Coconut liqueur. Coconut liqueur: heavenly delight in a glass. Ways to drink Malibu liqueur

It will take you about 3 weeks to prepare the aromatic coconut liqueur. Therefore, if you are planning to pamper your guests with a delicious treat, take care of it in advance.

Pour coconut flakes into a large glass jar, fill it with vodka and tightly close the container with a lid. For vodka to steep well and absorb the aroma and taste of this exotic product, one week will be enough. Leave the jar of vodka in a dark, cool place for 7-8 days, after which you can continue preparing the liqueur.

Make a filter from a piece of gauze - fold it in several layers and carefully strain the vodka tincture.

The shavings can be used for making desserts or for decorating them, so you shouldn’t throw them away. Add a mixture of condensed and coconut milk to a jar of vodka. To mix them well, you can beat them separately in a blender or using a mixer, and then pour them into the coconut tincture.

Close the jar with a lid, shake well and place in a cool place for another 10 days. After this, the liqueur can be poured into a convenient table setting and served to guests.

What to drink coconut liqueur with: pure or in cocktails

Coconut liqueur can be made at home from simple and affordable ingredients. It turns out very tasty and is in no way inferior to those drinks that are presented on the shelves of specialized stores.

It is best to serve the liqueur neat, adding a few pieces of ice to the glass.

But original cocktails are more suitable for the festive table. This coconut liqueur recipe will be useful to all exotic lovers. It is part of such exotic drinks as El Ultimo, Malibu, Pina Colada and others.

You decide for yourself what to drink coconut liqueur with - with a soft, delicate dessert of whipped cream and fresh fruit, or by making a cocktail from it. The taste of liqueur in any form will leave only pleasant impressions.

Today, the amazing taste of Malibu liqueur is known throughout the world. Its main ingredients are coconut and rum, which were the first to be mixed by the inhabitants of the Caribbean island of Barbados. Since then, Malibu has been considered the hallmark of these lands. It only took a couple of decades for the unusual coconut rum to conquer the whole world with its unsurpassed taste.

For lovers of alcoholic drinks, Malibu - a universal liqueur, because it can be drunk in its pure form, used to prepare various cocktails or mixed with juices.

Malibu coconut liqueur comes in clear or matte white color and is twenty-one proof. It is prepared at a factory on the island of Barbados by mixing white rum, natural or artificial coconut extract, spring water and sugar syrup. The liqueur is produced by the French company Pernod Ricard, which is also the owner of the Malibu brand. In order to bottle the drink, it is delivered to Scotland.

In addition to traditional ingredients such as rum and coconut extract, mango, banana, passion fruit and pineapple are added to some types of Malibu. So that consumers can easily determine what additive was used in the preparation of liqueur, the manufacturer marks the bottles with labels of different colors, depending on the taste of the drink. Thus, The neck of the container can be:

  • Orange color means the rum has a pineapple flavor.
  • The red color indicates the mango flavor.
  • Bottles with passion fruit liqueur have a lilac neck.
  • Yellow color indicates a drink with banana extract.

Classic coconut rum is bottled in white.

According to official data, the start of sales of Malibu liqueur dates back to 1980. At the same time, a legend about its origin appeared. It says that the drink was created completely by accident, as a result of a coconut falling into a barrel of rum. Of course, few people believe this story, but you must admit that it can awaken interest in coconut liqueur.

The real reason for the appearance of this product is the manufacturer's problems with the sale of Caribbean rum. The fact is that due to its bitter taste and rather pungent smell, the drink did not gain the expected popularity among consumers, so Pernod Ricard marketers were looking for a way to increase sales.

Ultimately, the manufacturers found a way out of this situation. At that time, everyone in the Caribbean was very fond of alcoholic cocktail Pina Colada, which was made from rum and coconut. This is what prompted the company to produce Malibu, which was intended as a base for a cocktail, which greatly reduced the cost of creating Pina Colada, but at the same time retained all its taste. Because of this, coconut liqueur has become very popular among bartenders in the Caribbean, and then throughout the world.

A new product called Malibu was prepared according to special rules. The list of ingredients, in addition to rum and coconut, also included black molasses. The finished drink went through several stages of thorough cleaning, which removed all impurities and harmful substances that negatively affected the taste of the product.

After the liqueur won the respect of consumers and achieved popularity, the Malibu brand was bought by a large French company Pernod Ricard. She moved production to the island of Barbados, and the finished rum began to be sent to Scotland, where the drink is now bottled and prepared for sale.

Today, approximately twenty alcoholic drinks are produced under this brand, including ready-made cocktails, sparkling wines, rum with chocolate ice cream flavor and all variations of Malibu liqueur.

How to drink Malibu correctly

After purchasing coconut liqueur, many people have a question: “What should you drink Malibu with?”. There are three ways to consume this rum, which we will now consider.

Malibu - a liqueur from which another classic drink is prepared with added lime juice, where both ingredients are mixed in equal quantities. Since coconut goes well with many foods, such as chocolate, citrus fruits, berries and cream, you can create your own combinations with this rum.

On the official website of the Malibu manufacturer you can find many different recipes for cocktails based on coconut liqueur.

Cocktail recipes

Malibu liqueur was created to become the basis for alcoholic cocktails, so it is consumed extremely rarely in its pure form. Such drinks are easy to prepare at home, as they consist of readily available ingredients.

Pina colada

Pina Colada is a very popular low-alcohol cocktail originally from the Caribbean. There are a great many recipes for making this drink, but we will focus on the classic version.

You will need:


  1. Mix white rum and Malibu liqueur thoroughly in a shaker.
  2. Pour pineapple juice into a shaker and shake the mixture until smooth.
  3. Pour crushed ice into a glass and pour the resulting Pina Colada into it.
  4. Garnish the glass with a piece of pineapple or berry.

coconut paradise

A fairly strong alcoholic cocktail with a delicate creamy taste. To make this cocktail you will need:

  • Forty milliliters of Malibu.
  • Twenty milliliters of white rum.
  • Two hundred milliliters of milk.
  • Two hundred grams of ice cream.
  • Orange zest, berries, a piece of pineapple - for decoration.

From this amount of ingredients you can get two or three glasses.

  1. Place Malibu, rum, milk and ice cream in a blender and blend well.
  2. Pour the finished “Coconut Paradise” into tall glasses and garnish with berries, pineapple pieces or zest.
  3. This cocktail should be drunk through a straw.

El Ultimo cocktail

This cocktail will appeal to all lovers of strong alcohol.. Prepare all the necessary ingredients and start cooking.

  1. Mix crushed ice, Malibu, cognac or whiskey and juice in a shaker.
  2. Prepare glasses by placing a few ice cubes in them.
  3. Pour the resulting cocktail into glasses so that the crushed ice remains in the shaker.

Garnish El Ultimo with pieces of berries or fruit, and then serve!

Attention, TODAY only!

Today I would like to offer you a recipe for another homemade alcoholic drink - this time we will prepare coconut liqueur at home. It is made quite simply and quickly, and besides, only 3 ingredients are used. True, such a drink requires aging, so you will have to wait a week. But the result is a pleasant-tasting, aromatic, thick and velvety, sweet liqueur with the taste of condensed milk and the aroma of coconut.

You can serve homemade coconut liqueur, which has a delicate creamy texture, with a cup of coffee, a pastry or a piece of cake. In addition, it can be added to cocktails or homemade desserts. Just remember that truly tasty alcoholic drinks are obtained exclusively from high-quality products, in particular I’m talking about vodka and condensed milk.


Cooking the dish step by step with photos:

To prepare homemade coconut liqueur, take good quality vodka, large coconut and condensed milk with sugar. When choosing a coconut in a store, be guided by its appearance - there should be no mold on the surface. In addition, be sure to shake the coconut: if you hear water splashing inside, you can take it. A good coconut, by the way, even a small one, weighs quite decently - then it will be juicy and very tasty.

The first step is to extract the snow-white pulp from the coconut. If you can do it yourself, make sure you have a screwdriver and a hammer. But it’s still better for ladies to call their strong men, since dismembering a coconut is a physically troublesome task. We wash and dry the coconut - you never know who played football with it in the warehouse. We take it in our hand and look for the eyes - there are 3 of them. We need to open at least 1, and preferably 2 (when there are 2 holes, the coconut water will pour out faster). We press on the eyes alternately with a screwdriver (also wash it thoroughly), a nail or the end of sharp scissors.

Pour clear coconut water through the spyhole into a separate bowl. We don’t need it in this recipe - you can just drink it (it tastes sweet). I had exactly 70 milliliters of coconut water in a large coconut.

Now you need to crack the nut. To do this, use the sharp end of a hammer to knock on the circumference of the nut. I developed a crack after the second blow, although my husband did it. Just don’t hit it too hard, otherwise the coconut may fly all over the kitchen. We open the nut - we see amazingly aromatic, juicy and tender pulp. Sometimes it happens that the flesh inside is already spoiled, that is, rotten, but you will only find out about this when you open the coconut. Using a knife, extract the pulp after rinsing the two halves again under running cold water. If you crack the nut carefully, you will get two beautiful coconut bowls.

Using a sharp knife or a vegetable peeler, remove the thin brown layer that is on top of the coconut flesh. By the way, these peelings are also edible and taste not much different from the snow-white pulp - they fly away for me in an instant thanks to my homemade ones.

Grind the clean pulp. You can grate it or use a food processor. I first ground it on a grater in a food processor, then pierced it with a metal knife.

Take a suitable jar and put coconut shavings into it. Fill it with vodka and seal it with a lid. Shake the jar vigorously and place it in a dark, dry place (ideally a kitchen cabinet) for... a week. And that's the minimum. You can forget for a month that we infuse coconut flakes with vodka - it will be even better. Just don’t forget to take out the jar once a day (two or three days) and shake it so that the shavings release their aromas to the alcohol.

When your patience finally runs out, we take out the jar and finally open it. Now you need to heat the contents of the jar in the microwave or in a water bath so that the heat transfers the coconut oil from the shavings into the vodka.

Strain the coconut vodka through a sieve to separate the shavings from the alcohol. We squeeze the chips very well so that they remain almost dry.

If you think that shavings after vodka are unfit for consumption, you are mistaken. Yes, it naturally smells of alcohol, but you can easily get rid of this smell. In addition, coconut shavings must be dried before storage, otherwise they will become moldy due to the high moisture content. Take a baking sheet, cover it with parchment and pour shavings in an even layer. Dry in the oven with the door open at 50 degrees for about 1.5-2 hours, remembering to stir the chips periodically. It should be warm and under no circumstances should it get too hot, otherwise it will darken. I got 75 grams of finished shavings - store it in an airtight container in a dry place. We take it and use it in preparing a variety of dishes - the smell of alcohol is completely gone from it, only the aroma of coconut remains.

How much does coconut liqueur cost (average price for 1 liter)?

Moscow and Moscow region.

Coconut liqueur is popular not only in tropical countries, where coconut essentially grows, but throughout the world. This aromatic drink can be either a cloudy, slightly viscous liquid or a rich, thick, white drink. In the latter case we are talking about coconut cream liqueur. Be that as it may, coconut liqueur is a very tasty and aromatic alcoholic drink, which is preferred by many lovers of sweet alcohol.

Today, the most famous coconut liqueur is considered to be Malibu liqueur, which is made from natural coconut extract and strong rum on the island of Barbados in the Caribbean. However, in addition to this branded drink, other brands of coconut liqueur are no less popular.

First of all, it is recommended to drink coconut liqueur according to the same rules as other liqueurs - using special glasses, small sips and very slowly. The best time to serve coconut liqueur is after lunch as a dessert. It is noteworthy that you can drink coconut liqueur not only in its pure form (undiluted), but also in combination with other drinks - like a cocktail.

Cocktails based on coconut liqueur can be simple or multi-ingredient. Many people like the combination of coconut liqueur with cola, milk, pineapple juice, and tonic. In addition to light cocktails, there are also “killer” options - coconut liqueur with vodka, cognac or whiskey. The proportions of such cocktails are mostly arbitrary and depend solely on individual preferences.

Complex cocktails with coconut liqueur are more common and popular today. The most famous and popular cocktails are Banana Daiquiri, Malibu Margarita and Tropical Kiss. But the most famous cocktail is rightfully the Pinacolada - a traditional Caribbean alcoholic drink that consists of a mixture of coconut liqueur and pineapple juice.

Of course, coconut liqueur can also be used as a syrup - this is typical for culinary matters. Just a couple of spoons of this drink will give a new taste and unforgettable aroma to desserts and other sweet dishes. This wonderful drink goes well with ice cream and almost any fresh fruit: lemons, oranges, pineapples, grapes, apples, pears.

To experiment, you can make coconut liqueur yourself. The required set of products consists of coconut, rum, sugar and water. The nut pulp is freed from the hard peel and crushed, after which the pulp is poured with strong rum and infused for several days. The resulting infusion is carefully filtered and then mixed with sugar syrup prepared in advance. They say that homemade coconut syrup turns out almost identical to the store-bought version of this drink.

Calorie content of coconut liqueur 184 kcal

Energy value of coconut liqueur (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - bju).

The tropical taste of coconut liqueur has long captivated gourmets of unusual alcoholic drinks. They prefer to drink it in its pure form and also add it to cocktails.


Real Malibu liqueur is produced on the island of Barbados. It has a transparent or matte white color. As for the strength, it usually does not exceed 21°. The classic composition of the liqueur necessarily includes coconut palm extract and white rum. Additionally, pure spring water and sugar are used in production, and as auxiliary flavoring additives extracts of mango, pineapple, passion fruit and banana. It is easy to understand which additional fruit is included in the coconut liqueur by the color of the bottle neck: pineapple - orange, banana - yellow, mango - red, passion fruit - lilac.

The founding date of the Malibu company is considered to be 1980. At the moment, ownership of the patent of the popular brand has been transferred to the famous French company Pernod Ricard. The coconut liqueur production plant itself is located in Barbados, but the finished drink is bottled in Scotland. It’s easy to understand whether a liqueur contains natural ingredients or synthetic flavors. When using real coconut extract, the drink will have a rich white color, and if fake, it will be matte-transparent.

Coconut liqueur "Malibu"

As for drinking coconut liqueur, it has three serving options. In the classic version, liqueur is served in its pure form, always as a dessert drink, pre-cooled to a temperature of 8-10 ° C. Liqueur glasses are used for drinking. Taste coconut liqueur in small sips to fully experience its taste. Fruits, ice cream and dessert dishes are suitable as a snack for this drink.

To reduce the strength of the drink, many gourmets prefer to dilute Malibu with juice, still water, tonic, Coca-Cola, or simply add it to coffee. By the way, coconut liqueur goes well with freshly squeezed apple, orange and pineapple juice. It is these combinations that advantageously emphasize the taste of a tropical drink. The ideal ratio of coconut liqueur and juice is 1:2.

The last option involves adding Malibu to cocktails, the detailed recipe of which will be discussed below.

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Perhaps, let's start with the most famous cocktail based on coconut liqueur - Pina Colada. The recipe is so simple that it can be easily prepared at home. The main thing is to stock up on a set of all the necessary ingredients. Mix 60 ml of light rum, 100 ml of freshly squeezed pineapple juice and 40 ml of Malibu liqueur. Everything else is simple. Pour the aromatic mixture into a tall glass and decorate the cocktail with strawberries. We definitely drink the drink through.

Pina Colada cocktail

Another simple long drink called El Ultimo is also easy to mix at home. Simply mix 130 ml of freshly squeezed apple juice, 10 ml of coconut liqueur and 40 ml of cognac in a shaker. Then pour everything into a tall glass and add a few ice cubes to it.

The next cocktail, Creamy Malibu, will especially please the fairer sex, thanks to its soft, piquant taste. Mix 50 ml pineapple juice, 30 ml coconut liqueur, 15 ml Amaretto and milk in a shaker with ice cubes. Pour this entire amazing mixture into a glass, and then decorate it with whipped cream, grated chocolate and almonds. Enjoy the taste of the most delicate cocktail through a straw.

Cocktail “Creamy Malibu”

And for lovers of layered shots, we suggest tasting the Oligarch cocktail. It is prepared as simply as the previous drinks, the only requirement is that you need to be careful when laying each layer so that the ingredients do not mix with each other. The sequence of layers is as follows: coconut liqueur, white rum, fresh lemon juice, vodka and absinthe. All components are taken in an amount of 20 ml.


Although coconut liqueur can now be found on the shelves of every supermarket, it is quite expensive and not everyone can afford it. We suggest making homemade coconut liqueur that will be as good as store-bought liquor.

Pour 250 g of coconut flakes into a glass jar and fill it with 600 ml. In the absence of rum, which is used in the classic liqueur recipe, it can be replaced with high-quality vodka.

Making coconut liqueur with vodka

When the specified time has passed, squeeze out the coconut flakes through a thick layer of gauze. We will not need it in further preparation. It can be used in baked goods or desserts. Now let's work on the coconut tincture, which needs to give the sweet taste of the liqueur. To do this, add a can of condensed milk and two glasses of coconut milk. To make the drink homogeneous, it must be whipped in a blender.

That's almost all. All that remains is to bottle the coconut liqueur and let it steep for another week. The finished drink is very similar to the original, especially if you use light rum in the recipe. Homemade coconut liqueur should be stored for no more than 6 months in a cool, dark place.

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