How to decorate a small room. Principles for arranging furniture in rooms with a small area. General principles and ideas

A dorm room is a popular type of housing. It is chosen not only by students during their studies, but by young families. Despite the small area, such housing is easy to arrange. The main thing is to make the most of every centimeter of the room. The end result will be a beautiful and stylish dorm room design.

To make a beautiful and convenient design, you need to use square meters as efficiently as possible.

This housing option is suitable for families and students

Dorm room is a popular type of housing

Everyone dreams of cozy and comfortable housing. And it doesn’t matter what size it is. As a rule, a dorm room has meager square meters. It is not easy to arrange them, but it is possible. The main thing is to use free space correctly.

The problem with arranging such housing is that it must be multifunctional. This can be achieved through zoning. Areas will be highlighted for different purposes. The housing will be compact and comfortable.

Making your home compact and functional is not difficult

It is quite possible to equip such a room if you take the issue seriously

How to decorate the interior of a dorm room?

When decorating a dorm room, you can use many modern styles. They will allow you to make your home as functional and beautiful as possible. The following areas are especially popular:

  • Minimalism;
  • High tech;
  • Urban;
  • Country.

It is appropriate to use minimalism. It involves placing only the most necessary items in the interior. As for color design, you should choose light, cool shades. This range will visually increase the space. You can dilute the interior with bright colors, but do not overuse them. The design of the room should be restrained and calm. Pomposity is not relevant.

Minimalism is very suitable for such housing.

You can use different styles to decorate a room.

Only the most necessary furniture should be used in the room.

As for furniture, it should be of simple shape and with a smooth surface. Products made of glass and plastic are used as decoration. Mirrors visually expand the space. Therefore, they are recommended to be installed in small rooms.

Cozy accommodation will allow you to get a different direction of country music. It involves installing wooden furniture, light curtains on window openings, and a lot of textiles in the interior. All this will fill the room with warmth and home comfort. You should not use a large number of decorative items. They will make the interior look pretentious.

You can use partitions in the room

Furniture in the interior should be functional


Light plays an important role in creating an interior. Especially when it comes to a dorm room. A large amount of light will have a good effect on the overall atmosphere. She will be pleasant and comfortable.

If the window openings are small and cannot provide enough natural light, then you need to resort to other sources. They use not only a chandelier, but also wall sconces and floor lamps. It is necessary to provide separate lighting for each zone according to the link.

If there is little natural light in the room, you need to install additional sources

Good lighting will look great in the interior

Lighting in the room plays an important role

Important points for arranging a small room

The design of a small dorm room has a number of features. If you take them into account, you can get comfortable and beautiful housing. First, you need to properly think through your storage system. Every person has things and it is important to place them correctly so that they do not clutter up the space. At the same time, they were always at hand.

The sleeping area can be separated by a partition

The racks are very compact, they take up minimal space

If you take into account all the features of the room, you can create comfortable housing

Expert advice will help you make your dorm room stylish and cozy. Famous designers offer their own options for decorating small rooms. If you use them, the process of home improvement will be easy and simple.

Some designers have already figured out how to arrange such a living space

To make your room cozy, you can use the advice of professionals

  • Arrange furniture correctly. It should not be massive or in the form of Soviet sets that take up a huge area. It is enough to install a sofa, an armchair, a small table and an open wardrobe.
  • Use modern transformable furniture. It can perform several functions at once: be a compact chair, and, if necessary, become a sleeping place.
  • Install sliding doors. They take up little space, look original and modern.
  • The style you choose doesn't have to be rich, cluttered or luxurious. A small area does not accept such solutions. Therefore, it is better to abandon the classical style, baroque when decorating.
  • The window opening should be as open as possible. The curtains are light and translucent. Roller curtains are perfect.
  • The use of mirror surfaces is encouraged. They are able to highlight the dignity of the room.

A great idea would be to use multifunctional furniture.

The correct arrangement of furniture plays a major role in the arrangement

Color design

A color palette can visually enlarge a room. In this case, it is important to take this into account when arranging and it is necessary to abandon dark materials when finishing. This will allow you to get beautiful, stylish and functional housing.

Use white color in the interior with caution. He is able to turn a home into a hospital ward. The white shade is completely impractical and difficult to keep clean. The optimal solution to the problem is to use pastel colors.

To make the room seem more spacious, do not make the color of the floor contrast with the color of the walls. They must fit harmoniously. It is better to make the ceiling as light as possible. Small drawings look good on the walls, large ones attract a lot of attention and clog up the interior.

All colors must match

Use white color in the interior carefully

Using light shades can visually expand the room

Family nest

When arranging a dorm room, you need to be guided not only by the characteristics of the room, but also by the preferences of the owners. If the residents are students, then the interior should be stylish and modern. Light shades are suitable for girls; a large mirror is a must in the room. A design for a guy can be more vibrant and combine several rich colors.

As for a married couple, the situation here is different. Warm colors are good for decoration. You can dilute them with dark accents. They will give the interior a stylish look. If there are children in the family, then it is worth paying attention to the place for them.

Warm shades are best for married couples

The design of the room should be done based on your own preferences

Home improvement is an interesting process. If you plan the renovation correctly and highlight functional areas, then even a dorm room can be turned into a cozy and modern apartment. Each of the residents will be able to feel comfortable in it and have a good time.

Video: Great ideas for decorating small rooms

The bedroom is the room in which we spend a significant part of our time. This is where we sleep, do homework and have fun. It's entirely reasonable to want to create a comfortable room with inviting furnishings that are an extension of your personality.


Part 1


    Homemade headboard. A headboard is an outstanding yet expensive piece of furniture. So why not make it yourself? Install a curtain rod above the bed and hang a funky quilt to create a headboard.

    • You can also purchase wall decorations online that look like a headboard. They are not that expensive, but they are easy to attach and remove from the walls.
  1. Decorate your ceiling fan. If you are bored with a plain white ceiling fan, you can decorate it with colored self-adhesive paper. Come up with bright patterns that will bring your fan to life even when it's off.

    • Before applying paper, do not forget to wash the fan blades from dust and dirt.
  2. Create a constellation on the ceiling. When it comes to decorations, many often forget that you can decorate the ceiling, but no one is stopping you from making it memorable. Using various materials, you can create a whole galaxy on your bedroom ceiling. Use adhesive stars, star stickers, glow paint, and twinkle garlands.

    • Make sure the materials glow in the dark, otherwise the stars will be invisible at night.
    • For maximum effect, place the constellation directly above the bed.
  3. Wall decoration. A new wall color is one of the easiest ways to transform a room. It's important to think outside the box. Instead of a boring monotonous color, use one of these tricks to transform your walls:

    Experiment with interesting textures. Who said walls need to be painted? Buy unusual wallpaper for an accent wall. If you can’t make major changes to your home (paint the walls or put up permanent wallpaper), then buy temporary decorations on the Internet.

    • Wall decals and decals can also add a variety of textures and statement pieces to your room.
  4. Restore an old piece of furniture. If you have an old, shabby table or chair, you can restore it yourself. Sand the surface, then paint and replace the upholstery. There are many educational materials on the Internet that will answer all your questions.

    Part 2

    1. Rearrange the furniture. There are many reasons to change the furniture arrangement: it will allow you to protect the floor, use seasonal lighting wisely, but most importantly, give the room a new look! You just need to rearrange the furniture to make your bedroom sparkle with new colors.

      • If you want to free up storage space in a small room, try raising the bed off the floor. Props can be purchased online and at hardware stores.
    2. Organize your closet. Clutter is the main enemy of organizing space. Declutter: Go through all your belongings, starting with your clothes. Take inventory of your most important items and give away anything you don't need.

      Use original solutions. A person feels comfort when he knows exactly where the necessary things are located. Buy storage materials and write down the names of things so you don't forget where everything is.

      • Jewelry can be hung or displayed. This way the chains will not get tangled and will decorate the room.
      • Use a creative way to store your sunglasses (such as on a hanger).

    Part 3

    1. Decorate your room with photographs. Once the room is tidy, add a touch of personality to the space. Photos are a great way to decorate your walls without breaking the bank and surround yourself with loved ones or memorable places.

    • When painting walls, use plastic sheeting and newspaper to protect the floor. Also be sure to cover various pieces of furniture.
    • When purchasing used goods and furniture, they should be inspected and washed thoroughly. Anything could be inside.
    • If global changes are not allowed, then discuss with parents or guardians what can be changed and what you want to add. Say that you want to change the interior of the room.
    • A loft bed (mezzanine bed) is a good solution for a very small bedroom.


    • Don't make major changes in the bedroom without the approval of your parents or guardians.
    • Don't use permanent changes that may become outdated over time. You can hang a poster of your favorite band on the wall, but don't paint their faces on the wall (unless you're willing to repaint the wall later).

The bedroom in the house is considered one of the most important rooms, because it is here that a person spends a significant part of his life, relaxing after a hard day and gaining strength for new achievements. That is why such stringent requirements are placed on the bedroom.

It should be comfortable, functional and properly equipped from a psychophysiological point of view.

In order for the new bedroom design to fully suit the owners of the home, you need to think through every little detail in advance, because the needs of each family are different. WITHThere are 2 division systems:

  • P about belonging;
  • P about the type of housing (in your own house, in a panel house with an improved layout, in a Khrushchev-era building).

The type of furnishings and style of the room should be used taking into account who will own the bedroom. There may be several options here.

  1. Marital (or parental).

This room should be as comfortable and aesthetic as possible. In addition, you definitely need to add at least a touch of romance here, because the spouses not only relax in the bedroom, but also want to be alone.

The central place here will be occupied by a bed, quite spacious and comfortable.

  1. Bachelor's.

The furnishings in this room are as close as possible to a marital one.

Quite often this room serves not only as a bedroom, but also as a home office.

  1. Children's room.

Typically, the child's bed is located in the children's room, which serves as both a play and learning area.

Special requirements apply here.

  1. In a one-room apartment.

These cases also require a special approach, since the bedroom is combined with the living room.

Such a room needs zoning.

The influence of housing type on bedroom decor

As already mentioned, the type of home has a great influence on the design of the bedroom.

  1. Own house.

The peculiarity of interior design in a private house is that residents can choose a room for a bedroom based on their own preferences - they have this opportunity.

The main selection criteria will be the direction to the cardinal points, the location of the windows, the area of ​​the room and its location relative to other rooms.

If there is a second floor in the house, designers recommend equipping the bedroom there. Absolutely inimitable design options are available for creating a bedroom in the attic.

Photos of finished projects will surely attract your attention.

  1. Panel house with improved layout.

In this case, the owners have slightly less choice than in the previous case, but there are many opportunities to equip a spacious, bright bedroom without worrying about cramped spaces.

The only limitations in design can be your stated budget and your own preferences.

  1. Khrushchevka.

This type of housing is one of the most common in our country, and this is where difficulties arise with interior design. The main reason is the small area of ​​the room and low ceilings. There is no need to talk about any space here.

Interior designers have in their arsenal a dozen techniques and tricks, thanks to which even the arrangement of furniture in a bedroom of 12 square meters. m will turn out to be advantageous and attractive.

Sofa in the bedroom - saving space

Many residents of small apartments install only beds in their bedrooms, sacrificing precious square meters and abandoning other important interior items. Whether it is worth using the same option is up to the residents to decide.

However, masters have long been proposing to use an effective solution to this problem - the design of a small room of 12 sq. m with a sofa.

A properly selected sofa will successfully replace even the most comfortable bed and here's why.

  1. Space saving.

This is probably the first thing that comes to mind, and this statement is indeed true. Unlike a double bed, an assembled sofa takes up 2 times less space, and therefore there will still be enough space in the room during the day.

Moreover, in this case, arranging furniture in a room of 12 square meters will not require giving up other necessary furniture.

  1. Functionality.

Manufacturers offer the use of a huge number of folding sofas, which differ in size and type of mechanism.

Thanks to this, the sofa unfolds in just a few seconds, turning into a spacious bed.

  1. Convenience.

Now you can choose absolutely any sofa, taking into account the size, level of softness and type of upholstery.

Gray sofa in a room of 12 meters.

  1. Functionality.

If you want to save some more space, choose models with drawers at the bottom.

You can place bed linen and other things here.

  1. Versatility.

The sofa will fit perfectly into both the matrimonial bedroom and all other types of rooms.

Pastel colors and textiles will add softness and comfort.

Selection of furniture for a small bedroom

So, even if you have already decided on buying a sofa, the question remains open of how to arrange furniture in a 12 sq. m bedroom without compromising the free space and, most importantly, how to choose it?

The process of creating a small home requires a lot of effort.

It should be noted that there is a completely standard list of pieces of furniture that should certainly be in every bedroom:

  • TO bed or sofa;
  • Sh cafe for clothes (if the house does not have a dressing room);
  • T bedside cabinets (they can be successfully placed near the sofa);
  • N A small chest of drawers (very convenient for storing small items and underwear).

Proper organization of space is painstaking work that requires a lot of attention from designers.

If desired, you can also use items such as a TV (monitor) and a dressing table in the bedroom. Depending on your preferences, the list can be shortened or expanded.

For a small room this set will be more than enough.

  1. Wardrobe.

The design of a small room of 12 sq. m with a sofa simply cannot do without a storage system. At the same time, choosing a suitable cabinet model is quite difficult, because in a cramped room any cabinet will look much larger than it actually is. To improve the situation at least a little, designers recommend choosing built-in wardrobes along the entire wall from floor to ceiling. Another detail that makes life easier in a small apartment is sliding doors (ideally mirrored or frosted glass).

Such furniture will provide good space savings and will allow you to freely place all your clothes, bedding and many other different items.

  1. Shelves.

On the bedside table you can store a cell phone, TV remote control, alarm clock and other small items. In a Khrushchev-era bedroom, such a (seemingly) small piece of furniture can become an unaffordable luxury, because it will “eat up” quite a lot of space. Is there a way out? Of course, these are hanging shelves.

Well-chosen in style and color, the shelves will perfectly replace both bedside tables and chest of drawers.

  1. Sofa.

When it comes to choosing a sofa, you can completely rely on your preferences, since there are a great many options on the product market. They all vary in mechanism type and style. The “American folding bed”, “Dolphin”, “Verona” will be quite spacious when disassembled.

You need to install the sofa against the wall.

How to arrange furniture in a small bedroom of 12 sq m

Choosing the right furniture for a small space is very important, but it is equally important to arrange it correctly. Taking into account the recommendations of interior designers, it will be much easier to cope with this, and the result will exceed all expectations.

There are only a few layout options, each of which has pros and cons, and some are completely unacceptable in tight spaces.

  1. Symmetrical placement method.

Its essence lies in the fact that paired objects are installed on both sides of a given axis. A striking example would be bedside tables against the wall on both sides of a bed or sofa. The same can be done with a built-in wardrobe - divide it into 2 parts and install it on the sides of the sofa. In this case, the TV can be hung on the opposite wall. This setting looks quite laconic and traditional. However, it has a drawback - it can only be used in a square (or close to it) shaped room.

One wall in the bedroom ends up being overly busy.

  1. Asymmetrical.

In this case, the sofa becomes the focal point, and all other objects are located around it along the perimeter of the walls. Looking at the photo of such an interior, it may seem that all the objects are placed in the room absolutely chaotically, but this is far from the case. However, to maintain harmony in space, the swing principle is used. In other words, the main emphasis is on the fact that tall objects alternate with low ones.

This technique can be used in a room with any configuration - this is a plus.

Style sets the mood

If your apartment cannot boast of a spacious, bright bedroom, this is not a reason to be upset. There are no less effective solutions for small rooms.

Moreover, in a small space it is possible to achieve an intimate design.

If you desperately don’t want to put up with such small dimensions of the room and inconvenient layout, you can expand it a little by adding other rooms or a balcony. A bedroom combined with a balcony provides amazing opportunities for implementation.

This space can be perfectly equipped as a work area or as a cozy place to relax by equipping the balcony space with shelves, an armchair or a pouf.

For a 12 sq. m bedroom with a bed, a TV and a wardrobe, you can choose a very different design.

  • Classic. You shouldn’t write off classics that seem to have gone out of fashion - they are always relevant, especially in small rooms. Ivory, peach or beige colors can visually expand the space.

    Almost any furniture will fit here, you just need to choose it carefully.

  • Sea style. A bedroom design in white, blue and greenish tones is perfectly refreshing and sets a cheerful mood from the very morning.

    Bright accents in small quantities are what you need to create an original interior.

  • Provence. Do you like a little negligence? Then Provence is definitely for you. It will bring the coziness of a country house into a small room.

    Pastel colors will add lightness to the atmosphere.

  • Minimalism. Where would we be without a strict and laconic style? The main advantage in a small room is the absence of details that only clutter the space.

    The successful arrangement of furniture in a 12 sq. m bedroom in a minimalist style is a truly stylish modern solution.

  • Art Deco. Take a look at the photos of the works of famous designers: here they use bright accents, unexpected shapes, and a slight touch of luxury.

    A bedroom with this style has absolutely everything to captivate at first sight.

Design color palette

Everyone probably knows that to visually increase the space in a bedroom design, you need to add light colors to the walls, ceiling and furniture. However, monochromatic rooms can only make the situation worse. Don't be afraid to use:

Play of light

Even the smallest and darkest room can be instantly transformed with carefully thought-out lighting (primary and secondary).The main light is the central chandelier.

For the design of a 12-meter bedroom, it is better not to buy large hanging models. They will look bulky.

Additional light can be provided by a sconce with soft diffused light, a high floor lamp, or spotlights. An amazing design result can be created using zoned ceiling lighting.

Numerous photos of lighting options will serve as proof.

Textile design - stylish completion of room design

One of the main additions to every room interior are curtains. For small, cramped spaces, interior designers recommend choosing light translucent tulle, as it makes the interior more airy and light. However, the bedroom is a place where personal space is of utmost importance, so the use of a thick curtain is quite acceptable.

In color, it can echo the interior palette or, on the contrary, be contrasting and bright.

Vertical blinds can be called a modern fashionable solution.

They are extremely similar to traditional curtains, but much more original and easy to care for.

VIDEO: Bedroom designs 12 sq.m.

It just so happened historically that small apartments and small rooms in them are the reality of life for the vast majority of city residents. Although, based on modern possibilities, even rural residents who previously built real mansions today strive for rationality and maximum savings. The undoubted scourge of small apartments and houses are small rooms. Naturally, a modest area limits the possibilities of the housewife, who is constantly thinking about how to furnish a small room. The first advice that should be given in this situation is: do not rush. An interior that is carefully thought out to the smallest detail not only allows you to save money, but also makes it possible to fully solve the problem of how to furnish a small room, regardless of its parameters.

All work must be divided into three stages:

  • finishing;
  • furnishings;
  • final decoration.

Before adding furniture, it is worth thinking carefully about the color scheme of the future interior. Despite the fact that the area of ​​the room is small, you can use dark shades of the color spectrum or a combination of several colors, wallpaper with a large pattern. The latter option will give the room freshness and vitality, but in order to prevent the room from seeming even smaller, it is better to dilute the interior by using plain wallpaper on adjacent walls, but with a beautifully expressed texture, or wallpaper with ornaments.

If you have a problem with how to furnish a small room, a special place is given to furniture. When choosing furniture, you must proceed from its practicality, versatility and ease of use. The main condition that the selected furniture must meet is compliance with the dimensions. Bulky wardrobes, massive chests of drawers and beds are not an option for our case.

Minimalism is good in this situation. Before furnishing a small bedroom, choose the most necessary pieces of furniture: a bed, bedside tables or a chest of drawers, abandoning the bulky wardrobe. You can solve the problem with storage compartments by using opening sections in a bed, ottoman or nightstand. Built-in furniture will help with this. To visually expand the space of the room, you can use mirrors by placing them on the entrance doors or on the cabinet doors.

If it is limited to a few meters? Using simple design techniques for dividing space into zones and modern technologies! For example, it is more practical to equip a sleeping place. This will allow you to carve out space for games and get additional sections (in the sofa) for things or toys. Don’t be afraid to use additional lighting sources; they create comfort and fill the room with light. Lighting should be both universal - ceiling and spot lighting. When arranging a small room, you should remember that there should be a lot of light in it and a minimum of accessories, otherwise the effect of clutter will be created, and the room will visually become even smaller.

There are small rooms in almost every home. They are always associated with cramped spaces, discomfort, and lack of free space. If this is one of many rooms, then this is not so bad (although it can be used effectively), but what should the owners of, for example, one-room apartments, for whom one room serves as a bedroom, living room and dining room, do? In this case, a properly created interior will help. There are plenty of ideas on how to decorate small rooms; you just need to use your imagination a little and transform yourself into a designer, at least for a little while.

Color design of the room

Dark tones visually reduce space, light colors increase it. It is this rule that should be taken as a starting point when choosing a color scheme. Professionals recommend that owners of small rooms avoid using too bright colors in large quantities. Not only will it look too rough, but it will also visually reduce the size of the room. Staying in a colorful room for a long time can cause headaches. It is best to opt for light colors, for example, beige, white, light green, gray, light blue.

It is recommended to choose wallpaper with a small pattern; a large pattern looks more appropriate in huge halls than in a small room. You can play on the contrast of the ceiling, walls and floor. The latter should be much darker, but the main thing here is not to overdo it. small size implies adherence to monochrome. If possible, you should select furniture of the same color; minor variations in shades are allowed. This will visually increase the space.

Choosing curtains for a room

Curtains also play a big role in decorating small spaces. Ideas for small rooms involve purchasing light, flowing curtains in light shades that would not weigh down the space or attract undue attention. Curtains should match the walls, they can even be made in the same color scheme. Fabrics should be airy, you can give preference to gauze tulle. To visually enlarge the windows, you should hang curtains along the edges. Curtains should be long; short options should not even be considered.

How to properly use free space?

Before arranging small rooms, you should determine what should be in them and for what purposes they are designed. A small room does not tolerate disorder; scattered things immediately create a feeling of cramped space and discomfort, so every dress, every cup, figurine, book, etc. should know its place. All free space should be used to the maximum. For example, why buy a chest of drawers, a bookcase and a shelf if all this can be replaced with a functional wall? This way, space will be saved, and the room will become much neater and more spacious.

Ideas for small rooms involve purchasing multifunctional furniture. Many designers recommend purchasing a bed that transforms into a wall for one-room apartments, but not everyone can afford such a purchase. But even people with an average income can afford to buy a sofa bed, on which two people can sleep at night, and during the day it takes on a neat appearance and is ready to receive guests. In addition, you can fold bed linen and pillows inside. Thus, not only free space is saved, but also money. Instead of a large table, it is advisable to purchase a folding coffee table or one that is attached to the wall and lowered if necessary.

Visual enlargement of the room

Renovating a small room involves installing large mirrors and reflective surfaces. Such accessories visually expand the room and make it brighter. Therefore, professionals recommend installing mirrors opposite the windows. When buying a cabinet, you should give preference to models with glass doors. Chairs with transparent legs, a glass tabletop, and furniture made of transparent plastic will help create the illusion of lightness.

Room zoning

Many people are interested in how to arrange a small apartment to achieve its multifunctionality. Only correct zoning will help here. For example, one room can be divided into a sleeping area and a work area; the space can even be limited by screens or curtains. In this case, it is allowed to use different colors and light sources - the illusion of two different rooms should be created. Furniture should be arranged in such a way that it does not disturb anyone. The freer the floor, the more spacious the room seems.

Lightening rules

Before arranging small rooms, you should worry about lighting, artificial or natural. A bright room visually seems much more spacious than a dark one. If there is a large window, then it should not be covered with curtains; on the contrary, it should attract attention. should be used if the room is not located on the sunny side. It is best to choose a transparent chandelier, small in size.

For small rooms you should buy dwarf furniture. Bulky chairs are discarded immediately; Manufacturers now produce many comfortable chairs in small sizes. You can buy a corner sofa: it is larger in size, but takes up much less space compared to a regular one.

How to arrange a small bathroom?

Arranging a small room is much more difficult than a large one, because everything needs to be placed and at the same time leave free space. For a small bathroom, it is worth purchasing shallow cabinets and pencil cases, because more bulky designs will take up a lot of space. The urinal and bidet will have to be abandoned. You also need to choose between a shower and a bath. The first option is more practical and compact. If you want to occasionally pamper yourself by soaking in the foam, you can purchase a corner bathtub with a curtain.

In this room you can also make room for a home library by filling a wall with floor-to-ceiling shelving. In addition, the lower shelves can be used to store other things. If the office is used to receive business partners, then you need to take care of compact and comfortable chairs; if space allows, you can buy a small sofa and a table for drinks.

By following easy-to-follow rules, you can even turn a small room into a functional, bright and spacious living room, bedroom, bathroom or office.