Installation of the second level on a plasterboard ceiling. A simple way to mount a plasterboard ceiling How long to lower a plasterboard ceiling

When planning a renovation of a room, especially a major one, every detail should be taken into account. For many, it is at this stage that all sorts of questions arise. One of the important issues before finishing the ceiling is the reduction in the height of the room. Namely, how much the ceiling drops with different types of installation.

Of course, in the case of, for example, Stalin buildings, where the minimum ceiling height is above 3 meters, this issue is not so pressing. But in modern rooms, where the height is 2.5, and even if necessary, raise the floor, every centimeter is of great importance.

It is also worth noting in advance that the distance to which the ceiling is lowered depends not only on the type chosen, but also on the unevenness of the walls and the ceiling itself. It’s worth warning right away that, regardless of the technology, the discrepancy in the corners can reach 20 cm. Therefore, it is better to first measure everything thoroughly and then start choosing the finish. And, nevertheless, each type has its own characteristics.

So, let's look at how much the new ceiling drops from the base one in different cases.

Stretch ceiling

The thickness of the frame for attaching the film is usually from 2.5 to 3 cm. But this takes into account a perfectly flat base. If the main ceiling has convexities, the distance between it and the canvas can be 5 or even 15 centimeters.

Another important point when installing tension structures is the installation of lamps. Then the canvas will reduce the height by a distance of about 5 cm.


This type of suspended ceiling is the least whimsical. It is easy to change if it becomes unusable. The only difficulty with the suspended structure has always been the correct installation of the guides and installation of the profile. This is what determines the overall height, how much the ceiling will drop.

As a rule, in the case of a normal level, the new coating will take from 5 to 10 cm. But here, as with a tension product, the unevenness of the walls at the fastening points, along with defects in the main ceiling, plays a significant role.

If the situation is completely dire, which, by the way, is not uncommon in old houses, then you will have to tinker with the profiles, and the distance may decrease by a good 20 cm. In order to somehow win back precious centimeters, you can resort to some tricks. For example, make a cornice, decorative arch or ledge in places of greatest unevenness, installing lamps in these places.

This method, of course, is more troublesome, but in the end the curvature will not be noticeable, and the ceiling will look more unusual and sophisticated, which will add originality to the overall appearance of the room.

Slat ceiling

Due to the fact that this type of finish involves many separate small parts, when attaching it, you can successfully control the height.

In cases where there is no need to carry out communications under the structure, and there are no lighting fixtures, the ceiling can drop by only 5 cm. Very often, the height of the rack solution is adjusted by special springs with spokes.

This method will be optimal in case of uneven base and walls. In addition, thanks to the many types, you can achieve different effects and choose the material to suit the overall style of the interior.

You are quite capable of creating a starry sky above your head with your own hands.

Without resorting to the expensive services of specialists, with the help of drywall you can turn your bedroom into a room of miracles. The maximum you need: materials, tools, a little imagination, patience and desire.

Depending on the intended bend, the ceiling profiles of the second level must be made of different lengths and heights, depending on the height and size of the ceiling.

Let's try to tell you how to make a two-level plasterboard ceiling with your own hands. At the same time, let’s not forget that any business must be done in a good mood, focusing on your vision and your own taste. We're talking about a bedroom ceiling, but you can make a two-level plasterboard ceiling in any room. The main thing to know is that for the kitchen, bathroom - where there is high humidity, the drywall itself must be moisture resistant. Many people don’t take on ceilings only because they have no idea what a ceiling frame is or how to install it themselves; some don’t even know what drywall is. Let's try to figure it out.

Description of material

To create bends, it is necessary to make cuts on the profile. The stronger the bend, the more cuts need to be made.

Drywall - a sandwich of two pieces of special cardboard with a gypsum layer - is capable of turning our dull general-type apartments into royal apartments. Any geometric shape can be cut from it, it does not burn and does not pose any danger to our health, since gypsum is a natural material. Drywall can change our walls and ceilings beyond recognition.

The first tool that we will need is a pencil or pen, or a computer, because we will be drawing diagrams. Your imagination has probably already told you what you want to see above your heads. Before you get creative, don’t forget to take the necessary measurements: length, width of the room, height of the walls. Decide how high you will lower the ceiling to see if it will “crush” you. Then we put the following diagrams on the drawing: (first frame, second frame, lamps, etc.). Now it’s time to go to the store (by the way, they can tell you what profiles you need to assemble the frame).

Materials and tools

We need to purchase:

  • plasterboard sheets (GKL);
  • guide and ceiling profiles;
  • profile extensions;
  • straight hangers;
  • self-tapping screws for fastening gypsum boards and metal;
  • putty;
  • self-adhesive masking tape;
  • spatulas, acrylic primer;
  • knife for cutting plasterboard sheets;
  • base paint and phosphor paint.

Required tools:

  • roulette;
  • hammer;
  • metal core;
  • impact drill (hammer);
  • concrete drills;
  • “grinder” (metal scissors);
  • bubble level (cord breaking device);
  • porous sponge.

Considering that half of the above, or even more, can be found in the storerooms of zealous owners, the upcoming renovation will not devastate the family wallet that much. In addition, you can improvise by checking your needs with your capabilities and prices in advance. In any case, we must remember: after purchasing everything you need, there is only one way - get to work!

The first height has been taken!

Let’s pause a little before “taking the height.” How much should I lower the ceiling? The fact is that when installing a 2-level ceiling, the first level is lowered by 5 centimeters. The thickness of the plasterboard is 9.5 - 12 mm. If we make a design with lighting, then we need to take into account that the height from the zero point should be at least 8 - 10 cm, and the second level is planned to drop 10 - 12 cm from the first. You can follow a simple path and consider the ceiling itself to be the first level.

Armed with a one and a half meter bubble level, let's start marking according to our own drawing. You can cover the cord with chalk, invite two assistants and apply the markings in the old-fashioned way: two hold the cord, one pulls it in the center and abruptly releases it - the markings will be smooth and neat. From this moment the installation of the future ceiling begins. Using the exact contour drawn along the entire perimeter of the room, we will fasten the guide profiles to the walls with self-tapping screws.

Frame installation in progress

If the installation of a two-level plasterboard ceiling includes one of the levels in the form of a circle, then you should mark the ceiling in advance.

We install ceiling profiles perpendicularly to the guide profiles at intervals of approximately 60 cm. We fix the hangers above the ceiling profiles to the ceiling with self-tapping screws at intervals of 40 cm. Stepping back 10 cm from the frame of the first level, we attach the guide profiles of the second level to the two walls forming an angle. Then, again perpendicularly, we install ceiling profiles in the guide profiles.

Depending on the intended bend, the ceiling profiles of the second level need to be made of different lengths - you decide which one, and you can make them suitable yourself using a grinder. They are fixed with hangers on the first level frame. (By the way, in addition to standard hangers, there are also regulatory ones that allow you to install gypsum boards strictly horizontally). Installation of the second level frame takes a little longer.

We reached the light bulb

The second level can, of course, be made straight, covering half of the first, or along the edges, or diagonally - there are many options. But drywall is a material that allows you to give it any shape, so is it worth simplifying everything? Let's try to make a bend - albeit more difficult, but more beautiful. After all, by this point you are almost a pro. We arm ourselves with a grinder. You need to make cuts along the entire length of the profile every 5 cm (the more complex the bend, the smaller the distance between the cuts), and then give the profile the shape of an arc or whatever your creative nature requires, and attach it to the second-level frame with self-tapping screws using hangers. The installation of the second frame is nearing completion. It's time to do the electrical wiring, bring it through the frame to the places where the lamps are installed, make the wiring and connect the wires. If you are not familiar with electricity, it is better if specialists do it.

Installation completed

Installation is complete, the frame is ready. It's time to install the drywall sheets. A small detail: gypsum board cannot be installed close to the walls, the required indentation is 5 - 10 mm - the material is “living”, but how can it go on a spree. It's better to start from the second level. At the same time, it is also quite difficult to do without assistants who will hold heavy gypsum boards so that their integrity is not compromised during fastening. The most difficult thing is to repeat the bend of the frame in drywall. You need to cut out the required shape from the plasterboard, moisten it with plenty of water, let it soak, and then carefully continue installation. All that remains is to fill the grooves at the joints of the sheets, seal them with masking tape, clean, prime and paint the surface, insert the lamps into the prepared holes. It's time to make stars. How to do? Using stencils, phosphor paint and a sponge. Now they, applied to the ceiling, saturated with light from the lamps, will smile at you in the dark until the morning!

In recent years, stretch ceilings have become very popular. This type of finish is suitable for both high and low rooms, but remember that it is not advisable to install such ceilings if the ceiling height is below two meters.

It must be remembered that each canvas will sag over time due to natural reasons. For small spaces, a fabric option is suitable, and for tall spaces, PVC film.

Suitable room height

What should be the height of the premises to make the suspended ceiling look attractive? The recommended height is 210 cm. If they are lower than the specified norm, then the choice should be made of fabric. Before proceeding with installation, it is important to consider the following criteria:

  1. Support frame, or rather, its height. Most people use large profiles and fasteners in their work. It must be taken into account that they eat approximately 20 cm from the height of the room.
  2. Presence of communications. First of all, it is necessary to carry out all the required communications. If there are a lot of them, the height will definitely drop to 15 centimeters.
  3. Size of devices for organizing lighting. As a rule, spotlights are used for lighting in this case. Some people also use classic chandeliers, which are not recommended for installation in cases where the ceiling is less than 2.7 meters.

Remember that baguettes made from PVC are quite large in size, which is why they should not be used in low rooms.

It is better to opt for aluminum models, which are characterized by durability and strength.

How far does the main ceiling go down?

Do you know how much height is “consumed” by installing a tension covering? This is due to the material from which the canvas is made. It can be made of polyvinyl chloride, plasterboard or fabric.

The height may decrease to varying degrees. Let's consider different situations:

  1. When using plasterboard, the height can be reduced by 20 cm. To reduce this figure, you can apply a primer to the base ceiling. In such a situation, the height will decrease by only 15 cm.
  2. When using PVC film, the ceiling will drop only 3 centimeters if the surface was initially flat.
  3. Slatted ceilings will provide a reduction of 5 cm. This option takes up a minimum of space, since the height can be adjusted using springs.
  4. Fabric sheets reduce the height by 5-8 cm. They do not always require the installation of a frame, so the reduction in the height of the room will not exceed 8 cm.

The smoothness of the walls also affects the size of the room. It is recommended that you first take the time to level the walls and main ceiling.

Reducing the ceiling space

You have the opportunity to reduce the distance between the ceiling covering and the tension fabric. To do this, you need to take special materials and devices for organizing lighting. In addition, it is worth choosing the most optimal method of attaching a stretch ceiling.

To reduce the ceiling space, use the following recommendations:

  1. Install LED strips or spotlights that are small in size. They should be mounted at a shallow depth, unlike a classic chandelier. You can use LED strip, which should be attached around the perimeter of the ceiling.
  2. The best option for installation is the wedge method, which allows saving approximately 7 centimeters in the height of the room.
  3. Opt for plasterboard sheets and sheets of thin thickness, as they do not require massive sheathing.
  4. If you want to save maximum space, then use wall lighting. This way you can win an extra three centimeters.

Causes of sagging

Many owners of a stretch ceiling note its sagging, which can occur for various reasons. They can be either natural or caused by various factors. Let's look at the most common of them:

  1. the ceiling was installed poorly. This most often happens if the tension covering was installed independently. The reason is the most common.
  2. Due to poor installation of the fastener, the molding came off the wall. In this case, the reason may also lie in the material of the wall. This is the most common situation in rooms where the walls are made of plasterboard.
  3. When flooded by neighbors above. In this case, there is a deep sag. A huge bubble filled with water forms. PVC fabric copes well with this situation, capable of retaining water and protecting the room from flooding.
  4. The canvas sags under its own weight. It is considered optimal when the size of the sag does not exceed 1 cm. Usually this is not even noticeable and can be detected when using a building level.

Technological parameters

Each room has its own technological parameters, which are important to consider when planning the type of suspended ceiling covering. It is worth considering in more detail how tension systems can be adapted for rooms of different heights:

High rooms

Experts note that the optimal inter-ceiling distance is 25-30 centimeters.

This distance allows you to equip a rough layer where lighting fixtures will be installed in the future. Diffused light indoors is created by moving the tension covering away from the base ceiling and using decorative lighting.

A system called “starry sky” is often used. It looks most attractive in hallways and halls. This is a ceiling canvas, complemented by LED or fiber optic lighting. The star effect is created by the luminescent coating. If a different coating is used using light generators, the ceiling will drop by 20 centimeters.

When it comes to volumetric or multi-level ceilings, here you can limit yourself to a minimum lowering of 10 centimeters. Such designs are usually used in medium-height rooms, which are no higher than 260 centimeters.

Multi-level designs will look great in large rooms. In this case, the designer is able to bring any of his ideas into reality, without limiting himself to anything.

Low rooms

Not all city apartments can boast a ceiling height of 260 centimeters. Many of them do not even reach the threshold of 230 centimeters. Having a fairly low room, you are unlikely to want to clutter it with a false ceiling. It is important to note that by choosing a fabric canvas, you can “eat” the minimum from the height of the room.

Remember that with the help of a stretch ceiling you can hide unevenness and other defects on the base ceiling covering.

In some cases, this is the most optimal solution, since leveling the ceilings also lowers them by several centimeters. Using a tension covering, you can hide existing defects and eliminate unevenness in the ceiling.

Among the building materials provided by the modern construction market, plasterboard occupies one of the leading places. It completely replaced plaster, is easy and quick to install, very convenient and does not require high costs.

But still, when finishing different surfaces, it is necessary to use different types of drywall, which mainly differ in size. For example, to finish the ceiling, you need to know the parameters and size of the ceiling plasterboard in order to correctly calculate its required quantity and purchase the most suitable material for this purpose.

Differences in the sizes of plasterboard boards allow you to choose among them the most suitable for a particular job.

The dimensions of drywall have their own standards, according to which they differ from each other.

  • All types of plasterboard boards have the same width, which is 1.2 m.
  • The length of the sheets can be from 2 to 3.6 m.
  • Sheet thickness ranges from 6.5 to 12.5 mm.

By learning to determine the required type of drywall for a certain type of finish, you will become a true professional in your field!

Types of plasterboard sheets

So, let's start with the thinnest drywall, the thickness of which is 6.5 mm. This is arched plasterboard.

What is the minimum possible profile thickness for installing plasterboard on the ceiling?

Thanks to such a small thickness, it easily lends itself to any bends.

The thickest is wall plasterboard (12.5 mm), which is ideal for leveling wall surfaces and for creating all kinds of partitions, niches and other structures that require a certain rigidity.

The thickness of the ceiling plasterboard ranges from 8 to 9.5 mm, has a lightweight structure, which helps reduce the total weight of the suspended ceiling and allows you to save on the number of profiles. By reducing the total weight of the ceiling, it became possible to make the distance between the ceiling profile slats wider when installing a frame for a suspended ceiling.

In addition, ceiling plasterboard is much cheaper than wall plasterboard with the same dimensions, due to the difference in sheet thickness.

The following table shows the dimensions and weight of various types of drywall from well-known manufacturers:

Drywall Knauf

View Size(mm) Sheet weight per 1 sq.m (kg)















Drywall GYPROC*

GN 13


GEK 13




*GN 13-regular, GEK 13-high strength, GTS 9-windproof

The length and width of plasterboard slabs are selected for various needs, and are the same for all types of slabs. There are such variations: 2000x1200mm, 2500x1200mm and 3000x1200mm.

Drywall classification

Ceiling plasterboard is classified as follows:

  • Ordinary drywall (GKL) - used for finishing rooms with normal humidity levels. Its thickness can be minimal and range from 8 to 9.5 mm.
  • Moisture-resistant drywall (GKLV) - used in rooms with high humidity, for example, a bathroom or kitchen, and has a reduced level of water absorption. There is no special ceiling option here, however, the thinnest versions of ordinary waterproof material can be used.
  • Fire-resistant plasterboard (GKLO) - used in fire hazardous areas. It is universal, and when choosing a ceiling option, it is also recommended to choose a thickness of up to 9 mm.

How to calculate the required number of plasterboard sheets for the ceiling?

The calculation must begin by determining the length and width of the room. Be sure to measure all four walls to avoid possible curvature. If any deviations are found, you need to take larger values ​​as a basis, because it is better to have a surplus than a shortage!

For example, let’s take a living room of 5.6x3.1 m. Here, the most rational size of the ceiling plasterboard is 1.2x2.5 m, which will allow them to be used most effectively, with the least amount of waste, using the technology in a running pattern (see diagram).

The sheets will be placed lengthwise across the room, 3 of which must be cut in half, adjusting them to the desired size. When installing the last row, the sections must be cut in width from 1.2 m to 0.8 m. As a result of calculations, for cladding the ceiling we will receive 8 sheets of standard sizes (excluding the reserve just in case).

Thus, knowing the differences and dimensions of different types of drywall, you can calculate the amount of material required for ceilings of any area. I would like to believe that the information and recommendations contained in this article will help you when choosing the necessary material and performing renovations in your apartment!

Types of profiles for drywall: dimensions and purpose

Plasterboard sheets are effectively used in the finishing process, but their fastening is impossible without a special frame made of metal profiles. As an alternative, fastening with special glue can be used, but it is the profiles that ensure the reliability of the structure. Moreover, when creating different frame designs, different categories of these fasteners are used.

Types of profiles for drywall

The classification of metal profiles for installation of drywall can be based on their functional purpose, design features and scope of application.

Depending on the place of application, the profiles differ:

In addition, there are varieties in the classification of profiles for gypsum boards:

  • Profile for plane cladding
  • Profile for installing partition structures

Depending on the shape, there are different types of profiles for drywall:

  • Flat
  • Corner
  • In the form of a channel

The material used in the production of metal profiles for drywall is steel, and usually galvanized steel. For different functional purposes of the profile, thin-sheet or thick-sheet galvanization can be used.

A more detailed description of the profiles gives an idea of ​​the purpose of these structural elements of plasterboard systems.

Profiles for creating the main frame

In this role the following are used:

  • Guide profiles with UD marking. Such profiles are used to form the frame of a future plasterboard structure. Since the entire system, including partitions and the drywall itself, is attached to this profile, it is made from a thick grade of steel. This type of profile sets the parameters of the future perimeter of the entire structure
  • Support profiles marked CD. This type of profile is attached directly to the UD frame profiles and, in accordance with its name, performs a load-bearing function. Since sheets of plasterboard are also attached to them, they must be made of thick galvanized steel
  • Arched profiles. In terms of technological features, this type of profile is identical to the two previous types, however, it has reinforced perforation with many holes and cuts. This makes it possible to bend it in the desired direction, forming a frame of complex configurations

Profiles for partitions

An identical classification has also been developed here, including

  • Guide profiles marked UW, intended for creating structure cladding. Using them, the configuration and perimeter of the wall are established
  • The rack profile marked CW is an element for imparting rigidity to the entire structure. Drywall sheets can be mounted on it on both sides

Profile sizes of different categories

Since each type of profile has its own functional purpose, the dimensions and shape of the profiles are also different.

  • For example, guide profiles marked UD have dimensions of 0.25-0.28x300 - 400 cm. The profile wall thickness is 0.5-0.7 mm
  • CD supporting profiles have dimensions of 0.25-0.28x300 cm, as well as 0.28x400 cm. In both cases, the shelf height is 0.5-0.6 mm

The weight of the supporting and guide profiles for the frame is 1.2-1.8 kg for a length of 3 m, and 1.6-2.4 kg for a length of 4 m, which depends on the thickness of the steel.

Profiles for partitions are usually wider. Their sizes are as follows:

  • UW brand profiles can have a width of 50,75,100 mm. The length of such profiles is 3000 mm or 4000 mm. The weight of each profile reaches 2.19-3.88 kg, depending on other overall dimensions
  • Depending on the purpose, CW rack profiles have the following dimensions:
  • 48.8x3000x50
  • 73.8x3000x50
  • 98.8x3000x50

Profiles of this type can also be produced with a length of 4000 mm and the same parameters for the width and height of the shelf. In all cases, the metal thickness is at least 0.5-.6 mm.

Fasteners for drywall profile

To fully fasten the profiles, it is also necessary to use fastening fittings.

How far does the ceiling drop during renovation?

It is used for connecting individual structural elements of the frame, as well as for fastening sheets of drywall. Types of fasteners for gypsum boards are classified into the following categories:

To connect the surface of a wall or ceiling to a metal frame made of a metal profile, a bracket in the shape of the letter “P” is used. It bends easily at the bend points and contains perforations over its entire area.

  • Quick hanger – quick hanger. It has a special knitting needle with a hole that helps connect those parts that cannot be fastened with a U-shaped bracket
  • The cross-shaped bracket is used as a jumper on load-bearing profiles and makes it possible to connect them at right angles
  • To increase the length of the supporting profile, a connector is used into which the ends of the profiles are inserted

And so that the fasteners are held more securely in the structure of the plasterboard system, screws, self-tapping screws and dowels are used for fastening them. Their sizes are selected based on the element or surface to which they will be attached.


For a professional craftsman, a brief description of the parameters of all structural elements of a plasterboard structure is usually sufficient. However, if you encounter this device for the first time, it is better to get visual information. For this purpose, it is recommended that you watch the video, which allows you to delve deeper into the process of selecting fasteners for drywall and clearly demonstrates the characteristics of each of them.

In conclusion, it should be noted that you should not neglect certain types of profiles for drywall or fasteners, replacing them with those that are available. Sometimes this practice results in an unreliable drywall system.

Video about types of profiles for drywall

Installation of various profiles for plasterboard: installation of a UW guide profile on the floor, installation of CW load-bearing profiles, installation of a UW guide profile on the ceiling.

Methods for installing profiles for drywall. What is a cutter used for?

When planning a renovation of a room, especially a major one, every detail should be taken into account. For many, it is at this stage that all sorts of questions arise. One of the important issues before finishing the ceiling is the reduction in the height of the room. Namely, how much the ceiling drops with different types of installation.

Of course, in the case of, for example, Stalin buildings, where the minimum ceiling height is above 3 meters, this issue is not so pressing. But in modern rooms, where the height is 2.5, and even if necessary, raise the floor, every centimeter is of great importance.

It is also worth noting in advance that the distance to which the ceiling is lowered depends not only on the type chosen, but also on the unevenness of the walls and the ceiling itself. It’s worth warning right away that, regardless of the technology, the discrepancy in the corners can reach 20 cm. Therefore, it is better to first measure everything thoroughly and then start choosing the finish. And, nevertheless, each type has its own characteristics.

So, let's look at how much the new ceiling drops from the base one in different cases.

Stretch ceiling

The thickness of the frame for attaching the film is usually from 2.5 to 3 cm. But this takes into account a perfectly flat base. If the main ceiling has convexities, the distance between it and the canvas can be 5 or even 15 centimeters.

Another important point when installing tension structures is the installation of lamps. Then the canvas will reduce the height by a distance of about 5 cm.


This type of suspended ceiling is the least whimsical. It is easy to change if it becomes unusable. The only difficulty with the suspended structure has always been the correct installation of the guides and installation of the profile. This is what determines the overall height, how much the ceiling will drop.

As a rule, in the case of a normal level, the new coating will take from 5 to 10 cm. But here, as with a tension product, the unevenness of the walls at the fastening points, along with defects in the main ceiling, plays a significant role.

If the situation is completely dire, which, by the way, is not uncommon in old houses, then you will have to tinker with the profiles, and the distance may decrease by a good 20 cm. In order to somehow win back precious centimeters, you can resort to some tricks.

Minimum height of plasterboard ceilings

For example, make a cornice, decorative arch or ledge in places of greatest unevenness, installing lamps in these places.

This method, of course, is more troublesome, but in the end the curvature will not be noticeable, and the ceiling will look more unusual and sophisticated, which will add originality to the overall appearance of the room.

Slat ceiling

Due to the fact that this type of finish involves many separate small parts, when attaching it, you can successfully control the height.

In cases where there is no need to carry out communications under the structure, and there are no lighting fixtures, the ceiling can drop by only 5 cm. Very often, the height of the rack solution is adjusted by special springs with spokes.

This method will be optimal in case of uneven base and walls. In addition, thanks to the many types, you can achieve different effects and choose the material to suit the overall style of the interior.

It is important for everyone who independently makes repairs in their home to understand many issues, understand the stages of work and their process. After all, without such knowledge it is difficult to carry out finishing work yourself. When starting to repair the ceiling surface, many people wonder how thick it is. The answer to this question is necessary in order to understand what materials and tools to use, how to select and correctly install this or that structure.

Two types of housing are very common in our country: houses built en masse in Soviet times - Khrushchev-era buildings and houses built from panels. They are the ones that raise the most questions when renovating an apartment yourself.

Ceiling repair in Khrushchev

In houses of this series, the ceilings usually consist of slabs. They may not even be laid very evenly. The problem with such a ceiling is usually the visible seams between the slabs. The beams of the slabs can protrude to different distances, lagging behind the walls, and there may be cracks and chips on their surfaces. The sound insulation and sound insulation of such ceilings leaves much to be desired, and usually due attention is paid to this during major renovations.

The thickness of the ceiling in a Khrushchev-era building can vary from 150 mm to 250 mm, depending on the series of the house. In addition, there is also a screed from 30 to 50 mm and, in some cases, sound insulation.

Ceilings in a panel house

It is most difficult to carry out any types of redevelopment in panel houses; in many of them it is better not to do this at all, as this causes enormous damage to the structure of the house.

Minimum height of plasterboard ceiling

It can even be dangerous for the occupants. BUT some minor work and repairs, of course, still have to be done. In order to update the ceiling, you need to at least understand its thickness.

The design of the ceiling in a panel house differs from the ceilings in a Khrushchev-era building. The standard ceiling in this series of houses is a single slab, without joints. Moreover, hollow core slabs can be used in older versions of houses; then their thickness is approximately 220 mm with a void diameter of 160 mm. Or there may be non-hollow single-layer slabs, then their thickness is 120 mm.

Knowing the thickness of the ceiling, you can independently calculate the load on it, understand how and how to attach something to the ceiling, correctly install sound insulation and carry out all the necessary repair work. Then you won’t find yourself in a situation where you need to drive an anchor bolt into the ceiling, but you don’t know if this is possible in your case.