How to wash blinds at home: hanging and dismantled. How to wash blinds Wash blinds

Modern blinds protect us from direct sunlight much better than ordinary curtains. However, such an attribute gets dirty quite quickly. The question of how to wash blinds at home without much difficulty becomes relevant. There are many effective methods that will help you clean the surface of the slats quickly and effectively.

Cleaning metal products

Cleaning metal blinds is not difficult at all. To work you will need:

  • mini vacuum cleaner,
  • wet cleaning wipes,
  • soap solution (detergent),
  • rag.

Before starting cleaning, bring the slats to the closed position and carefully clean their surface with a vacuum cleaner. Then open the blinds and wipe them with a cloth soaked in the solution.

If the blinds are in the kitchen, they may have greasy stains. To eliminate them, it is recommended to generously moisten a cloth in the purchased detergent. Next, use gentle movements to wipe the slats from top to bottom.

Important! When cleaning blinds, in addition to a rag, you can use wet wipes, which will help you easily remove the most difficult to reach dirt.

The following method is very easy to perform. You are required to remove the metal structure and wash it in warm water, rinsing well in the shower. It is advisable to vacuum the strips before you wash them. Please note that it is not recommended to soak the structure in water for a long time - rust marks may appear.

A quick and effective method for cleaning your home

Wet rags that you rub over the surface of the slats can leave greasy marks and stains on them. If you are tired of changing the water several times and wringing out the napkin, there is a simple and effective way to clean your blinds. By the way, you don’t have to remove them from the windows during the process.

Arm yourself with a spray bottle filled with cool water and a paint brush or brush. With such accessories it is very easy to brush dust off the slats. While working with a brush, it is worthwhile to simultaneously humidify the air with a spray bottle so that dust particles do not settle on the floor.

A specialized vacuum cleaner for furniture care will help simplify the work. You can borrow this accessory from friends. Surely some of them bought themselves a mini vacuum cleaner to clean their car. With this device you will very quickly clean metal blinds and return them to their decent appearance without much effort.

Simple and cheap

If you don’t want to spend a long time cleaning, and the question of how to wash the blinds without removing remains relevant, try using a simple and useful method. You will need a regular cloth, wet baby wipes and a soap solution.

  • Switch your blinds to solar protection mode to make work easier and faster.
  • Spray a small area with water and walk over the strip with a previously prepared cloth. It is not recommended to wet the fabric, so try to use it sparingly.
  • When the blind strip is completely clean, repeat the manipulation on the other sides.

A quick option for cleaning metal horizontal products

Are you wondering how to quickly wash horizontal metal blinds yourself? The answer is simple - ordinary wet wipes will help you. This accessory will remove dust in the shortest possible time. By the way, it will also help clean roller blinds. It is recommended to first vacuum the surface and open the structure. Wipe the strips from top to bottom, being careful not to leave streaks. Finish cleaning with a dry cloth to remove dust.

Cleaning a heavily soiled surface

Don’t know how to wash horizontal blinds that contain a lot of dirty and dusty stains? You can't do without a pair of rubber gloves, fleece napkins and a soap solution that you can make yourself. Take your regular detergent, add a few drops and dilute them with water, then stir until foam forms.

  • Close your blinds to make cleaning easier and more convenient.
  • If you don't know how to quickly wash aluminum blinds, read our tips. Take a sponge or cloth, dip it in the solution and walk over the surface of the structure with light movements, removing dirt.
  • A damp cloth pre-moistened in plain water will help remove soap stains.
  • At the end of the work, walk over the surface of the lamellas with a regular dry cloth.

This method will help you, using soap and water, to permanently eliminate dirty and greasy marks from the surface of the structure.

On a note! Please note that this method is great for washing roller blinds.

We carry out “water procedures”

If it is difficult to wash plastic blinds with napkins and a cloth, try going the other way. Warm water is an excellent way to remove various types of contaminants.

Separate the structure from the window by carefully pressing on the brackets and pulling down; the slats must be closed. Remove the plugs and other parts that are “afraid of water” and proceed directly to the procedures.

How to wash horizontal aluminum blinds in the bathtub after removing them first? Hang them over the bathtub, turn the water on high, directing the stream towards the structure. Run a sponge over the blinds to remove any dust marks. Then prepare a cleaning solution from cleaning agent and water, soak the dirty slats in it for several hours, and after that time, rinse with running water and wipe with a dry cloth. After all the procedures have been completed, hang the structure straight. To dry it faster, you can use a hair dryer.

Advice. Do not use this method too often - stains may remain on the surface of the blinds and there is a risk of rust.

Cleaning wooden products

The question is becoming increasingly popular in the modern world: how to properly wash wooden blinds? Remember the basic rule - such a structure cannot be cleaned under water pressure, because this can damage the varnish coating. Sudden temperature changes also negatively affect the color and condition of the product. Wooden blinds are washed with a regular damp cloth or napkin.

We wash vertical structures

How to wash vertical blinds at home? Many housewives ask about this. This can be done without much difficulty, it is only important to find the right approach. Please note that smooth surfaces can be cleaned with a slightly damp towel, but most dust should be removed with a mini vacuum cleaner. This accessory will help you out in any difficult situation. Treating aluminum, iron or wood with an antistatic agent will give an amazing effect: the deposition of dust on the structure will slow down for a long time. Let's look at some methods for cleaning vertical slats.

Cleaning fabrics

How to properly remove dirt from the surface of fabric blinds? Such structures take a long time to get dirty, but it is simply necessary to wash them periodically. The ideal option would be to clean with a regular vacuum cleaner. It is strictly not recommended to clean the surface of the fabric with a brush - it can damage the structure of the structure and leave even more marks on it.

What is the procedure for cleaning fabric blinds when they are removed?

  • We remove the fabric strips from the slats and roll them into rolls.
  • We place the rolls in special fabric bags and wash them in a container with warm water in which the powder has been previously dissolved.
  • After an hour, remove the strips and rinse them with clean water.

Now the question of how to wash vertical fabric blinds has been resolved, and you can simply hang them in their original place, allowing the structures to dry.

Do I need to remove dirt from roller blinds?

Roller blinds are very convenient for everyday use: they do not require regular washing and look clean and tidy. It is not recommended to wash them frequently: if necessary, you can always roll up the slats, protecting them from unnecessary dirt. Try to handle the fabric carefully, thus preventing creases and other deformations. These simple tips will help you keep your roller blinds clean and tidy.

Cleaning of polymer structures

How easy is it to clean polymer blinds on windows? You can wash them using a regular sponge with a cleaning solution. Gently run the wrung-out soapy sponge over the surface of the structure from top to bottom. After cleaning, wipe the blinds with a dry cloth. If the product requires removal, roll the strips and wash them in the washing machine.

Sooner or later, beautiful planks become covered with dust and stains. you could just wash it, but how can you wash horizontal, aluminum and any other blinds without damaging them? It all depends on the design and material from which they are made. Therefore, there are quite a few ways to put things in order. Despite this, they have common difficulties in the washing process:

  • Dry cleaning may not give the desired effect.
  • When cleaning the slats wet, splashes fly onto the glass and frame, and they also have to be washed.
  • It can be quite difficult to remove the slats correctly and hang them back after washing. It is important not to damage the mechanism.

Experts recommend regularly dry cleaning, then it will give maximum effect. Especially if the system is located in the bedroom, living room, etc. rooms. This will clearly not be enough for a kitchen or bathroom. Moisture is needed here. Before carrying out it, it is advisable to cover the window sill and frame so as not to stain them or at least reduce the amount of dirt. If you decide to remove the slats before washing, it is worth remembering how and in what order they were attached. Otherwise it will be very difficult to install them correctly.

How can I wash the slats?

Serious stains that are difficult to deal with appear on blinds quite rarely. Most often this is ordinary dust and greasy deposits if they hang in the kitchen. Non-aggressive means are suitable for their removal:

  • Soap solution, better than good laundry soap. To prepare it, you need to grind part of the block and dissolve it in clean water.
  • Baking soda. Also used in the form of an aqueous solution. Particularly dirty areas can be additionally rubbed with dry powder.
  • Dish gel (dishwashing liquid). Gives a large amount of foam, dissolves fat well. A certain amount of the drug is poured into the water prepared for washing. The exact proportions depend on its concentration.
  • Washing powder. Used in the same way as dish gel. It must be remembered that the composition for hand washing produces more foam, which will then have to be washed or rinsed.

One of these products will be enough to clean the slats. If the result does not seem good enough, you can repeat the treatment. More effective preparations should be used with caution; they contain aggressive substances that can damage the planks. You can get rid of dust without any solutions; just wash the structure with clean water.

How to clean the system right on the window


Wood, straw and do not tolerate moisture. The plates swell, become deformed and begin to rot. For this reason, only dry cleaning is used for them. If you do it regularly, this will be enough. Wet cleaning is extremely rare. It is best to use products designed for caring for wooden furniture.

Now it’s clear how to wash blinds so as not to spoil them. Regardless of the type of lamellas, frequent wet cleaning with dismantling is not recommended for them. It is advisable to do it no more than twice a year. But regular dry cleaning is required. To make the plates less dusty, it is advisable to treat them with an antistatic agent from time to time. If a stain appears, you can use a damp cloth to remove it.

Blinds are an integral attribute of modern interiors. They reliably protect the room from street light and prevent paint, wallpaper and furniture upholstery from fading from UV rays. During manufacturing, the products undergo special treatment, the protective coating repels dust and dirt, but in order to maintain their attractive appearance for a long time, vertical and horizontal blinds must be cleaned from time to time.

Simple ways to clean blinds without removing them from the window

You can properly clean your blinds at home without even removing them from the window. The easiest and fastest way is to brush off the dust from the slats with a special feather brush. But this option is not entirely successful, since within a couple of hours, all the dust will again settle on the curtain, and also on the furniture, wallpaper and floors. To avoid such incidents, it is better, when doing regular cleaning, to vacuum the curtain using a soft, small attachment.

Today there is a huge assortment of special brushes for cleaning blinds on sale; they are two-, three-, four-row rake tongs with terry or fur tips. This design allows this device to grab several lamellas on both sides at once and wipe them. Using tweezers you can not only wipe off dust, but also wash blinds without removing them from the window.

Below we offer a video review of one type of brush, explaining why this design is preferable and which attachments are best to use.

Wet cleaning

How to wash fabric slats

It is better not to rub textiles with a damp cloth, but to remove them from the window for washing. But if this is not possible, then first you just need to thoroughly vacuum the canvas, and then treat each lamella with a steam generator, which can be rented if necessary. Vertical strips should be steamed from top to bottom. To prevent dirt from dripping onto the floor and damaging it, place a rag, towel or a container.

If during the processing process you find strong stains, to wash them, rub for 10-15 minutes with stain remover for cleaning furniture, scrub a little with a brush or sponge. You should wash not only the stain itself, but also the area around it. Rinse the product thoroughly with clean water and then treat the lamella with a steam generator again.

How to wash wooden blinds

Let us separately examine the question of how to clean horizontal blinds? This type of product requires special, careful care. Wooden slats cannot be wiped with a damp cloth or brushes; for these purposes it is better to use polishes. You can wash it with a flannel rag, tongs, or put a soft sock on your hand.

The canvas of horizontal blinds is lowered over the entire window, the slats are set to the “light diffusion” mode - the flat part of the slats looks at the window sill. The vertical curtain is stretched across the entire opening, the slats are turned with the edge towards the window, the flat surface is perpendicular to the glazing.

The polish is applied to the fabric, then each lamella is individually clamped and thoroughly rubbed. Don’t forget to wipe the edges thoroughly; when cleaning, a lot of dirt accumulates on them.

Features of caring for metal and plastic blinds

Blinds made of metal and plastic can be washed safely. The cheapest and fastest way:

  • open the curtain over the entire window, turn the slats to the “closed” mode;
  • prepare a container with a soap solution, you can use powder, but experienced housewives recommend diluting dishwashing liquid;
  • dip a rag or sponge, squeeze it a little so that the water does not run off too much, wet the entire cloth thoroughly, leave for a few minutes so that the dirt comes off the surface;
  • rinse the rag, start wiping away the stains from top to bottom;
  • areas of heavy dirt can be lightly rubbed with pastes, but do not press the sponge too hard so as not to scratch the protective layer of the slats;
  • when one side is washed, repeat the procedure on the other side;
  • leave the curtain to dry, then spray glass washing liquid on the canvas, rub the slats thoroughly with a dry cloth, they will shine like new;
  • raise the blinds and wash the window;
  • lower the canvas again and spray it on both sides with antistatic agent, so that dust will not settle on the strips for some time.

It must be said that this option is only good for horizontal products, since the canvas can be pressed against the window, thus creating a support. There is nothing to support the vertical curtains; you will have to wash each strip separately.

Instead of a soap solution, you can immediately spray glass washing liquid over the canvas and thoroughly rub the slats with dry rags. But this option is advisable if the slats are not very dirty.

Plastic and aluminum blinds can also be washed with a steam generator. Hot steam cleaning removes all the fumes and grease well, especially when it comes to kitchen curtains.

The method is easy, but not economical

Using the following method, you can clean all types of horizontal and vertical slats, except fabric ones. Before starting work, you need to stock up on wet wipes; those designed for wiping office equipment are best cleaned.

Open the canvas and place the slats in a position convenient for washing. We clamp the bar with a napkin, run our hand along it and carefully remove the dust. Essentially, this is the same as washing with a rag or tongs, but there is no need for bowls of soapy water and rinsing of work equipment.

In conclusion, we offer a video story in which one of the owners of horizontal blinds shares her experience on how to wash blinds without removing them from the window.

My kitchen window is covered with metal blinds. There is a sink under the window, and to the left of it there is a stove. And no matter how carefully I cook and wash the dishes, splashes of water and grease and a coating of adhered dust appear on the slats. I have to wash them often, which doesn't make me happy at all.

We remove and wash

Since it is quite difficult in my situation to wash horizontal blinds efficiently without removing them from the window, during general cleaning I take them off, lay them on the floor and crawl around with a rag. This is also not very convenient.

If I had a bathtub rather than a shower, it would be easier to do:

  • Soak. Pour warm water into the bathtub, dilute detergent in it and immerse the blinds to soak. If they are plastic, you can keep them in the solution longer. It is better not to expose metal ones, like mine, to water for a long time. But this method is not suitable for wood at all.

  • Wash– soaked dirt can be easily removed with a soft cloth or sponge.
  • Rinse. The easiest way to do this is by hanging the blinds over the bathtub, letting the soapy water run off, and spraying them with a shower stream on both sides.

  • Wipe dry. To ensure that there are no stains left on the slats from soap and water, they need to be wiped with a soft, dry cloth.

In my opinion, this is the most effective way to wash horizontal plastic or aluminum blinds from heavy dirt, which cannot be avoided in the kitchen. A full bath can be replaced with an oval basin or a baby bath.

It’s more difficult with metal and wooden products - they are afraid of water, so soaking them is not recommended.

Mine in place

For everyday cleaning or cleaning lightly soiled curtains in living rooms, the blinds can be washed without removing them from the windows. The choice of method will depend on the degree of contamination.

Method 1 – dry cleaning

The main enemy of all housewives is dust settling on surfaces. Fortunately, getting rid of it is not at all difficult. And this will help you:

  • Soft brush or brush. This is the funny name of a special broom that is used to remove dust.

  • Vacuum cleaner. This household unit will not only get the job done quickly, but will also prevent dust from flying around the room and landing on other surfaces after some time.

Method 2 – wet cleaning

There is hardly any need to describe the technology itself, how to wash blinds. Each lamella individually is simply wiped with a cloth soaked in water or a detergent solution.

But it is not always possible to do this quickly and accurately, since the elements are very mobile and with any awkward movement they bend and break. And then it’s impossible to straighten them without traces of creases.

I’ll tell you about two devices that make this work easier^

Image Recommendations

Special sponges for washing horizontal blinds. I have the same one as in the picture, but they also come with more working surfaces, their price is higher.

They did not meet my expectations:

  1. Firstly, you need to try very hard to get all the planes between the lamellas at the same time.
  2. And secondly, they do not clean areas near the vertical cord well.

Cotton gloves. There is nothing more convenient than this device!

To properly wash the blinds, you need to put a glove or an old sock on your hand and, periodically dipping it in a soapy solution, wipe each slate.

This is convenient because it is clamped with your fingers and washed on both sides.

Now about detergents. Light stains can be easily removed simply with warm water. But it is advisable to act more actively on old and fatty ones.

  • Detergent solution For dishes, it will perfectly remove grease and soot. To prepare it, just add a few drops to the water so that there is not a lot of foam. Then move the blinds to the closed position and moisten them with a sponge and solution.

After a few minutes, it can be washed off with clean water, and each lamella can be wiped first with a damp, then with a dry cloth. I use gloves.

  • Window cleaning liquid Also suitable for cleaning blinds. The instructions for use are the same: the lamellas are moved to the closed position, sprayed with the composition, and then wiped one by one with a dry cloth.

  • To wash the slats on the other side, just turn them 180 degrees and repeat the procedure.
  • You need to wash from top to bottom so as not to drip onto already clean surfaces.
  • What if you don’t have much time to clean?, then you can use wet wipes designed for cleaning monitors. And you won’t have to wash the window after such cleaning.

Method 3 – steam cleaning

One of my most frequently used household appliances is a steam cleaner. With its help, you can clean furniture at home, refresh carpets, and wash windows and blinds.

Blinds are a very convenient and beautiful interior element. All objects in the house tend to gather dust over time, and blinds require timely and regular cleaning. Therefore, the question of how to properly wash blinds is quite logical? In this article we will look at all the ways to wash and wash blinds.

What types of blinds are there?

Blinds control the brightness of lighting and create coziness with a variety of colors and patterns. They do not require much maintenance and are easy to use. There are horizontal and vertical models made of plastic, metal, wood, fabric, jacquard. Each type requires its own approach to cleaning.

How to properly care?

The easiest way to keep your blinds clean is to simply wipe them frequently using a special brush-crimper, which can be purchased with your chosen window decoration.

If, after all, you have reached the point where your blinds are covered with a layer of “age-old” dust, do not despair, this problem can be solved quickly and without much time.

How to wash horizontal aluminum blinds?

Aluminum is a fairly convenient metal. It is not particularly demanding on maintenance, so the cleaning method is quite simple.

Option 1

It is advisable for two people to perform this method of washing blinds. Carry out the procedure in the bathroom as follows:

  1. Carefully remove the blinds while they are open.
  2. Turn them so that the slats are perpendicular to the bathtub.
  3. Rinse them with strong pressure of warm water from the shower.
  4. To drain the water, place them on a rack above the bathtub.
  5. Wipe the dried slats with a dry cloth.

Option 2

If you can remove the blinds yourself, use this method as well:

  1. Remove the blinds.
  2. Soak in warm soapy water for a while (the duration of soaking depends on the degree of contamination).
  3. Wipe all the slats with a sponge directly in the water.
  4. Rinse under running water.
  5. Shake and turn closed.
  6. Hang it in place.
  7. Wipe with a lint-free cloth to avoid water stains.

How to wash blinds without removing them from the window?

This seemingly complex procedure is actually easy to perform in several ways.

Option 1

If you don't know how to remove blinds from a window, leave them in the position they are in and proceed with washing as follows:

  1. Spread the slats and close them, as if protecting from the sun.
  2. Vacuum using a special attachment for cleaning furniture, or simply sweep away the dust with a paint brush.
  3. Wipe with a damp microfiber cloth on both sides.

Important! Use this method if you are hung up onwindow fabric blindsor from straw.

Option 2

When the contamination is quite significant, use any dishwashing detergent:

  1. Make a soap solution.
  2. Wash each plank from edge to edge.
  3. Periodically wash the sponge to remove any dirt that has accumulated on it.
  4. Rinse off any remaining foam with a clean, damp cloth.
  5. Wipe with a dry cloth.

Option 3

Use special window cleaning products:

  1. Close the blinds.
  2. Spray the product onto the surface.
  3. Hold the slats with one hand and wipe them one by one with the other, moving from top to bottom.

Important! Do not use cleaning agents containing abrasive particles - they can damage the aluminum surface of the blinds.

Option 4

To prevent dust from settling, use an antistatic agent:

  1. Open the panels.
  2. Dilute a little polish and antistatic agent in water.
  3. Put on household cotton gloves over rubber gloves.
  4. Soak them in the solution.
  5. Wipe each lamella with your fingers on both sides.

Option 5

The simplest and most effective way “for lazy people” is to use wet wipes or wipes for office equipment:

  1. Lightly press the panels against the window.
  2. Gradually wipe the surface with napkins, moving from top to bottom.
  3. Replace wipes as they become dirty.

Option 6

Use LOC universal cleaner from Amway. Organic cleaner, does not contain chlorine bleach, phosphates, caustic acids, removes even old dirt from any surfaces. In addition, it disinfects and freshens the air. Use this remedy as follows:

  1. Dilute the concentrate 1:200 (pour water first and then the product).
  2. Pour into a spray bottle.
  3. Apply to contaminated surface.
  4. Wipe with a dry cloth.

How to wash vertical blinds?

Vertical blinds, like horizontal ones, can be vacuumed with a special nozzle for upholstered furniture. When doing this, use minimum power.

To wash vertical blinds:

  1. Move the slats to the side.
  2. Remove the bottom chain and take out the weights.
  3. Unhook the bars from the runners.
  4. Roll the slats into rolls, secure with thread or put each in a separate gauze bag.
  5. Make a soap solution in warm water.
  6. Immerse the slats in it for a short time.
  7. Rinse with running water.
  8. Wait for the water to drain.
  9. Hang them in place when damp, they will straighten out under their own weight.

Important! Dry the slats laid out on towels and bedspreads. Don’t forget one more rule: beforeHowBywash blinds,Read the care instructions carefully. Not all types are possiblecleanusing water. Some are coated with a special impregnation that prevents dust from penetrating the surface of the material.

How to wash fabric vertical blinds?

Typically fabric blinds are dry cleaned. If they are with photo printing and jacquard, only professional dry cleaning will do.

If your blinds are suitable for home washing, use one of the options below.

Method 1

  1. Remove the fabric.
  2. Disconnect all accessories from it.
  3. Roll up the panels.
  4. Fill a basin (bath) with water.
  5. Add detergent.
  6. Immerse the rolls in the soapy solution.
  7. Shake them several times.
  8. Rinse in clean water.
  9. Place to dry on a dry, clean cloth surface.

Important! Please note that it is unacceptable to usefor washingmachine, do the whole procedure manually.

Method 2

  1. Immerse the slats in the soapy solution, but do not fold or bend them.
  2. Wipe each strip with a sponge.
  3. Rinse under running water.
  4. Hang to dry without squeezing.
  5. If they are very dirty, leave them to soak for 20-30 minutes.

Method 3

  1. Remove the fabric strips from the curtain rod.
  2. Place it on the floor.
  3. Carry out wet treatment with wet wipes, but without using detergents.

Method 4

Wash synthetic fabric slats in the washing machine, setting it to a delicate cycle of 30° without spinning:

  1. Take a few strips and put them in a laundry bag or an old pillowcase (sew the slats shut).
  2. Wash in a mild detergent without bleaching effect.
  3. Wash each roll separately.
  4. If the strips are wrinkled, iron them with an iron, setting it to heat stage 1-2.

Important! Allowedwashing fabric blindsonce a year, otherwise they may lose color. Do not use a brush when cleaning, as it may damage the fabric impregnation and the protective surface of the slats.

How to wash wooden blinds?

  1. Pre-vacuum the slats or remove dust with a clothes brush.
  2. Wipe with a damp cloth.

Important! Don't use waterfor cleaning woodenand bambooblinds– after drying, the material loses color and becomes deformed. Wipe with special products designed for wooden surfaces.

  1. To clearly see dirt on the slats, choose sunny weather when washing blinds.
  2. Do not wash them in assembled form, the lamellas will stick together and the dirt will remain in place.
  3. Before washing the panels, be sure to remove the plastic plugs at the ends of the lower eaves strip, as metal corrosion may develop under them.
  4. Install all parts: plugs, weights, chains only after the blinds have completely dried.