Do-it-yourself front garden landscape design in front of the house. Front garden in front of the house - design ideas and tips on how to set up a front garden on your property correctly (160 photos) Front garden of perennial flowers

Living in a private house provides an opportunity to show your creativity to the fullest when decorating and improving your home and surrounding area. At the same time, one of the most successful options for decorating the territory on which the house is located is the use of green spaces. There are many options for how to design a front garden in front of your house; you can do this either independently or with the help of specialist designers.

There are several types of decorative elements in landscape design, each of which has its own characteristics and advantages. These include flower beds, ridges, flowerpots, front gardens and more. But, despite the fact that this word is familiar to many, not everyone can give an exact definition of what a front garden is. This can be called a fenced area located in front of a home. The entire formal appearance of the house will depend on how well this space is arranged, so it’s worth making some effort to create a beautiful look.

Externally, this design element is, as a rule, a rectangular area that occupies the space from the house to the road and is filled with ornamental plants. For this purpose, both herbaceous annuals and perennials, as well as shrubs and trees are used.

Types of front gardens

Depending on the type of fencing, its presence or absence, all front gardens are classified as follows:

  1. Closed type. Such a landscape element has a fence, so it may not be visible or partially visible from the road, depending on the type of fence and its height.
  2. Open type. This front garden can be observed not only from the local area, but also from the street. It consists of a path, flower beds, and a neatly trimmed lawn in front of the house.

Closed type of front garden
Open type front garden

In addition, depending on the style used, the front garden can be:

    • European look. Its main features are strict adherence to geometric lines and proportions; freethinking and free approach are not welcome. Also, this front garden most often does not have a massive hedge.

European look

  • Russian look. It must have a fence. The accuracy of the lines when placing all its components is not necessary; the main requirement is that when looking at the space in front of the house it pleases the eye.
  • In addition to the above-mentioned main directions, the design of the front garden can also be made in an oriental style. It is characterized by the presence of stones in the decor and coniferous plants, preferably dwarf forms. Ideally, such a site should resemble a traditional Japanese garden.

East style

  • A Mediterranean-type front garden implies the presence of flowers and sometimes trees growing in special containers. They can be arranged depending on the preferences of the homeowners. In addition, there may be other details - sculptures, lanterns. The main component of this design is the recreation area - benches, table, canopy.

Mediterranean type

  • If you want to be transported back to childhood, remembering a holiday in the village, then you can give preference to the rustic style. It must have a fence, and behind it a variety of flowering plants are planted, depending on the taste and preferences of the homeowner.
  • There is another option for designing a front garden in front of the house - in a romantic style. In this case, the decor includes arches, and plants are selected that will braid the fences and bloom beautifully and for a long time.

Romantic style

Advantages and disadvantages

The front area located in front of the home is very important in terms of appearance. When visiting a country house, this is the area that first catches your eye. Therefore, the closest attention should be paid to its improvement. A beautiful front garden is one of the best solutions in this situation.

The main advantage of this part of the landscape is its high degree of decorativeness. Regardless of the chosen style of execution, with a competent approach, the front garden can hide the shortcomings of the house, if any, and the advantageous aspects can, on the contrary, emphasize and decorate the area.

As for the disadvantages, the only one is the need to constantly maintain the condition of the area in front of the house in order. To do this, you should remove dried plants and falling leaves, water them in a timely manner, as well as loosen and, if necessary, weed the flower beds. However, all this pays off due to the high aesthetics of the created compositions.

Types of plants suitable for front gardens

Plants for the front part of the garden plot should be selected based on what style the owner wants to adhere to, as well as on the characteristics of the territory. If you need to create a front garden with your own hands in a limited area, then the main rule that should be followed is the competent distribution of all its elements. If you follow some simple tricks, a small area in front of your house can seem much more spacious.

One of the requirements for plants used in front of the house is that they must be selected in such a way as to ensure continuous flowering or decorativeness throughout the warm period. In addition, a beautiful front garden must not lose its attractive appearance in the fall, so you should choose some plants that have spectacular foliage colors in the fall, as well as enliven the area in winter with their appearance.

The selection of crops should also be carried out depending on the chosen style. For example, in a rustic style, sunflowers in combination with simple wildflowers, such as daisies, bells, and forget-me-nots, would be quite acceptable.

A romantic style will require an abundance of beautifully flowering crops, such as lilies, hydrangeas, and roses. Climbing plants, such as clematis, must also be available.

Color spectrum

Flowers in the front garden can have a wide variety of colors. This is especially true for the peasant style, where an abundance of different shades is welcome. The project may also imply execution in the same range, in accordance with which flowering crops are selected.

For example, if the style of the house and the area in front of it is more laconic, it is best to limit yourself to one or two similar shades. It should be remembered that cool colors - blue, cyan, lilac - visually expand the space. Warm colors - yellow, orange - give a feeling of illumination. This can be used if there is not enough sunlight in the area.

A prerequisite is the combination of the crops used with the overall ensemble - the color of the building, the fence. It is better to plant more modest varieties of flowers next to the bright walls of the house. You can decorate the front garden more brightly if the house is painted in neutral colors - white, gray, beige or the color of old wood.

When creating flower beds, various decorative elements are often used. These could be stones, figurines,…

Which crops to choose for planting

Most often, annual and perennial herbaceous plants are used to arrange the area in front of the home. However, shrubs and even trees are no less widely used. In addition, varieties of suitable grasses are taken to create lawns.

You can plant a wide variety of flowers in flower beds - it all depends on the chosen style and taste of the owners. It is worth remembering that in a small space, crops with small flowers and leaves will look better. Large-flowered varieties should be planted if there is sufficient space. Climbing crops require support, so they are placed next to walls, fences, and arches.

Shrubs are no less popular. The most common are barberries, honeysuckle, acacia, rose hips, spirea, and mock orange. It is worth noting that in addition to decorative types of shrubs - lilac, mock orange - fruit and berry crops are also considered very popular. A do-it-yourself front garden, in which you can see currants, rose hips, and hawthorn, will look equally good in the spring when the leaves and flowers are blooming, and in the fall. Some types of shrubs can make excellent hedges by planting them a short distance apart and trimming them regularly.

As a rule, there shouldn’t be a lot of trees in the area in front of the house, but they are used to mark accents and draw attention to a certain point. You can use both deciduous and coniferous species. The latter will look most impressive when planted singly and formed either in the form of a ball or in the form of a column. At the same time, the design of the front garden often occurs due to dwarf coniferous trees.

Separately, it is worth noting the use of lawn and ornamental grasses. When sowing a lawn, you need to choose seeds in accordance with its purpose. If you plan to use the lawn for walking, it is recommended to select grass that is resistant to trampling. In addition to lawns, there are also herbaceous plants that have decorative foliage and are used for planting in flower beds and garden beds. The most common are hostas, ferns, heucheras, and some cereal grasses.

An important design detail is the fencing.

If the question arises of how to decorate the front garden in addition to the main method - selecting and planting plants, you should pay attention to its fence. It can be either completely decorative or simply fence off the area from the external territory. There are several types of fencing, depending on the materials used for its manufacture.

  • Fences for, stone, metal, wood. A simple fence made of corrugated sheets or bricks will not be aesthetically pleasing. If you want to choose a metal fence, it is better to give preference to a forged fence with gaps.
  • A wooden picket fence is a classic when arranging the front part of a site. Its parameters allow you to create a barrier and at the same time see the area in front of the house. As for color, you can limit yourself to the natural color of wood, traditional blue, white. You can also paint the fence a brighter shade.

  • If the question arises of how to decorate a front garden in an oriental style, you can lay out a low fence of stones, which will not protect against penetration, but will be an excellent decoration.
  • Another option for fencing is a hedge. To create it, plants are selected that have a dense crown and can withstand regular pruning. They are planted next to each other and are constantly pruned as they grow. As a result, over a certain period of time, a dense hedge is obtained that is highly decorative.

How to design a front garden - rules

To make this area look really beautiful and pleasing to the eye, a creative approach to design will not be enough. It is necessary to take into account some rules, the observance of which will make the area located in front of the home truly attractive and cozy.

The first thing you need to know is such a concept as composition. It implies the correct and harmonious arrangement of objects on the territory. To know how to decorate a front garden with your own hands, you first need to focus on building the right composition. In it, in turn, one central element is selected, called the focal point - it is around it that the rest of the ensemble will be created.

The central element, which is a prominent bush, tree or sculpture, in turn, should not be alone - this will disrupt the harmony. Around the focal point you should place other, smaller elements that will prevent it from standing out too much and create the necessary background. Additional details include flower beds, grasses, borders, and other bushes with contrasting flowers or leaves. It is important that the focal element is different from the rest of the components and primarily attracts the eye.

Do-it-yourself front garden - some ideas for creating

To achieve the desired effect, you can resort to certain design solutions that will help cope with a number of shortcomings and show the house in the best light. For example, if there is a lawn in front of the home, then it is preferable to place flowers and shrubs next to the house, along the walls and in front of the entrance. At the same time, climbing plants will look good in the background, and it is better to place flowers in flower beds in front of them. You can additionally place flowerpots with flowers on the porch.

The question of how to decorate a front garden with your own hands may also arise if the area in front of your home is very small. In this case, you should resort to some tricks that will help visually increase the space. One of them is to use plants with smaller flowers and leaves, as well as lighter colors. This approach allows you to add additional volume to the territory.

Another way is to use climbing plants on the walls of the house as a background for the rest of the flower garden. This technique also expands the visually available space, making it deeper and richer.

Additional decorative elements

The design of the front garden, in addition to plants and fencing, allows you to use other decorative details. One of them is paths and paths. Correctly and beautifully executed, they can create an unusual or calming atmosphere and complement the overall composition. A path running along the lawn will look especially relevant. If it is long, it is better to make several bends and plant flowering plants on the sides to distract attention.

Other details widely used in the decoration of front gardens are sculptures. They can be stone, wood, clay. The main thing is not to overdo it with their quantity. In addition, you can use lamps, especially to illuminate the path at night. Stones are no less popular in decorating a site - they will allow you to designate an accent in a certain place.

Figures of animals and fairy-tale characters can also be used in the construction and decoration of the front garden. They can be purchased at the store, or you can make them yourself. In addition, low fences are used for decoration, designed to separate one zone from another.

To make and decorate a front garden with your own hands, you need to make some effort and be creative. As a result, the house and the space in front of it will bloom with bright colors and will delight the owners and their guests.

Landscape design should cover the entire site, so when designing the main territory, pay attention to the space near the residential building. The front garden in front of the house will become the owners’ calling card, from which they can get an idea of ​​the rest of the landscape design picture. Information about ways to design a flower garden, options for planting and decorating ideas will help when landscaping your own front garden at home.

Types of front gardens

It is impossible to list all the possible design options for a front garden. To understand the variety of species, a conditional classification of flower beds will help. Open and closed flower beds are distinguished by shape. The open one has no fencing, except for a low curb. As a rule, visibility is possible from all sides. Often filled with compact plants that look especially elegant against the backdrop of a mowed lawn.

Enclosed front gardens are distinguished by the presence of a hedge. They can be located between the house and the main fence or be placed outside the fence and additionally decorated with a low fence. Often tall plants are present in a closed flower garden.

There is also another approach to the design of a front garden, which is conventionally divided into Russian and European. In the first case, the composition of the flower garden is revealed at its best when viewed from the window and is primarily intended for the owners. The European approach to landscape design is focused on passersby. The beauty of the front garden is directed outward.

Another difference between Russian and European composition is the manner of planting and selection of plants. In the first case, the front garden looks more natural, it uses plants familiar to our latitudes, and requires less care. A European-style flower garden is a standard of style and elegance, where every blade of grass in landscape design knows its place.

Preference is given to evergreen plants, which maintain the attractiveness of the front garden all year round.

Design methods

It is not at all necessary to strictly adhere to one or another design method in landscape design. When choosing the type of front garden, they are guided by the location and configuration of the house, the proximity of the main fence and other factors. Here are some design examples:

Various options for front garden design in landscape design are presented in the photo:

Design style

The opinion that plants in the front garden are planted chaotically, without a specific concept, is wrong. Landscape design methods offer many styles, among which you can choose the direction that best suits your own worldview about harmony and aesthetics.

Advice! When determining the design style of the flower garden in front of the house, it is recommended to maintain compatibility with the rest of the landscape design of the site and the architectural concept of the buildings.

Rural style

The reason for purchasing a country plot is often the desire to become closer to nature and move away from the bustle of the metropolis. The front garden and the rest of the landscape design with traditional village elements will help you immerse yourself in the atmosphere of naturalness as much as possible. A characteristic feature of a flower garden with an emphasis on rural themes is a certain touch of sloppiness. There are no clearly defined lines, rigor or pretentiousness here.

For decoration, choose perennial flowering plants that are undemanding in care. A low fence looks relevant. This could be a wicker fence or a picket fence. The rural style of landscape design is the optimal solution for decorating a front garden with your own hands.

East direction

The direct opposite of a rural flower bed is a flower garden with a touch of oriental style. As a rule, these are rockeries or other forms of front gardens, complemented by stones and artificial ponds. Characteristic design features:

  • The lines of the landscape design are arbitrary, but there is clarity in the configuration. There is no place for chaos here.
  • Preference is given to laconic forms. The flowers are selected to be medium-sized, without bright colors.
  • Evergreen plants of dwarf species are extremely in demand for decoration.
  • Stones are used as fencing.

The originality of oriental motifs is demonstrated by the front garden in the photo below:

Mediterranean atmosphere

A feature of landscape design, which declares the Mediterranean style, is mobility. The front garden is decorated by planting flowers in pots and tubs, which can be easily moved to another place.

Mediterranean style is distinguished by brightness and variety of decorative elements. Here you can find a comfortable chaise lounge for an afternoon rest or wicker chairs with a table. Plants are chosen with lush greenery or bright blooms. Often the use of wooden trellises entwined with vines. A comfortable stay in such an environment will be ensured.

Democratic modernity

There are no special restrictions when decorating a front garden in a modern style. Experiments in planting new plant varieties are encouraged here. For example, European larch and boxwood will look organic, and natural stones will not be out of place. If desired, you can build an alpine slide.

The landscape design of the front garden with a touch of modernity necessarily includes neat paths lined with paving slabs. From the outside, this design resembles a small corner of a decorative park.

Hints of romance

A conversation about a romantic atmosphere in landscape design invariably evokes associations with exquisite roses. When decorating a front garden, mostly bright plants with beautiful flowering are used. The fencing material used varies, but the most stylish look is a low wrought-iron fence with openwork elements.

An arch entwined with climbing plants will effectively complement the atmosphere of a front garden in a romantic style. Their varieties will be discussed further.

Front garden design

Any landscape design object requires preliminary design. Before starting to design a flower garden, they draw up a plan, the main points of which cover the following points:

  • Dimensions and configuration of the front garden.
  • Design style.
  • In accordance with the chosen direction of landscape design, a suitable set of plants is determined.
  • A planting sketch is drawn up, which takes into account the height of the vegetation and the flowering period.
  • When using bushes, they stop at low specimens, not exceeding the base of the house.
  • If the front garden is located on the side of the house without windows, you can plant compact pyramidal trees.
  • A bright accent will add harmony to the landscape design. It could be an exotic flower or a decorative figure.

Attention! In order for the front garden to develop fully, plants with identical growing conditions are selected. First of all, this concerns the requirements for illumination and soil characteristics. There are no restrictions regarding the growth rate.

At the final stage, they consider the need for fencing and the material for decoration. Naturally, the style of landscape design is taken into account.

Flowers and plants

The front garden is, first of all, a kingdom of flowers, which can be supplemented with shrubs, trees or succulents if desired. Therefore, we will dwell on flowering plants in more detail. In order for the flower garden to illuminate the landscape design with bright colors throughout the warm season, it is recommended to select plants with different flowering periods for its design. The proposed grouping will make it easier to complete the front garden.

Spring primroses

After a dull winter, primroses, most of which are represented by bulbous plants, will enliven the area in front of the house. Suitable for landscape design:

  • Snowdrops and blueberries. They will delight you with flowering in late March - early April. It is recommended to plant near bushes.
  • Crocuses.
  • They bloom almost simultaneously with snowdrops and are valued in landscape design for their varied colors. There are no restrictions on the choice of location in the front garden. Muscari is considered a relative of hyacinth.
  • In landscape design they find their place along the border and in an alpine hill. They reproduce independently with the help of children.
  • Vesennik will add sunlight to the front garden, which will color the area near the house with bright yellow blooms. Prefers shaded places. Looks impressive in a rocky composition. After the primroses comes the daffodil.
  • Depending on the variety, the front garden will sparkle with white and yellow flowers. Frost-resistant periwinkle

will decorate a landscape design area. In addition to its decorative function, it is used as a remedy to combat hypertension and vascular spasms.

Comment! Primroses are short in stature, so it is recommended to plant them in the foreground in the front garden.

Spring-summer set

  • When spring moves from a cool stage to a warmer period and approaches summer, the following plants are used for landscape design:
  • Adonis. The main requirement is fertile soil that tolerates well-lit and shaded areas of landscape design.
  • In the sun, short alyssum will sparkle with purple hues. Does not like waterlogged soil and needs good drainage.
  • The unpretentiousness of bergenia will be appreciated in a front garden with a rustic style of landscape design. The plant survives without replanting for 10 years.
  • Landscape design will benefit from decorating the front garden with hyacinths. Thanks to the variety of bright shades, an exquisite composition can bloom in a flower garden. But the flower is quite capricious, afraid of frost, winds and does not tolerate excessively wet soil.
  • Primrose can create a colorful carpet in the front garden. The main condition for full development is fertile soil and sufficient moisture.
  • Violet is characterized by similar growing conditions.
  • The peony has royal luxury. Landscape design will be enriched not only with lush flowering, but also with the pleasant aroma of flowers in the front garden.
  • The delphinium looks extremely impressive in the front garden. If the landscape design does not have enough colors, then flowers in pink, lilac and white shades will successfully eliminate the problem. You just need to take care of high-quality soil fertilization.

The competent design of the front garden in front of the house is shown in the photo:

Summer palette

Summer is the richest season for bright colors in landscape design. To enjoy the lush flowering of the front garden in front of the house, be sure to take into account the climatic conditions of the region when choosing plants. Possible solutions:

  • The orchid's relatives, the irises, will delight you with their exquisite inflorescences. Flowers are resilient in the harsh conditions of northern summer.
  • June is the finest hour for cornflowers. The beauty of flowers will be ideally revealed in the rural style of landscape design.
  • Lilies, the variety of varieties and colors of which are difficult to list, look no less impressive in the front garden.
  • Among the perennial plants that grow successfully in cool-climate landscapes, Fischer's clove and echinacea deserve attention.
  • Delicate inflorescences of cornflower will decorate the front garden in June.
  • Basilisk requires regular watering. It will add yellow, hot pink and white shades to the landscape design.
  • Astilbe requires similar growing conditions in the front garden. The flowering period occurs in mid-July.
  • Pelargonium blooms for an incredibly long time. The front garden will be filled with its flowering from June until the first frost. The only condition for maintaining beauty is timely fertilization of the soil.
  • Unpretentiousness and shade tolerance are characteristic of loosestrife.

Attention! The rapid growth of the flower creates a threat to nearby plants in the front garden. Therefore, it is given enough space in landscape design; the reproduction process needs to be controlled.

Among the annuals you can choose marigolds, begonia, calendula, and matthiola. Petunia, snapdragon, salvia, purslane, and lobelia will ensure long flowering for the front garden.

climbing plants

Climbing plants can create a beautiful backdrop in a compact front garden or decorate the romantic atmosphere of landscape design. The presented species are very popular among flower growers due to their high decorativeness and ease of care:

  • Clematis. Designing an arch or trellis is a common landscaping technique using clematis. The plant loves well-lit areas protected from the wind. It may die if the temperature in winter drops below -15 o C. There are many shades and shapes of the flower that can decorate the front garden.
  • In warm regions, wisteria will add sophistication to landscape design.
  • It is impossible to imagine a romantic landscape design style without a climbing rose. During cold weather, the plant needs shelter.
  • Unpretentiousness and high decorativeness in the autumn season are characteristic of maiden grapes.
  • Landscape design will be transformed with attractive morning glory, which is undemanding in care. Blue, purple, white and pinkish flowers will be a worthy decoration of the front garden.

Examples of front garden design and harmonious landscape design in the photo:

Autumn colors

In order for the front garden to retain the attractiveness of the landscape design for as long as possible, it is recommended to use plants whose flowering period occurs in autumn. The choice of one type or another depends on the experience of the gardener and the time he is willing to spend on care. Some specimens are unpretentious, others need careful care.

Design options:

  • Gladiolus can be called the king of autumn. The richest assortment of varieties will allow you to fill the landscape design of your front garden with a wide palette of colors. But the regal flower requires close attention in its care.
  • Yarrow. Multicolor and resistance to adverse weather conditions are the outstanding advantages of the plant.
  • Chrysanthemum is not inferior in decorativeness and variety of colors. The landscape design will be illuminated with the splendor of colors, the flowering is long-lasting and can withstand even slight frosts.
  • Variegated asters, which do not require special knowledge in floriculture, can support the concept of a rural front garden style.
  • Colchicum is also unpretentious; low flowers occupy the foreground in landscape design.

In addition to flowers, the front garden is decorated with shrubs, compact trees and evergreens. Honeysuckle guarantees beautiful flowering and subsequent blue or red fruits. But to maintain a neat appearance in landscape design, the plant requires regular pruning. Barberry looks impressive. Among the evergreen representatives of the flora, boxwood, juniper, thuja, and dwarf pine are in demand in landscape design.

Comment! When there is very little space for a front garden, the local area will be decorated with succulents planted in pots that are raised on a stand for a better view.

Fencing options

A fence for the front garden is designed to give the composition near the house a complete look. There are many design options in landscape design. The type of fencing is chosen taking into account the location of the building and environmental conditions. A flower garden with a low fence looks most impressive. The material depends on the style of landscape design. Here are some current examples:

  • A picket fence or wicker fence will organically complement the rural direction of landscape design. The service life depends on timely care. But even with short-term use, replacement will not be a problem due to its affordable cost.
  • Forged fencing looks elegant and sophisticated in landscape design. The high price is compensated by a long service life. Suitable for modern and romantic style.
  • Admirers of the East should pay attention to the stone fence of the front garden.

It is not always possible to install a low fence so that not only the owners, but also passers-by can admire the beauty of the front garden. Sometimes you have to use a secure fence. A row of trees will help hide the structure in the landscape design. In this case, the decorative function is often performed by evergreen specimens.

Decorating ideas

Decorative objects are designed to add even more attractiveness to landscape design. Certain elements are selected depending on the size of the front garden. It would be useful to equip a large area with a neat path. Lighting will help extend the opportunity to admire the composition in the evening.

It is advisable to choose low lanterns with streams directed directly at the front garden, which will not dazzle the eyes. Small statues, beautiful flowerpots, or hand-made figures made from tires and plastic bottles are used as decorative objects. It all depends on the style of landscape design.

There are countless options for designing a front garden. When planning, the location of the house relative to the fence, free space, and the style of the rest of the landscape design matter. Taking into account all factors will help to organize a harmonious front garden that will remain attractive for a long period.

Everyone has heard the word “front garden” almost since childhood. It means a small, fenced garden in front of the building, which is always visible.

Therefore, in order for the part of the garden in front of the house to always look well-groomed and neat, it is necessary to approach its design responsibly. When laying out a front garden, you need to take into account many details, think over the overall beautiful design, take care of the arrangement of garden furniture, miniature fountains, and perhaps a small playground.

Thus, decorating a front garden is a great way to develop your design skills and gain indispensable experience in planning a yard area.

The design of a local area always begins with the front garden, which sets the tone for the entire composition. In this case, it is necessary to take into account all the wishes of the customer, as well as correctly plan the size of the site. The size should not be noticeably larger than the size of the house. Ideally, the area allocated for the palisade is no more than 2/3 the size of the home. The base and bushes near the walls should be the same in height.

If we look at the outline of the front garden, it looks like a lawn with a path leading to the front door. The perimeter can be decorated with trees and other tall plants.

When planning, the following characteristics are taken into account:

  • ergonomics. The territory should not only be pleasing to the eye, but also be useful. So, here you can place a compact recreation area. If there are children in the family, then they will probably like the swings and a couple of small slides. You can plan parking for cars and bicycles without compromising the overall integrity of the lawn;
  • needs of planted plants. This factor must be taken into account when choosing the location of the front garden, because different plants require special conditions;
  • rational use of free space. There are landscape techniques that visually increase the size of the site. Neat evergreen bushes, as well as well-groomed roses at the entrance to the site will perfectly decorate the interior. Climbing ornamental plants that take up little space add special coziness to the front garden. It is also important to determine the “focus point” - an exotic flower or shrub of an unusual shape, which will focus the attention of everyone entering the area.

In order for the appearance of the palisade to be ideal, you need to equip it with additional decorative elements. In terms of location, gardens can be located in the courtyard or in front of the house.

The location of the front garden in the courtyard will be an excellent solution if there is a noisy roadway next to the house. The fence will reduce the level of noise and dust coming from the road.

In this case, the area must be fenced. The palisade smoothly transitions into the main part of the local area, so you need to carefully consider their unified style. Plants planted in pots or flower beds should be harmoniously combined with plantings throughout the area.

The area in front of the house is the first thing that catches your eye when approaching the site. You can observe the beauty of flowers and shrubs not only from the window, but also from the street. Perfectly trimmed lawns, original shrubs and well-groomed hedges will tell about the good taste and efforts made by the owners of the house.

This type of front garden is usually chosen for decorating summer cottages or small village houses.

If there is practically no space for a front garden, then you can arrange a so-called “formal” area under the windows. In this case, the garden consists of small flower pots placed under the window and near the front door. Here it is very important to think about the color combination of the planted plants, as well as the shape and size of the pots.

Don’t be upset if the area in front of the house is very small, because it can be made beautiful and impressive by correctly placing accents. A wicker fence with a small gate and a low wooden fence will allow you to arrange a miniature courtyard in a peasant style.

There are several most popular types of front garden designs. The design of this zone should be based on the preferences of the owners of the house, as well as on the initial data of the area.

Front garden design options:

  • European style. In this case, the front garden has strict geometric outlines with clear proportions. A free approach to design is not encouraged here. Massive fences and large-flowering plants are not appropriate. The layout must be carefully planned; frivolous, ill-conceived details should not be allowed;
  • Russian style involves the use of natural materials. This is wood in all its forms, straw in wicker furniture, stone and lush vegetation. Such a front garden must have a fencing structure, preferably in the form of a board fence. Strict adherence to proportions is not required here. The main requirement is the external beauty of the courtyard, which will delight the eyes of guests and owners;
  • oriental style, in which coniferous plants (mostly dwarf ones) and lush grass are abundantly used. The front garden here simply must consist of perennial shrubs, and a riot of flowers is unacceptable. The design of the site will convey calm and tranquility, promote contemplation and relaxation of the mind. Only stone is used to decorate partitions and flower beds; wood is not appropriate in the Asian design style. If the size of the site allows, then you can place one or more alpine slides, which will emphasize the designer’s idea and create a charming picture;
  • Mediterranean style involves the use of a large number of flowering plants and ornamental shrubs, placed in small vases, pots and tubs. The installation of a variety of sculptures, fountains and other decorative elements is encouraged. It is mandatory to have a table with benches under a small canopy that provides protection from the sun and rain. Flowers can be very different, as long as they match each other in shades. A wonderful addition would be miniature lanterns that turn the front garden in the evenings into a cozy place for tea ceremonies;
  • French style, also known as Provence. It emphasizes the natural features of the area. Lightness, elegance, functionality and freedom are appropriately combined here. Provence style allows you to enjoy the exquisite design of the territory every day;
  • country style. Rustic simplicity is especially beautiful. This style is universal, as it is suitable for both urban and country houses. A characteristic feature of the “country” style is a slight, deliberate carelessness in details. There is no need to maintain color balance and observe geometric proportions. The most important thing is that all the details fit together as a whole. Perennial shrubs and trees that do not require special care are perfect for a rustic-style front garden. A low wooden fence will complement the look. It’s easy to create this design for a front garden near your house with your own hands from available materials;
  • romantic style. When thinking about a front garden in a romantic design, you can immediately remember red rose bushes and snow-white wrought iron arches. The original idea used to decorate the area is climbing plants entwining the fence and arches. The contrast of metal and bright greenery looks very beautiful;
  • modern front garden design does not require any special rules; the most important thing is to adhere to the general style. Flower beds, paths, and the entire yard as a whole should be harmoniously combined with each other. Here you can realize your most daring ideas: plant such original trees as clipped boxwood or European larch, actively use artificial or natural stone and even brick.

Thus, when choosing a style for decorating a front garden, the designer is practically unlimited. By using your imagination and using the ideas given below, you can safely begin creating a cozy palisade with your own hands. It is not necessary to spend a lot of money on decorating the territory, because there are many budget options for decorating it.

When summer residents begin to arrange their local area, they sometimes make a big mistake - they choose plants, relying only on their decorative properties. Of course, design aesthetics are very important, but in no case should we forget about convenience. You should carefully consider how to approach flowers and shrubs and how easy it is to care for them. You also need to make sure that the owners still have the opportunity to relax in the midst of this blooming splendor.

The following points must be taken into account:

  • you need to combine different types of plants (for example, shrubs and bulbous flowers, annuals and perennials that will bloom for a long time). Thanks to this approach, it is possible to ensure a presentable appearance of the palisade at any time of the year;
  • When planting tall trees, make sure that in the future their branches do not block windows or shade the house. A shady garden is, of course, wonderful, but it is unlikely that fruit and berry crops will feel good without enough sunlight;
  • flower varieties should be chosen so that they please the eye for as long as possible - from the end of spring until the first frost;
  • when combining flowers, take into account their maximum height;
  • Do not use an excessive amount of different colors of various shades. On the Internet you can find ready-made flower arrangement schemes taking into account the palette.

It is very important to think about the focal point on which attention will be focused. One plant can be planted in the center of the front garden and create a beautiful fence for it. For example, in the middle of a mini-garden you can place a large ornamental shrub. Large flower beds decorated with multi-colored details look very impressive. The remaining elements will frame the central one. Here you can plant small flowers and build borders. The most expressive details should be installed in well-lit areas.

An excellent option is rudbeckia. This is a plant with tall stems and a yellow flower, shaped like a daisy. Rudbeckia begins to bloom in early July and ends with the arrival of cold weather, so you are guaranteed variegated flowering throughout the summer. It is very important that this flower self-disperses, which means that next year there will be even more bright “stars” on the site.

A classic plant for the local area are roses. Rose bushes create an elegant, presentable look. Roses are found in a variety of shades, so you can combine them with each other, placing them in different parts of the palisade.

Climbing varieties of roses look very impressive. You can build a small fence for them, which will serve as a support for scatterings of bright flowers.

The tall cosmos looks interesting and will decorate the area with light pink and deep red buds.

The shade-loving hosta with massive leaves is often used for landscaping. She prefers the dark side.

With the arrival of spring, colorful primroses and tiny daisies will delight the eye. By the end of August, lush phloxes will bloom, which come in white, purple, lilac and pink.

In recent years, growing an ornamental vegetable garden in the front garden has become very fashionable. To realize this idea, you can plant sedum, loosestrife, cloves, and saxifrage, which will fill the air with rich, tart aromas.

You can create variegated flower beds from annual flowers. In the first warm months, daffodils, peonies, and lilies of the valley with a breathtaking scent will bloom.

Bluebells, pelargonium and calendula will bloom in summer. Zinnias are also very beautiful, blooming with the onset of the first warm weather and blooming until late autumn.

In September, forget-me-nots, bright cockerels, and marigolds bloom, which can be planted along decorative streams.

If you want to use coniferous trees in the design of your palisade, then remember that you need to maintain their balance with broad-leaved vegetation. In some styles (oriental, for example), coniferous trees and shrubs are a mandatory element.

Species such as thuja and juniper have proven themselves excellent in decorating local areas. There is a belief that spruce has negative energy, so many people do not risk planting it in their yard. However, this is a myth, and the spreading spruce will be the main decoration of the front garden all year round.

You can use more than just flowers to decorate your site. It can be decorated with the help of voluminous shrubs, which may bloom at certain times of the year. Barberries, raspberries, serviceberries, chokeberries and gooseberries are widely used for decoration.

Budget ideas for a DIY front garden

The front garden in front of the house can be laid out using available materials. This will save money and create a unique design.

The simplest and at the same time beautiful option is a border flower bed along the walls and arranging boxes with flowers. Plants in tubs scattered around the site will add coziness to the atmosphere. The concrete path can be decorated with rows of flowers. Coniferous plants in front of the entrance to the house look original.

When using tubs and pots, you can change the exposure regularly.

A stylish solution would be succulents arranged on and around stones. The photos convey their exoticism.

Low-growing flowering shrubs harmonize perfectly with thujas or cypresses.

Trellis entwined with climbing plants make the area very beautiful.

If mature trees have already grown in the palisade, they can become the center of an ancient flower bed.

This is an important element of landscape decor not only from an aesthetic point of view, but also from a practical point of view. They need to be positioned so that people can walk to the house without trampling the plants. The construction of paths should begin with drawing up a well-thought-out diagram.

Paths can be made from various materials. Natural stone is environmentally friendly, goes well with colors, and can have an interesting pattern. But this material is not cheap and, moreover, is susceptible to moisture, so it must be periodically treated with special water-repellent solutions. In the cold season, the stone becomes covered with a crust of ice, which makes it dangerous for movement.

A cheaper type is sidewalk wood. It is environmentally friendly, but short-lived. To avoid frequent replacement, wood must be treated with a specialized compound, just like stone.

Brick street paths look almost flawless. However, sand-lime brick disintegrates quickly. Clinker bricks are more resistant to destruction, so it is better to use them when arranging a site.

You can build a fence for the palisade with your own hands. The most durable material suitable for the construction of fences and gates is metal. This design is not exposed to cold and moisture. A metal fence will serve its owners for many years.

Corrugated sheeting creates excellent protection from the sun. It is unpretentious and insulates street noise well. From the composite sections you can create a fence of any size, as well as build a gate in it.

If we talk about a European picket fence, then this is an excellent option for placing an elegant gate on it.

Chain-link mesh is also widespread. Between the elements you can easily install either the same mesh gate or a metal gate.

A well-groomed lawn significantly increases the attractiveness of the front garden. For those who don’t want to bother with planting flowers and shrubs, this is a great opportunity to make the area in front of the house neat and modern. Properly planted grass requires virtually no maintenance. To keep your lawn in order, you only need to trim it regularly. The aroma of freshly cut grass will remind you of alpine meadows and lift your spirits.

If the area in front of the house is large, then decorative bridges can be placed on it. They are an additional item that gives the site a special chic. Even a small design will make the overall picture more original.

Bridges are used to highlight a particular zone. They can be installed above a stream or other source of water. Designers use such a concept as “dry stream”. He can extend the path or position himself directly on it.

The most successful material for a bridge remains wood. Pine is the best wood for piles. You can also build a structure made of brick or stone.

The border gives the flowerbed an organic, complete look. The simplest option is made of hollow blocks. The fancy paving stone pattern looks fresh. A budget idea is a modern plastic border that looks no different from stone. A flexible border tape beautifully wraps around the flowerbed.

Wave-rolled pebbles neatly sprinkled along the edges of the flower beds look homely.

If tall plants grow in flower beds, they can be fenced off with decorative fences.

So, no matter what design style you choose, you need to remember that all plants require some attention. If you don’t take care of the area, the front garden will very quickly become overgrown with weeds and the beautiful flowers will wither.

Many Russians who have a front garden at their summer cottage ask our specialists: what is the best way to decorate the front garden on their own, using improvised means? In this article you can find the answer to this question.

In our modern understanding, the word “front garden” means a small plot of land enclosed by a fence between the house and the street (road). This name for such a plot of land comes from the French word “palisade” - a hedge or palisade (that is, a fence, a fence).

Landscape designers come up with various ideas for painting such plots of land, but its main function is as a calling card for the entire plot and the house itself. That is, it should be harmoniously combined with all the design components of the landscape of your dacha or private home: fences, plants, buildings, decorative elements.

We decorate the front garden with our own hands

Experts say that the correct design of any front garden depends on several conditions:

  • its shape (rectangular, semicircular, oval, etc.);
  • sizes (small or spacious);
  • location (directly near the house, further to the road, near the central path of the site or on both sides of it).

Depending on the listed individual characteristics of such a site, planning should be carried out with the arrangement of its main elements:

  • a fence or fence - you can install it, or you can do without it at all. Excellent materials for this element are wooden boards, metal mesh, stone, hedges, old slate;
  • plant elements - only ornamental plants (flowers, bushes, low-growing trees) are used here; vegetable and fruit plants are not suitable;
  • additional decor - simple decorations (pots, vases, tubs, baskets) and more complex ones (fountains, alpine slides, sculptural compositions);
  • guest corner - in this part of the area you should place a bench with a table or one comfortable bench, the style matching the main design solution (if the leading elements are made of wood, then it is best to choose a wooden bench).

Read also: Weight of a section of an old-style cast iron battery

There are several basic rules for independently arranging a front garden:

  1. A harmonious, unified ensemble (the front garden supports the style direction of the entire site and the central building located on it: a Japanese rock garden will not fit into a rural house).
  2. Uniformity of the materials used (the decoration of the front garden must match the decoration of the house: wood, stone, brick, metal, etc.).
  3. The combination of the color scheme of the front garden fence and the facade of the central building.

At the same time, we should not forget about the principles of zoning and the focal point where the central decorative element will be located, attracting all attention with its expressiveness and originality. It could be an alpine slide, a rock garden, a flower arrangement in the form of a flower bed, a bush or a tree. But additional small details are also equally important: lawn grass, rocky or sandy soil, hedges, etc.

Expert advice: how to choose the right plants for your front garden

When choosing vegetation, you need to adhere to a number of rules:

  1. Bright flowering plants (both perennial and annual).
  2. Gradual change of periods of flowering and fading.
  3. Shaped trimming of bushes.
  4. A combination of coniferous and deciduous species. They will create an unusual color background (a smooth transition of all shades of green or a contrast of dark green with light green).

You should also consider the main style direction of the entire design:

  • romantic (geranium, lavender, ampelous rose bushes);
  • country (sage, mallow);
  • classic (boxwood, yew);
  • Mediterranean (amaranth, coleus, hosts);
  • feng shui (daylily, iris, astilbe), etc.

Remember: the smaller the front garden, the brighter the color of the plants.

Handy tools for decorating the front garden

To decorate the front garden, you can use all sorts of improvised means and various broken household items. It can be:

  • plastic bottles - figurines of various birds and animals, low flowerbed fencing, cut-out artificial flowers, etc.;
  • old car tires - a container for an above-ground flower bed;
  • broken flowerpots - for a container for planting flowering plants;
  • old furniture (chairs, cabinets, cabinets and similar items) - for a flower arrangement.

You can also cut out garden figurines of various types from wood with your own hands - fairy-tale characters, domestic and wild animals, insects, etc. But all these elements must form a single compositional style.

Decorating the front garden in front of the house

The front garden, which is part of the area between the house and the fence, is rightfully considered the calling card of the house.

After all, it is by its appearance that visitors and passers-by will form an opinion about you as an owner. That is why it is important that this place has an attractive appearance and serves as an additional decoration for the facade of the building.

How to decorate a front garden

Laying out the front garden, selecting plants for its landscaping, and using elements of small architecture must correspond to the architectural appearance of the house and local climatic conditions.

Front garden design

The planting scheme in the front garden should be thought out.

Use planting in such a way as to highlight all the advantages of your home and disguise the shortcomings. The choice of landscaping with evergreen trees and shrubs, which do not lose their attractiveness throughout the year, is justified.

Flowers in the front garden

As an option, you can consider choosing plants that do not require careful care, with the need for formation by pruning branches no more than two or three times a year.

Interesting variations can be created by planting miniature bushes. In the front garden, be sure to create flower beds and flower beds.

Plants are selected in such a way that groups of flowers replacing each other bloom from early spring to autumn.

Dahlias are ideal for decorating a front garden. With many varieties varying in flower color and size, dahlias can make attractive decorative arrangements. Dahlias bloom in July and August. From June to August, the beauty of flower beds will be complemented by nasturtium.

This is an annual plant with long creeping stems.

Design of the area in front of the house

A front garden oriented towards the sunny side will be decorated with yellow, orange and red flowers. A yard decorated with garden lilies, which bloom from June to August, always looks attractive. In autumn, chrysanthemums will look very decorative.

A beautiful flower with a long flowering period, distinguished by a variety of shapes and a wide palette of shades, is perhaps the most popular decoration of flower beds and flower beds.

Individual plants can be planted in decorative containers and decorate the porch of the house.

Arrangement of the yard of a private house

You can lay out a lawn in the front garden. A neat green lawn will create an excellent background for other plants. In this case, worries about setting up an irrigation system, applying fertilizers and mowing the grass will be added to your worries.

In the garden in front of the house, the construction of safe paths is no less important.

Paths can be paved with paving stones, stone slabs or simply compacted gravel. It is important that the path leading to the front door matches the style of the other elements of the landscape design.

The final touch in the design of the front garden is the selection of suitable lighting.

  • Gazebos made of awning material and wood
  • Construction of a sauna in the basement
  • Construction of a cellar on a plot of land
  • Do-it-yourself sauna finishing
  • Accessories for saunas and baths
  • How to arrange a flower garden
  • Wooden summer cottages
  • DIY summer shower
  • We are building a cellar
  • Joining ceiling plinths in the corners
  • Installation of a fence on concrete pillars
  • Insulation of the dacha
  • Corrugated sheeting material for universal use
  • Clinker porch steps
  • Construction of gates from corrugated sheets
  • Application of caulk in construction
  • Landscaping gardens
  • Use of foam blocks in construction
  • How to fold a stove stove
  • How to plaster walls in a house
  • Cottage renovation
  • Site Map

We are building a country house 2018

The offices of large construction, government, telecommunications and other prestigious companies are located in large buildings, mainly in the central part of the city. When everything around you is decorated and twinkling with lights on the eve of the New Year, it is important to stand out too.

For this purpose, business center managers and directors make decisions on the need to design facades. Lighting decor for these purposes is selected taking into account the architectural features of the building, as well as the principles of conciseness and compliance with the level of the object.

A carefully thought out design of the exterior decoration of a business building will attract new tenants and significantly increase your prestige.

Employees and clients will become more comfortable resolving issues and concluding profitable contracts in a comfortable and joyful atmosphere. Our designers know how to create anticipation for the holiday while maintaining a working mood.

New Year's decoration involves using clearly visible Christmas-themed decorative elements filled with dynamics.

There should be a feeling of activity and positivity. If the street space allows, a decorated spruce will be a good advertising move, especially when decorated with elements with the corporate symbols of a business center or company.

How to decorate a front garden with your own hands from scrap materials? Photo

They also hang garlands on doors, regardless of whether they are sliding or revolving. Or they place the currently popular three-dimensional luminous figures in this zone. After all, it is the entrance that determines the visitor’s first impression.

Over the many years of existence of the Glaring company since 2011, our specialists have completed many projects throughout Russia. Our own production plant allowed us to produce more than 30 thousand decorations, taking into account individual customer requirements.

Moreover, it takes an average of 1 week to produce one decoration. By ordering the design of a front garden in the city from us, you will receive quality work done on time with delivery and installation throughout the country.

Front garden design styles and their variations

Arranging a front garden - the calling card of every country house and the most important area in the garden - is a rather complex process. The main task that a designer faces when choosing a way to implement ideas is to find the ideal balance between the personal preferences of the owners, the style of the house and garden, efficiency and existing conditions.

The area in front of the house requires delicate restraint, functionality and stylistic brevity. It is the choice of style that is the basis for the successful design of a front garden.

Variations on the regular style

Evergreen front garden

If you don’t have enough time to regularly update the flora of your front garden and would prefer compositions that will provide an ideal view of the area in front of the house throughout the year (even when you do not have the opportunity to give the plants due attention), turn to one of the variations regular style - evergreen front garden.

Pine, dwarf gray spruce and boxwood, as well as other evergreen decorative deciduous trees, planted in complex compositions and surrounded by squat, trimmed hedges, will not let you down either in summer or winter.

Try dividing a landscape group on both sides of the paths, imitating flower beds, or create a combination of a separate group of trees, surrounded by shrubs and a lawn area. The only thing you will need to take care of is cutting the lawn and hedges.

The classic fence and hedge in this variation of front garden design must be replaced with a trimmed, formal hedge. Among the materials for decoration, preference should be given to stone, placing large blocks between plants in groups or decorating with natural stone.


Minimalism in the design of the front garden stands out clearly among other trends in the regular style. The path leading to the house, within this trend, should be made of rough materials with geometric masonry (stone rectangles, clinker or tiles) and, of course, be straight.

The area in front of the house should be planted with a smooth grass lawn that is resistant to trampling, and the plants should be placed on it.

Borders on paths should be abandoned, limiting the passage with the help of clipped spherical boxwood bushes (they can be planted in soil squares left on the sides of the path or cut from the lawn, or placed in simple flower pots).

You can plant a tall flowering or evergreen bush near the wall of the house, and fill the rest of the space with symmetrically arranged standard trees (preferably with a rectangular or figured crown if your house is in a classic style, and spherical if it has strict modern lines).

Near the doors, create a composition of several tubs that are easy to trim.

In this variation of the regular style, all free-growing plants with unclear outlines and small flowers should be avoided, giving preference to large-flowered roses of classic varieties.

How to decorate a front garden in country style

Classic country style

The classic country style suggests abandoning fences and hedges when arranging the front garden: the entire space on the sides of the path is turned into a large flower bed with herbaceous perennial low plants typical of the rural style.

A climbing rose is usually planted above the path or near the house, which rises along an arch or pergola, adding special charm to rustic-style houses. The flower bed in the front garden should be surrounded by a fence or a green border, for example a low fence made of short-trimmed boxwood.

Chaotic rural style

Another trend within the country style is the chaotic rural style, used when arranging large front gardens.

In the free areas adjacent to the house, there is room for both flowerbed flowers and loose shrubs. White picket fence, lush hydrangea, yellow mantle, strict foxglove and fairy columbine surround taller, classic rose hips or small trees in a chaotic sea of ​​flowers.

Such “thickets” look great next to rose bushes growing in the middle of a lawn or a carpet of ground cover plants, clearings of Carpathian bells and periwinkles, climbing roses, clematis climbing along supports on the wall of the house, and a hedge of lush spirea bushes surrounding the winding path.

Everything in such a front garden should be free, natural and unpretentious, the gradation of plant heights should be strictly consistent.

The best fence for such a front garden would be a wooden fence.

Asian style front garden

Multi-level compositions in Asian style give the front garden not only comfort, but also a special atmosphere of privacy. An Asian-style front garden is characterized by minimalism and laconic forms. The entire area up to the house is laid out with stones or tiles, leaving a small round area for a large tree, most often a decorative representative of the coniferous family.

The tree trunk circle is surrounded by a higher fence made of the same stone as the surface of the site.

In an Asian front garden, it is better to abandon fences and fences: raised flower beds and flower beds will help separate you from prying eyes and neighbors.

The decorative flower garden is made at a level of at least a meter in height from the base of the site; for this, a reinforced wall is laid out of stone along the perimeter of the flower garden (strictly vertical from the side of the street or neighbors - an analogue of a “fence” - and of any shape from the side of the house). Soil is poured into the gap between the walls, creating the basis for the flower bed.

If space allows, then the flowerbed does not have to be flat: try creating a rock garden or a multi-level flower garden that gradually lowers in the courtyard.

Typically Asian “residents” are planted in such a flower garden - shrubs with an openwork crown, miniature conifers, lush sakura, herbaceous perennials and ornamental grasses, imitating Japanese stone gardens.

If you decide to arrange an alpine hill on such a flower garden-fence, then in the foreground of the front garden (closest to the entrance) along the “fence”, plant tall, spreading plants that will hide your area from prying eyes.

Mediterranean style of front garden design

The Mediterranean style of front garden design offers not only greater mobility of compositions, but also lower costs for arranging the site: the basis of the front garden is made up of all kinds of tubs.

In large and small pots, they are randomly installed on the steps of the porch, near the walls of the house and along the perimeter of the area.

The ideal option for decorating the entire area of ​​the front garden is to completely lay out the area with stones or tiles and surround it with high walls (the same or similar materials should be used for the fence and platform).

The basis of the Mediterranean or southern style - potted gardens - will be complemented by all kinds of accessories: lanterns, lamps, hanging figurines, beautiful signs, clay figurines or decorative fountains.

In such a front garden you can even put a small table and chairs, creating a small patio in front of the house. Climbing plants that climb the walls of the house or terrace should also be planted in separate containers.

One of the advantages of the Mediterranean style is the ability to grow even exotic plants - they are simply moved indoors for the winter. Typical tubular representatives of the style are gentian nightshade, abutilon, winged thunbergia, kumquat, cucumber, etc.

Front garden in landscape (natural) style

Landscape modern

The modern movement within the landscape (or nature) style offers soft outlines and bold combinations of materials.

As a fence in the landscape modern style, you should use a low, dry wall made of any natural, unpolished stone (the stones are fastened together so that the binding mixture is not visible and the effect of stones simply laid on top of each other is created). Behind it, the entire territory should be filled in complete “disorder” with various crops that tolerate drought and bright sun well - both herbaceous perennials and flowering bushes.

Plants should be planted without adhering not only to one color scheme, but also to a sequence in height (low plants in the foreground, tall ones in the background).

Try scattering the views chaotically, hiding squat bushes behind delicate tall ones, creating contrast in color and height.

Decoration of the front garden in front of the house + photo

Start planting with plants with a large bush diameter, moving towards more compact ones. When choosing plants with lush outlines, do not forget about the “top floor”: plant a tall standard tree in the Asian style closer to the house, which will add a daring touch to the composition.

Combining the incongruous and finding natural harmony among the chaos is the main principle of the modern landscape style.

Border direction

Another variation of the natural style is border - the dominance of lush flowering plants in dense, free-growing borders surrounding a winding path.

Usually, to create such flower thickets, only two types of plants are used - tall with large flowers, which gives the border the main volume, and a more squat ground cover, creating the actual border with dense outlines.

A classic design option for such a front garden is a duet of bushy roses and geraniums (or lavender). The ground cover geranium forms a lush cushion of the border, above which rises lush dark greenery and large flowers of the classic rose (it is better to choose long-flowering varieties with a color contrasting with the squat border).

The disadvantage of the border direction is the insufficiently attractive appearance of the front garden in autumn and winter: to decorate the front garden with the onset of cold weather, you need to additionally plant late flowers or create an autumn potted garden.

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Wrought iron front gardens

It's no secret that you can add an attractive outside world to a country house with the help of a flower bed. Floral arrangements in front of the house can not only become a real aesthetic decoration, but also saturate the house with freshness and a pleasant aroma. In order for the flowerbed to have a complete look, it is usually placed in the front garden.

This is not only convenient in terms of irrigation and caring for flowers, but also beautiful in appearance.

Typical wrought iron fence for a front garden

One of the most common types of front gardens are forged.

What advantages they have and how to build such a structure with your own hands, we’ll take a look below.

What is a front garden and what are its functions?

The custom of decorating garden plots with flower beds has long come to us, but there was also a special place in front of the house, which was decorated with the best flowers - this is the front garden.

Today, arranging a front garden is no less important than in those days.

Option for installing a forged front garden

There are a huge number of options on how to properly arrange a front garden, using various technologies and materials.

Perhaps the most beautiful, reliable and durable will be a front garden made of wrought iron.

A wrought-iron mini-fence in front of the house can protect the front garden from mechanical influences, and will also allow passers-by to demonstrate the beauty of flowering plants.

Such fences are structures ranging in size from 30 cm to three meters that are supported by support pillars. The weight of such elements can be very diverse, depending on the metal used and density.

Large fences must have a foundation and obligatory concreting of fence posts. which will eliminate the possibility of the structure collapsing.

Example of a concrete foundation for a front garden

The main functions that such miniature fences should perform are:

  • Protective - the front garden must be fenced and protected from ill-wishers.
  • Aesthetic – wrought iron fences should attract attention, but not distract from the beauty of the flowers.
  • Compliance with the exterior - the fence should harmoniously fit into the exterior of the house, complementing it.
  • Practicality - the fence must be safe and provide unobstructed access to the front garden.

The variety of choice of forged products allows you to choose a beautiful, unique, decorative fence for absolutely any front garden, emphasizing the advantages of any private home.

How to build it yourself

It would seem that the front garden is nonsense!

But it's not that simple. Its construction requires strength, patience and skills in working with tools. Let's divide all the work into several stages.

Stage 1 - Drawings, measurements, sketches

One of the important stages is the preparatory stage, since at the planning stage it is possible to eliminate those errors that may arise in the process of creating a front garden.

Before we begin construction, we perform the following actions:

  • Visualization.

    You need to imagine the object in your imagination, think through all the nuances to the smallest detail. Answer questions such as:

  • Why do you need a front garden in front of the house?

A selection of sketches and patterns for the front garden fence

  • What are its main functions;
  • What it should look like;
  • Measurements.

    Front garden in front of the house: modern do-it-yourself design

    After the feasibility of building a front garden has been justified and proven, it is necessary to decide on its location and parameters. To do this, you need to arm yourself with a tape measure and mark the desired area;

  • Sketches. When you have the dimensions, you can begin the graphic part of the work. It’s not difficult to make sketches; to do this, you just need to depict on paper what you plan to build.

    Sketches must contain markings and numerical lengths.

  • When performing all these steps, you need to take measurements as accurately as possible, since they will be used to calculate the amount of building material needed and their cost.

    Stage 2 - Purchase of materials

    Based on the data obtained in the fence drawings. purchase material in the required quantity. A wrought-iron fence installed in front of a house should be as safe as possible for people, especially if there are children in the house (do not contain sharp peaked edges that can be bumped into).

    You can purchase both finished products and make them to order.

    The cost of the products depends entirely on the configuration and complexity of the forged pattern: the simpler it is, the more profitable it is.

    Stage 3 - Construction

    Building a front garden with your own hands is within the power of every person. However, it is worth considering that a forged fence has quite an impressive weight, this can cause a lengthy installation.

    Therefore, if forged fencing is too heavy, you will have to add a construction hoist to your arsenal of usual tools.
    In the case where the soils on the site are prone to movement, it would be advisable to lay a foundation.

    Construction of a foundation and pillars for a wrought-iron front garden

    To do this, you need to dig a trench about a meter deep and 30 cm thick.

    You can use a garden drill, which speeds up the whole process, or you can do it the old fashioned way, digging with a shovel. When the trench around the perimeter of the front garden is ready, crushed stone is laid on its bottom, compacting it well with a press. After this, small supports are built from the boards to prevent the foundation from going beyond what is permitted.

    If it is not planned to build a foundation, forged elements of fences are planted in the ground, or rather not the prefabricated structures themselves, but support pillars that hold the load. When the foundation is ready, support pillars are installed (with your own hands or with the help of specialists) on which the fences will be attached. They can either be immersed in the foundation or mounted separately.

    Decor and design of wrought iron fence

    After the support pillars are installed, you need to take care of the front garden itself.

    To do this, make mounds of fertile soil, leveling them at the level of the foundation. If there are already plants in the front garden, you need to carefully carry out all the work without damaging them. You should definitely worry about such details as the gate and path. They serve for the convenience of watering and cleaning the area.

    When the soil is ready and all the necessary manipulations with the plants have been done, all that remains is to secure the forged fences in front of the house.

    It’s not difficult to do the installation yourself; just attach the individual elements with special fasteners and the front garden is ready.

    In some cases, the structure is welded to support pillars. This way the metal will have better adhesion, and the fence itself will last longer.

    Attaching a forged fence section to brick pillars

    The final stage will be painting the fence in the color that most harmoniously fits into the overall picture.

    It is necessary to take into account such nuances as:

    1. The metal from which the fence is made will last a long time only if it is treated with an anti-corrosion substance before painting.
    2. This type of fencing for a front garden is considered the most expensive in terms of cost, but the most reliable in terms of quality indicators.
    3. It is better to choose high-quality paint for fencing, since it completely determines how long the fence will last without repair.
    4. A foundation is needed only when the fence is heavy and large in size.

      If the parameters of the fence are small, it is quite enough to concrete the support pillars.

    With a little effort, you can build a real masterpiece with your own hands, which is certainly worth being proud of.

    You can create a beautiful front garden in your yard using these landscape design photos as inspiration. In the above photos, the following materials were used: small pebbles, bricks, as well as tub plants that are very convenient to decorate.

    You can also include a small fountain in the overall composition.

    See more beautiful options for front gardens below.

    You can also use large ceramic flowerpots, as well as brightly blooming flowers. Clay sculptures of smiling children will evoke a lot of positive emotions among the guests of your dacha.

    The combination of red brick and small white pebbles looks very interesting.

    Bricks do not have to be set on cement. Just put them on top of each other.

    How to arrange the front garden in front of the house in an original way?

    Plant pots can be rearranged in a new way at any time.

    Currently, the process of urbanization is gaining momentum. Increasingly, the urban population is trying to retire to the lap of nature, moving for permanent or temporary residence to a private house located somewhere outside the city. And this is not surprising, because only in this way can you truly relax in all respects - not only physically, but also emotionally and mentally. In view of this, there is a need to make the atmosphere in the house as cozy and comfortable as possible. Moreover, this issue concerns not only the internal arrangement of the house, but also the external one. Therefore, a well-thought-out landscape design in front of the house is one of the most important factors influencing the overall pastime. Moreover, this feature is an indisputable indicator of the taste and understanding of the aesthetic characteristics of the owner himself, and besides, some landscape details can significantly transform the building itself, making it even more attractive.

    Garden plot design ideas

    The area around the house primarily separates private properties from street ones, and can also decorate the housing itself. Today, the arrangement of household plots is not a particular problem; there are many interesting proposals and ideas in this regard. For example, The simplest and most common way is to decorate the area, creating a hedge. Fountains in front of the house or decorating the area around the house with various figures, statues or other unusual details are becoming increasingly popular.

    An integral part of any private home are specially designated recreation areas. The choice is huge, it all depends on the taste preferences of the owner and, accordingly, his financial capabilities.

    In this case, the main thing to take into account is an important point - the choice of landscape compositions must necessarily correspond to the style and architectural character of the building.

    Flower garden design idea

    Creating a flower garden

    Organizing a home flower garden requires compliance with certain conditions, the omission of which can negate all efforts made and spoil the overall picture of landscape design. So, it is important to think through the creation of a flower bed in such a way that its spirit and volume are in good harmony with the architectural direction of the property, and color solutions are selected so that the plants are not too flashy and distract everyone’s attention, but also so that they do not fade against the background of the chosen design. First of all, attention is always paid to the entrance area. Along the path leading to the door on both sides you can plant selected flowers and plants in rows. At the same time, the presence of bright and colorful flowers in the flowerbed will be an ideal option for a home with a restrained style, and if the building has some decorative details, then in this case it is wise to choose a modest color scheme.

    Flower garden in front of the house

    It would not be amiss to note the fact that a properly designed flower bed can be a successful way to disguise some architectural errors, or simply an excellent option for transforming the landscape design around the house. In such cases, they often resort to. Thanks to the presence of flowers of different types and sizes, this garden composition can become a decoration for any front garden.

    Another color scheme is flowers that are planted in a row and alternate in size. And if the garden area allows, then you can resort to planting flower borders as one of the options for decorating the path.

    Plant selection

    When decorating a flower garden near a house, it is better to give priority to trees, shrubs, and annual flowers.

    For example, lilac or viburnum bushes or rose hips are perfect for creating a hedge. For a fence made of metal or stone, the best option would be climbing plants in the form of grapes, kirkazona, actinidia and others. And low-growing coniferous plants can refresh the atmosphere and add a touch of aristocracy. An interesting and unusual decor for the porch would be flowers in clay pots, hydrangea or lavender bushes, or climbing flowers.

    If you think carefully about the principle, correctly selecting and alternating summer, autumn and winter plants, then you can enjoy floral beauty almost all year round.

    Hydrangea can disguise imperfections in the yard

    The principle of planting plants

    To make the area in front of the house more aesthetically pleasing, you should take into account a few simple but quite important tips:

    • if the flowers are planted very close to the house, then their color scheme should match the shade of the walls as much as possible;
    • It is better to decorate large areas in front of the house with the help of bright large flowers with large leaves, and accordingly, in small areas it is better to plant small-leaved flowers of a not flashy color;
    • according to the design concept, miniature squares require planting flowers in cool shades in front of the house: lilac, lilac, blue;
    • the principle of selecting plants also depends on which part of the front garden is located: the northern side is an alternative for shade-loving plants, the southern side is drought-resistant plants that are not afraid of direct sunlight;
    • To preserve the aesthetic appearance of the flower garden even in winter, it is recommended to plant more coniferous trees or shrubs with colorful bark (barberry).

    One of the options for a flower garden in front of the house

    Decorating the area in front of the house is quite a labor-intensive task. To get a satisfying result, you need to work hard, applying all your imagination and resourcefulness to this matter.

    Having finished organizing a flower garden, many estate owners prefer to complete it by finally using landscape accessories selected in one design direction.

    As appropriate compositions, you can use decorative vases and flowerpots, wooden tubs and barrels, granite and concrete flowerpots, of course, all this should be selected in accordance with the architectural style of the building. Another interesting and eye-catching element are various garden figurines and statues, or large beautiful stones.

    One way or another, when arranging the proposed site, it is important to maintain a middle ground so as not to make the overall appearance too catchy or overloaded.

    Decorative elements for the garden will add zest to the overall landscape design

    Shaped design of bushes

    Curly shrubs or unusual hedge trimming are quite popular today. Of course, landscape design of this type requires a lot of effort and a significant financial investment, but the result is worth it. Shrubs of unusual shape can act as improvised gates, placed on one side or the other of the door, or they can act as a frame for the path leading to the front entrance.


    To give an aesthetic appearance to the entire garden plot, you can lay out garden paths. Most often, you can use brick or natural stone for this purpose. This element of overall landscape design has great advantages, as it allows you to make the area in front of the house neater, especially in inclement weather. Moreover, the arrangement of such paths ensures comfortable movement for residents and visually separates the functional zones of the entire site. Along the entire length of such paths, you can plant flower arrangements, scatter gravel and create small lawns.

    When designing garden paths, natural stone may be required. We recommend buying it at Atlant Granite ()

    Fountains and ponds

    Beautiful and varied fountains always attract attention, no matter where they are located - in a park area or in the area in front of the house (which is even better!). The organization of such design solutions successfully combines several positive aspects: a fountain in the courtyard gives greater expressiveness and aesthetics to the entire area, but also ensures a constant high level of humidity. Small ponds or a babbling waterfall can become the main design display, creating a feeling of peace and tranquility.


    Green rooms

    Modern trends in landscape design involve the organization of so-called “green rooms”. These are specially designated recreation areas, with garden areas. In such corners there is upholstered furniture designed for a pleasant and comfortable pastime, plants in special containers, tables for food, and also things that make the evening time enchanting and magical. When organizing such green rooms, you should carefully consider the covering to protect furniture and other components of the overall interior from bad weather.

    Green room

    Designing the area in front of the house is a fun and interesting activity, especially since there are more than enough expected variations. Of course, you can reconstruct the area in front of the house with your own hands, or you can seek help from specialists who have sufficient information regarding modern trends and relevant skills in this area. In a short time and taking into account the personal taste preferences of the owner of the estate, such experts are able to transform the area in front of the house, making it unusual and unique.

    Examples of landscape design in front of the house (video)