take a Vedrus well connected by a channel to a stove. The diameter of the outlet channel is 8-12 cm, the cross-section of the well channel is equal to a square meter. Obviously, the pressure of the atmospheric column into the well will be greater than the pressure of the atmospheric column into the outlet channel, plus the weight of the cold air located in the well itself, which means that the cold air will be quietly squeezed into the combustion space of the furnace, fulfilling the purpose of the ash.

It turns out that draft, the presence of which in modern stoves was so valued by stove-makers, is a harmful phenomenon in stoves with free movement of gases, since there is an uncontrolled release of valuable heat into the surrounding space and its irreversible loss of up to 80%, which also means that up to 80% of the forest cut down and burned in vain. The ecology of the soil and atmosphere is disrupted, as substances harmful to health remain due to incomplete combustion of fuel, the content of carbon dioxide in the air increases, and the greenhouse effect intensifies. To eliminate the harmful phenomenon of draft in a Vedrus stove, the outlet channel from the firebox must be arranged in the lower part, in the cold air zone. Thus, hot gases and hot air circulating in the upper compartment of the furnace are not removed to the outside, but accumulate increasing heat. This is where the temperature that melts metals comes from. A mixture of cool air and lower hot gases captured by the flow is removed from the combustion chamber. Having reached the top of the pipe, the gases are finally cooled and thrown out barely warm, in fact, as three scientists from the Yaroslavl Research Institute recorded while studying Alexander Spirin’s furnace

Of the modern stove designers who use the scientific developments of Professor Grum-Grzhimailo, I know only Igor Kuznetsov, but he, of course, does not use the well principle in his developments, although he has achieved high efficiency in his stove designs. Here I will give the basic operating principle of his free gas movement (FGM) furnaces.

The system of free movement of gases (FGM) in heat generators as interpreted by I.V. Kuznetsov. Heat generators are built according to the formula “The lower tier and the firebox are combined into a single space and make up the lower hood.” The essence of the formula. We are talking about burning fuel in a firebox located in a bell and optimally using the thermal energy released. The essence of the concept: to obtain the maximum amount of heat from fuel when it is burned; use the resulting heat to the maximum extent; The design of the heat generator must meet functional requirements and ensure maximum heat transfer.

The cap is a vessel turned upside down. Let's fill the cap with a portion of hot air. The hot air, as lighter air, will rise upward, displace the cold heavy air from the bell, and will remain there until it gives up its heat to the walls of the bell. As a result, we obtain a system that accumulates the heat of hot air in a limited volume. The movement of hot air in the hood occurs due to the natural forces of nature and does not require external energy. If you pass a stream of hot air through the lower zone of the hood, the hood accumulates its heat. The heat of the hot air will be transferred to the walls of the hood and the heat exchanger placed inside the hood, and excess heat (cooled air) will be released outside. The heat exchanger can be water boiler registers, an air heating heater, a retort for fuel gasification, etc.

A moving gas flow in a heat generator with any convective system transfers thermal energy and combustion products. To find out the difference in the mechanism of gas flow movement in the PDG (forced movement) and LDH systems, let’s imagine that the heat source is an electric heater. In this case, there is no need to remove combustion products. In an LDH system, for example a two-tier bell furnace, thermal energy is transferred due to the natural forces of nature, even with the pipe valve closed (without pipe draft). Heat transfer occurs over time, and if the hood and heat exchanger do not have time to absorb all the heat of the electric heater, then its excess in the form of exhaust hot air will flow into the second hood. In the second bell, the transfer of thermal energy occurs according to the same pattern as in the lower bell. This process of transferring thermal energy reflects the essence of the name of the system, “free movement of gases (FMG)”. To remove combustion products, if the source of thermal energy is fuel combustion, a pipe draft is required. It should be noted that the movement of gases inside the bell will be turbulent.

Unlike the LDH system, in the PDH system the transfer of thermal energy is possible only in the presence of pipe draft.