Construction of frame sheds. We build a frame barn with a pitched roof ourselves How to build a frame barn correctly

Land development is similar to home renovation. You cannot end the process, you can only pause it for a while and then continue. A personal estate, like a living organism, requires constant attention from the owners, investment of money and a lot of work. The question becomes especially relevant when it comes to domestic buildings. After all, they must have a decent appearance, be comfortable, reliable and require little investment. The construction of frame sheds allows you to solve the problem of combining good results and savings.


Frame technology is gradually displacing standard construction methods from domestic spaces. And this is quite reasonable. New techniques have become widespread in the construction of residential buildings, cottages, garages, and bathhouses. This technology has no alternative in the field of creating sheds due to the following reasons:

  • Practicality. If necessary, a frame shed can be disassembled, moved to another location and installed again.
  • Simplicity. To install parts of the frame of a small building, the use of construction equipment is not required.
  • Speed. Assembly is much faster compared to construction from materials such as logs, timber, bricks, and foam blocks.
  • Saving. To create walls, the number of materials and elements is significantly reduced. Due to the fact that a frame barn with a pitched roof is light in weight, an inexpensive columnar foundation is quite suitable for it.

Among these advantages, it is worth noting convenience. This structure can be easily adjusted to personal wishes and economic needs. It is possible to change the configuration or add to it.

What are the benefits of a pitched roof?

The support of the rafter system of pitched roofs is located on the upper frame of the building, which acts as a mauerlat. In the standard version of the arrangement of such roofs, rafters are laid separately on walls of different heights.

The slope, which is necessary for the removal of precipitation, is provided precisely by the difference in the height of the walls. But the pitched roof of a frame barn is not always done this way. It can be installed on walls of the same level when installing trusses, which externally resemble a right triangle. A long leg of the form is fixed to the harness; the hypotenuse acts as a rafter leg. It is also possible to create a cantilever-girder frame over one of the walls. In this case, the frame plays the role of support for the purlin on which the rafters are based.

The slope of the overall roof surface directly depends on the selected material. Basically, flat structures with an angle of less than 8 degrees are created. The material used for cladding is roll polymer, bitumen or polyurethane foam.

Without profiles and profiled special sheets are used for single-pitch systems with a slope of less than 25 degrees. If compliance with the overall architectural ensemble is required, laying piece material is allowed. It is worth remembering that as the angle decreases, the likelihood of precipitation stagnation and moisture entering the roofing base increases. Such moistening of the elements of the roof system leads to early destruction.

Portable option

A lightweight frame shed on runners has one undeniable advantage, which is that it can be easily rearranged and located anywhere in the garden. For example, it can be used for periodic storage of pumping units in the summer near a pond or swimming pool, and after the end of the season, become a warehouse for firewood near the house.

In order to systematically rearrange the structure, runners are made of wood. If there is no need for transportation, depending on the characteristics of the existing soil, the shed rests on concrete blocks with a slight recess or a reinforced concrete slab.

An owner with only a little knowledge of carpentry can create a frame and provide it with a pitched roof of the simplest type.

Do-it-yourself frame shed: step-by-step instructions

The structural part consists of a frame mounted on two parallel timber runners. The internal space of the frame is also filled with pieces of timber. The elements are connected using self-tapping screws or special nails. The most important places for reliability are duplicated. The runners are strengthened with several screws. Each fastening point must be indented from the edge of the workpiece to prevent splitting of the wooden parts.

The future floor is a plywood sheet, the diagonals of which are measured before attaching to the frame. Size matching is required. If this condition is not met, errors are corrected and then the sheet is attached. There is no need to tighten all the fasteners too much, as this can damage the plywood. Taking into account the presence of a doorway, additional trim is installed on the sides of the floor.

The wall posts are secured using temporary jibs. Fixation with corners is added after specifying the parameters with a special tool. All available types of racks are connected at the top, above the opening, with a board nailed on top. This is the upper element of the lower trim located at a slope.

Another wall is created in exactly the same way, but without the need to take into account the opening for the door. The racks are cut to the required dimensions and sawed off from the top side. For greater convenience, in both cases it is better to make cuts before installation. If you are not confident in the correct cutting, you should leave a small margin and cut it after fixing.

The side walls are made in the form of a frame with a central post in the middle. The outer parts of the frame are strengthened with corner posts.

The board trim is used in cutting rafters. It is applied from the end to the installation site and determines the cutting line.

The rafters are placed exactly above the rear and front axle racks. Self-tapping screws or nails are used for fastening.

Exterior decoration

Sheathing is carried out using tongue-and-groove boards or profiled sheets. Then a board is placed around the perimeter of the top of the walls so that the end of the previous element covers the edge of the previous one. To cut out all the parts, you must first carry out a fitting.

The sheathing is installed using moisture-resistant plywood, the cutting of which must take into account preliminary fittings.

A continuous waterproofing coating is laid on the sheathing of a flat roof. Strips of material are laid from bottom to top, so that the seams are ultimately directed against the flow of rainwater. The waterproofing is laid with an overlap of 15 cm. Roofing material in the form of flexible tiles is placed on top of it.

The doorway is finally framed with wooden jambs, the door itself is hung after installing special hinges.

Such a frame shed with a pitched roof, built with your own hands, is excellent for external parts of well units, rooms for household tools, and children's play structures. An economical version of the base frame involves securing it by driving reinforcement into the ground. Metal rods are driven through holes made in the frame or near the base and then secured to it using metal plates.

Stationary option

Despite the fact that such a frame barn is larger in size, there is no need to pour a monolithic or strip foundation. Blocks of high-quality concrete arranged in three rows will be quite sufficient. But this does not mean that you can forget about digging a pit (trench) and the appropriate preparation. Such work can only be avoided if a site is used for construction that has been rolled and carefully leveled during active use.

Frame shed: step-by-step instructions for creating a foundation

When building in an unprepared space, it will be necessary to completely remove the plant-soil layer and dig a pit, the depth of which should be 20 cm greater than the freezing level. The data can be found in the list of standards, but it is important not to forget about the type of soil. Next, the bottom of the pit is carefully compacted, covered with a layer of crushed stone-sand mixture and filled with thin cement to a depth of 10-15 cm.

After the concrete has hardened, the pit is marked for the construction of foam concrete or brick pillars. During the construction of supports of the required type, anchors are laid in order to subsequently secure the frame shed in the place of its lower frame.

Ruberoid scraps are placed on the posts to prevent rotting of the wood frame. Now the stage of creating a fundamental foundation is considered completed and further construction can be carried out.


It is necessary to check the accuracy of the construction of support pillars. To do this, a board is placed flat on a row of pillars and the spirit level is adjusted. If there are errors, they must be corrected by installing cuttings of boards on the top of the posts. Control clarifications are carried out by placing the board along short and long rows.

The base element is placed on a columnar, pre-leveled foundation. If anchors were not laid during the creation of the pillars, then the timber is placed in place and the points for the mounting holes are marked. A frame filled with ordinary logs is mounted on top of the timber. A floor made of OSB boards, boards and thick plywood is laid over them. It is necessary to leave gaps of 2-3 mm taking into account linear thermal expansion.

In accordance with the dimensions, the front wall is mounted and secured with temporary jibs, then the side and rear ones. If the cutting is done correctly, the result will be the construction of a frame barn with walls of equal height. Otherwise, extensions or filing will be required. If there are any doubts about the correctness of the work, the walls can be assembled in separate elements that have a small margin in length. Then the top of the racks is fastened using temporary side strapping. The existing remains after construction are cut off along the upper border.

The upper trim is mounted in two rows on the ends of the racks. If a side temporary board is used for leveling, it must be removed. The stationary piping is laid so that the joints of the row lying below are covered.

A cantilever frame is assembled from small racks, the top of which is sawed off at the required angle to create a slope. The slope must be established in advance by drawing a roof diagram in the form of a standard right triangle.

A rafter template is formed from the board, and the blank is applied to the installation site. It is worth remembering that the length of the rafters must ensure the rear and front overhang.

The rafter legs are cut out, placed above the posts and secured with metal corners. A continuous sheathing with waterproofing material and a roof covering are mounted on them: special profiled steel, metal tiles, etc.

After the do-it-yourself frame shed is ready, it is sheathed with siding or other suitable material.

for stingray

In order to build a frame barn with your own hands with a pitched roof, ready-made rafter systems are used to ensure safety and ease of execution. The main activities for the production of modules are carried out on solid ground in a calm environment.

The stores offer metal ones or those that only need to be placed and secured to the roof. But because of this, construction costs will increase slightly.

When making it yourself, it is easier to monitor the accuracy of the dimensions and immediately eliminate defects on the spot than to connect, extend or saw off something at a height. The quality of the structure increases noticeably due to comfortable working conditions.

Advantages of using roof trusses

A frame barn with a pitched roof made of rafter trusses has the advantage that the thrust from the triangular closed module does not transfer to the walls, which negatively affects such load-bearing structures. Thus, the thrust is distributed in the truss itself without transferring the load to the building.

But this method is not ideal. It is used when creating buildings with a small area, since without additional elements, rafter triangles can span spans of no more than 7 m, and no more than 24 m with support in the form of struts.

The trusses are mounted on a frame whose walls are the same height. Everything is extremely simple. Modules are made from wood according to predetermined dimensions. The hypotenuse of the modular triangle becomes the rafter leg; in some cases it can be a supporting element on which the rafter is laid. It acts as a running frame, consisting of end elements of trusses, and performs a short leg.

It is necessary to create a drawing with calculations before you build a frame shed and begin making triangles from the rafters. If a truss is being constructed for subsequent fastening of the rafters to the hypotenuse, then the triangle is removed without taking into account the overhang.

At first glance, it seems that building a shed is simple. Choose a picture you like on the Internet or drawings of a utility unit you like - and build it for your health. Moreover, you can make a barn from timber, using frame technology, or even a stone one - from brick or aerated concrete. But behind the apparent ease lies the main pitfall. The barn in the picture is not yours, but “that guy’s.” Will it be right for you, will it be convenient to use this outbuilding, will everything that is planned fit into it? You will learn the answers to these questions, and more, from our article. Namely:

  • What is a shed for?
  • How to determine the optimal size of an outbuilding.
  • How to turn a barn into a multi-functional building.
  • What are utility blocks built from and on what foundation?

Where does the construction of a barn begin?

Often, a barn is the first building that is erected on a site, at the start of building a house or even before that. To hide tools, building materials, to take shelter from bad weather or to spend the night - in everything, the “shed” becomes an indispensable and universal assistant.

After the site has been inhabited, the tools and equipment necessary for caring for the garden and vegetable garden are stored in the outbuilding.

They drag in snow removal equipment, lawn mowers, and building materials that were left after the construction of the cottage. And often - everything that is a pity to throw away or is planned to be left “for later”, because a zealous owner makes everything work.

It is not surprising that over time the barn turns into a “junk pile”, filled with a mass of necessary and unnecessary things. If it is easier for the owner to go to the market and buy the wrench or hardware needed on the farm than to find them in the utility room, then something needs to be done about it. And you need to start in advance, even before the construction of the shed begins, by properly designing it and calculating the optimal dimensions.


I have a brick house of 200 square meters. m and an ordinary change house measuring 6x3 meters. One day I realized that the change house, which had been in use for 3 years, had outlived its usefulness. I sold it and wondered what to do with the tool and other things pulled out of it. I decided to build a barn. At this stage, I made a fatal mistake - I consulted with my wife about the dimensions of the outbuilding. As a result of lengthy negotiations, during which my wife did not see the point in building something big, we came to a common denominator - a small utility block, approximately 2.5x3 meters + high ceilings.

We will immediately show what happened to the user.

The problem is that all the beautiful “pictures” of the correct placement of things in the shed were shattered a year later on the reefs of harsh reality. The racks and shelves were filled with various “junk”, and there was practically no free space left.

When asked what to do about it, the user found the only correct answer - to attach another one to the barn... a barn. According to MAX001, headaches can be avoided if you immediately erect an outbuilding of normal size. And so I had to buy another iron door, build walls, and so on down the list.

But now everything fits in the barn.

Although there is an opinion that the larger the shed, the more clutter it can become, there are minimum dimensions below which you should not build. Otherwise, you’ll have to throw everything up to the ceiling, filling the shed like a shopping bag. There will never be order in the utility room. The starting point for calculating the dimensions of the utility unit is the physical dimensions of the things that you are going to store there.

Ironka Member of FORUMHOUSE

My mother built a shed at the dacha measuring only 9 square meters. m. As a result: now you can only stand in the middle. Moreover, nothing large, in the form of any special equipment, is stored there. Just a bicycle, greenhouse films, hoes, axes, saws, nails and various small things. I think that building a shed less than 15-18 square meters. m not worth it. This way there will still be room left in reserve.


My shed is about 12 square meters. m. is saved by the fact that the ceilings are high, you can put up shelving. I even use the space between the rafters - I filled the bars and store folding country furniture there, and in the summer - skis.

In addition, the user increased the functionality of the shed by mounting a firewood canopy on the outside wall (stone), where it is now possible to store about 2 cubes of logs.

Cosolapyj FORUMHOUSE Member

I decided to build a barnhouse style because... the number of tools and various equipment exceeded all reasonable limits. It is not possible to store everything compactly, so the shed will have the appropriate dimensions - 8x18 meters, at USHP.

When constructing outbuildings, the user recommends adhering to the principle “do a little more at once than you can afford, and you won’t have to redo it for longer.”

Let's add that in the barn Cosolapyj plans to equip a workshop, make a water supply for car washing, and also (eventually) install an ATV and a garden grader.

We'll also show you the barn plans.

From left to right: a storage room and a place for a grader, in the middle is a workshop, on the left is a shed.

How to calculate the optimal dimensions of a shed and turn it into a universal utility unit

As can be seen from what is written above, by the word “shed” each developer means his own building. In one case, you need a small outbuilding for storing garden tools and various small items, and in another, the barn grows to the size of a house. But there is one nuance that unites them. This is ease of use.

The shed must be practical, which means it must be made for specific needs.

Therefore, instead of taking the dimensions of the shed from the Internet or from a neighbor, it is better to decide for yourself what you need the shed for and what you plan to store in it.

There can be many options for such planning. For example, at the initial stage of construction in the barn it is necessary to place tools, some building materials, and equip sleeping places.

In the future, the barn can be transformed from just a “storage room” on the site - into a workshop, as well as a place for storing firewood or pellets.

Or it can turn into a “garage” for storing various equipment - a motor cultivator, lawn mower, vibratory rammer, snow blower, etc.

Any summer resident has a basic set of tools and agricultural equipment, which he cannot do without on his plot. It is from this list that you need to start when calculating the minimum dimensions of the shed.

For example, to store a simple set of garden tools - shovels, rakes, axes, hoes, small spades, saws, brooms - you can allocate 2 square meters. m.

If you plan to actively garden and store fertilizers and greenhouse materials in the shed, increase the area to 3-4 square meters. m.

If you have electric tools: a gas trimmer, a high-pressure washer, garden pumps, hoses, sets of ordinary tools, you need even more space - 5 or more square meters.

Practice shows that the averaged and The optimal size for an outbuilding can be taken as dimensions of 3x6 meters with a height of 2.5 m.

In this case, it will be possible to place long building materials in the shed - boards and fittings. Set up a small workspace for a home handyman, install racks for storing hardware and various household items.

When building a barn, do not forget about arranging a small terrace with a canopy, where you can work outside in bad weather or just relax while sitting at your desk in the evening.

An important stage is zoning the barn. To do this, we divide the building into a number of rooms - blocks, each of which stores its own. For example, “dirty” things - a garden wheelbarrow, shovels, rakes, spades, watering hoses, etc. It is better not to drag what is needed for working with the soil into the outbuilding, but to place it on the side in a small compartment with separate doors.

This way, these tools will always be at hand and you won’t have to sweep/wipe the floor in the barn every time, cleaning out sand, black soil, fertilizers or clay.

We allocate space for a work table, shelves with carpentry and plumbing tools and places to store bolts, nuts, nails, screws, etc.

Rule: we place what is required first and most often closer to the entrance. Anything that is rarely used or used seasonally can be placed in the back of the shed against the far wall.

If you plan to store long materials in the barn, then, for ease of pulling them in, you should make the door not in the middle of the building, but on the side - on the right or left, or at the end. If you are not “greedy” at the height of the barn, then the attic can also become the optimal place to store leftover fittings, boards, plywood, and pipes.

Those. everything that is not needed often, but can be easily obtained if necessary. In addition, even before construction we think about whether the barn will be insulated. In our climatic conditions, this will allow working in outbuildings in late autumn and winter.

Household block: design options and construction features

Experienced developers know well that it is better to learn from the mistakes of others, so as not to make mistakes in their construction. To do this, it is best to study the experience of portal users who have already built sheds and cabins. Therefore, in this part of the article we have collected illustrative examples of practical utility units.

What materials can you build a shed from? The experience of our users shows: from any. It all depends on the budget and the intended design. Everything is used, they build from wooden budget outbuildings standing on, to permanent buildings made of brick or aerated concrete. In any case, you should start by developing a plan, and ideally a project. An illustrative example is a portal participant with the nickname AlexanderFJTI.


It all started when I conceived the idea of ​​building a utility complex - combining a barn, a terrace and a bathhouse under one roof. Construction began with a model. I bought slats at the store and, together with my son, built a model of a multi-shed in the winter.

Note that the barn was built using one of the most common technologies used for the construction of such objects - frame. Screw piles were used as the foundation.


A team of three people screwed 21 piles by hand. They worked very quickly. The piles were cut to the water level, the shaft was filled with cement-sand mortar, and the cap was welded on top and everything was painted. Next I started building the frame. And this is what happened in the end.

To save on the services of a construction team, it is better to build the barn yourself and use the experience gained when building a house.

A different approach was taken Goshapiter.

Goshapiter FORUMHOUSE Member

There was a barn on my property that my grandfather built back in 2001. The building served faithfully all these years, but it became “cramped” for all the equipment stored there. In addition, it was worn out, so I decided to build a new one from permanent polystyrene foam formwork. Dimensions from the inside - 4800x3600 mm. The roof is flexible tiles.

As a foundation, the user erected a “ribbon”, within the perimeter of which, from the inside, a slab was poured.

In this option, the slab is also the finished subfloor of the barn. In addition, the problem of possible rotting of the wooden floor disappears. You can also, without fear of a “trampoline,” place heavy shelving, a table with tools, machines and vices in the barn.

The inside of the utility block was finished with OSB boards, which were secured on guides from the drywall fastening. Siding was used on the outside.


Everything fit in the barn - bicycles, gardening equipment, tiles left over from building a house. Construction took 1.5 months. It would have turned out faster if not for “wet” concrete work.

Another example of an unusual barn - a utility block Dmitr173, made from homemade tongue-and-groove boards.

Dmitr173 FORUMHOUSE Member

I, like any owner of a country plot, thought about building a barn. It should accommodate: a small workshop; my wife needs a corner for storing gardening supplies. Besides this, I would like to build something original - for the soul.

Having drawn up the technical specifications and gone through several options, the user decided to build a shed from tongue-and-groove boards. The foundation is a proven and relatively inexpensive MZLF (shallow strip foundation).

To maximize the use of natural light, the roof of the barn has a transparent polycarbonate insert.

Every private household always has gardening equipment and tools that need to be stored somewhere. A lawn mower or garden sprayer with chemicals has no place in a residential building. Where to put these necessary things so that they are not affected by the environment and do not litter the yard? You can solve this problem by building a small frame shed with a pitched roof.

Advantages and disadvantages of wood frame construction

The construction of a frame outbuilding from wooden blocks has a number of advantages:

  1. In specialized construction stores you can purchase ready-made parts for assembling the frame structure of a shed.
  2. It is not difficult to build such a structure yourself, since the parts are assembled according to the principle of a designer. To do this, it is not necessary to have special knowledge in construction. All elements and connections of the frame are adjusted to size, and the presence of instructions will make the construction process easier.
  3. A frame wooden shed will last for many years if it is properly cared for and all rules were followed during its construction.
  4. The construction of the structure will not take much time. Usually one week is enough to build the entire shed. This time includes: installation of the foundation, assembly of all frame elements, wall cladding, insertion of doors and windows, roofing.
  5. Wooden parts of the structure are easy to further process.
  6. When building a shed with a pitched roof, there is no need to install a rafter system.
  7. The frame structure of a shed can be easily dismantled and rebuilt in another location. In this case, we are talking about light buildings, without a foundation.
  8. The cost of purchasing materials for such a structure is much less than, for example, a brick one. Many are of the opinion that wooden structures are short-lived and unreliable. However, if you take into account the service life of these parts and the money spent on materials, then this option is much more profitable.

The disadvantages of this design are as follows:

  1. Wooden elements are flammable material.
  2. Frame parts may be subject to rotting and damage from wood-boring insects. To prevent this from happening, all wooden elements must be additionally treated with antiseptic pastes, organic solutions or oily antiseptics.
  3. Wood, depending on its moisture content, tends to dry out, swell, warp and crack over time.

Preparation for construction: drawings of the future barn, dimensions

Before starting the construction of a frame barn, it is necessary to take into account some points of its construction:

  • A barn, no matter how carefully it is built, remains an outbuilding that does not particularly fit into the architecture of a residential building. Accordingly, it is better to build this building in the backyard.
  • Entry must be free. This will become especially convenient when it is necessary to carry large items or furniture into it, in case of renovations in the house.
  • It is better to place the shed on a hill (supports, piles, blocks). The distance between the base of the structure and the ground will prevent: from rotting of its wooden parts, the appearance of moisture in the room and damage to metal equipment by corrosion.
  • It is necessary to carefully design the barn so that in the future there is no need to make extensions to it. It will be convenient to divide it into two rooms: in one you can set up a workshop, and in the second - the barn or chicken coop itself.

Two rooms of the barn will allow you to use them for different purposes

  • The ground at the site of the future building needs to be leveled.
  • It is necessary to determine what materials will be used to cover the walls and floors. What will the interior decoration be made of and what type of roofing will be used.

The length, width and height of the future shed are selected individually, depending on the location. For such purposes, medium-sized buildings are most suitable (see image).

Option of a frame barn with typical parameters

Another option for a frame shed

Selection of materials and calculations

High-quality planning for the purchase of all necessary materials will eliminate unforeseen waste in the future.

When constructing a shed frame, the following materials are needed:

  • For the lower and upper trim you need: six bars 6 m long with a section of 100x100 mm and eight bars 3 m long with a section of 100x100 mm.

When purchasing timber and boards, you should pay attention to ensure that their moisture content does not exceed 22%.

  • For flooring, boards with a cross-section of 40x150 mm are required, in an amount of (minimum) 20 pieces. OSB sheets are used as the finished floor.
  • For vertical supports, beams with a cross-section of 100x100 mm are needed, in the amount of 12 pieces, each of which is 2.5 m long. Two such beams will be used as a doorway.

Wooden surfaces must be free of knots, cracks, mold and damage from wood-boring insects.

  • There are two ways to slope the roof: in the first case, you need from 4 to 6 bars 50 cm long with a section of 100x100 cm, in the second case, the supports on which the slope will be placed must initially be shorter in length.
  • For the sheathing you will need a board with a cross section of 22x100 mm, in the amount of 16–18 pieces.
  • For a rough ceiling, you can use multilayer plywood, chipboard, fiberboard or OSB sheets.
  • To fasten the beams at the corners using the “paw” method, nails are required, and “into the floor of the tree” - metal corners and strips.

The nails are selected to be longer than the thickness of the board so that they pierce it and enter the next one. This connection will be much stronger.

  • When working, you will also need self-tapping screws, screws, and L-shaped metal plates to secure the timber in the corners.
  • In the case of insulating the frame of a shed, you may need a thermal insulation layer (foam plastic, mineral wool or penoplex), waterproofing (foamed polyethylene foil), vapor barrier (bitumen), roofing material, polyurethane foam.

Required Tools

To build a frame shed you will need the following tools:

  1. Shovel (to dig holes for a columnar foundation, it is better to use a screw shovel).
  2. Yardstick.
  3. Marking cord with coated thread.
  4. Graphite marking pencil.
  5. Construction level (it is more convenient to use from 50 to 200 cm).
  6. Square and ruler.
  7. Stationery knife (for cutting insulation).
  8. Laser level (using this tool, a perfectly flat plane is determined).
  9. Chisel.
  10. Electric drill.
  11. Circular saw (with its help it is convenient to cut boards of various lengths and sizes).
  12. Cordless screwdriver (for attaching plywood, boards and OSB sheets to ceilings, walls and floors).
  13. Electric planer (necessary when calibrating boards).
  14. Screwdriver.
  15. All-metal carpenter's hammer.
  16. Sledgehammer (used when adjusting boards).
  17. Hand clamps (for clamping boards in different places).
  18. Wood saw (for cutting grooves).
  19. Construction stapler (for fastening waterproofing and vapor barrier to a wooden frame).
  20. Carpenter's axe.
  21. Construction plumb.
  22. Nails. For a frame shed you need from 2 thousand to 4 thousand nails. In this case, three types are used:
  • GOST 4028–63 Black and zinc construction nails. Zinc ones are used for external work with wooden parts, and black ones are used for installing internal materials.
  • GOST 4029–63 Zinc nails for fixing roofing felt and other sheet materials.
  • DIN 1152 Galvanized nails for fastening tongue-and-groove boards, face panels and finishing surfaces.

Step-by-step instructions for building a frame shed with a pitched roof

When all the calculations have been made, the construction project is ready and the necessary materials have been purchased, you can proceed to the construction of a frame shed.

Foundation. Which one is better and how to do it

The basis for the frame is the foundation. For frame sheds and utility blocks, a strip, wooden or columnar foundation is most often used.

To protect the wooden frame of the shed from moisture, you can install a strip foundation. For this, a concrete base 40–50 cm high is made. It is important to know that this type of foundation is not suitable for sedimentary and peat soil. In these cases, screw piles are used.

For a strip foundation, it is necessary to dig a trench around the perimeter, 30–40 cm deep and 40 cm wide. The bottom of the trench is filled with sand and compacted. The result should be a sand cushion 10 cm thick. A waterproofing layer must be laid on the sand cushion, which will prevent liquid concrete from being absorbed into the sand.

After this, a wooden or metal formwork structure is made. It should rise above the ground and be equal to the height of the base. To ensure the strength of the formwork structure, it is fixed with spacers and clamps, and its upper part can be strengthened with supports.

Reinforcement 10–12 mm thick is laid on the waterproofing layer, which is tied with wire.

Formwork panels fix the cement substance before hardening

When the reinforcement frame is ready, it is filled with concrete grade M200–250.

Concrete pouring should be done for the entire perimeter at once. To avoid cracks when concrete hardens, it is not recommended to pour it in rainy weather or extreme heat,

Concrete hardens for about two weeks and by this time gains about 70% strength.

Shallow strip foundation suitable for small buildings

When constructing a wooden foundation, larch logs are used, about 300 mm thick, which are treated at least 2-3 times with bitumen.

Holes are dug in the ground 150 cm deep and 30–40 cm in diameter. Sand 10 cm thick is poured into the bottom of the hole and compacted. Each log from its base is covered with a waterproofing layer of 140–145 cm. The resulting wooden pile is placed in the ground. The gaps between the waterproofing and the wall of the hole are covered with earth. To more thoroughly compact the soil around the pile, it is watered and compacted. For reliability, you can fill the hole with concrete.

The use of wooden piles can be an alternative solution for installing a foundation

Using a stretched cord, markings will be more accurate

It is better to dig a hole 70 cm or more deep, as this is below the freezing point. Sand is poured onto the bottom to form a layer of 10–15 cm, which must be compacted. For reliability, you can pour a layer of gravel 10 cm thick. After this, lay a brick, fastening it with cement mortar. For a shed, a masonry of two bricks per layer is used. If the structure is larger, the columnar foundation is made of three or more bricks.

The most commonly used type of foundation when building a frame barn

The brickwork must be treated with a bitumen waterproofing layer.

To ensure a level surface, all posts must be checked for level.

The space between the brickwork and the ground must be filled with sand or filled with a cement-sand mixture. An alternative to a columnar foundation made of brickwork are hollow concrete blocks measuring 400x200x200. The voids in the blocks are filled with cement mortar.

Video: installing the foundation

Frame of the structure

Now you can start creating the frame of the shed. On each brick pillar it is necessary to put two layers of roofing felt to protect the lower part of the wooden frame from moisture.

After this, they begin to install the lower trim. For this you need a beam with a section size of 100x100 mm. Beams and logs are assembled from 50x100 mm timber. The distance between them should not exceed 60 cm.

Beams and logs are connected with nails using the “wood floor” method

Vertical posts made of 100x100 mm timber are fixed to L-shaped metal joints or regular nails that need to be driven in obliquely. The distance between beams should be no more than 1.5 m. To ensure stability of the structure, the beams are temporarily reinforced diagonally with 40x100 mm boards.

Vertical and top beams are fixed with L-shaped connections

The construction of a frame barn is carried out not only with the help of wooden beams. Its production from a metal profile pipe is widely used.

The ease of assembly of this design attracts builders

This material option for the building frame has a number of advantages:

  1. The profile base is assembled without dirt or construction debris in the yard.
  2. Installation and dismantling of such a building will not take much time.
  3. If necessary, a metal profile shed can be easily moved.
  4. For this design, a foundation is not required. It is enough to pour gravel onto a flat area.
  5. Reinforcement that strengthens the frame will help to withstand the weight of snow and resist strong wind gusts.
  6. Thanks to a variety of colors, a shed made of profile pipes has an aesthetic appearance.
  7. The design with a metal frame is very practical, as it does not require treating its parts and elements with antiseptic agents. It is enough to paint it once.

If the building is subject to increased load pressure in the future, the frame is built from stronger pipes. In this case, pipes with a wall thickness of 8 mm and a cross-section of 100x100 mm are used for the lower trim and racks. For additional spacers, a profile with a section of 60x60 mm is used.

Particular attention should be paid when laying profile joists under the subfloor. The distance between them should not be more than 60 cm. The logs are secured to the lower frame by welding.

After this, they proceed to the installation of the interfloor ceiling, which is a frame structure made from a profile, as well as beams. The ceiling lining is attached to these elements from below.

The final stage of constructing a structure from a profile pipe is the assembly of the rafter system. This structural element can be either integral or a separate part of the entire structure. The main load-bearing part of the roof is a powerful channel to which the remaining elements are attached.

After all welding work has been completed, finishing begins.

Construction of floors and walls (knots and jibs)

When building a foundation, you first need to make a subfloor. To do this, wooden logs are covered with OSB boards or plywood sheets with a thickness of 12 to 15 mm. Then the entire surface is covered with a waterproofing layer, on which the finishing floor is installed. It is convenient to use tongue and groove boards as this floor covering. They have grooves and ridges on the edges that are ideal for butt assembly. They are usually made from softwood. The resin contained in this wood makes it waterproof. Laying floors with tongue and groove boards is similar to installing laminate flooring.

Tight connection of boards is ensured thanks to protrusions and cutouts along the edges

After this, you can move on to installing the shed walls. To ensure that its structure is strong and lasts a long time, temporary and permanent jibs are cut into the frame.

Strengthening the racks with permanent and temporary jibs will provide additional strength in areas of increased weight load

Jibs are mandatory if the walls are not sheathed with plywood or OSB-3. The use of slab sheathing is five times stronger than the jibs (if OSB or 12 mm plywood is used). A board with a cross section of 25x100 mm or 50x100 mm is used as jib when a more stable structure is required. The length of such a board should be 30° greater than the height of the wall. Temporary jibs are used until the upper joists are installed. They help fix the specified position of walls and vertical beams.

Before installing them, the corners of the structure are aligned. In this case, it is convenient to use a bubble or laser level. The installation step of temporary jib is from 1.2 to 1.5 m. They will also help correct structural defects if you use them as a lever.

When erecting a frame structure of a barn, it is important to ensure the correct fastening of the jib and connection points:

  1. The installation angle of the jibs should be 45° (this is the ideal angle that provides maximum structural rigidity). In those places of construction where it is difficult to withstand it, for example, windows and doors, 60° is allowed.
  2. The use of hollow jibs is permissible only in small structures (sheds, outbuildings).
  3. They must fit tightly (without cracks or gaps) to the surfaces of the racks and the upper ceiling.
  4. For the jibs, it is necessary to make grooves in the vertical posts, upper and lower trim. The depth of the groove is made depending on the thickness of the jib. In a metal structure, they should go deep inside the profile of the racks.
  5. The joints of the beams at the corners of the frame are laid in the “wood floor” or “in the paw” method. In the first case, 50x50 mm cuts are made on both sides of the log to half its thickness. In the second case, similar cuts are made, but with a bevel. If necessary, the junction of two beams is processed with a chisel.

Such connections are fixed with nails and L-shaped connections.

Floor insulation

You can insulate the floors of a frame shed with the following materials:

  • Mineral wool.

This method is very popular due to its ease of installation and relatively low price. Mineral wool is usually sold in packs of several slabs measuring 1000x600x50 mm or 1200x600x50 mm or in rolls. A waterproofing layer (glassine, roofing felt or ordinary polyethylene film) is laid on the floors of the barn, on which a wooden sheathing of boards with a section of 10x120 mm and a step width of 60 cm is placed. Mineral wool slabs are laid in the resulting compartments. All wooden elements of the sheathing, before laying the wool, must be treated with antiseptic agents to prevent rotting. For additional floor insulation, a double layer of such slabs is used. During installation, the insulation should be below the level of the sheathing. Mineral wool cannot be compacted, as it will lose its thermal insulation property. To prevent the cotton wool from getting wet, a layer of polyethylene is laid on top, secured to the staples using a stapler.

  • Then the entire surface is covered with tongue and groove boards, OSB sheets or plywood.

Styrofoam. The floor is insulated with this material using joists. As in the case of mineral wool, a wooden sheathing is required, under which a waterproofing layer is laid. The width of the step between the boards is about 60 cm. The thickness of the foam boards should be at least 10 cm. This material is very convenient, as it does not deform. Foam plastic is not afraid of fungus and mold. The foam boards must be laid tightly. If any gaps remain, they can be filled with foam.

  • After it dries, sheets of plywood or tongue and groove boards are laid on top.

Expanded clay. To insulate the floor of a shed with expanded clay, it is necessary to cover the lower formwork with waterproofing material, on top of which OSB boards are laid. Then a wooden sheathing made of boards with a section of 10x150 mm is installed on this surface. Expanded clay is poured into each section of this structure. Its layer should not be less than 10–15 cm, since a smaller thickness will not give the desired insulation effect.

Expanded clay should be leveled so that it does not rise above the sheathing bars. Then a vapor barrier layer is laid on top of: a diffuse membrane, a water-based bitumen-polymer cold emulsion, a polyethylene or polypropylene film. After this, the OSB sheets are attached to the joists with self-tapping screws. The finishing floor is laid on top.

This is an environmentally friendly material, the production of which does not use chemical additives. This material is easy to give the desired shape. An inexpensive and reliable way to insulate the floor.

Insulation for walls

To insulate the walls of a frame shed, mineral wool and extruded polystyrene foam (penoplex) are most often used.

  • Insulation of walls with mineral wool.

Finishing walls with mineral wool is not much different from a similar method of floor insulation, but it has its own nuances. On the inside of the shed, it is covered with a vapor barrier material (foiled polyethylene), on top of which plywood or OSB sheets are fixed. Outside, wooden cladding made of boards with a cross-section of 20x40 mm can be installed on mineral wool, perpendicular to the base. These boards serve as a ventilation gap onto which the exterior trim is attached. Sometimes a layer of OSB sheets is installed in front of the waterproofing layer (exterior finishing).

  • Penoplex.

To insulate walls with this material, it is necessary to select slabs with a thickness of at least 6 cm. As in the previous methods, a wooden sheathing with a pitch of 60 cm is required, under which a waterproofing layer is placed. It is more convenient to fix Penoplex boards with polyurethane glue (it is well compatible with polystyrene foam) or with metal anchors with plastic dowels.

The joints of the plates are additionally fixed with polyurethane foam or metal tape. The outside wall can be insulated with an additional layer of penoplex, on which external finishing material is installed.

When the walls are fixed with anchors or dried glue, a vapor barrier material is placed on top. In this method of insulation, foamed foil polyethylene with a thickness of 3 mm is used. As a replacement, you can use polyethylene foil film. The finishing layer is fixed on top.

Materials for insulating the walls of a frame shed

The light weight of the wool is convenient for installation. This material has a denser structure than foam plastic.

Video: all stages of construction

The arrangement of any suburban area begins with the construction of a barn - a building necessary for storing building materials, firewood and other household equipment. Building a shed with your own hands is a simple and quite feasible task, which can be implemented by any owner who has at least a little knowledge of construction. Since the barn is not a temporary structure and is a multifunctional structure that can not only be used to store necessary things, but also to keep domestic animals, you should carefully consider the location of the future building.

To facilitate the work, you can first draw up a plan diagram indicating the locations of future buildings. To build a barn, many owners allocate an area away from the front area so that it is hidden from prying eyes. Some are of the opinion that the shed should be placed closer to the house in order to have access to it at any time. In order to rationally use the territory for arranging a barn, an area that is poorly illuminated by the sun is selected, which is considered the least suitable for growing crops and carrying out other agricultural work.

When deciding on the location of the shed, it is not advisable to rush. After all, a barn that will serve for decades should complement, and not contrast with, the landscape of the area

When choosing a place to place a shed, you should focus on the location of other areas of the site, as well as the size of the structure being built and its appearance.

With the help of finishing work, you can transform even an unsightly hut into an original designer building, which will become a spectacular decoration of the site

Deciding on the design and exterior

Before you start building a shed, you need to consider the shape, size and appearance of the future structure. The appearance of the building can be absolutely anything, starting with a simple small house without windows and with only one door, and ending with unusual structures, which, in addition to their direct purpose, can act as a decorative element of landscape design.

The simplest option is to build a shed measuring 2x3x2.5 m with a pitched roof, which is covered with roofing felt or roofing felt.

Such a shed can be built from ordinary unedged boards in just one or two days. The main advantages of the design are low cost and ease of construction. To transform the unsightly appearance of the building, you can plant climbing plants along the wall, or decorate the walls with decorative elements and flower pots.

Sheds with a gable roof look more attractive from an aesthetic point of view. Especially if the roof is equipped not with banal roofing material, but, for example, with bitumen shingles.

If, in addition to the kit, you also trim the walls with siding, then the usual unsightly barn can be transformed into a modern garden house

It is possible to build a combined shed, which can be used as a room for storing tools, as well as a greenhouse or greenhouse

The choice of materials depends on the functional significance of the building. Most barns are made of wood. But to create a more durable and reliable structure that will serve you well for several decades, you can build a shed from foam blocks or bricks. Brick barns are well suited for raising poultry and animals throughout the year. But such a structure should be erected on a shallow foundation.

Step-by-step example of constructing a frame shed

First, we suggest watching the video, and then reading the explanations for it:

Stage #1 – preparing the base

Any construction begins with laying the foundation. Before starting construction, you need to use a tape measure, pegs and rope to mark the site for the construction of the building. It is important to measure not only the sides, but also the diagonals of the markings with a tape measure.

The barn can be erected on a slab, strip, column or pile-screw foundation. On ordinary non-heaving soils with low groundwater levels, a columnar foundation is most often laid.

To build a columnar foundation, it is necessary to prepare holes about 70 cm deep around the perimeter of the fenced area, as well as at the intersection of the internal walls of the building, every 1.5 m for the installation of brick columns or asbestos pipes

The installed columns must be checked for level, and then covered with a 15 cm layer of sand and gravel mixture and concreted. After this, let the foundation settle for several days.

Advice. To extend the service life and increase the waterproofing of the columns, you can treat them with a special mastic before filling them. It will take no more than a couple of two-kilogram cans of waterproofing material to process all the foundation pillars.

Stage #2 - installation of a frame made of wooden beams

The beams should first be treated with protective impregnation and an antiseptic. When purchasing a protective agent, it is better to choose an impregnation with a color, when working with which untreated areas of the surface will be better visible.

A base of timber is laid on an established foundation, the size of which corresponds to the size of the frame of the structure being erected. The beams should be laid on posts covered with roofing felt.

Boards 30-40 mm thick are laid on the equipped floor frame. When laying out floorboards, the main thing is to carefully measure and cut out the areas around the vertical posts. Having laid the floor at this stage of construction, it will be easier to install the walls.

When planning to level the floor with a plane in the future, it is advisable to use a “secret” method when attaching the boards to the joists. The number of support posts is determined taking into account the number of corners, as well as the presence of door and window openings. To set the beams strictly at level, you can use slope sticks. With their help you can temporarily fix the bars in the desired position. When nailing sticks, the nails should be driven in only halfway, so that they can be easily pulled out later.

Vertical posts are attached to the bottom frame with logs using pins, screws and steel corners protruding from the base

It is possible to build a frame on a brick foundation, when several rows of bricks are first laid out along the perimeter of the foundation, and then wooden racks are mounted on them.

The beams, which will be placed vertically, can be processed on three internal sides with an electric planer, and on the sides looking inside the barn they can be completely chamfered. Only the sides are left untreated, which will subsequently be sheathed with external boards.

Stage #3 – installation of rafters and roof arrangement

The upper part of the frame made of beams with cuts in the middle and both ends is attached to the leveled and fixed vertical posts. All connections are fixed using self-tapping screws and steel angles.

When arranging a pitched roof, it should be ensured in advance that the wooden posts on one side are higher than on the other. Thanks to this placement, rainwater on a slope will not accumulate, but drain.

For roof rafters, you can use 40 mm thick boards. The length of the rafters should be approximately 500 mm longer than the length of the frame

Cuttings are made on the rafters at the points of support on the beams. Then they are laid on the rafter frame and fixed with self-tapping screws. Place the rafters at a distance of about half a meter from each other. The sheathing can be mounted on the prepared, chemically treated frame.

For cladding the roof and walls of the barn, boards measuring 25x150 mm are suitable. A plank roof requires waterproofing, which can be achieved using roofing felt. If you want to give the roof a more presentable appearance, it is good to use bitumen shingles, slate or corrugated sheets as the final roofing covering. The boards are placed first on the front part of the structure, and then on the sides and back. Place them close to each other.

Having laid out the walls of the shed with boards, you can process their outer side with an electric planer. This is necessary not so much for the aesthetic appearance, but rather to ensure that rainwater easily rolls down the smooth surface of the boards

The barn is an integral outbuilding on a summer cottage. A well-designed shed can last more than ten years. Plus, you can save big if you build your shed yourself. The first step in order to begin its construction is to draw a future design for the dacha, and specifically indicate the location on it. In most cases, its location will depend on the characteristics of your territory.

Where to build a shed

When choosing a location, keep in mind that the barn will be located in one place for a long time. Therefore, think carefully about where the optimal place for it will be. It is extremely important that it fits harmoniously into the overall landscape of the site. Based on the location of other buildings, for example, a bathhouse, a garage. The choice of location will depend on what material it will be made of and what its external decoration will be. Great freedom is given in this matter. The most important thing is that it can fully meet its main purpose.

From timber

First of all, you need to make a project, because a barn is a small house. You can do it yourself. In the project you indicate the overall size, the material used and its quantity, the presence of a roof and its shape, the presence of partitions, etc.

Next you need to decide on the type of foundation. For such a shed, the foundation can be of different types, since the walls made of logs do not crack. To a greater extent, the choice of foundation type will depend on the availability of groundwater, the depth of freezing, as well as on the basic characteristics of a particular soil.

The most popular type of foundation that most builders choose is a columnar foundation. Why? The reason is very simple. To make it you will need a minimum amount of building materials. Moreover, it is quite possible to make a columnar foundation yourself. To make it, you need sand, crushed stone, cement and reinforcement. The formwork for the base can be made from roofing felt, twisting it into the shape of a pipe. This option will be the cheapest and simplest.

So, now let’s look at the sequence of work on making a columnar foundation for a barn made of timber:

  1. The first step is to determine the location of the pillars, and first it is important to remove the plant layer of soil; up to 25-30 cm will be enough.
  2. It is extremely important to have a post at each corner of the shed, with a gap of 1500-3000 mm between them.
  3. Based on the level of soil freezing, a well is made using a garden drill.
  4. Afterwards, a sand cushion must be made at the bottom of the pit, with a layer of 200 mm.
  5. When the well is prepared, previously prepared roofing material is placed into it, which will act as formwork.
  6. A manufactured frame made of reinforcement is inserted into it. The length of the fittings can be placed 3-4 pieces. All that remains is to make concrete and pour it into the well.
  7. After complete drying, the columnar foundation is ready.

Before you start building walls, you need to lay the strapping crown. First lay roofing material on the finished columns. Preferably in several layers, this way you will make waterproofing. Afterwards, antiseptic-impregnated beams are laid on them around the entire perimeter. At each corner, the beams are connected using a dowel. Before laying the next row of beams, it is necessary to put insulation, for example, tow or jute.

Note! So that the future barn can be easily sheathed with siding, as well as additionally insulated, the beams must be connected “in a paw” in the corners.

Using dowels, connect the crowns. To do this, several holes are made in each crown every three beams. A 3-4Ø mm “stick” is inserted into the holes made. To prevent cracks from appearing during the shrinkage process, their length may be less than the depth of the drilled hole.

When the height of the walls matches your project, all that remains is to lay the beams and lay the ceiling on them. The roof shape can be pitched. To do this, immediately raise one side of the barn higher than the other. If you want to make an attic or hayloft, then you can make this rise from the base of the roof slab higher.

From corrugated sheets

Construction begins with laying the foundation. Before pouring the foundation, it is necessary to clear the area of ​​fertile soil and go deep to a depth of 500 mm. Then a cushion is made evenly over the entire plane, for example, from gravel and sand. Next, a small layer of crushed stone is poured evenly, which must be compacted. Reinforcement is laid for the connection, and then solid concrete is poured.

After the concrete has dried, the future floor is prepared. To do this, concrete blocks are placed along the entire perimeter. Using a level, make sure that the top points of the blocks are at the same level. Afterwards, a frame is placed on these blocks, which is the base of the floor. When the frame is ready, made of beams, additional crossbars are laid every 300-400 mm. The finished frame must be secured using corners and self-tapping screws. What to make the floor from will be discussed below.

When the base of the floor is ready, you can begin making a frame for installing corrugated sheets. Based on the planned height of the barn, vertical posts are prepared. Also take care of the horizontal bars. They will be needed to give the structure greater rigidity. After the frame is made, the corrugated sheeting begins to be fastened. It is fastened with self-tapping screws. As a rule, you will have an average of six self-tapping screws per square meter. The sheets must be overlapped by 20 cm.

At the initial stage of work, the walls can be insulated from the inside. As for the interior decoration of the walls, it can be made in a variety of styles, this will be discussed further.

Well, the last stage of work is the construction of the roof of the barn. The first thing you need to decide is what kind of it it will be, single-pitch or gable. If it is single-pitched, then this is the simplest and fastest option. But if you want to make an attic space, then it is better to make a gable roof. You can also use corrugated sheeting on the roof. However, unlike walls, it is better to use polyester-coated corrugated sheeting on the roof. This will create additional protection against corrosion, as well as give a more attractive appearance. The sheets are installed on the sheathing using self-tapping screws with a rubber gasket. It is also laid with an overlap of 200 mm. The roof can be insulated if necessary.

From foam blocks

If you want to build a massive and durable shed, then foam block is the ideal option. For such a shed, a strip foundation is best suited.

It is done in 6 stages:

  1. The first step is to thoroughly clean the surface of the fertile layer. Afterwards the trench is marked. Its width can reach up to 500 mm. It is extremely important to maintain right angles.
  2. A trench is dug to a depth of one meter.
  3. Its bottom is filled with sand up to a thickness of 400 mm, and then watered and compacted.
  4. The next stage will be the construction of formwork from boards. Its height should be measured from the ground at approximately 200 mm.
  5. Using reinforcement and wire, a reinforcement cage is made.
  6. The entire strip is filled with concrete in one step.

After pouring, the finished foundation is left covered with film for several days so that it dries completely. If the air temperature is too high, water the base moderately with water every day.

After it has completely hardened, you can begin building the walls. Before you start laying foam blocks, a layer of waterproofing is laid on the base of the strip foundation. To build blocks, you can use a cement mixture with sand.

Note! If you use special glue for masonry, the seams will be small and neat.

For dressing, each row is laid with an offset of exactly half the block. It is necessary to start laying from any corner of the barn. A corner block is most often used for this purpose. When building walls, it is important to use a building level. They check the verticality of the walls. If you don’t do this, you will have to spend money to buy building material that can be used to level the walls both outside and inside. To cut blocks, you can use a special hacksaw. Due to the fact that the foam block has the correct geometric shape, as well as the same dimensions, you can build a shed quickly and, most importantly, with high quality.

When the walls are ready, you need to start making the roof. This does not require large investments. You can make a pitched roof by covering it with regular slate. A guide beam is installed along the entire perimeter of the walls. Floor beams 100x150 mm are placed between it, at a distance of one meter.

The rafters are supported by vertical posts. To distribute the load most effectively, the rack can be placed in the middle of the rafters. Overlapping slate is laid on the manufactured frame. The slate is secured with nails. All that remains is finishing work.

Made of brick

As for brick, it is the most popular building material used to build a shed. This is due to the fact that it has many advantages. For example, it is durable, durable, and practical to use.

It should be noted that, both for foam blocks and bricks, a strip foundation would be an ideal option. How to make it was discussed above. Let's consider why such a solid foundation is needed. First of all, it is excellent in cases where the soil is moist. Such a foundation can withstand additional load. For example, you can build an attic space. Moreover, some people decide to simply make a flat roof over the barn, and place a gazebo on it. This will be a great place to relax. There is also the option of installing a fruit dryer or simply making an arch for grapes. All this will be possible thanks to a strip foundation that can withstand heavy loads.

One of the important works is the forcing of walls. To do this, waterproofing is done first. When laying, half a brick of sand-lime brick will be enough. Based on weather conditions, the solution is prepared according to technology.

Note! You should not rush to remove the walls at once. You can remove the walls in three passes. This is done to prevent the wall from floating.

When laying bricks, it is important to do the jointing immediately while the mortar is fresh. During construction, ventilation is immediately installed. This is important, since air will not stagnate inside, and the room will dry well.

When the last row is ready, it is advisable to fill the armored belt. It will securely hold the entire structure around the entire perimeter. Afterwards the roof is installed. As in the case of a shed made of foam blocks, the roof is made in the same way. The only thing is the choice of roofing material, as well as the type of roof. There is a wide variety of roof coverings, the most important thing is to achieve high quality work, namely good water drainage and tightness. This way your shed will last for many years. As for finishing work, this will be discussed further.

Thanks to the developments of technologists and engineers, it is possible to decorate your summer cottage in an original way with all kinds of designs made from prefabricated plastic panels. When assembling them, no special construction skills are required. Their assembly is carried out according to the principle of a children's construction set. Plastic can be used to make a variety of shed sizes and shapes. The most important thing is that you can build it yourself.

This technology is based on a metal frame. As for the walls, floor and roof, they are made of frost-resistant plastic. The roof ridge is made of transparent plastic. Thanks to this, even during the daytime you can work inside it without artificial light. Thanks to the equipped floor, the barn is completely protected from groundwater. Accordingly, it will always be dry, and thanks to well-designed ventilation the air will be fresh. As for the winter season, the entire structure can withstand a lot of snow perfectly.

One of its significant advantages is its assembly time. Even if you have no experience, on average it will take you three hours to assemble the structure. The convenience lies in the fact that a plastic shed can be moved from place to place at any time. Moreover, a plastic shed does not require ongoing repairs. With careful use, the service life can be up to thirty years.

Regardless of the chosen construction method, it is necessary to choose the location of doors and windows in advance. As for the doors, you can buy them ready-made or make them yourself.

To make a door, first take its dimensions. The first step is to assemble the door frame. As for the canvas frame itself, it can be made from 50x50 mm boards, and a board is placed on top of it, the thickness of which can be 100 mm. To prevent them from interfering with opening and closing, make sure that the boards do not protrude beyond the frame. To increase the rigidity of the doors, “Z” shaped strips are placed on the reverse side. Afterwards, the hinges are installed and the canvas is hung on the already installed frame. Afterwards all that remains is to embed the lock and screw on the door handle.

In most cases, a shed is used to store household tools, so you can do without natural lighting. If you want to install windows, then you need to prepare openings for them during the manufacturing process of the walls.

Reliable floor

If your shed has a temporary purpose, then the soil will act as the floor. In some cases, the ground can be evenly covered with boards, having first leveled it.

If you have built a columnar foundation, then boards 100 mm wide are laid on the installed logs. They are nailed to the joists using nails.

Make sure to nail the boards without any gaps, as over time they can dry out and these gaps will form on their own.

If a continuous foundation is made, according to the strip principle, then a waterproofing layer is laid on the surface. Afterwards the logs are laid. At the very end, a wooden board is laid, which is equal to the total floor area.

External and internal finishing

As for the exterior finishing, everything will depend on what material you chose to build the shed. If it is timber, then simply varnish it. If the walls of the barn are made of brick or foam block, then finishing is simply necessary. There are many options. For example, plastering walls along lighthouses. Afterwards, the plaster can be painted, covered with tiles or decorative stone. Some resort to simple solutions that involve the use of plastic panels. A wooden frame is made for them, and then the panels are quickly installed, groove to groove.


If you don’t want to build a shed yourself, then you can buy a change house or utility block for your dacha. You can choose both budget options and expensive cabins with shower and toilet.