Interior doors according to Feng Shui. Door in a house according to Feng Shui What kind of interior door according to Feng Shui

Good day, dear reader!

In this article you will find out what the door of your house, apartment, or entrance should be like.

East and north are the most favorable directions for the front door

Entrance doors

Let's talk about entrance doors. Our home begins with the front door and how it looks is of no small importance. Look at your doors as if you are seeing them for the first time and appreciate them. Your door speaks about your relationship with the outside world and how you approach life.

First of all, you need to carefully examine all the objects surrounding the door. Maybe it's aimed at a door, a corner of a neighboring house, or a corner of the roof. Maybe the path shoots into the door of your house like an arrow. There are no small details in Feng Shui of the front door. After all, it is through the doors that the beneficial energy of Qi enters our homes.

What should a door look like according to the teachings of Feng Shui for an entrance door? Considering that in a multi-story building there are two, or even three. The first and main thing, let’s say, is the entrance door, through which good luck should come to you. The second is the common door on the floor and then the entrance door to the apartment.

The most important rule, no matter what the wealth in the family. The door must be clean. If you live in a multi-storey building and you have a wonderful door to your apartment, but the entrance door, let’s say, is not in the best condition. What can I say? How can lady luck find you.

Doors should be clean, freshly painted (preferably in shades of red), secure (with working locks and handles) and well lit.

Why are red shades preferable, because the direction towards the parts of the world brings in energies that are not entirely favorable for the inhabitants of the home. After all, not everyone’s entrance doors are oriented to the north and east.

All other directions bring all sorts of troubles, so in order to protect yourself from them, it is better to have the doors in red shades and well lit.

It is advisable that there are plants in special flowerpots on both sides, but there is no need to overload the doors with plants, so as not to create a blockage for incoming energy. After all, it is through the doors that energies enter your home.

It is important that the house number is clearly visible and it is also important that the person who comes to you can easily get to you, since now all entrances have combination locks, an intercom is required so that you can open the doors to your visitors.

From the point of view of the metaphysical teachings of Feng Shui, the front door determines what energy will enter your home.

If you initially fill your home with negative energy, you will have to work hard to correct the situation.

The front door is the main door in the house, and if it is strong, respectable and looks good, then the owner of such a house will prosper, and everyone who lives in this house will not feel financial difficulties.

Chi energy enters the house when the doors are opened and the flow is activated by people entering. In China, front doors were called “the mouth of the house,” through which both positive and negative energy enters the house.

In order for the door to fulfill its functions of protecting the household, I’m not afraid to repeat it, it must be strong, reliable, and visually attractive so that “Lady Luck” finds it and does not bypass it.

The main door should not be in line with the windows - this is a very unfortunate layout, since the favorable qi energy that enters the house will not linger in the house, but will immediately go out the window.

If there is a toilet opposite the front door, this is also not a good option. In Feng Shui there are means of correction, but they only soften the situation, but do not remove it completely. In this case, you can use screens and wind chimes.

The energy located near the front door is very badly affected by objects such as hospitals, cemeteries, churches. In places where these structures exist, yin energy dominates. Due to this, an imbalance of yin and yang energies occurs.

To protect the residents living behind these doors, you need to paint them red and make sure that there is more than enough lighting, such precautions will even out the yang energy, which will help even out the yin-yang balance.

To achieve a harmonious flow of life, the front door should not be cluttered with any cabinets, boxes or other rubbish, and the doors should not rest against the wall.

And besides, if the stairs from the doors go to the basement and go up, this is bad Feng Shui. All these options will cause interference in the lives of the inhabitants of such apartments.

As you understood from the previous example, bright light carries yang energy, and it will compensate for the negative aspects of yin energy.

It is important that in front of the front door there are no “threatening arrows” in the form of a sharp corner of the roof or the corner of the house, as well as a road directed directly at the house (most often this can be found at the wrong intersection). To determine all this, you need to go outside and very carefully examine the surrounding objects.

In addition, a lonely tree standing right in front of the door will bring you a lot of trouble. This fact brings with it loneliness and the absence of children, but if there are a lot of trees, then this will not follow.

If nothing is done against “poisoned arrows,” this will lead to a whole bunch of difficulties, namely, illness, quarrels, failures and financial losses.

The presence of a sharp bend in the road or the edge of an overpass facing the house also has an effect.

If it is not possible to eliminate these threatening objects, then Feng Shui comes in with its tricks.

Of course, this is a lot of work, but it is necessary, and if you do everything necessary to protect yourself from the harmful effects of Sha energy, then life will adequately reward you.

Entrance doors to the apartment

Your home begins with the door, and what kind of door you have will judge you as a person. The door is the link between you and the world in which you live, so the door must be special.

Firstly, it must be clean. Secondly, she must be attractive. Also, the door should be well lit, the apartment number should be clearly visible.

It is important that visitors who come to you can reach you by phone. The bell or intercom must be accessible and clearly visible. Door locks and handles must be in good working order.

It is advisable to choose the color of the door in accordance with the side of the world to which it faces. All objects located around the front door must be harmonized according to the elements.

Feng Shui doors

How to correctly determine the compass direction of a door?

You need to stand with your back to the door, in front of you will be the part of the world towards which your door is oriented.

Each compass direction affects the doors and carries a certain energy influence.

A door oriented to the northwest is good for the owner of the family, the main man of the house. This direction contributes to the development of leadership qualities in the owner of the house, promoting a respectful and trusting attitude towards him.

A door facing north brings a relaxed lifestyle to the people living in the house. But there is a big disadvantage in this direction; it causes excessive calm, turning into apathy, and the further it goes, the worse. As a result, alienation occurs among all family members. If you want to solve the problem, hang a small crystal in the hallway and paint the doors ocher yellow or brown.

Entrance doors facing northeast bring big changes - this is suitable for young couples who are engaged in self-education. External forces will greatly influence and lead to constant changes.

Doors oriented to the east are also favorable for young people who want to start their careers and develop as individuals. This is the direction of businessmen and merchants.

For those wishing to improve their financial situation, the southeast direction of the door is suitable. You will achieve results gradually, and there will be prosperity and peace in the family.

A door facing south orients the owner of the house towards an active life position and encourages him to strive for fame and recognition. But you need to be careful, otherwise a very tense environment may be created, which will lead to quarrels in the family. To do this, you need to bring in the element of water to moderate the fire.

A door facing southwest is considered most favorable for the mother of the family. This direction promotes harmonious family relationships, with the only drawback being that the role of the mother will become dangerously dominant. To harmonize relationships, you need to add a tree element.

A door facing west is good for families with small children. This direction gives impetus to the creative development of children. The direction also promotes sensual and romantic relationships, which can lead to excessive expenses. Adding the earth element will bring stability.

Door compass directionFavorable colorsUnfavorable colors (taboo)
Black, blue, red.
Door facing northWhite, black, blue.Yellow, brown, green.
Red, brown, yellow.White, green.
Door facing eastBlue, black, green.White.
Blue, black, green.White.
Door facing southGreen, red.Black blue.
Red, brown, yellow.White, green.
Door facing westWhite, silver, golden.Black, blue, red.

Front door color

Depending on the compass direction, the color of the door is very important.

If you need to enhance the influence of the direction, then the door in the southwest direction should be painted red to emphasize stability; if family harmony is important to you, then the color should be yellow or brown.

Situations change and accordingly the doors can be repainted according to need, taking into account the spawning cycle.

Doors facing west and northwest should be metallic in color, namely white, silver and gold. Brown and yellow colors can be used for support. Black, blue and red colors cannot be used.

The door facing north should be painted white, black and blue. Yellow, brown and green colors cannot be used.

If the door faces southwest and northeast, yellow and brown will be the most suitable colors, additional colors are orange and red. White and green colors cannot be used.

For the east and southeast directions, blue, black and green are used. Avoid white.

A door facing south should be painted green or red. You cannot paint doors black and blue, and to a lesser extent brown and yellow.

Drawing on the door

Door compass directionDoor colorDrawing on the door
Door facing northwest
Door facing north
Door facing northeast
Door facing east
Door facing southeast
Door facing south
Door facing southwest
Door facing west

The shape of the pattern on the doors is in accordance with five elements:

ElementDirectionElemental drawing
MetalWest, northwest
EarthNortheast, southwest
TreeSoutheast, east

Strengthen the door facing north with water symbols, and add a metal symbol for support and strength.

The front door facing southeast and east should be supported by wood symbols for development and growth, and add a water symbol for renewal and purification.

A door facing south must be reinforced with symbols of fire, for the vigor and liveliness of the inhabitants of the house. Additionally, you can use tree symbols.

If the door faces northeast and southwest, then the symbol of earth will give stability. For added stability, add a fire symbol.

A door facing northwest and west, then the metal symbols will give it strength and strength. The additional symbol here is earth.

Due to the functions the door performs, it should in no case be glass. It must be strong and continuous. Naturally, the front door should be the largest in the house. In height it should be higher than the largest member of the family, only in this case it will be comfortable.

From the point of view of Feng Shui masters, the door should open into the house, if this is not the case, then you can change the hinges and do the opposite.

If the door is framed on both sides by windows, then the windows should be curtained and it is advisable to have potted flowers on the window sills.

The best option is when the door is hung from the nearest wall of the house, thus increasing the hallway space. If you do it the other way around, then the person who enters finds himself momentarily in a confined space, which is not very pleasant.

The front door should not be installed opposite the “back door”, if the situation is still this, the qi energy will rush through the house and leave it like a whirlwind. To revive the situation, you need to place mirrors and all kinds of decorative fences and screens in the way.

If it is not possible to erect objects that would impede the movement of qi, then you can simply hang curtains on the “back door” door, not necessarily heavy ones, the main thing is that it has an attractive appearance.

When you walk into someone's house and a corner of a closet, or just a corner, gets in your way, it doesn't make a very good impression. It would be great to decorate this place with a plant or a decorative screen.

Doors of a private house

In a private house there is only one entrance door. The same rules apply to her.

Firstly, it must be clean.

Secondly, it must be reliable, with working locks and handles.

Thirdly, she must be attractive, otherwise Lady Luck is unlikely to visit you.

The advantage of one entrance door is that Qi energy will immediately enter your home.

I think it won’t be superfluous if I repeat that, regarding the entrance door to a private house, the house number should be clearly visible.

The path should not crash into the doors like an arrow; if nothing can be changed immediately, then you can place flowerpots with plants along the edges of the path, they will soften the blow of harmful energy.

Doors should be well lit. Intercoms and bells must be clearly visible and accessible.

Sincerely, Stolbunets Lydia

Feng Shui does not help a person in material life - says Alexander Anishchenko, head of the Russian Feng Shui Academy. This teaching is part of the Taoism religion, and the task of any religion is to help a person grow spiritually. Feng Shui helps to organize space so that it gives a person additional energy, which can be directed, among other things, to obtaining material benefits.

In Feng Shui, life energy is called qi. Feng Shui books have thousands of rules on how to attract chi into your home. In this article we will talk about how to choose from the point of view of this philosophy, because it is through them that qi enters the house.

Doors to the house and feng shui

The height of the opening should be sufficient for all family members. According to Feng Shui, the entrance steel door in an apartment should be larger than the interior doors. Choose a rectangular canvas; arched structures should be avoided.

What is in front and behind the threshold also matters. Columns and pillars in front of the entrance are undesirable. This slows down and blocks the flow of qi. To prevent energy from stopping at the threshold, keep the hallway clean. Remove clutter and excess furniture. It’s good if the hallway is light. So, if there is no window, turn on the lights more often.

These rules are understandable even to a person far from feng shui. They are dictated by the comfort and safety of residents. The following recommendations cannot be explained rationally, but followers of the teaching are confident that they work.

Door energy according to Feng Shui for careerists

In Feng Shui encyclopedias, much attention is paid to the choice of the location of the entrance group. These tips will be useful if you decide to buy a new home.

  • If professional recognition is important to you, pay attention to the southern direction. This option is also suitable for active, purposeful people.
  • Also, for those whose aspirations are related to their career, the eastern location of the door is favorable.
  • For those who dream of financial well-being, the southeastern direction is favorable.
  • If you strive to gain knowledge, the northeast direction will be conducive to this. But this location of the entrance group is not always good for older people.

Favorable location of the entrance door for those whose priority is family and children

  • The western direction is favorable for families with children. Feng Shui experts believe that the chi energy that enters the house from the west contributes to the proper development of children.
  • If you strive for harmony and happiness in your family, choose the southwestern direction.
  • North-west is the direction of the head of the family. This way the flow of energy will be directed towards him. This location is suitable for families with a traditional lifestyle.
  • If you dream of a calm, measured life, choose an apartment facing north. But there is a risk that the calm flow of life will turn into indifference.

What should those who already live in an apartment whose door is located in the wrong direction do? Its location cannot be changed. But the good thing about the teaching of Feng Shui is that there are other ways to influence the flow of qi energy.

The color of the front door if they are facing south or north

According to Feng Shui, color can enhance positive factors and neutralize negative ones. Therefore, it is important to coordinate the color of the door with the direction:

South. Patron of fire. Direction is associated with fame. To enhance the effect of positive energy, paint the canvas red, yellow, green or brown. This will contribute to recognition in the professional environment and increased popularity.

North. Patron of water. The direction is responsible for the career. For a door that faces north, cold and contrasting shades are suitable: blue, white and black. Avoid yellow, green and brown shades.

Door color if it faces east or west

East or southeast. Patron tree. Responsible for financial well-being. Suitable colors are blue, black and green.

Southwest or northeast. The direction is patronized by the earth. Responsible for relationships. Use all shades of yellow, brown, orange.

West or northwest. Here the element is metal, so all shades of metal are suitable: bronze, silver, gold. Direction promotes the development of creative abilities.

In the pursuit of happiness and success, all methods are good. Try to put these tips into practice. Moreover, the rules of Feng Shui do not contradict common sense.

Feng Shui entrance door

The life force energy circulating in the Universe brings wealth and prosperity to every person living on earth. The door to the outside is of great importance in the process of energy circulation. It is through this that positive Qi energy passes into the house. In this regard, there should be quite a lot of open space in front for the accumulation of energy and there should be no obstacles to its passage. Energy constantly accumulates near the front door, and people entering and leaving cause it to circulate.

Negative Sha energy can be carried into the house by gutters, any sharp corners, as well as satellite dishes, lamp posts directed towards the front door.

Entrance door and feng shui

A beautiful front door will bring happiness and prosperity. It will attract more harmony into your life, and the Feng Shui symbols used will reflect any negative energy from your home.

Hanging lanterns located above the front door will be good protectors of your home from unfavorable energy and, in addition, will be able to perfectly illuminate the entrance in front of the door. Most importantly, do not forget to change the light bulbs on time if they burn out.

The front door is designed to protect the home, so it must be strong and solid. It is not recommended to have a glass door.

Windows on the sides of the door - bad feng shui

It is advisable that the front door to the house opens inwards - then it will let in favorable energy. It is better to put the hinges on the other side and hang it if it opens outwards.

If there are windows next to the front door on both sides, then the energy entering the house through the door will immediately exit through the windows, bypassing the entire house. Plants in pots on the windowsill, blinds or curtains on the windows will correct this deficiency. With this simple technique you will consolidate positive energy in your home.

The size of the front door is important. A very large one will create financial difficulties, and a small one will lead to conflicts and discord in the family. In this regard, the door should be of medium size. And one more important point: the door should open well and easily. Warped doors that have to be lifted to close and creaking doors block the flow of beneficial Chi energy, which will have adverse consequences for the entire house or apartment.

Unfavorable location of the entrance door

Glass door - bad feng shui

If you have just started choosing a home, it is important to consider that having the front door directly opposite the bathroom is extremely unfavorable. According to Feng Shui, the bathroom plays the role of a place through which energy leaves the house. In this case, the energy, having entered the house, immediately leaves through the sewer pipes. Constant energy losses can lead to residents constantly feeling apathetic and exhausted, and financial well-being will also not last long. You can correct the situation by hanging a shiny one between the front door and the bathroom door. It will reflect energy from the bathroom door, and also dissipate it further throughout the house.

It is considered unfavorable if the main entrance door and the door leading to the patio are located opposite each other. In this case, energy quickly flows through the house without stopping, and does not have time to have a beneficial effect on the entire house. You can improve the situation by placing a round table, a decorative lattice or large flowers in a pot in the path of energy flow.

What influences the direction of the front door of a house?

Qi Gate is what Feng Shui calls the front door. There is a certain relationship between the direction of the front door and the energy entering it.

A north-facing door helps create a peaceful lifestyle. However, if excessive calm has turned into apathy and mutual indifference, then you can paint the door brown or hang a small crystal right in the hallway.

An entrance door that faces northwest will favor the leadership of the eldest man in the family living in the house (grandfather, father of the family) and respect for him by the rest of the family.

In the northeast direction, residents will be exposed to active external forces. This direction is suitable for young people who have a desire to learn, experience and receive an education.

White door for north direction

With the east direction of the door, energy will come that will promote career and business success. This is the best direction for the front door.

For those who feel the need to improve their current financial situation, Feng Shui masters recommend the southeastern direction of the front door as the most conducive to achieving this goal. Prosperity and well-being will slowly but surely enter the house.

A door facing south will promote active social activities, and the incoming energy will bring glory to the residents of the house. But its excessive amount can lead to quarrels in the family. To moderate the strength of fire in this direction, try to add symbols of the element of water to it.

If you use the “compass method”, then in the southwest there is the Feng Shui zone of Marriage and Love. The front door, located in the southwest, will become the main source of love energy and will contribute to strong and family relationships.

The door of the western direction and its incoming energy are favorable for families with small children. This energy will contribute to fairly rapid creative development. The Western direction is directly related to tender, romantic feelings. But excessive romantic interests can lead to large expenses. Then you need to add a little stability in the form of the earth element.

What color should the front door be according to Feng Shui?

Oddly enough, the color of the front door also has a direct impact on the life of the owners of the house. According to the teachings of Feng Shui, brown color can bring harmony to the family, while reddish shades will add stability.

It is also preferable to choose the color of the front door depending on the direction of the world.

Thus, metallic shades are recommended for entrance doors facing west and northwest. It can be white with a golden or silver tint. If the front door of your home is located in these directions, try to avoid using blue, red and black colors.

For entrance doors in the northern direction, white, blue or black is desirable, but brown and green are not recommended.

Brown shades are suitable for doors in the northeast and southwest direction; red or orange can be used as an additional color. Try to avoid green and white for doors in these directions.

The best colors for an east or southeast facing door would be green, blue or black, not white.

Mirror opposite the door

Red door for south direction

Experts call mirrors a panacea that can save you from many problems associated with the obstructed flow of energy; they can change, or at least have a beneficial effect on, the Feng Shui of your home.

However, in Feng Shui at home, a mirror cannot be placed opposite the door, as it will reflect favorable energy, preventing it from entering the house. There is a belief: if the front door is visible in the reflection of the mirror, then there will never be good luck in the house, and the owners will constantly be sick.

But it is still permissible to hang a small mirror if the apartment corridor is too small and cramped for free penetration of positive Qi energy into the house. The mirror in this case will create a visual sense of space. There is another solution to this problem - the use of round crystals. They will also visually enlarge the space and disperse Qi energy in the right directions.

What to do when it is no longer possible to change the placement of the door?

It’s good if you are just planning to build a house and can listen to advice. But if nothing can be changed, the house has already been built, and the layout of the apartment cannot be changed, what should you do then? The following will help reduce existing problems associated with the location of the front door: ordinary bells, “wind chimes” with 7, 8 or 9 tubes, a horseshoe hanging in semicircles upward, and bundles of coins. You can hang a crystal ball near the door under the ceiling, which will transform it into auspicious and dispel it.

According to Feng Shui, the front door is the most important place in the house. Through it, both positive energy and negative energy enter the house. Interior doors are also of particular importance. The correct placement of doors allows you to maintain a good atmosphere in the house. In this article we will look at how the front door should be located according to Feng Shui and how it should look.

Position and dimensions of the entrance door

According to Feng Shui, the entrance door should not be located to the side of the facade, but clearly in its center. It is important if there is a small porch in front of it, because it is in this part that energy accumulation will take place. It needs to be installed on the correct side of the world. According to Feng Shui rules, a doorway should only open into the building.

It is not recommended to install a narrow doorway. If it brings discomfort to the residents, then negative energy will constantly accumulate next to it. Choose doorways that allow even the largest guests to pass through safely.

Color spectrum

The color of the front door should depend on which side of the world it will be installed on. The direction should be determined using the main 5 elements of nature.

  1. The North-Western or Western side of the world implies the element Metal. To attract good luck, you should choose golden, silver or white doors.
  2. Water corresponds to the North side of the world, so blue or light blue shades are used in such directions.
  3. Fire characterizes the South direction, so preference should be given to red, green or orange colors.
  4. The element of wood corresponds to the Northeast or East. Green or brown color schemes should be used in such parts of the house.
  5. The element of earth, that is, South-West or North-East, implies the use of brown or yellow colors.

Toilet doorway

The toilet door is of significant importance in the Feng Shui system. You should not install it opposite the front door. It is believed that by doing this you will attract negativity and failure. Also, you should not place it in front of the living room, because... the owners will often be nervous and worried.

If you put the kitchen table towards the toilet, then you will constantly be haunted by problems with the digestive system.

The position of the toilet opposite the bedroom leads to restless sleep. You should not place an aquarium with fish next to the door to the toilet. On the one hand, such a talisman can bring financial independence, but its position near the toilet leads to troubles in the business sphere.

Rules for installing interior doors

According to Feng Shui, interior doors must comply with the same rules as entrance doors. That is, their color depends on the direction of the world. Decorative parts should be round in shape. They should be installed in such a way that they open into the room.

You should not install completely glass doors. It is believed that glass negatively affects a person’s life because a lot of good energy escapes through it. Do not place doorways at the same level as windows. They should be asymmetrical in relation to each other. Otherwise, well-being will rapidly flow out of your home.

Mirror installation

According to Feng Shui, it is forbidden to place mirrors in front of the front door. It is believed that you will drive positive energy away from the house. Mirrors begin to absorb all the good things that are reflected in them.

If you install mirrors opposite the front door or interior door, the health of the residents will significantly worsen. There may also be problems with finances, luck and success in your endeavors. It is best to place mirror surfaces on the side of the front door so that only the rooms of the house are reflected.

Neutralization of negativity

According to the rules of Feng Shui, bells should be hung above the door, which with their sound will remove negativity from the home.

If you decide to position the front door not according to Feng Shui, then you can neutralize the negative with the help of interior elements (you can place any pieces of furniture, even a sofa or shelf).

The door is an important part of your home. Through it, energy, both positive and negative, enters the house. Learn how to open the door to good things and keep bad things out of your home using Feng Shui.

Doors occupy a very important place in home design. According to Feng Shui, they are responsible for the circulation of energy flows. If the type and color of the door is chosen correctly, prosperity, happiness and good luck await the owners of the house.

How to choose a door according to Feng Shui

You should not skimp on purchasing an entrance door - it is considered the main element that regulates the movement of vital energy Qi. To prevent positive energy from leaving the room, it is better to choose a high-quality and massive door. And the correct choice of door color depending on the side of the world it faces will help to attract her into your home:

  • if the door faces the East side, it should be in green colors
  • if to the South - in red
  • for the North you need blue or black colors
  • yellow colors are suitable for the Western direction

So, you will follow the rules of the Circle of Creation and create a positive microclimate in your home.

According to Feng Shui, interior doors should differ from the front door in thickness and the presence of decorative elements. Their color scheme, like that of the entrance elements, depends on the sector of the house in which they are located.

How to attract wealth into your home using doors

To ensure that abundance does not leave your home, turn the door into a money talisman. According to Feng Shui it should be done this way. Inside the house, next to the door, hang a large mirror so that everyone who leaves or enters the room can see their reflection in it and leave a piece of positive energy, since unpleasant guests are rarely invited into the house. From the proximity to the front door, monetary energy will double and help reduce material difficulties, if any, in the house.

How to attract good luck according to Feng Shui

It is believed that doors in a house, even those located according to Feng Shui, will better attract good luck if musical bells, the so-called wind chimes, are hung above them.

Do not clutter the doors with boxes and all sorts of rubbish. This will interfere with the harmonious distribution of energy flow and may negatively affect the well-being of residents.

A sloppy door in a house can upset the Yin-Yang balance and attract evil and negative energy flows. This will cause people to have health problems and plans for the future may be ruined.

Remember that if it is impossible to replace old doors with new ones, then they can always be updated with the help of decor. To enhance the balance of different principles, it is recommended to paint the door red or install gold fittings. This will allow the Qi energy to dominate over the negative. Be healthy, happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

10.08.2015 00:50

All things in the house carry energy, which can be both positive and negative. Specialists...

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